Chapter 175 – The Changes in the Infinite City

at the same time.

In the infinite city.


The huge roar continued to sound, accompanied by violent shaking, dilapidated house fragments can be seen everywhere.

"You bastard!!" A ghost with [Shangxian Zhisi] written in its pupils was strangled by the red-masked Takehara.

The family crest of the Hirata family is painted on his chest, obviously he used to be a samurai.

"Traitor!" Shangxian Guishou roared with his neck stretched out, and there was still some flesh and blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, when they were sharing their food, Zhuyuan suddenly exploded, and almost instantly wiped out a few winders on the side.

Those few wind-ups are now inserting into the dilapidated houses in Infinite City in all directions, their breath is weak, but they will not die.

Shangxian Zhisi's eyes were about to burst, his expression was ferocious, but in exchange for it was Takehara's cold eyes hidden under the mask.

"...A traitor?" Takehara's eyes remained unchanged, his voice was no longer hoarse, and became the same as that of a human, but the tone became much lower.


The strength in Zhuyuan's hand continued to exert, and the head of Shangxian Ghost slowly turned red.

"Gu...cough ho...! Let me go!" The Shangxian ghost kept struggling and wanted to reach out and break Zhuyuan's arm, but he was powerless. Compared with the Wumi-eating Zhuyuan, the power of Shangxian was like a world of difference.

Moreover, Shangxian Ghost was a little horrified to find that his body seemed to be slowly disintegrating.

Purple-blue veins spread across the body surface, and the torso was already somewhat swollen strangely.

This is a side effect of absorbing too much innocent blood.

If you don't have the ability to bear it, it will turn into a puddle of mud.

pat, pat.

"No, no no no, no..."

Shangxianzhisi showed astonishment, he no longer struggled, and scratched his body up and down in a panic.

However, every scratch represents the detachment of a large piece of rotten flesh, which then festers and turns into ashes.

He was completely panicked, and he didn't care about being strangled, Shangxian Zhisi raised his head in horror, and he looked at Zhuyuan in front of him.

As if grabbing the last straw before death, he held Takehara with both hands and pinched his arm, his eyes revealing a longing pleading:
"I was wrong, I was wrong, help me..."

At this time, Takehara's voice sounded slowly:

"save you?"

An extremely familiar voice sounded, obviously not Takehara's voice.

But it came out from Takehara's throat.

Low, cold, sharp.

Strange, horrifying, Shangxian Zhisi's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt creepy.

The soft but extremely familiar voice made Shangxian Zhisi stunned, he slowly opened his mouth in shock, his pupils trembled violently, and stared at the indifferent Takehara.

Pointing at Takehara, he said in a low voice:

" are!"

But he only opened his mouth to say a few syllables, and then couldn't speak anymore.

Because the skin and muscles of his vocal cords and jaw had dissolved, exposing white bones that seemed softened by sulfuric acid.

Takehara didn't speak, he used one hand to hold the head of the winding body that was slowly becoming rotten, watching the muscle tissue continue to dissolve, and then hang down weakly.

Until there was only a puddle of foul-smelling blood left in the palm of his hand.

Takehara withdrew his palm, and rubbed his palm with disgust and contempt.

He turned his head and looked at the pile of rotten meat on the ground that hadn't been eaten yet.

Reach out.

pat, pat...

The ball of rotten meat seemed to have been summoned, it floated up in place, and then quickly flew towards Zhuyuan.


It slowly merged with Takehara's body.


He closed his eyes comfortably, and densely packed red and ferocious markings emerged from his body.

Dark red spots spread all over the body, and the dense spots even looked like the entire skin had turned dark red.


Takehara opened his eyes, and his eyes were not as creepy as before, but rather indifferent:
"This is my body."

The tone and voice were different from just now, and the stark contrast made Takehara's voice quite righteous at this time.

"It's mine now."

The cold and contemptuous voice sounded again, his eyes were full of disdain, as if mocking himself.

"Do not."

The voice kept switching back and forth, as if talking to himself.

"Still mine."

The blood-colored glass ball on the chest kept spinning, and among the two streams of blood entangled in it, the one representing Shang Quannai burst out violently.

Instantly filled Takehara's body.

"...Asshole, don't get too carried away." The cold voice squeezed out a few syllables through gritted teeth, and then fell silent.

Takehara's eyes were dull, he nodded in satisfaction, and then wanted to raise his legs and turn around.

But was surprised to find out.

The body doesn't listen to itself.

When he wanted to turn around, Takehara could only barely influence his body to move slightly.

Can't move.

"Of course you can't move." The cold voice sounded again.

At this time.


Behind Zhuyuan, the few upper strings who had been sent flying just now reappeared.

They stood with uniform expressions, looking at Zhuyuan with indifference in their eyes.

It is clear.

—They are no longer themselves.

——That guy, controlled all the stringed bodies.

Is it because Shangxian ate flesh and blood?

Takehara subconsciously glanced at the center of Infinite City.

There, Naruto was sitting upright.

From the back of her head grew a giant tree of flesh and blood that was entangled with bright red thick blood vessels, branched, and flourished like a horned dragon.

Through the turbid yellow light, one can vaguely see the blood flowing in the blood vessels, as well as the constantly beating pulse.

Branches and leaves made of blood vessels extend on the ceiling of Infinite City, and continue to spread out, looking quite scary.

on the treetops.

There are full and round eyeballs hanging one after another.

The giant tree is rooted at the bottom of Infinite City, so Naruto did not lower her head to support the gravity of the giant tree of blood vessels.

From a distance, the giant tree of blood vessels supports the sky and the earth of Infinite City, and the beating pulse is very impactful.

——It was a forest made up of leaping flesh and blood vessels.

The bright red liquid hung on the treetops, and the hollows on the trunk opened their fangs and sharp mouths soundlessly.

Did that guy... also eat meat?

There was no wave in Takehara's eyes. In the endless torture before, he had long forgotten the memory of being a human being.

Right now, he only remembers what happened after he woke up.

And when Takehara woke up, he was the first person he saw.

——It was Shang Quannai.

He, who has no memory or any concept of consciousness, will not feel any horror or fear at this time.

He looked at Naruto's eyeballs, and words like this slowly appeared on those eyeballs:

【Winding House】

No, all the eyeballs on the treetops have words like this.



Jiguo Barracks.

pat, pat.

The seriously injured ninja endured the pain and used his broken knife to support his body.

Just now he crushed the special medicine hidden in his molars, which can quickly stimulate the body's functions and is very useful in desperate situations.

After the bodily functions are stimulated, if the ninja does not move, the body will be overexcited due to the violent beating of the heart and eventually die spontaneously.

It is a must-have medicine for ninjas.

He raised his head, gritted his teeth and climbed in the direction of Ji Guoyansheng.

In a trance, he seemed to see who Ji Guoyansheng was talking to, and the back of that person was still somewhat familiar.

But in the end, his body became weak, his head fell, and he fainted on the ground.



"Karma! Right in front!"

A crow yelled not far away.

Immediately attracted the attention of Ji Guoyansheng who had lost a lot of blood, he raised his head with difficulty and looked in the direction of the crow's voice.

I saw a few men in black with wooden boxes on their backs running over quickly.

Their faces are covered with simple black cloth, which is used to simply isolate common germs.

Although useless.

At this time, a burst of dust suddenly rose.

The fastest man in black saw Yuanyi who was sitting next to Jiguo Yansheng at a glance. He slammed a shovel from the woods and rushed directly in front of Yansheng.

And with a backhand flick, the medicine box on the back was opened and placed on the ground in an instant, the movement was very quick.

"Hey, you..." Ji Guoyansheng frowned, seeing the anxious look of the "doctor" in front of him, he felt a little uneasy.

But the next moment, a thin wooden stick stabbed straight at Ji Guoyansheng's mouth, making him speechless for a moment.


In Ji Guoyansheng's bewildered expression, the man in black skillfully pulled his mouth with a small wooden stick, and observed his gums and pupils.

"The pupils are not dilated, and the gums are normal..." the man in black murmured, he quickly put down the wooden stick in his hand, and then looked down at Ji Guoyansheng's abdomen, which he was covering.

"No internal organs were injured, it's a blessing in misfortune."

Afterwards, he took out a small red cube from the medicine box and lightly ground it with a knife.

Mixed with a little water.

Then he poured it into Ji Guoyansheng's mouth.

"Uh! Uh!"

Ji Guoyansheng frowned. He looked at the man in black who started to rummage in the medicine box, and couldn't help it for a while.

It doesn't feel good to be at the mercy of others.

He wanted to reach out and pick up the bandage beside him to stop the bleeding, but he lost so much blood that he no longer had the strength to lift his arm.

Ji Guoyuan on the side seemed to see his brother's concerns, he patted his brother lightly on the shoulder, and comforted him:

"Brother, don't worry."

"They are the logistics organization of the ghost killing team, and they are responsible for the medical treatment of the injured team members and the cleaning after the battle."

Ji Guoyuan stared at Ji Guoyansheng, and didn't care about Yansheng's embarrassing expression:

"Please trust them."

Yuan Yi's eyes were very sincere.

Ji Guoyansheng didn't want to look at Yuanyi anymore, he turned his head away, suppressing the nausea in his heart, and looked at the barracks where the battle was horrific.

At this moment, more than a dozen men in black with the word "hidden" written in white on their backs shuttled between the barracks, and they were all providing the most urgent treatment for the seriously injured.

"Give me a bottle of styptic powder!"


"Come here two people! He has no heartbeat!"

"Come on, one, two, three!"

Seeing the simple and quick actions of Yin's players, Ji Guoyan was curious about the organization of the Ghost Killing Squad for a while.

If it is true what Yuan Yi said, then that organization may be full of pure and noble people.

Even like this group of people in front of them, they came to the rescue of a military camp that they didn't know before without saying a word.

But, think differently.

If the other party did this because of Yuan Yi, then it would be too hypocritical.

Different from the disgusting feeling that Yuanyi gave him, this kind of hypocritical kindness made Yansheng even more disgusted.

He narrowed his eyes.

Everything will naturally be revealed when he joins the Ghost Killing Squad.



In the Tomioka mansion.

in the cellar.

A dense crowd of evil spirits swarmed in the darkness ahead, and several pillars were constantly using long-distance attacks to kill the ghosts

——No one would dare to break into such a dense crowd of ghosts like this, even the pillars.

"Breathing... something new."

Everyone looked at my wife Shancun who felt the breath in a strange way.

Since the kid passed out suddenly just now, his tone and demeanor have become a little abnormal.

"Hey! Are you really okay!"

Naruya Kazama slammed the wind blade into the darkness in front of him, and immediately drove back a large group of evil spirits who wanted to rush out. He hurriedly asked my wife Shancun.

My wife Shancun was taken aback for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Naruya Kazama who was shouting at him.

Then the corners of his mouth turned up, he gave a thumbs up, and his voice was loud:
"of course!"

"I'm too high!"

After speaking, he took a step back and flicked his yellow feathers, and the moonlight falling from the entrance of the cellar illuminated his yellow hair.


Holding the handle of the knife at his waist, the memory of life and death that was deeply imprinted in his soul made him adjust to the best posture in an instant.

"Hiss!" The lungs expanded violently, and my wife Shancun took a deep breath.

"Thunder's Breath · One Shape..."

My wife Shancun closed his eyes, he felt his body temperature rising, and lightning flashed in his eyes.

In the kingdom of heaven in my mind.

The real my wife is good at standing here, he made the same movements as his outside self, and slowly corrected his previous wrong habits.

He held Leiqie tightly around his waist, and then exerted a little force on his forearm.

At this moment, the two pillars of Feng, who were resisting the rock in front of them, looked at each other, and then withdrew abruptly.

Let my wife Shancun open a passage that can lead directly to the depths of the cellar.

next moment.

My wife Shancun opened her eyes.

"...A flash of thunder!"

boom--! !

The dazzling golden thunder instantly illuminated the dim cellar!

"God fast!"

The light shone on the cellar, and my wife Shancun's legs were tense, wrapped in thunder, and she sprinted out at top speed!

Faster than ever.

Almost instantly, a gust of wind blew up at the entrance of the cellar, and Shui Mu Yue Bai couldn't help covering his eyes with his sleeves.

The next moment, he hurriedly looked into the cellar.

The thunder illuminated the depths of the cellar section by section, and it was still roaring and advancing at an extremely fast speed.

Where the golden lightning passed, the surface of the ground was covered with scorched black traces.

The originally damp cellar suddenly became a little dry.

The ghost's occasional arcing stumps were scattered all over the place.

Even twitching.

Minzukutsushiro was standing next to Kazama Naruya, he squinted his eyes and looked at my wife Zencun who passed smoothly all the way, the corners of his mouth twitched:

"This terrain... really suits him."

"Yeah." Naruya Kazama nodded, and then his eyes became a little confused again:
"This guy... When did he become so courageous?"

(End of this chapter)

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