People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 174 - What You Want To Abandon Is What I Cherish Most

Chapter 174 - What You Want To Abandon Is What I Cherish Most


The other surviving warriors in the Jiguo barracks at the side were relieved to see the evil spirit gradually turning into ashes and dissipating, and they all rolled their eyes and collapsed powerlessly.

Even the Ji Guo Qiben guns, who are generals, could barely sit still, relying on their own guns to adjust their breathing and stabilize their injuries.

the other side.

under the tree.

Ji Guoyan Sheng's eyes trembled slightly, and he looked at Ji Guo Yuanyi in astonishment.

How did he come here...?
How could he be here?

What is he doing here? !

His eyes were in a trance, and he looked tremblingly at the once extremely familiar face in front of him.

The dark red spots on the forehead, the eyes that never wavered, and the expressionless face.

The "god" who jumped down from the moon just now and killed the evil spirits with a wave of his hands seems to be his twin brother who ran away from home ten years ago

——Ji Guoyuan One.

That, the younger brother who cast shadows on him throughout his childhood.

The moment Ji Guoyuan and Ji Guoyuan met each other's eyes, Ji Guoyan Sheng knew it all.

The peaceful and leisurely life of the past, with time passing slowly, may disappear without a trace.

Ji Guoyuan's smooth sword skills kept replaying in Ji Guoyansheng's mind.

It's completely different from the swordsmanship I used to do when I was a child.

No, can the trick just now be called swordsmanship?
The monsters who could easily slaughter their entire camp were easily beheaded by Yuan Yi.

This guy, has become...


Ji Guoyansheng clenched his fists, his expression of astonishment gradually turned into doubt and disbelief.

He looked down at the broken knife in his hand, for a moment he couldn't believe whether he and Yuanyi really existed in the same world.

He was rescued by his brother whom he had not seen for many years.

"It's okay, sir!" Ji Guoyuan looked worriedly at Ji Guoyan Sheng's retching appearance, he hurried forward, bent down and squatted in front of Ji Guoyan Sheng with one knee.

"Uh-cough cough!!" Ji Guoyan Sheng turned his head away, he pushed Ji Guoyuan away, gasped for a few times before he felt much better.

Seeing Ji Guoyansheng's uncomfortably vomiting appearance, Yuanyi lowered his head, frowning slightly worriedly.

"I'm very sorry, my lord brother."

A low voice of self-reproach sounded in front of Ji Guoyansheng, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yuanyi with his pupils constricted.

Why are you apologizing?
For a while, Ji Guoyansheng even forgot to vomit, and he stared blankly at Ji Guoyuan and kept blaming himself.

"I didn't arrive in time, otherwise I could have saved more people..."

"Elder brother won't be hurt to this extent..."

Ji Guoyuan lowered his head, put his knife beside him, and spoke in a very low voice.

"If... I could come earlier..."

Not only because he failed to arrive in time, but also because he missed the opportunity to kill Wu Mi just now.

If Wu Mi had been killed there just now, then there would be nothing on the elder brother's side.

But now, Wu Mi failed to kill him, and his elder brother didn't catch up in time.

After all, nothing was done right.

Thinking of this, Ji Guoyuan felt more and more guilty and regretful in his heart, how many people would die at his hands for Wu Mi's escape this time.

How many people will feel the same pain as they did at that time.

The sense of shame and right on his face was even stronger, let alone facing his elder brother who had the right to reprimand him.

"Why do you have to apologize..." Ji Guoyan Sheng's voice was a little hoarse, he resisted the pain, and asked Ji Guo Yuanyi: "All this obviously has nothing to do with you."


Apologizing after saving someone... why does he have such a face.

Ji Guoyansheng forced himself to calm down, looking at the disgusted face he had seen countless times in his dreams, his expression gradually collapsed.

"...Why?" Ji Guoyuan was a little dazed, and he repeated his elder brother's words softly in his mouth.

But in the bottom of Yuan Yi's heart, the reason for apologizing has already been mentioned just now.

Then, what my lord brother meant to ask shouldn't be this...

He blinked his eyes, then lowered his eyes and replied:

"What my lord brother wants to ask is my reason for hunting ghosts?"

Ghost hunting?

what is that?
Ji Guoyansheng was slightly taken aback, his head trembled, and he looked at Yuanyi with some puzzlement in his heart.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Yan Sheng's confused eyes also made Ji Guoyuan affirm his inner thoughts.

Yuan Yi opened his mouth softly:
"Ghosts are creatures that shouldn't exist in this world."

"They feed on humans and kill for pleasure."

"The ability to be immortal makes them distorted, and even begins to feel indifferent to the most precious life."

Maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for many years, or maybe it's because of the closeness from blood, Ji Guoyuan said a lot more rarely.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he squatted in front of Ji Guoyan Sheng with one knee like this, and said softly, with a hint of sadness in his brows and eyes:

"Big brother." Ji Guoyuan called softly.

"Ah, what?!" Ji Guoyansheng frowned tightly, his head was hanging down and his pupils were trembling.

He looked at his younger brother in front of him, still a little unresponsive.

After all, I haven't seen him in ten years, and when he suddenly appeared at this time, the blow Ji Guoyansheng suffered in his heart is unimaginable.

Ji Guoyuan lowered the corners of his brows, and there was warmth buried in his misty dark red pupils:

"I... already have a wife."

"She's a talkative girl."

In my mind, Uta's smiling appearance was clearly reflected.

Ji Guoyansheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression slowly returned to normal.

He looked at his younger brother carefully, and this time he didn't feel like vomiting strangely.

Perhaps only in such a weak place, Ji Guoyansheng can realize that his younger brother is also as flesh and blood as himself.

— just an ordinary person.

Just when Ji Guoyansheng was getting expressionless, Ji Guoyuan's tone suddenly changed:

"Until the day a ghost stepped into our home."

"...I didn't have time to go home that day."

"It was a feeling that I don't know how to describe."

"The beautiful things that I cherish as the most precious things will easily disappear under the attack of ghosts."

Ji Guoyansheng lowered his eyes slightly, at this moment he seemed to understand the meaning of "ghost hunting".

He looked at Yuanyi who was talking about it, and with Yuanyi's current strength, could he already treat such things as prey...

Ji Guoyuan didn't seem to want to recall the memories of that time too much, so he quickly skipped this paragraph:
"However, thanks to the members of the Ghost Killing Squad, my wife and children survived."

"In the past, I might still want to live such a leisurely life in the field, but since then, I understand."

"Happiness is hard-won."

"It was more difficult than I imagined."

He paused.

"So, I joined the ghost killing team and became a member of the ghost hunters."

Ji Guoyan was taken aback.

Ghost Squad?
Ghost hunter?
a member?
His eyes gradually became a little dull.

Does it mean that there are many people like Yuanyi?

Suddenly, Ji Guoyuan was silent for a while, and he slowly closed his eyes.

He kept replaying that sad memory in his heart, reminding himself to cherish the hard-won happiness now.

He is constantly alerting himself.

"A word of reason."

"I really like a sentence that the so-called leader said."

"I don't want others to have the same experience as myself, and I want to protect the weak, but only beauty."

"The Ghost Killing Squad may also exist because of this."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan spoke slowly, the guilt in his heart for not being able to kill Wu Mi just now eased a lot.

It is also a blessing to find someone to talk to.

"You..." Ji Guoyansheng stared at Yuanyi closely, and the topic that was obviously ordinary just now suddenly became a feeling that he couldn't catch up with.

Ji Guoyuan tilted his head in doubt.

No, sure enough.

Ji Guoyansheng's expression collapsed again.

Still want to vomit.

Sweat slowly dripped from Ji Guoyansheng's forehead. He looked at Ji Guoyuanyi who bowed his head and sincerely apologized in front of him, and opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

But Zhang Zhang for a long time, but failed to say a complete sentence.

Seeing the doubtful but sincere expression of the person in front of him, Ji Guoyansheng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

What have I... been doing before.

Invincible in war?
The first samurai in neon?Lead the rise of the successor family?

He raised his head and looked at Ji Guoyuan.

At this moment, he is fighting for the ambition in his heart, the future of the family, and all interests, and he has tried to compete with Yuanyi in his heart...

Ji Guo Yuan Yi in front of him is fighting for "the beauty that exists in the world" at this moment.

At this moment, the rising fire of jealousy and humiliation was like madness, ravaging his internal organs.

Hehe...what a familiar feeling.

Since the first time he heard Yuanyi talk about such words as "vessels, bones, blood flow, prediction" since he was a child, Ji Guoyansheng has already understood what it feels like to be hit by dimensionality reduction.

This guy is still so pure and noble... No, now he has become a flawless and noble person.

No matter in terms of strength or character.

He lowered his head and smiled contemptuously:

"Oh... really thorough..."

Self-righteous humiliation overwhelmed Ji Guoyan again.

It doesn't matter anymore, everything in the past is not important anymore.

What family, interests, fame, relatives...

The appearance of his wife and two children faintly appeared in his mind.

The feelings of several years seemed to be wiped out in an instant.

No, it's not obliteration, it's because he figured it out.

The feeling of time stagnation in the past few years is because of my own stagnation. After parting with Yuanyi, I fell into a state of "being content with the status quo".

Without the stimulation of Yuanyi, his strength and will would probably be trapped in this narrow place forever.

Now, the gears of time start turning again.

Everything in the past must be abandoned.

Be it a wife or a family.

All, as it was ten years ago, start over.

Ji Guoyansheng hesitated for a while, then shook his head.

The current self... wants to become stronger.

In his mind, the figure of Ji Guoyuan who fell from the moon just now was deeply reflected.

Swordsmanship, powerful!
No distractions.

Ji Guoyansheng raised his head slowly, and at this moment his slightly astonished eyes became firm.

This time, I will definitely catch up with you.

He looked at Ji Guoyuanyi, and the flames in his heart seemed to knock Ji Guoyan Sheng unconscious instantly, and he said directly:

"Yuanyi, I want to join too..."

"By the way, elder brother, I heard that you are also married..."

Yuanyi's voice and Yansheng's voice sounded at the same time, and then the two looked at each other in silence.

Ji Guoyansheng slowly closed his mouth, his expression gradually became stiff and petrified, and his eyes became numb.

This guy…

Are you spying on me?

Seeing Ji Guoyuan shut his mouth, looking like an honest man and a good baby, he suddenly felt angry.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan saw that his brother stopped talking, he continued:

"My blessing may have come a long time late, but please still cherish this hard-won happiness, elder brother."

In Ji Guoyansheng's unwavering eyes, the atmosphere gradually became stiff.

It's a pity that Yuan Yi didn't notice the embarrassment of the atmosphere.

He only feels sincere blessing and joy for his elder brother.

"Who did you hear about this from?" Ji Guoyan Sheng calmed down his mood and asked as calmly as possible.

Ji Guoyuan slowly folded his knees and sat down, he put the knife beside him:

"The one called the leader of the Ghost Killing Squad told me." He said slowly, "It seems that he passed by the mansion of my elder brother a while ago."

Ji Guoyuan's tone was calm.

Ji Guoyansheng's eyes gradually turned cold, and he obviously understood something after years of intrigue with others.

The "leader" may have seen Yuanyi's strength, whether it was out of curiosity or to keep Yuanyi in the "ghost killing team", he came to check his own information.

Then he told Yuanyi about himself.

Yuanyi, has it been used?

Ji Guoyansheng glanced at Yuanyi's calm expression.

No... I'm afraid it was Yuanyi's voluntary.

Almost instantly, Ji Guoyansheng didn't like this organization called "Ghost Killing Team".

Of course, I didn't like it at first.

However, this is a bit difficult to do.

My own plan... collapsed halfway.

"That's right." Ji Guoyuan suddenly realized that his elder brother seemed to have said something just now:
"What the elder brother said just now is..." Ji Guoyuan's expressionless eyes gradually became brighter:
"Want to join...?"

"That's right." Ji Guoyansheng nodded resolutely, and he narrowed his eyes: "I want to join the Ghost Slayer Squad."

"The Ghost Killing Squad just like you."

Just as Ji Guoyan Sheng finished speaking, a few crows above his head suddenly swooped down.

"Karma! Karma!" The crow suddenly spread its wings when it approached the ground, achieving a perfect dive into the sky.


The crow fell into Ji Guo Yuanyi's arms very familiarly, and he looked at Ji Guo Yansheng who was opposite him:
"Karma! Ji Guoyan wins! Ji Guoyan wins!"

After Guo Yansheng went through a series of blows and shocks just now, there was no disturbance in his heart at the moment, and he glanced lightly at the crow.

Just a talking crow.

Compared with Yuan Yi, it is quite normal.

"Jiguoyan wins! Our rescue and treatment team is on the way!" the crow spread its wings and shouted:

"Please wait patiently where you are! Karma! Don't exercise vigorously!"

(End of this chapter)

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