Chapter 165 – The Blooming Blue Bana Flower


In the infinite city.

Sitting in the center of Infinite City, Wu Mi is closing his eyes, observing the perspective of the ghosts following Tomioka's dead men.

"Idiot? Why can't you see it?!"

He was burning with anxiety, watching the video of him being lost, he patted the ground forcefully and resentfully.

The evil spirits on the side trembled.

This was the closest he was to overcoming the sun, no matter how miserable he was, he couldn't suppress the eagerness in his heart.

He doesn't want to go on a business trip in this kind of place.

"Damn Kamiquanna, you'd better not show up at this time."

Wu Mi kept switching the perspective of the ghost, muttering curses.

Fortunately, no matter which ghost's perspective, there is no trace of the ghost killing team.

Maybe those ghosts were too stupid to find any trace of the ghost killing team at all.

But Wu Mi didn't want to think about it that way, that would be too sad.

Wu Mi took a breath and rubbed his temples.


Through the perspective of a ghost, he saw Ji Guo Yuan Yi standing on the roof.

Follow your eyes.

Wu Mi saw that what Ji Guoyuan was holding in one hand was a man-made sun wheel knife, not a white bone knife.

——It’s not Zhu, even Zhu is not a swordsman?

Humph, rubbish.

Over the past few hundred years, Wu Mi has been the first target of the Ghost Killing Squad, and has gradually figured out the hierarchy within the Ghost Slaying Squad.

Zhu - the strongest fighting force, holding a knife made of dog bones.

The other members are holding the sun wheel knife, which is a very simple human tool.

Wu Mi squinted his eyes, he was already bored with the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Seeing the Ghost Slayer Squad makes me sick to my stomach.


"whispering sound!"

Although the breath swordsman who suddenly appeared recently is somewhat interesting, but it is only interesting.

"My lord Wu Mi." At the same time, Ming Nu said, "Please forgive me for interrupting you."

"What's wrong?" Wu miserably opened his eyes and looked at Naruto who was beside him.

Naruto raised her head and gestured with her pipa to look at the hanging Takehara.

"Your precious experiment seems to have succeeded."

Hearing the words, he casually disconnected the sight link with those ghosts, and looked up at Zhuyuan.

The center of the infinite city with a huge space.

Zhuyuan's limbs were bound by meat whips and hung in mid-air.

His heart has been completely replaced by a crystal-clear red jade, from which two streams of blood that are entangled but not in contact flow out continuously.

The two streams of blood seemed to repel each other, but they diverted and flowed smoothly in Zhuyuan's body.

As if noticing Wu Mi's gaze, Takehara slowly raised his head.

The originally black eyes were completely scarlet.



Nearby the cyan Bana.

"Eat him! I want to eat his tendons!"

"Leave the diaphragm to me!"

The evil spirits stared at Ji Guoyuan and kept shouting.

Ji Guoyuan stood on the roof.

The moment the dazzling Riyan attached to the Rilun Saber, Ji Guoyuan waved the blade in his hand lightly, and his body took steps naturally.

It's like an innate ability.

He raised the blade casually.

The sun flames lingered around him like waving fire flakes, and the surrounding area was instantly illuminated by overlapping flames.

"Cough ho!" An evil ghost who was closer looked at his arm in shock. He was standing under the house, and there were signs of being burned by the sun on his body!
"It hurts!" The evil ghost scratched his ears and cheeks in pain as he looked at the burn marks on his body that were constantly healing and reappearing, and quickly backed away.

Although it can't cause substantial damage, it does make ghosts feel pain.

"Then... what is that?"

"That's it! I heard from that lord recently... The pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad seem to be using tricks similar to blood ghosts..."

"Hmph, can the Ghost Killing Team only rely on this kind of thing to fight against us? It sounds so funny."

"But that thing could kill us..."


"Ahem...does it hurt?" At this time, a hunched, skinny ghost with wrinkled and old skin loosened on the bones visible to the naked eye slowly walked out from the group of ghosts.

"I love pain the most..."

"After becoming a ghost, I didn't feel much pain, which bothered me..."

"Obviously on the battlefield, the pain will make me more and more excited..."

"I'm really tired now~"

While talking, the evil ghost walked towards the house, and the other ghosts also gave way to him.

Those ghosts had respectful expressions and eyes from the bottom of their hearts. This is their general, and his peak strength was almost rated as the best by that adult.

Strange triangular symbols are painted on his body, like the family crest of a samurai family, from the back to the chest.


Afterwards, he stepped into the range where Ji Guoyuan's Zhong Riyan could shine!

The sound of roasting suddenly sounded!
Slowly white smoke rose from the evil ghost's body, and burn marks appeared on his skin.

The evil ghost straightened up with wide eyes, and then opened his arms towards Ji Guoyuan. His voice was strange and cold, but extremely sharp:
"So comfortable~"

"Ho ha ha ha ha!!"

With the birth and disappearance of the burn marks, the skinny body of the ghost in front of him gradually became fuller and fuller.

The voice also gradually became thicker.

The muscles gradually swelled, thick bones grew from various bones, and the perfect body covered the previous rickets!
[Blood Ghost Art Hirata Suffering Ghost Face]

moment!The smell of blood on the evil ghost's body increased dramatically!

The evil ghost's skinny face gradually became ferocious, and a flesh mask of a red Prajna evil ghost emerged on his face.

Calf muscles tense!

boom! !

He stomped on the ground violently, and the hard rocks instantly shattered radially, sending dust everywhere.

"Come on, Your Excellency!"

No longer sluggish, the radiant Prajna ghost suddenly moved towards Ji Guoyuan, ready to attack with his bare hands.

Prajna evil ghost shouted angrily, it was a different ghost from before:

"At the lower riverside, Hirata's household attendant general..."


The sound of knives colliding.

The blade sliced ​​through the air.

Whoa-! !

The sun rose instantly.

There is no sword shape, no moves, just a simple horizontal cut.

Before the ghost could finish his offensive lines, a flash of familiar high-temperature and brilliant sun flashed in front of his eyes in an instant!
"Are you coming!" Prajna Evil Ghost held his breath, and he quickly assumed a strange posture, scarlet light spots appeared on his body.

The evil ghost was startled, feeling the scorching warm wind blowing across his face, he turned around suddenly, brandishing his bony fists to attack behind him.

But unexpectedly, he obviously turned around, but his head still stayed in the original direction.

The neck...has been severed!
The evil ghost's pupils shrank suddenly, and the moment he turned around, he felt the fracture of his spine!


When he reacted, a burning pain like the sun erupted from his neck in an instant!


Then, in the invisible field of vision, the skull of the evil spirit rolled down to the ground.

On the fallen head, there is still the shock of death.

what! ?

Couldn't see it at all!

I didn't feel the presence of the blade either...

Obviously, my strength has not yet been displayed...

At the last moment, his head rolled in place, allowing the evil spirit to look behind him.

After seeing the swordsman holding the sun sword under the moon, the evil Prajna ghost suddenly froze his eyes.

I lost…


It's not a win or loss at all...

behind him.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan got up slowly, he held the He knife wrapped around Riyan and looked around.

He didn't do anything just now because all the ghosts surrounded the house, and he was thinking about how to protect the house perfectly by himself.

Now it seems that there is no need for intimidation and tricks.

His eyes looked towards the outermost area that was full of ghosts not far away.

In that place, the unsuspecting evil spirits in the back row were quickly being reduced to ashes one by one.

It was Shang Quannai, who concealed his aura and cut vegetables in the back row with a bone knife.

Wipe one with each hand, the movement is quite quick.

At this time.


A sharp-clawed hand suddenly grabbed Ji Guo Yuanyi's ankle, but Yuan Yi raised his foot to avoid it.

"Cough ho ho... Your Excellency, Your Excellency..."

It was the evil Prajna ghost that gradually turned into ashes, and at this moment his eyes seemed to be a little clear.

Ji Guoyuan turned his head slightly, and looked at the head of Prajna Evil Ghost, which was half ashes on the ground.

The other ghosts retreated one after another, looking at Ji Guoyuan with vigilance, and a vacuum actually formed for a while.

"Your Mightiness…"

Prajna Evil Ghost spoke intermittently, trying to reach out and grab Ji Guoyuanyi:

"...please...give them a good time..."

A hoarse voice sounded under the face of Prajna Ghost:

"Their fate...should have died on the battlefield... Enough is enough..."

Perhaps because he was on the verge of death, the language of Prajna Evil Ghost was a little confused.

"Master Hirata...sorry..." In the last murmur, the evil Prajna ghost was completely reduced to ashes.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan slowly retracted his eyes, he raised his head to look at the ghosts in front of him, and after looking carefully, he found that all these ghosts were wearing rattan armor without exception.

On the rattan armor, there is also a triangular family pattern stained with black blood.

Ji Guoyuan took two steps back slowly, closed his eyes slightly, and his inaudible breathing sounded rhythmically.

The sun is expanding and rising!

With a light tap of Ji Guoyuan's foot, he instantly rushed towards the ghost crowd who dared not approach!

With his arms tensed, he held the handle and swung the blade and ran quickly.

In an instant, the scorching sun was like a child's toy in his hands, cutting a bright red full circle around the house like a solar eclipse!

The surrounding environment was suddenly illuminated, as if under the sky of day.

The scorching He Dao slashed every evil spirit's neck with precision.

Before he could react, the evil spirit's body was already being reduced to ashes.

The sun is burning, burning before dawn.

"Run!!" The evil spirits yelled in horror. They desperately tried to contact the adult, and wanted to escape from here through the space teleportation of Infinite City.

But all are useless.

He couldn't be reached at all.

next moment.

A blaze of sun streaked across the evil spirit's neck, and his frightened head immediately flew high.

Ji Guoyuan was expressionless. He looked anxiously at the surroundings, even the evil spirits surrounding him, and he never stopped moving his hands.

All he knows now is that behind him is in that house.

is his wife.


inside the room.

"Mr. Jiguo, are you okay?" Tanji sat in the room worriedly.

"The gentleman who came in suddenly just now..." Tanji looked anxiously at Uta, Zhu Mizi, and Ganlusi who were beside him.

There is also the Tomioka dead man on the side.

This is my wife, Mrs. Uta is the wife of Mr. Jiguo, so the one who just came in... should be the wife of the one just now...

Tankichi was thinking, and looked at the dead Tomioka who looked like a child.


He couldn't help but tightened his grip on the bone knife he found out of the box just now.

I'm the only man here.

Tanji suddenly closed his eyes, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, his auburn pupils fixed on the door.

Mr. Jiguo and the gentleman just now are fighting against that kind of thing outside, I have to guard this place well!
Tanji held the sharp bone knife, and the confidence in his heart kept rising.

This thing is obviously much better than the axe.

Ganluji Sakuramochi glanced at Tanji strangely, she always felt that something was wrong.

Uta saw Tankichi's nervousness, she said hastily:


"Don't worry." Uta adjusted the bow-knot scarf and patted Tanji's shoulder with a smile, but there was some worry hidden under her smile:
"My husband... is the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha!"

Uta was talking nonsense.

She was already too worried.

Especially the ground shook a few times just now, it was terrible!
Before I heard Yuanyi and Shangquanna talk about how to kill ghosts, I didn't think it was so difficult!

"Mrs. Uta..." Tanji looked at Uta worriedly.



the outermost.

Shang Quannai held two bone knives, he hid in the treetops, and quickly went back and forth between the treetops and the ground.

Almost every time he goes back and forth, he can harvest a large area of ​​evil spirits with the bone knife.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the next battle plan.

While hiding his breath, he used the crow to notify the pillars in the courtyard to come in this direction.

He also got good news: After several weeks of research, Yan Zhu developed his own breathing method.

Now, the only person in the pillar who doesn't know how to breathe is Fengzhu, Kazama Chengmi.

He notified Zhu, but before he could tell Fuyashiki, Shang Quanna was going to deal with the ghosts before notifying Fuyashiki.

Under the combined power of him and Ji Guoyuan, the crowd of ghosts soon became scattered.

On the ground, there was a thick layer of ashes.

These ashes will completely disappear after the sun rises.


"Who can help me!!"

The last evil ghost ran wildly with tears running down his face.

Behind him is Ji Guoyuan Yi whose face is hidden in the shadow, only a pair of white eyes can be seen.

Ji Guoyuan held the knife in both hands, put the knife on the other side of his body, and was running towards the evil spirit at a high speed.

Ji Guoyuan is far away from him, so he can still run for a while.

"Help..." Just as the evil spirit was running wildly, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then the sound of wind came from his ears.

It's Shang Quannai.

He jumped down from the tree, covered the ghost's head with a sack, and sent the evil ghost to hell with his backhand.

at the same time.

A ray of extreme light was revealed from the sky, piercing through the golden clouds and penetrating the sunlight from the dense forest.

Its daybreak.

Shang Quannai stood up from the ghost's body. He looked at the dense forest around him that had been opened up by the ghost to a large open space, and suddenly turned his head to look outside the house.

The location of the cyan Bana flower.

The cyan Bana flower shrouded in the enchantment, the cyan flower bud just received the first ray of sunlight at dawn.

Under Shang Quannai's gaze.

The tightened blue Bana flowers, like a spiral, slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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