Chapter 173 – Goodbye After Ten Years

Following the country camp.

The night sky was silent, like a clean and clear black mirror, with a full moon burning in the center.

Today's moon seems to be extraordinarily round and large, and even the naked eye can faintly see the craters on the moon.

The bright moonlight slowly falls.

"Human beings are only human after all." A faint voice sounded from the side of the camp, and the evil spirit licked the blood on its stretched claws.

"It's really weak." He said contemptuously, the wisteria poison on his body had been completely decomposed.

Under the evil ghost, three ashigaru had already lay down.

Ashgaru's abdomen was dug open by the evil ghost with sharp claws, and the scarlet scene accompanied by the stench made people feel dizzy.

Dark red blood spread.

The ninja was also seriously injured, with blood gushing from his chest, and was knocked into the bushes beside him, his life and death uncertain.

His fingers tremblingly held the Kunai that was stained with wisteria poison, but he couldn't lift it up.

The ninja's eyes flickered slightly, and his mouth moved slowly.


He bit something in his mouth.

Obviously, in the round of battle just now, Jiguo Barracks suffered a big loss.

"'s a monster..."

The warriors clenched the hilts of their knives, gritted their teeth, and aimed their sharp blades at the evil spirits.

Just a moment ago, the guy in front of him ignored all the samurai in the front row and captured the three foot light standing in the back row.

Before the samurai could react, the three ashigaru had already lost their lives.

what is this?
"...This is playing tricks on us..." A samurai's voice trembled, but he held the knife in his hand very steadily.

"It's terrible..." An ashigaru holding an iron cannon felt a little sore in his raised arm, and was trembling slightly at the moment.

"Are you afraid?" Another warrior glanced at his companion, his eyes were full of firmness and conviction: "If you are afraid, go home quickly, there is no need for a guy like you on the battlefield."

"No!" The samurai, whose voice was still trembling just now, immediately retorted: "I have long been prepared to die!"

At the moment, there are only three people in Jiguo Qibengun in the barracks. After all, people at the general level can't just stay in a small barracks to fight.

Holding long guns, they surrounded the evil spirits.

Not far away, there are also many iron cannon ashigaru aiming at the head and heart of the evil spirit with matchlock guns.

Ji Guoyansheng woke up early.

He was standing in the middle of the back row, his hands tightly gripping the handle of the knife were already sweating, and the shark skin on the handle was soaked.

Looking at the evil ghosts surrounded by heavy, Ji Guoyan Sheng frowned tightly.

— careless.

I thought that only providing food for two fingers would not be enough for him to break free from the shackles.

It was because I was too overwhelmed by joy, and I didn't think carefully in this place for a while.

As a result, riding a tiger is hard to get off now.

And this was a desperate plan... At this moment, it was out of control here.

"Lord patriarch, what should we do?" The warrior on the side looked at Ji Guoyansheng worriedly, his voice trembling at the moment.

"Do you want to evacuate?" His eyes trembled slightly.

Like a side effect of the adrenaline rush, the blade in his hand was trembling uncontrollably.

"Do not."

Evacuation is impossible.

That kind of guy will only get braver as he fights.

Ji Guoyansheng shook his head slightly, took a deep breath, looked around and looked at his subordinates with hopeful eyes, and slowly lowered his eyes.

He is the head of the clan and also the leader of the army.

Now, he must lead the tribe in the right direction. This is his responsibility and obligation.

As the leader, he is the last spiritual pillar of everyone, and he must not show bad emotions.

Just as Ji Guoyansheng was thinking for a few breaths, the evil spirit tore apart several warriors like flickering ghosts.

Puff - phew! !
"Ho ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Blood and flesh splattered with the white bones, and the evil spirit laughed wildly. His palms extended into sharp claws, which could easily tear the warrior into pieces.

"Master Patriarch!"

"Master Patriarch, we..."

"In the end how to do…"

Seeing Ji Guoyansheng's frown, a warrior naturally knew the degree of danger at the moment.

"Damn it! Protect the patriarch!" He gritted his teeth and raised the sword in his hand high.

"I'm going! For the glory of the country!!"


The strength of the evil ghost far exceeded Ji Guoyansheng's imagination, and he realized now that when he first met the evil ghost, the opponent might be many times weaker than he is now.

Everything seems to remind me of my carelessness and overconfidence.

Ji Guoyan Sheng tightly gripped the handle of the knife, his heart has been slightly shaken.

At this moment, he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, only intense humiliation and unwillingness.

After more than ten years of stable life, he seems to be less eager to compete for fame and fortune than before, but his ambition still exists.

In my mind, the figures of my wife and children emerged, and the leisurely life of the past was constantly replayed.

Now that there is a problem with the backhand he arranged, even the problem is so big that he is about to face death, anyone will feel a sense of humiliation.

How to do.

Admit it?
For a moment, Ji Guoyan Sheng was in a trance.

Why retreat is to admit defeat...?
lose?What did I lose to...


Ji Guoyansheng's pupils shrank, but he still raised his head in a daze, and several of the warriors around him had already rushed forward.

"Following the former guards of the country to attend!"


"Hey... what..."

The evil ghost standing on the hill made of blood and corpses turned his face sideways, and smiled at Ji Guoyan Sheng with a ferocious grin.

"All, all, are, because, for, you."

The evil ghost deliberately slowed down his mouth, and spoke silently to Ji Guoyansheng from a distance of tens of meters.

Ji Guoyansheng's pupils constricted sharply. He looked at the silent mouth shape of the evil ghost, and his heart felt like a burning fire.

Beside her ears, there were still wailing and cries for help.

"Unbeatable! That guy is not human at all!"

"Run! Run!"

"Damn! Why is there such a thing in the barracks!"

The Ashgaru standing in the front row were terrified. They scrambled to throw down the weapons in their hands, trying to squeeze away the samurai behind them and escape.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Guoyansheng's eyes trembled slightly, and a drop of sweat dripped from his forehead.

What are you hesitating about?

He instantly discarded what was in his mind. Excessive thinking made Ji Guoyansheng a little abnormal. At this moment, he finally came to his senses.

Hesitating is not what a patriarch should be like.

Ji Guoyan Sheng pulled out the Da Dao from his waist, and he immediately shouted at everyone.

"All scattered..."

But the words were just half-yelled.

The figure of the evil ghost suddenly disappeared in place, and then a shadow instantly enveloped Ji Guoyansheng.

"Master Patriarch! Be careful, Master Patriarch!"


All the warriors were shocked, they all turned their heads and reminded Ji Guoyan Sheng loudly.

The evil spirit...appeared in front of Ji Guoyansheng.


In a distance unknown to everyone.

Whoosh-! !

A dark red figure that has faded from the fire rushed forward at a high speed, and the swing between the legs was huge, flickering like a phantom.

The wind seemed to turn into substance, distorting the light and wrapping around the figure.

The afterimage kept flickering.

The sun earrings kept dangling.

He left here in an instant.


Jiguo Barracks.


The evil spirit trampled on the back of a warrior, and the bones of the spine suddenly broke through the flesh and exposed it.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" The evil spirit squatted on the back of the samurai in front of Ji Guoyansheng, and he stabbed his hand into the spine of the samurai under him.


Warm blood splashed on Ji Guoyansheng's face.

"Do you want to evacuate?" The evil ghost and Ji Guoyan Sheng pressed their faces together, and the acrid stench kept pouring in from the nostrils, which was extremely choking.

"Does that arrogant adult actually want to run away?"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

Ji Guoyansheng stared coldly at the approaching evil spirit, but he didn't make a sound.

At this time.


A sharp knife point suddenly protruded from the evil ghost's chest!Black blood dripped down the blade.

The evil ghost raised his chest subconsciously, his scarlet eyes turned and looked back.

is a ninja.

At this moment, the ninja was covered in wounds, like a bloody man, and the whites of his eyes turned red.

"Stay away from... Lord Yansheng...!!" The ninja's bloodshot eyes widened, he gritted his teeth and suddenly raised the sword in his hand!

Unprecedented force gushed out from the arm, and actually used the knife to lift the entire ghost into the air!
Seeing the appearance of the ninja, Ji Guoyansheng was slightly taken aback, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't let the ninja protect his wife at home...

Just when he thought about it, the ninja suddenly took advantage of the time when the evil ghost was in the air, and gave Ji Guoyansheng a note and a small purple bottle.

The following words were written on the note:

"Ghost, regeneration, weak wisteria flower poison."

Ji Guoyan Sheng just wanted to look up.

At this moment, the ninja couldn't listen to anything, and his brain lost the ability to think.

The ninja took medicine.

But it didn't work.

The ghost stuck in the air was taken aback for a moment, then clicked his tongue impatiently.



Then slammed towards the ninja!
The knife in the ninja's hand suddenly broke into two sections.

People also flew upside down like kites with broken strings.

And when the evil spirits attacked the ninja, it also left a gap for Ji Guoyansheng!

Ji Guoyansheng looked at the evil ghost with his back turned to him, he held the sword, his arms tensed.

Pour the wisteria flower poison from the purple bottle that the ninja handed to him on the blade.

Then one step forward!Suddenly slashed towards the neck of the evil spirit!

The purple knife light reflects extremely fast.

【Jiguo Swordsmanship·Deng Carp】

next moment.

There was the sound of metal clashing.

Ji Guoyansheng slowly opened his eyes wide, his tiger's mouth was numb from the huge shock, and his arms were a little weak for a while.

With only two fingers, the evil spirit clamped Ji Guoyansheng's advancing blade.

"Hey..." The ghost smiled at Ji Guoyansheng.

Then, in the reflection of the latter's slightly shrunken pupils.

Broke off his knife with his fingers!

The fragments of the blade collapsed and flew, and the reflected blade surface reflected Ji Guoyansheng's expression of disbelief.

The evil spirit kicked out fiercely!He kicked Ji Guoyansheng heavily in the abdomen!
"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was kicked off and smashed heavily under a tree not far away.

Abdomen and back suffered instant gravity, ribs were fractured, and spine was damaged.

Consciousness instantly blurred.

The brain and eyeballs were congested, and Ji Guoyansheng became groggy.

Tinnitus, dizziness, severe discomfort from displacement of internal organs.

Faint shouts came from beside his ears.

"Master Patriarch!"

"Damn it! I fought with you!"

"Jiguo's seven guns! Go!"

After a loud noise and some kind of warm and viscous liquid splashing on his face, Ji Guoyansheng finally slowly recovered his vision.

He hung his head, his eye sockets suddenly widened.

The abdomen was bleeding continuously.

Are you going to die?

Ji Guoyan Sheng raised his head slowly, looking at the mighty bright moon.

Around the barracks, only Ji Guo's seven guns were shot, and the three people in the camp remained standing.

However, they were also seriously injured, and I am afraid that they will fall down at night.

"Haha! Hahahaha! That's the expression!" Seeing Ji Guoyansheng's tired look, the evil ghost couldn't help laughing even more wildly.

"What's the matter? Why is there such an expression now?"

what a failure...

Ji Guoyansheng held his wound, and his vision gradually became clear.

Sure enough, I'm still not reconciled...


He leaned on the tree trunk and sat up with difficulty, looked up at the moon sky, panting heavily.

At this time.

From Ji Guoyansheng's trance perspective, he slowly widened his eyes, as if he saw...

——A certain figure jumped up under the moon in the distance.


The evil ghost is still muttering at this moment: "Jiguo still have today, after all, you are only human after all."

The evil ghost didn't notice at all that Ji Guoyansheng was concentrating on looking at Haoyue behind him.

The full moon seemed to have become extremely huge at this moment, and the figure was against the light under the moon, holding a knife in his hand.

The crimson blade reflected the moonlight, and Ji Guoyansheng's eyes widened for a moment, making him a little dazed.

The dark red feathers were blowing in the bitter high-altitude wind. The figure was expressionless, but his eyes were fixed on the evil spirit on the ground.

As the figure got closer and closer, Ji Guoyansheng's eyes slowly filled with shock.

That is…

Too late to think.

The figure jumped down from the moon in an instant.

Like a god falling into the mortal world, he lowered his body and swung the blade in his hand concisely and powerfully.

Swish-swish-! !

In an instant, two saber lights flashed across the body of the astonished evil spirit.

Blood surged high like a punctured water balloon, and the evil ghost's head and arms were instantly separated from its body!
"What?!" The evil ghost's eyes were full of surprise and shock, and he didn't even notice that someone was approaching him.


The next moment, Ji Guoyuan, who was wearing a dark red feather, fell to the ground and squatted down on one knee.

When he flicked the knife, the scorching He knife immediately evaporated the blood on it.

Click, and slowly retract the sheath.

The whole set of movements was extremely smooth and silky, and Ji Guoyuan took away the life of the evil spirit before landing.

As if he had rehearsed countless times in advance, his performance was so relaxed and freehand.

Like a god.

Ji Guoyansheng leaned under the tree, he looked at the very familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar face in front of him, and everything that was hidden deep in his heart was rising endlessly at this moment.


Under Ji Guoyuan's incomprehensible eyes, Ji Guoyansheng retched several times in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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