Chapter 170 - Don't Come Over!
In the main hall of Fugang.

"Ho!!" The sharp screams instantly spread throughout the main hall.

Almost instantly, Quan Nai, a monk of Ji Guo Yuan, crossed Wu Mi's body at the same time.

The orange-red bright flame burned without misery, from five brains to seven hearts, and finally chopped off the neck with precision.

A total of thirteen knives were used.

The mist of blood corroded Wu Mi's body, and the deep pain almost drowned Wu Mi instantly.

Shang Quannai held his own bone knife. He was sent out of Infinite City by Naruto just now. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and chopped Wu Mi as finely as possible.

Ji Guoyuan attacked Wu Mi's vitals, and he chopped off other places.

Wu Mi turned into pieces of shattered meat, which were scattered in mid-air due to the impact.

The instant the blood splattered, it was evaporated by the high temperature, and the surface of the minced meat was also covered with a layer of scorched black marks.

Although he is often torn apart, this time is different.

This time, he is passive.

The meat pieces that were too small instantly turned into ashes and disappeared, while the edges of some meat pieces that were still large were scorched black, with a scorching red light shining slightly.

Time seemed to be slowly slowing down in Wu Mi's eyes, his eyeballs were flying in mid-air, and his scarlet pupils twitched.

The parts of the mouth and throat are on the other side, also flying high due to different impact forces.

Shang Quannai kept sprinting forward, but his eyes were fixed on the floating Wuyou eyeballs.

That eyeball is currently the only part of Wu Mi's body that has not been injured.

The scarlet flames have not yet disappeared, they are still permeating the mid-air circle after circle, scratching Wu Mi's body like a blade.

This is not that time has slowed down, but that under the ultra-high reaction nerves of several people, they can enter an effect similar to "bullet time".

"Ho... Ming..." Wu Mi's mouth twitched slightly.


Shang Quannai twisted her body violently, condensed the blood on the tip of the knife, and slammed it straight at Wu Mi's eyes in mid-air!

The sharp blade pierced into the eyeball easily.


Shang Quannai controlled the blood to flow into Wu Mi's eyeballs, and instantly corroded a hole in the center of the eyeballs!
Then, he pooled the blood in the middle of the hollow.

At the same time, Wu Mi, who was stimulated by the severe pain, almost went crazy, screaming desperately:
"Ah!! Naruto!! Naruto!"

Wu Mi screamed in horror, he didn't have time to wait for Naruto's teleportation, and directly forcibly poured his consciousness into Naruto's mind.


In the infinite city.

"Ah!" Naruto covered her head, the severe pain made her scream.

Her whole body turned purple, her blood vessels began to burst, and she couldn't bear the strong mental pressure.

Then, his hands touched the strings uncontrollably.


next moment.

A small lump of fresh charred black meat the size of an arm appeared in the center of Infinite City.


He fell heavily to the ground.

This small mass of rotten flesh is the only tissue that still has memory-free cells.

At this moment, the death that Wujing feared the most was only one step away from him.

"Heha... ah..." Painful wailing came faintly.

The rotten meat formed by countless small pieces of meat is constantly turning into ashes, Wu Mi squirmed his body, trying to slow down the speed of turning into ashes.

"No, I don't want to..."

"Why, why is this..."

A charred little hand grew out of the pile of rotten flesh, and he kept picking up the ashes in mid-air, trying to get the ashes back into his body.

"I'm not going to die... no..."

"How could I die?!"

Wumi's voice sounded from the rotten meat, and he kept wriggling, raising a small pile of meat, trying to push some meat out from under the charred skin.

The eyeballs that were blinded by Shang Quannai were embedded in the rotten flesh and kept spinning.

As long as a little, even a little bit of meat, he can survive!
Will not die, will not die.

Attached to the scorched skin was Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan's annihilation damage to Wu Mi at the same time, which was almost double the real damage.

But Wu Mi, who has already eaten a little bit of blue Bianhua, has some ability to survive.

He is so convinced.

The pile of rotten meat made up of minced meat kept stirring, trying hard to win that glimmer of hope of survival.

At this moment, Wu Mi didn't even have time to think about how he suddenly lost.

There was no time to think about plans for the future, he only had one thought in his mind at the moment.

— to live.



A human-shaped shadow enveloped Wu Mi who was trying to break through the annihilation.

The man stood not far away from Rotten Flesh.

He was stunned for a moment, all the cells on his body surface could transform into cells that convey vision, and he could see clearly who was standing in front of him in an instant.

The little hand that stretched out also stopped moving.

The person in front of Wu Cang now is the one wearing a red mask to block Shang Quannai's attack on Wu Can's behalf


Takehara's eyes overflowed with scarlet light, he lowered his head and looked at Wu Mi, the mask on his face was a little dry and cracked.

At the heart, a blood-colored crystal ball slowly rotates.

"Get out!" Wu Mi yelled at Zhuyuan, he was so weak at the moment, he could only yell at Zhuyuan.

"Don't bother me!"

Wu Mi thought that Zhuyuan, who would block a blow for him, should be under his control.

But Zhuyuan seemed to have not heard, and took a step forward in a daze.


Because the whole body is covered in blood, there will be a sticky slap when the soles of the feet step on the wooden floor.

Takehara got closer to Wu Mi.

"...You don't understand, do you?"

Wu Mi's voice became cold, and he subconsciously wanted to control Zhuyuan.

But the next moment, he was slightly dazed.

He was so weak that he didn't seem to have the ability to control Takehara.

For a moment, Wu Mi panicked, and he hurriedly bluffed and shouted:

"I'll say it again, get out!"


Takehara ignored Wu Mi.

"What do you want to do?!"

"leave me alone!"

"You lowly creature! There are maggots in your body that make me hate blood!"

"It's disgusting to see!"

"Get out! Get out!"

The rotting meat Wuyou kept scolding Zhuyuan angrily, but Zhuyuan got closer and closer.

"do not come!"


Wu Mi gritted his teeth and swallowed, if he still had teeth and stomach.

Endless humiliation accompanied by anger, almost wanting to devour Wu Mi.

He never thought that one day he would be in such a predicament.

At this moment, he doesn't have the power to fight back at all, and he can't even control Zhuyuan who has his own blood.

Wait, does this mean that I can't even control Naruto beside me at the moment?
Thinking of this, Wu Mi's heart sank immediately, as if falling into an ice abyss.

The eagerness to survive made him calm down immediately, even though the death he feared most was approaching him.

Sanity has regained the high ground.

Wu Mi's voice gradually weakened, and the only eyeball with a knife mark on his body stared at Zhuyuan:

"What do you want? I can give it to you!"

"As long as you stay away from me."

"Can you understand?!"


Takehara didn't answer, he squatted down, the blood scabs on his body were broken by the twisting of the joints, emitting a rancid smell.

The expressionless Takehara is hidden under the red mask, his body is shrouded in shadow, and his scarlet eyes look at Wu Mi.

At this time.

In the Infinite City, the evil ghosts hiding everywhere heard Wu Mi's shouts, and they poked their heads out one after another.

pat, pat.

They all looked at Zhuyuan squatting in the center of Infinite City, and the mass of charred black meat with a familiar smell.

And took a step in that direction.

The first to rush to Zhuyuan and Wuyan's side was the former six.

Six of them were wound up, and three of them were wearing the uniforms of the Broken Ghost Slayer Squad.

The other three have the words "Hirata" written on their bodies.

They formed a circle with their heads bowed, shadows enveloped Wu Mi.

The scarlet eyes shone with a strange light in the darkness.

"What do you want to do?!"

"See who I am!"

"I am the king, your creator, I gave you the identity of ghost!"

Wu Mi's eyes quickly swept across the ghosts surrounding him, and at the same time, the speed of turning into ashes was getting faster and faster.

Because of being surrounded, Wu Mi couldn't even wriggle away from these ghosts.

But he knew that at this moment, he must not appear weak and incompetent.

If it showed up, then this group of so-called "subordinates" might turn their backs on the spot.

"Go away!" Wu Mi's voice was full of confidence, and he even tried his best to exert some pressure from the blood on the few winding dogs around him.

At this time.


Takehara, whose expression was hidden under his face, squatted down and stretched out his hand towards the rotten flesh on the ground.


He grabbed a small piece of Wu Mi that was writhing.

"No! No!"

"Let go of me! Bastard! Ah!!" Wuyou stared at the only eyeball in horror, and he looked at Zhuyuan who was tearing pieces of flesh from his body.


It was ripped from the pile of rotten meat suddenly.

"Hey!!" Wu Mi screamed in pain.


Takehara raised his head, he lifted the rotten meat high and placed it on top of his mask.

Afterwards, the red cracked mask gradually cracked a hideous gap from the mouth.

Then it gets bigger and bigger.

The blood-red silk thread is connected between the gaps in the mask, and there is an invisible darkness under the mask.

The moment Takehara was about to put Wu Mi's rotten meat into his mouth.

The winders beside him finally couldn't help but move.

"no, do not want!"

"Don't touch me! Let me go!"


"Cough ha... ho... bastard!"

"Absolutely...kill you..."



The tearing and swinging of the arm strength.

The rotten meat kept swallowing into the abdomen.

Takehara squatted, and the rest of the tops stood.

Taking it easy, Takehara held up the rotten meat again and again, and then swallowed it with his head up.

In stark contrast to other windings.

Shadows and evening candles flicker in the infinite city.

The light gradually dimmed.


The weak Lord was seriously injured and dying.

Mad-faced, they stretched out their fangs and claws toward their Lord.

Their vengeance was avenged, and they devoured their Lord with open mouths.

They are greedy and try to take the power of the Lord by force.

Huh, power.

"They... deserve what they deserve."

Under the shadow of the swaying candles, the shadows of madness and predation formed a group, accompanied by the elegant and leisurely sound of the pipa.

And the faint screams.



In the Fugang Hall.

Quan Nai, a monk of Ji Guoyuan, turned around at the same time, looking at the black charred flesh and ashes that fell on the ground.

The other Zhu and members of the Demon Slayer Squad leaned forward one after another.

After the ghosts found out that Wu Mi had been blasted to death, they all ran away and disappeared.

"Your Excellency Jiguo! Your Excellency Shangquan!" Purgatory Renshoulang looked at the two with bright pupils.

"Is the ghost king dead!"

Beneath the happy expression of Purgatory Renshourou, there was a little regret hidden.

He had already consulted with the team members of Takehara's team before.

Takehara, in a mission a few months ago, disappeared near Sensoji Temple.


"Finally did it?" Naruya Kazama frowned slightly as he held the handle of the knife.

It was too easy.

Kazama thought, and turned to look outside the hall.

There was no sign of a ghost in sight.

"...It feels like a dream." Minazukishiro murmured.

But Ji Guoyuan's expression was not so happy.

Seeing Ji Guo Yuanyi's expression, the pillars also reacted slightly, and the contrast was not so big.

"Feel sorry."

"Let him run away." Ji Guoyuan clenched the handle of the knife tightly, frowning, feeling very unstable.

The pillars raised their heads when they heard the words, the mood that had been ignited just now calmed down again, but the bottom of their hearts was extremely excited.

Although they failed to kill Wu Mi this time, they really saw hope.

"It's okay, Your Excellency Jiguo!" Purgatory Renshoulang patted Jiguo Yuanyi on the shoulder, and he said very directly: "We must cheer up and meet the next crusade against the ghost king!"

no, I can not.

There is only one chance to crusade.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard from Zhu Shi, Wu Mi is an extremely timid person.

Let him escape this time, and the next time someone meets Wu Mi, I'm afraid he will have already become a handful of loess.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai, he was surprised to find that Shang Quannai had a relaxed expression on his face.

I saw Shang Quannai holding his own bone knife and smiling confidently at Ji Guoyuan:

"Do not."

"He can't run away."

"I injected my blood into his eyeball just now."

"Ghosts can sense the approximate location through blood."

"We still have a chance, this time it's just a warm-up preparatory battle..."

Saying so, Shang Quannai closed her eyes, put her fingers on her temples, and sensed where her blood was:

"Now, the location of Infinite City is already..."

His voice froze.

Shang Quannai opened his eyes in a daze, he was a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, Ji Guoyuan hurried over and asked nervously.

"No, it's okay..." Shang Quannai came back to his senses, and he waved his hand at Ji Guoyuan, indicating that he was fine.

Shang Quannai was a little dazed.

When he was sensing his blood just now.

In the infinite city, I felt a second part of my own blood.

How did his second blood appear in Infinity City?

To whom did he give blood?
Individual members of the Demon Slayer Squad, as well as Zhu, Kanroji Sakuramochi, the Kamado family, Ubuyashiki...

Can not remember.

(End of this chapter)

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