Chapter 168 – Two Scores

Outside the infinite city.

In the main hall of Tomioka Mansion.

"Enemy attack—!" Gong Yinniao's long cry woke up all the evil spirits.

"Humans! There are humans in the main hall!" A hoarse voice echoed in the mansion.

"What about the grown-up?"

"Those humans...have knives on them!"

A large number of evil spirits crowded together, and the stench of blood mixed with the smell of damp and rot was disgusting.

"Hey, cough, cough..." Occasionally, a few intelligent ghosts were talking in a low voice, and more ghosts poured into the main hall without even thinking about it.

"Take them into the cellar!"

"Are you here to seek immortal humans? Hahaha..."

In an instant, the entrance of the main hall was blocked by the evil spirits rushing in, and the ghost killing team could only keep retreating.

"Kazema! Be careful!" Mizumuzukishiro looked at Naruya Kazama surrounded by ghosts pouring in from the door, he reminded loudly, and at the same time, the movement of holding the knife in his hand changed.

"Hiss!" He inhaled a large amount of oxygen hastily.

【Water Breath·One Type】

Minzukutsushiro walked to Kazama Chengya's side in an instant, and he swung the blade in his hand violently forward.

The white waves are entangled with the blue waves and set off on the blade.

【Cut on the water surface】!

The gorgeous water splash cleanly cut off the necks of the surrounding evil spirits.

The evil spirits showed shock on their faces, but their heads flew high.

"Huh!" White mist escaped from the corner of Mizuna Yuebai's mouth.

"Kazama!" Sinazukibai pulled Kazama Chengya, jumped back abruptly, returned to the safe area of ​​the main hall, and instructed him:
"You still don't know how to breathe." He turned his head and shielded Kazama Chengya behind him:
"There are more enemies now, let's go first!"

"You protect that child from behind!"

After finishing speaking, Minazukishiro rushed towards the evil spirits pouring in at the entrance of the main hall while holding the knife that was rolling in waves.

"Three Types, Flowing Dance!"

A large piece of evil ghost's head flew high, and turned into ashes during the fall.

Narumi Kazama stared blankly at Minazukishiro who charged up to kill the enemy again. He looked around and found that both the ceiling and the walls were already covered with ghosts.

And the other pillars are all struggling to kill ghosts with the first-level team members.


He clenched the handle of the knife and stood silently in front of the Tomioka dead man.

Is it me, dragging down the team?

He stared blankly at the figure of Mizunamoyuebai in the entanglement of the waves under the faint moonlight, and his center of gravity was a little staggered.


Naruya Kazama's expression was hidden in the shadows, and he casually chopped off the head of the evil spirit who was trying to approach him.

That's right, Yan Ci created the breathing method at the last moment.

only myself…

After Kazama Naruya saw Purgatory Renjurou using the breathing method, he naturally had the idea of ​​using the breathing method.

And when he learned that Yan Cijian created his own breathing method, he turned to Shuiwuyuebai, my wife Shancun and others to find the rhythm and fundamental principles of breathing method.

Try to create your own breathing as well.

But he failed, and the breathing method of others was completely different from what he imagined.

He stood in the center of the ghost killing team at the moment, guarding the "weakest" Tomioka dead soldier behind him at the moment.

A Class A team member stood in front of him, trying to block the continuous attacks of the evil spirits.

Chengya Kazama slowly raised his head, looking at the first-class team member who was staggering in front of him.

First-tier players are meant to be players who can take over the fallen Zhu at any time, and their strength is almost the same as that of Zhu.

The first-class team members who have learned the easiest way to learn water breathing, their strength has increased by one level, but they are not as good as the pillars who have Shang Quannai's blood and know the breathing method at the same time.

At this moment, several Class A members were standing radially around Naruya Kazama and Shishi Tomioka, opening a vacuum circle for the two without the existence of evil spirits.

"Pong!" The sun wheel sword of the first-class team member collided with the sharp claws of the ghost, and sparks burst out.

"Water breathing...cough, cough, cough!" He took a sharp breath, but before he could catch his breath, he coughed a few times, giving the ghost in front of him a break.

Class A players are not proficient in the use of breathing techniques.

The team member staggered slightly to resist the siege of the evil spirits, and there were also large and small scratches on his body.

Looking at the wounds on the team members beside him, a familiar feeling of helplessness came to Kazama Naruya's heart again.

It's a disgusting feeling.

It was the same just now, watching others being dragged away by the evil spirit, but I could only stand where I was.


Get stronger, become a it still the same in the end?

No, absolutely not.

I am Zhu, the Zhu of Ghost Slayer Squad.

At this time.


A spark suddenly appeared, and the Class A team member was overwhelmed by the powerful force of the evil spirit, and fell to the ground staggeringly.

The blade in his hand, as if being picked up, came out of his hand high and spun rapidly in mid-air.

Inserted into the floor not far away.

"Hey ha ha ha ha!!" The evil spirit yelled frantically, and his cloudy eyeballs suddenly looked at the Tomioka dead man standing in the center.

"Weak humans! Are you afraid? Be afraid!"

The evil spirits yelled at the team members.

But unexpectedly, the team members ignored the evil spirit at all.

"Master Fengzhu! Be careful!" The first-class team member who fell on the ground yelled, and he looked at Chengya Kazama with a frightened face.

Even though he himself has the door wide open, life is at stake.

The evil ghost looked at the first-class team member who reminded others, and was taken aback for a moment, then slowly looked at Naruya Kazama with indifferent eyes.

"Do you want to protect others when you are dying... How noble, how good..."

"It's disgusting."

"...Go to hell!" The evil ghost's eyes were about to burst, he raised his bladed left arm high, and was about to slash at the first-class team members below him!
And with the fall of the first-tier players.

A few ghosts naturally broke through the protective circle of the team members, rushed in, and slobbered at the Tomioka dead soldier behind Naruya Kazama.

Cheng Mi Kazama had a gloomy face, he turned his head sideways, and clenched the handle of the knife with both hands.

"...if the other team members keep protecting..."


A cold light flickered across the blade, and Kazama Chengmi slammed his left foot forward, twisting his body sideways.

Taking advantage of the trend, he pulled out the blade sharply!
"It's not like what a celebrity should do!"

There is a spark!Shiriya Kazama's blade slashed into the neck of the rushing evil spirit!

"Ho!!" Kazama Chengmi's forehead burst into blue veins, he roared angrily, and slashed the blade in his hand!
With a beautiful round cut, the evil ghost's head flew high.

"One type · Dust whirlwind · Slash!"

Chengya Kazama stomped on the ground, and he rushed towards the evil spirits in front of him at a high speed, and kept slashing the blade in his hand.

"Three types!"

He stayed in mid-air, his core and abdomen tightened, and he spun his body violently, rolling wildly with the blade!
"Qing Lan Feng Shu!"

The blade quickly drew three marks in midair!Perfectly cut through the evil spirits around the body of the first-class team members!

"Pffw!" The evil spirit who wanted to attack the first-class team members was slammed into the air, and a big hole was split in the chest instantly.

It slammed on a group of ghosts, and immediately overwhelmed a large number of ghosts.

"Stand behind me." Naruya Kazama's extremely calm voice sounded in the ears of the first-class team members.

The Class A team member who was about to stagger to his feet was taken aback for a moment, he stared blankly at Naruya Kazama's back, and said hesitantly:

"But... Master Fengzhu, you..."

"I said." Naruya Kazama's chest rose and fell regularly.He turned his head slightly, his eyes filled with a faint green:
"Stand behind me."

From the corner of the mouth, white mist slowly escaped.

The white blade was covered with light green wind.


On the other side of the main hall.

"Hey!" Ganluji Sakuramochi held the blood-red Taidao with one hand, and the golden sword seemed to be alive, spirally coiled beside her hand.

The bloody knife wind transformed by the blood ghost technique was blown out one after another, and for a while, no ghost dared to approach the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.


Suddenly, all the evil spirits stopped moving.They looked at their compatriots in horror.

The evil spirits looked at each other in blank dismay.

In my mind, the adult's voice seemed to sound just now.

The grown-up... is shouting...

Help? !
what happened! ?
Is the grown-up asking for help, to all their ghosts?
For a moment, all the evil spirits froze in place in shock, forgetting what they were about to do.

Some clever ghosts even sneaked out of the main hall.

The Ghost Killing Team naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity, and almost all the pillars released the most lethal range moves at the same time.

"Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash!"

The boy's faint murmur sounded.

boom! !

The next moment, thunder flickered in the main hall, and the shining gold immediately illuminated the hall.

【Breath of Rock·Two Shape·Shard of Sky】

"Amitabha!" Yan Ci grasped the end of the long handle of the naginata, tensed the muscles in his powerful arms, and quickly chopped down.

Several evil spirits were split in half from the middle abruptly.

[Breath of Flame·One Type·Shiranui]!
Purgatory Renshou Lang's eyes shone with light, his blade was entwined with rising flames, and he kept shuttling back and forth with flames all over his body.


As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood in place, he swung the blade in his hand powerfully and without any unnecessary movements. Each knife could take away the lives of several evil spirits.


Just as he kept killing ghosts, suddenly, he noticed something behind him.


In the infinite city.

Just now.

A black figure quickly swept across the midair of Infinite City.

Another figure followed closely behind.

Shang Quannai frowned slightly, he looked at Wu Mi who kept running away, and then turned his head to look at Naruto who was diagonally above at the moment.

He just tried to kill Naruto to avoid future troubles.

However, Naruko kept changing her position in the infinite city, and it was very difficult to get close.

The only time she got close to Naruto, she changed her position instantly.

Huddled in the corner of Infinite City with a shivering appearance.

The piano in his hand is also unsteady, and it seems that he is not very good at it.

Thinking about it, in the original book, Yushiro was able to get close to Naruto because of his blood ghost technique that can completely hide himself.

Yushiro's technique of concealing blood ghosts has reached a level where even Wu Mi can't see through.

Shang Quannai was holding a bone knife, and he slightly aimed at Wu Mi in front of him.

Over the central sky of Infinite City that Shang Quannai has never reached.

A human figure who was bound by a meat whip and kept roaring was slowly breaking free.

The meat whip is rotting.

"Roar!!" He roared excitedly, as if excited that he was about to break free.

"Gu cough..." Wu Mi's eyes turned white, and there were two white blades stuck in his chest, which were constantly corroding his body.

It hurts!

The pain is about to burst!

Wu Mi tried hard to open his eyes, the previous Ya Ran no longer existed.

He frantically fled in the infinite city.

Don't dare to look back, as soon as you look back, you might see that stinky face.

Just now, he used Naruto's blood ghost technique to instantly separate himself and Shang Quanna into two rooms.

Only then did he buy a little time to remove the blade from his body.

But within a few seconds, Shang Quannai, who was rampaging in the infinite city, rushed to his face with several wooden boards hanging from his body, and took advantage of the situation to give him two more knives.

Thriller, it's definitely a thriller.

In the screaming and fleeing accompanied by the pain, Wuyou carefully examined the method that he came up with in a flash of inspiration just now.

Although this method will cause him to completely lose the hole card of Infinite City, it may be able to completely get rid of Shang Quannai's tracking.

It has been 600 years, and he has long wanted to live such a life.

A gust of wind rang in Wu Mi's ears, the vigilance of life made his hairs stand on end, and he had no time to think.


Another bone knife pierced his chest.

Pain instantly filled Wu Mi's chest like an explosion.

He was forced back in mid-air, and his vision slowly turned to behind him.

Then, the pupils shrank in the muddy thinking.

His scarlet mirror-like pupils reflected the ever-enlarged figure of Shang Quannai in front of him.

Shang Quannai had already arrived in front of Wu Mi, and he stared at Wu Mi coldly.

But there was no hesitation in the movement of his hands, he was about to slash towards Wu Mi from both sides while holding the two blades.

The picture in the field of vision overlapped with the picture when I was in Sagiri Mountain 600 years ago, and my pupils constricted.

Can his fate only continue to circulate in this circle?

No, he doesn't!

I just want to live, what's wrong with me! ?
Wu Mi's pupils shrank, his dry throat wriggled vigorously, and the cry for help in his heart resounded through the blood vessels in the minds of all the evil spirits instantly.

And trying to call out the final distress signal:


The imaginary pipa sound did not sound.

On the other side, Naruto's expression was a little dull, Wu Mi's voice came over, but she didn't respond.

No misfortune here.

This time!

A blood-red figure flickered suddenly, squeezed Wu Mian away in an instant, stood in front of him, and took the slash for Wu Mi!
There was a thick layer of blood scab on the face of the visitor, and the blood scab was distorted to form a dewy look.

The blood-colored glazed ball at the heart slowly rotated.

Shang Quannai's blade slashed at his wrist and got deeply stuck in the bone.

Wu Can't see clearly who is standing in front of him, he only knows that another chance has come.

He gasped for breath, and at the same time desperately shouted in Naruto's direction:


"Send me out!!"

"...Ah! Ah, I understand!" Naruto, who was called by her name again, finally came to her senses. She quickly picked up the pipa and quickly played the strings.


Wu Mi's bloody figure disappeared into the Infinite City.



The main hall of Tomioka Mansion.

Ji Guoyuan turned his head slightly.

He heard the sound of something falling to the ground behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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