Chapter 169 - What Do You Take Your Life For!


In the infinite city.

The red-masked man blocked Shang Quannai's attack and gave Wu Mi a chance to leave Infinite City.

"Who?!" Shang Quannai looked at the man in the red mask who was resisting his attack, feeling a wave of surprise in his heart.

Shang Quannai kicked him in the abdomen suddenly, and the masked man was forced to fly far away.

As if he had no sense of fighting, he resisted Shang Quannai's kick.

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, and he looked at the name on the masked man's head.

The masked man gave him an extremely familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember who it was.

This time, Shang Quannai looked at the masked man in surprise.

——He couldn't see the masked man's name.

No, not invisible.

But the name of the masked person is very vague, as if it has been rubbed back and forth several times with a red pen, making it look dilapidated.

Can't make out at all.

Shang Quannai frowned slightly, and Wu Mi left the Infinite City in the gap just now.

Suddenly, his frown relaxed.

Wu Mi left the Infinite City?

I remember…

Shang Quannai touched her chin.

Ji Guoyuan seems to be still outside, right?
The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he looked up at Naruto who was sitting diagonally above.


Shang Quannai sprinted in the space at top speed.

But no matter what, she couldn't get close to Naruto.

"Dang lang! Dang lang! Dang lang lang lang—"

As the cold sweat kept dripping on Naruto's forehead, she kept hitting the pipa with her hands like a gust of phantom.

And Shang Quannai, who was constantly approaching, also quickly retreated, advanced and retreated as if flickering and refreshing.

Her arms were sore, Naruto, who was a ghost, actually felt a little sore when she flicked her fingers!

As a vessel for blood ghost art, the strings on the pipa seem to be faintly breaking at this moment!
This time!

Shang Quannai suddenly appeared next to Naruto, and he raised the bone knife in his hand high.

"It's so nice to play!" His eyes were fierce, and the knife aimed at Naruto's neck!


Naruto closed her eyes in fright, her fingers flicked across the strings indiscriminately.

next moment.

The imaginary death did not come.

She looked up at the empty Infinite City in a daze, and then looked down at her pipa.

Then he suddenly woke up and looked at his fingers in horror.

Played the wrong note!


In the main hall of Fugang.

Following a violent spatial shift, Wu Mian, who was physically exhausted, appeared in the main hall of Fugang.


"Goo... ha... ha..." Wu Mi knelt on the ground, propping the ground with his hands, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

He came out.

From the infinite city, come out.

Run away in front of that guy, again.

Haha, I must be so angry that I want to breathe fire.

That's right, this is the ruthless escape plan.

Only Naruto can easily control Nuo Da's infinite city, and Naruto has paid a great price for this

- The body can barely move.

Naruto established the foundation of Infinite City with her own roots. If she leaves or dies, there will be only one consequence—Infinite City collapses instantly.

And Wu Mi asked Naruto to pass herself out, then Shang Quannai was sealed in the infinite city in reverse.

"Haha...unexpected..." Wu Cang endured the pain and chuckled in a low voice.


He held the handle of the knife inserted into his chest, and slowly pulled out the knife.

It seems that because of eating the stalk of the blue Bianhua flower, the wound after Wu Mi pulled out the knife is slowly healing.

When, when.

The knife fell to the ground with a clang.

When he pulled out the second knife, he suddenly found that the surrounding was extremely quiet.

Wu Mi was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head.

Standing in front of him was a man with a high ponytail and deep eyes.

There was no evil ghost approaching the man's body, and there was thick dust left by the ghosts being killed all over the place.

He was wearing a maroon haori, and his back was facing Wu Mi.

Ji Guoyuan held the hot knives in one hand, and he turned his head slightly.

In the side view, he saw that there were several knives stuck in his body, and there was a gap on his shoulder, and he looked very embarrassed.


As soon as Ji Guoyuan turned around, at such a close distance, he keenly felt the aura from Wu Mi's body.

Vitality, incomparably powerful vitality.

Monk Quanna is similar, but not the same.

If we say that the vitality in Shang Quannai's body is a deep blue ocean under the calm sea but bottomless.

Such relentless vitality is like a tyrannical, hot magma that seems to be gushing out from the crater at any time, trying to swallow everything.

Ghost King, so it is.

As Ji Guoyuan thought about it, he felt the majestic aura coming from Wuyan's body, and he held the knife with both hands, the tip of the knife drooping slightly.

This is his starting move based on the current situation.

Through penetrating the world, he clearly saw the heart and brain constantly swimming in Wu Mi's body.

The five brains and seven hearts are constantly moving and changing positions in Wu Mi's body at this moment.

This ghost king... is very powerful.

But with the experience of meeting Shang Quannai before, this time Ji Guoyuan was not so surprised.

He just became more vigilant.

During the period of time spent with the monk Quannai, Ji Guoyuan could feel his strength personally.

Presumably, monk Quannai's vitality is similar to that of Wu Mi, and it will not be weak.

I heard from Shang Quannai that the Ghost King would not die even if he cut off his neck.

The thinking in Ji Guoyuan's mind was very fast, and he got a possible way to kill Wu Mi almost in a breath.

——If you chop off five brains and seven hearts at the same time, you can cut off the ghost king's neck, maybe you can kill him.

In this case... a total of...

— Thirteen knives.


The blade of Ji Guoyuan's one-day round knife vibrated slightly because of his grip, and it shone with a faint light in the night.


Almost inborn with thousands of trials and tribulations, Ji Guoyuan instantly had the embryonic form of his own idea of ​​the sword in his mind.

Now, just waiting for the right, where the heart and brain swim.

In an instant, the evil spirits who had just seen Ji Guoyuan stand in the same place and almost killed them understood something, and retreated one after another, trying to stay away from this place as much as possible.

At this moment, Wu Mi has unconsciously revealed large red scars on his body, which are the lines of ghosts.

In Wu Mi's body, the components of the cyan Bana flower stalk are still being digested and nourishing Wu Mi.

If he feels Wu Mi carefully at this moment, he will find that
——The connection between myself and other ghosts seems to be slowly disconnected.

This doesn't mean regression, on the contrary, it's evolution.

become independent, perfect creatures.

It's a pity that Wu Mi didn't care about his physical condition at the moment, he just looked at Ji Guo Yuan Yi who was holding the Sun Wheel Knife in front of him.

——It's this human being... Did the members of the Demon Slayer Squad, who is not Zhuzu, break in here?
Wu Mi's eyes looked slightly at the ghost's headless corpse that kept falling on the ground.

A bunch of trash.

But when she thought that Shang Quannai was in the Infinite City at the moment, Wu Mi felt very happy.

Wu Mi's brows were slightly loosened, and he slowly stood up in front of Ji Guoyuan, and then chuckled a few times:


In the entire hall, both ghosts and humans were all looking in the direction of Wu Mi.

"What are you laughing at?" Ji Guoyuan's brows and eyes sank, his hot red blade drooped slightly, and the tip of the blade faintly revealed golden yellow.

Ji Guo Yuan Yi, who has a transparent world, can gather his aura at will, making others completely unaware of his existence.

Therefore, Wu Mi took it for granted that Ji Guoyuan Yi was just a swordsman weaker than Zhu.

"Huh?" Wu Mi stood up completely, he raised his head, as if he didn't hear clearly, with a provocative smile on his face: "What did you say?"

As for Ji Guoyuan's vigilant action, Wu Mi took it for granted.


Wu Mi spread his hands, and looked at Ji Guo Yuan Yi indifferently:

"What an idiot question."

Wu Mi pulled out the last knife on his body and threw it on the ground.

Shang Quannai's three knives firmly held the three hearts in Wu Mi's body just now.

"Being able to see you with my own eyes."

"It will be because of the death of friends and relatives."

"And the helpless, sad expression that appeared."

"Isn't it interesting?"

As if he believed that Shang Quannai had already been sealed by him, at this moment, Wu Mi was a little excited, and the more he spoke, the more vigorous he was:
"It's just shudderingly delightful."

At this moment, Wu Mi is greedily breathing the air of when Shang Quannai did not exist, and all the cells in his body are eager to imagine the perfect life of eternal life in the future.

"Fragile humans..."

He didn't notice at all that Ji Guo Yuanyi's breathing rhythm became stronger and stronger, even stronger than ever before.

Even his feathers began to slowly form a white mist.

The ferocious markings on his forehead glow faintly like hot iron.

As he said that, Wu Mi's tone was slightly cold, he glanced at the Rilun Knife Ji Guoyuan was holding, and smiled disdainfully:
"Human beings are human beings, and your pillars must rely on the help of another ghost to kill ghosts."

Suddenly, Wu Mi stretched out his arms, and he looked around at the members of the ghost killing team who were looking at him, with a slight smile on his lips:
"Ah! By the way!" His voice kept echoing in the main hall.

"You don't know yet, do you?"

Wuyou's cold tone began to jump up and down, and his face was full of anticipation.

"The ghost you rely on."

"That ghost called Kamiquanna!"

He looked at the astonished expressions of the other Zhu, and knew that he had hit their pain point.

"already dead!"

Sad human beings, because such words will shake the morale of the army, and thus spontaneously disintegrate.

Wuyou looked contemptuously at all the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad who were shocked and their hands holding the knives were gradually weakening, all of them had expected expressions.

But things didn't seem to be going as Wu Mi imagined.

The group of pillars headed by Purgatory Renshoulang seemed to have not taken Wu Mi's words to heart at all.

On the side, a crow flew in mid-air, shouting loudly:

"Don't believe it! Your Excellency Shangquan is a ghost who can live in the sun. This is a lie that can shake us without misery!"

It was Fuyo Ubuyashiki, who shouted to the members of the Demon Slayer Squad through the crow.

"Ahem!" Miyashiki Fuyo coughed, his child and wife sat beside him and took care of him.

At this moment, Fuyo Miyayashiki, who was sitting in the mansion, was holding a brush in his hand, and was constantly sorting out and planning something.

If someone can see it and compare it with the Infinite City, they will definitely be able to find it.

What he drew was, surprisingly, a map of Infinite City!

In the Tomioka mansion.

Ganluji Sakuramochi raised the big sword in her hand high, and she stood under the full moonlight revealed by the roof:

"Do not worry!"

"If you die, he won't die."

"Huh?" Wu Mi turned his head and looked in the direction of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple. Looking at this familiar face, a wave of anger rose in his heart, and the familiar cold voice sounded:

"...Do you want to die?"

His arm was extending when no one noticed it just now, and now it has grown to the point where he can sweep across the entire main hall with a random flick.

Wu miserably raised his arm, and the meat whip covered with bone sickles tensed instantly!

"Puffing! Wow!!"

The sound of the sun rising and bursting came from the side.

Wu Mi felt that one side of his body was hot instantly, and he subconsciously touched the side of his face.

What he touched turned out to be a piece of scorched and dead skin.

Shining light also poured out from one eyeball.

Wu Mi's pupils shrank, and he turned his head quickly, but suddenly saw a group of vigorously burning sun flames.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan held the handle of the knife, the scalding He knife was heating up continuously, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the surrounding air.

"Why... trample on life."

"What?" Seeing Riyan wrapped around the blade in surprise, Wuyou took a step back in a daze, and his brows, which were still relaxed just now, frowned instantly.

He swung the whip violently, about to whip it towards Ji Guoyuan.

Ji Guoyuan stood where he was, without moving.

The red-hot He Dao made Ji Guo Yuanyi's face backlit, and he stared at Wu Mi, his voice was a bit dull:
" interesting."

In the memory, the despairing eyes of the wife lying in a pool of blood are constantly replayed.


The black noise blurred Ji Guoyuan's memory.

"Where... that's funny."

The touch of cold blood is still vivid.


With a twist of Ji Guoyuanyi's blade, he aimed at Wu Mian.

"You... take your life."

Wu Mi's pupils shrank suddenly.

The scene of being hacked by the neck in Sagiri Mountain kept reappearing.

"Damn it! Damn it! It's haunting!" Wu Mi stared at him for an instant, and both of his hands turned into meat whips!

The meat whip passed Ji Guoyuanyi's position in an instant at a speed exceeding the speed of sound!
The ripples produced by the sonic boom rippling in the moonlight, but it didn't hurt Ji Guo Yuanyi at all!
Didn't get it!
Wu Mi's vertical pupil instantly turned into the shape of a needle.

Is it a phantom? !
next moment!
As soon as Ji Guoyuan held the Rilun Knife wrapped around the sun, the character "Mie" engraved on the root of the Rilun Knife was shining brightly at this moment!

He instantly came to Wu Mi's face!
"...What is it?!"

"Take it for what!"

now!Behind Wu Mi, there was a voice saying the same words!
It's Kamisenna's voice!
Wu Mi's back went numb all of a sudden, and he instantly regretted not killing Naruto himself just now.

Ji Guoyuanyi and the shining sun flames were reflected in the pupils, and time seemed to slow down slowly.

Double voices rang in Wu Can's ears, his limbs felt cold, and his body leaned back slightly because of subconscious dodge.

next moment!
The gorgeous golden red sun flame twisted the small vortex, and passed through Wu Mi's body without hindrance.

puff! !
The rising and entangled sun flames and the scarlet blood mist crossed, and Wu Mi was instantly divided into pieces at the center!
(End of this chapter)

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