Chapter 167 - Naruto Save Me!
Half of the mansion of the Tomioka family is inlaid in the mountains, and the other half looks extremely luxurious. It is a city that stands like a tower with layers of tiles.

It is a silhouette-style Heijo.

The entrance of the Tomioka mansion.

"A dead man collecting medicine?" The ghost looked down at the dead man in Tomioka.

"That's right." Tomioka Shishi nodded, his tone still very flat.

The two evil spirits carefully looked at Tomioka's dead man and the blue Bana flower in his hand.

After repeated confirmations, the evil spirit stepped aside and revealed the door behind:

"Go in, the lord has been waiting for a long time."

"Don't make any noise." Another evil ghost reminded.

The dead man in Tomioka did not reply, and walked straight towards the mansion.

Behind him, hiding his body, the people headed by Ji Guoyuanyi followed him without hindrance, and entered the mansion together.

In fact, the best way is to turn around and kill two evil ghosts, and kill one secretly every time you encounter one.

Otherwise, if this continues, when Wu Mi is seen, it will become a situation of being surrounded by the enemy's hometown.

But in order to avoid alarming the enemy, we can only go straight ahead.


The interior of the Tomioka mansion.

"Let's go!" The evil ghost had a whip in his hand, piercing through a man's wrist, and bound his arms. The purple-blue blood on the man's wrist had already solidified.

The evil spirit dragged him to the cellar beside him.

The man was dragged to the ground, his eyes glazed over.

Tomioka dead man turned a blind eye, he set foot on the steps to the main hall, as if such a thing is very normal.

This time!


A circle of blood suddenly exploded on the neck of the dragging ghost, and then rolled to the ground.

The purple scar immediately spread along the neck, and the evil ghost's head instantly swelled up and gradually turned into ashes.

Minzukutsushiro looked at the way Kazama Chengya let go of the handle of the knife, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Kazama!" Minazukishiro looked worriedly at Naruya Kazama, who was full of anger. He was afraid that they would be exposed, which would lead to the failure of the final mission.

But Kazama turned his head and retorted with a strange expression: "I didn't do it."

"Huh?" Minazuki was taken aback.

At this time.

"Get out! I got out! Great!"

A skinny figure suddenly jumped out from the entrance of the cellar. He looked at the familiar sky and shouted in ecstasy.

He stood beside the corpse of the evil spirit, holding a dagger covered in purple juice.

It is the juice of wisteria flowers, and the Tomioka people who are very familiar with medicinal materials can use these things skillfully.

Come to think of it, he was the one who solved this evil spirit.


The man's left arm has disappeared, and the blood is flowing like a rain curtain. His complexion is pale. If he does not receive treatment as soon as possible, he may not live for long.

He looked forward, and instantly saw the Tomioka dead man passing by the exit of the cellar.

His face suddenly brightened.

"Oh! It's you!"

The man pointed at the dead man in Tomioka, his face was full of joy, he ran forward a few steps excitedly:

"Little devil! You succeeded too!"

"I knew you could do it, by the way, your sister..."

Tomioka dead man stopped in his footsteps, he turned his head slowly, and stared at the man with blank eyes.

Under the beautiful moonlight, there was no trace of life on the young face of Tomioka dead man.


that look...

So familiar.

Almost instantly, the word "dead man" came to the man's mind.

When the man saw Tomioka dead man's lifeless pupils and the medicine in his hand, he was startled for a moment, and pointed at him in a daze, his voice suddenly became a little trembling:

"Hey... you shouldn't... no..."

In his mind, the boy who always had a smile on his face and loudly said that he wanted to protect his sister suddenly shattered.

"No, no, no, if this goes on, wouldn't there be no hope at all..."

The man held his head and shook it desperately, as if his faith suddenly collapsed.

In his opinion, there is only one end for the dead men who gather medicine for the Ghost King—death.

And the boy in front of him was the one most expected by the people in the cellar, who could save the family.

But the next moment.



A sharp meat gun pierced through his back viciously, and blood gushed out.

"You bastards!" The man was about to swing the dagger back with his backhand!
There was only a crisp sound, and the man's expression gradually became dull.

The dagger that collided with the meat gun shattered impressively, and the purple fragments flew into the air, reflecting the man's astonished expression.

next moment!
"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the man cried out in pain.

With a barb on the meat gun, he yanked it back and brought the man back into the extremely dark cellar.

Everyone watched this scene helplessly, but they couldn't do anything.

This is undoubtedly the most extreme torture for them as members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan watched the man slowly disappear from his field of vision, some emotions gradually emerged in his eyes that had always been calm.

"...Damn it!" Naruya Kazama gritted his teeth, and my wife Shancun and Minazukishiro who were beside me tried their best to pull him to prevent him from rushing out and exposing him.

"He won't die." Tomioka dead man stared at the dark cellar entrance, and said suddenly:

"He's very powerful, ghosts won't kill him, they'll just keep using him."

"The cellar is a place where ghosts experiment on humans, and there are many things that are neither human nor ghost."

"There are a total of 74 exits from the cellar, 23 of which are around the nave, and the rest are inside the outer walls."

"There are basically 5-8 ghosts guarding each cellar exit, and there are even more evil ghosts inside the cellar. On average, there are about 20 ghosts in each cellar passage."

The Tomioka dead man withdrew his gaze towards the cellar, and a ghost was already looking suspiciously at it not far away.

"This is a sudden increase in the number recently. There were not so many ghosts before."

"Perhaps, that guy slaughtered a certain town again."

After finishing speaking, the dead soldier Tomioka held the blue Bana flower disguised by illusion in his hand, and walked towards the main hall step by step.

The few people behind the dead man in Fugang were taken aback when they heard the words, they all knew that this was what the dead man in Fugang told them.

After carefully listening to the meaning of the words of the dead man in Tomioka, my wife Shancun suddenly shuddered.

That is to say, in this Nuoda mansion.

There are more than a thousand evil spirits hiding!
My wife Shancun's pupils suddenly constricted.


the other side.

After the main hall.

Shang Quannai set aside a few rooms, watching Wu Mi from a distance.

Wu Mi is now in a female mimicry, looking at Wu Mi's appearance, Shang Quannai frowned slightly.

A little irritating.

He slowly moved his position, quietly approaching Wu Mi.

There are many evil spirits lying on the ground around, most of them have no human form, but their strength is relatively low.

It's like a mass-produced defective product.

At this moment, Wu Mi was walking back and forth anxiously in the main hall.

It is a long journey from the gate to the main hall, and Wu Mi waited gradually a little impatient.

At this time.

"My lord." The cold voice of Tomioka dead man came from the entrance of the main hall.

The moonlight poured down from the back of Tomioka dead man, making it impossible to see his face under the shadow.

There was no one behind him.

Wu Mi was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his head to look at the door with surprise on his face, and his eyes were attracted by the holy and beautiful blue Bana flower!
"This is…"

Stepping forward quickly, she carefully looked at the blue Bianhua flowers held by the dead man in Tomioka, and slowly reached out to touch them.

At this moment, the dead man in Tomioka does not seem to exist in Wu Mi's eyes. Maybe he didn't care about the life and death of the dead man in Tomioka from the beginning.


In the eyes of hopeless expectation.

Her hand passed through the blue Bana flower.

It's like holding a ball of air.

He was taken aback with a miserable expression.

passed through?

Didn't touch it?

There was no emotion in Tomioka's dead man's eyes, he grabbed Wu Mi's wrist firmly.

As a family occult warrior, his strength is still relatively huge!

"It's now!!" Tomioka dead man stared at Wu Mi's pupils, he shouted loudly, all the strength in his body sank on Wu Mi at this moment!

Wu Mi's pupils shrank suddenly, no matter how slow the reaction was, he should understand at this moment.


She looked at the dead man with lifeless eyes in front of her in disbelief.

But, how come...

Wu Mi still had a sliver of hope for the blue Bana flower in his heart, the greater the hope, the greater the gap, and his mood fell to the bottom.

No matter what she thought, she couldn't figure out why Tomioka's dead men would rebel.

Following the voice of Tomioka's dead man, several figures suddenly appeared around Wu Mi!
Almost instantly, an extremely fast figure burst out from the door in front of Wu Mi!
It was Ji Guoyuanyi, his face was hidden in the shadows, the moonlight behind him made him walk behind his back, and the scorching knives in his hands had been drawn out.

Although Ji Guoyuan had some questions and wanted to talk to Wu Mi at the moment, it seemed that the other party was very good at running away.

Coupled with the moment of seeing Wu Mi, the feeling of familiarity and disgust that seemed to come from deep in the blood, made Ji Guoyuan's heart boil extremely.

His heart was telling him: get rid of this guy in front of him.

At this moment, Yuanyi realized one thing.

——Maybe, he just wanted to defeat this guy.

Just came into the world.


Looking at the few people who suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment, he kicked away the dead man in Fugang, and fled backwards!

The Ghost King's back jump can still jump very far, and he escaped from the encirclement of several people in an instant.


The dead man in Tomioka was kicked on Ji Guo Yuan Yi, blocking Ji Guo Yuan Yi who was sprinting for a while.

Yuanyi quickly retracted the stabbing blade, and caught the dead Tomioka soldier who was vomiting blood from the corner of his mouth.

And just when Wu Mi jumped back violently, she suddenly felt a softness in her back.

It's like he jumped back and crashed into someone's arms.

No, he did seem to crash into someone's arms.

Wu Mi was slightly taken aback.

There are people behind!

"Long time no see... no misery."

Shang Quannai's faint voice came from beside his ears, Wu Mi's pupils constricted crazily, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood on end!

"It's been a long time..."

The faint breath blew into Wu Mi's ear, and Wu Mi's whole body trembled.

Just now, when Ji Guoyuan and everyone rushed up, Wu Mi was too shocked to notice Shang Quannai's aura at all.

At that time, Shang Quannai was preparing to dash from behind Wu Cang to make a surprise attack.

Unexpectedly, Wu Mi made a big jump back.

Jumped straight into his arms.

To be honest, Shang Quannai was also taken aback for a moment.


Wu Mi's throat was dry, his face was flustered, and his eye sockets were trembling violently.

This voice!

Wu Mi's pupils had shrunk into needles, and cold sweat was breaking out on her forehead.

what happened? !
Why is he here! ?
why? !

At this moment, Wu Mi realized that something seemed to have happened where he was unaware.

In an instant, Wu Mi's body trembled, and he could even feel Shang Quannai's heartbeat at this moment!


"Naruto! Help me!!"

After a brief shutdown of the brain, Wu Mi roared decisively and desperately, the veins on her neck popped out, and her face was flushed with panic.

The moment Wuyou roared for help, Shang Quannai opened his mouth resolutely, and bit Wuyou's shoulder hard!

Warm blood splashed on Shang Quannai's face.

next moment.


With the sound of a pipa that was neither light nor heavy, under the dumbfounded expressions of the people in front.

Wu Mi disappeared in place with the sound of the pipa.

Well, Shang Quannai also disappeared in place.

in situ.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and even Ganroji Sakuramochi was at a loss for what to do while holding the Odachi.

Ji Guoyuan tapped the ground lightly, jumped, and stood at the place where the monk Quannai disappeared, lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time.

"My lord?" Outside the gate of the main hall, an ugly, hunchbacked ghost with a gong poked his head out and looked into the main hall that was making strange noises.

In an instant, he met eyes with all the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad.

The evil ghost was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reacted, and rang the gong in his hand vigorously!
【Blood Ghost Art · Gong Yin Bird】

"Enemy attack!"

"Clang clang!!"


Although he was beheaded by Purgatory Renshourou in an instant, the sound of the gong still spread.

The sound of the gong endowed with vampirism echoed over and over again in the Tomioka mansion.

In the cellar, many people with their heads down slowly raised their heads, looking at the dark mud above their heads.


A dense black shadow approached the main hall.



In the infinite city.


The figures of Shang Quannai and Wu Mi appear in the middle of Infinite City.

"Huh! Huh...!" Wu Mi raised his head, glanced at the familiar Infinite City, panting heavily, and his body was usually covered in cold sweat.

"Escaped... Huh... Huh..."

Wu Mi didn't pay attention to what was behind him. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here, absolutely no one can find out."

She calmed down and comforted herself.

On the side, Ming Nu was sitting upright, she looked at Shang Quannai, her hand touching the piano trembled slightly.

Shang Quannai blinked his eyes, and subconsciously glanced at the appearance of the infinite city around him.

This is... Infinity City?

I was passed in too?
Then he looked at his back facing him, as if he didn't realize his innocence.

Get the knife out of its sheath quickly!
"Damn Kamiquanna, I will definitely..." Wu Mi took a few steps forward, she was still thinking.




Wu Mi's chest was pierced by a huge force!He involuntarily pushed forward!
A sharp white blade pierced through the flesh and blood, from the back to Wu Mi's chest.

pat, pat.

Blood dripped down the exposed blade.

"Puff...cough..." Wu Mi spat out a flower of blood, she tilted her head in horror, and looked at Shang Quannai who stabbed herself with the back of a knife in disbelief.

"Hello, we meet again." Shang Quannai said indifferently.

"Why... why..." Wu Mi's pupils were constricted, and his eyes were already a little confused: "Why... are you here..."


Shang Quanna inserted the second knife expressionlessly, he knew he couldn't let go of Wu Mi, otherwise he would easily escape even in the Infinite City.

"Who knows."

Suddenly, looking at Shang Quannai in the Infinite City, a flash of light flashed in Wu Mi's already paralyzed fear.

He seems to have thought of a very brilliant idea.

(End of this chapter)

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