Chapter 176 – I'm Carsick


The moonlight was hazy, and the darkness gradually became thicker.

deep mountains.

Outside the Tomioka mansion.

"Run! Run!!" The evil ghost scratched in a panic, he staggered and fell to the ground, and then crazily crawled out of the mansion with all his limbs in disarray.

We reached the trail leading down the mountain in front of the mansion.

He turned around in horror, and found that there was no Ghost Slayer Squad swordsman chasing after him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran down the mountain in big strides without looking back.

--boom! !

The evil ghost felt as if his head had been hit hard, as if he had hit a hard boulder.

He took two steps back, shook his head, and looked at the empty path ahead in surprise.

Stretching out his hand, he tentatively touched the air twice.

pat, pat.

I got it!
Slimy stuff, but tough...

The evil ghost was taken aback for a moment, then quickly raised his head to look at his palm, and patted it hard again.


The light red ripples spread along the touch of the evil ghost's palm.

A red translucent barrier slowly revealed his true face.

The evil ghost followed the bloody ripples with dull eyes, and raised its head until it looked directly at the moon sky.

No, this is no barrier,
The blood-red semi-circular barrier has shrouded the sky, completely sealing off the surroundings of the mansion.

"...What is this!" the evil spirit shouted in despair.



In the main hall of Fugang.

Shang Quannai squatted in the center of the main hall, and the dead man from Tomioka lay weakly on the ground beside him.

The little girl Hanako was crying in the corner of her eyes, quietly leaning on her brother and fell asleep.

"Is it ready?" Kanroji Sakuramochi was holding the sword, she leaned against the door of the main hall, and asked Shang Quanna who was slowly getting up.

"En." Shang Quannai nodded, he straightened up, and the blood from his fingertips slowly flowed back into his pores: "It's basically done."


He lowered his eyes slightly.

Tomioka's dead man's brain was damaged, and he has no ability to restore it.

He didn't dare to recover at will.

This also means that Tomioka Shishi will maintain an emotionless personality until the future.

Shang Quanna glanced at Hanako, who was relying on Tomioka's dead man, and he slowly looked away.

"Let's go." Ganluji Sakuramochi took a step out of the door, her eyes looked at the uncleaned cellar in the Tomioka mansion.

"There are still hundreds of ogres hiding in this deep mountain."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and closed her eyes slightly.

【Vampire · Barrier · Perception】


Blood-red ripples rippled from the barrier of the dome, spreading down the barrier.

Everything within the barrier is within the perception range of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

This enchantment was proposed by Shang Quanna when he first entered the Tomioka mansion.

The range is the entire Tomioka mansion.

The purpose is to try to see if the barrier can prevent Wu Mi from entering the Infinite City.

Although the final result was not the best, it managed to wipe out almost all the evil spirits in the Tomioka mansion.

If any were not trapped, it was only the ghosts who were out hunting before they came.

Amid the faint smell of blood, Ganluji Sakuramochi slowly opened her eyes, and she looked at the back of Shang Quanna who was walking in front of her:

"There are four more 520."

"Most of them are gathered at the edge of the barrier now, and they seem to want to grind a hole in my barrier."

Ganluji Sakuramochi walked to Shang Quannai, she raised her head sideways, and slowly grasped the handle of her Taidao.

"Well, I saw it." Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes slightly, and he looked in the direction of the mountain road leading to the outside of the mansion in the distance.

There, a large group of red souls crowded together and crowded together.

There are other red soul groups in other places, but the place with the most ghosts is here.

- Now the plan is very clear.

The location of Infinite City is already in his hands, and the existence of Zhuyuan is equivalent to having the remote location of Infinite City updated at any time.

Now, you only need to clean up the debris on your hands first, and then you can directly set off to attack the Infinite City.

"Up!" Shang Quannai's bone knife was placed in the main hall just now, and he reached out to touch the empty space at his waist.

After grabbing the thighbone casually and pulling it out again, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

"Yeah!" Ganluji Sakura Mochi nodded, and she followed closely behind.


The edge of the enchantment.

Here is a downhill field, and there is a cellar exit next to it, from which ghosts are escaping in a steady stream.

Shang Quannai appeared behind a large group of ghosts. He concealed his aura and scanned all the evil ghosts who were staring at the barrier.

The evil spirits all stared at the enchantment attentively, and no one noticed Shang Quannai who was hiding his breath.

"Quick! Can you do it! No, let me do it!" The evil ghost forcefully pushed away the same kind in front of him, and then grabbed the barrier with one paw.

The claw is broken.

"Asshole, this thing doesn't work at all!"

"Idiot! You want to do this!"

"Vampire technique, you use vampire technique!"

The evil spirits crowded around the edge of the barrier, using their vampire skills to rub and corrode the barrier, trying to escape.

It's too late.



Shang Quannai raised the bone knife in his hand, and the blood overflowed from the palm, like a blooming blood-colored Bana flower, spirally wound around the blade.

The blood exudes a mysterious and strange bright red light, dotted around the blade.

Shang Quannai's pupils quickly locked on the necks of all the ghosts with their backs to him, and adjusted the angle of the blade in his hand.


Slash violently!

The blood splashed out with the vigorous swing, forming a new blade spinning and slashing.


Under the blood-red moonlight, countless heads with stunned expressions rose into the sky.


Shortly after.

Da da da!
"Ah, Your Excellency Kamizumi!"

Purgatory Renshoulang, who is in charge of cleaning up evil spirits in different areas, has just killed a ghost, and he is observing the movements of the evil spirits.

When passing by, I saw Shang Quannai sitting on the eaves of the gate.

He clutched his arm, blood dripping from between his fingers.

Although the ghosts who know the blood ghost technique are no longer a threat to the pillars, but there are too many ghosts, and it will be very troublesome to deal with.

Purgatory Renshoulang looked at the pool of blood in front of Shang Quannai and the broken corpse of the evil spirit that was gradually turning into ashes, and then looked in another direction.

In that direction, the blood shadow is soaring, it seems that the witch of Ganlu Temple is acting.

"What's wrong?" Shang Quannai turned his head when he heard the words, and he glanced at the wound on the arm of Purgatory Renshoulang:

"Have you met a powerful ghost?"

"Ah... it's just a small scratch, it's okay!" Purgatory Renshourou scratched his head and said in a more energetic way, suddenly his tone changed:
"By the way, Your Excellency Shangquan, do you know where Your Excellency Ji Guo is now?"

"The other four pillars are now focusing on the same cellar entrance. There are more ghosts there, but this has also caused serious injuries to the team members in other places..." Purgatory Renshoulang hung his head, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"Maybe, we need some help..."

He knew that Kazama and Iwami believed in his strength, so they would give their backs to him with peace of mind.


Shang Quannai jumped down from the eaves, and he patted Purgatory Renshourou on the shoulder:

"Yuanyi, he is protecting his family now, so he can't get away."

"I'll just go."

Speaking of this, Shang Quannai subconsciously glanced at the number of ghosts that still existed around her, only to find that the red souls were disappearing at a rapid rate.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"No, I don't need to go anymore."

"...The ghost has been killed."

At this time.

Suddenly there was a burst of roaring from the entrance of the cellar on the side.

boom!boom--! !

"Thunder's Breath! One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash!"

Accompanied by the roar and the shaking of the ground, my wife Shancun, who was covered in golden lightning, rushed out from the entrance of the cellar in an instant!

The continuous high-speed movement put a heavy load on his ankle, and he was unable to turn again.

So, under the surprised eyes of Renshou Lang in the Purgatory, my wife Shancun, with a knife in her hand, bumped into the enchantment of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple.

The body slowly slipped and limp, and fell to the ground.


Purgatory Renshoulang glanced back at the entrance of the cellar next to him in a daze.

He clearly remembered that my wife Shancun rushed in from another cellar.

"Are the cellars connected to each other?" He muttered to himself.

"By the way, Your Excellency Shangquan, Your Excellency Yuanyi...what is it about protecting your family..."

Purgatory Renshourou suddenly realized, he looked at Shang Quanna worriedly: "Is there something wrong with Sagiri Mountain?"

Purgatory Renshourou can recall the memories of Ji Guoyuan's family for a while, and only Uta and their children at the foot of Sawu Mountain are the only ones.

And Sagiri Mountain is where half of the Demon Slayer Squad's headquarters is located, if something goes wrong there...

Just as Purgatory Jinshourou asked, Minazukibai and the other two Zhulu came out from the entrance of the cellar one after another.

"Huh, I'm exhausted..." Minazukishiro supported the stone next to him, gasping for breath, his haori had already been torn.

"Unexpectedly, there is only a layer of earth wall between the cellar and the cellar."

"Fortunately, that kid smashed his head against the wall."

As they were talking, several people saw Shang Quanna who was talking with Purgatory Renshourou, and hurried over.

But when they saw that the two were talking, they didn't intervene, just quietly gathered around and listened.

After Shang Quannai glanced at the people who came out of the cellar, he withdrew his gaze, and he answered the question of Purgatory Renshourou:

"Yuanyi, his brother who is a samurai and his retainers encountered a ghost."

"Without the Sun Wheel Knife, you can't kill ghosts at all, so Yuan left in a hurry."

Because the ghosts had basically been cleaned up, the few people gradually became less anxious.

"What!?" My wife Shancun on the side pricked up her ears, jumped up from the ground, her eyes were full of light.

Apparently, he was himself again at this moment.

"Brother? His Excellency Ji Guo's elder brother!?"

My wife Shancun shouted in surprise, which also attracted the attention of several other pillars at the side.

"The neon number one?"

Yanjian Yanci looked at my wife Shancun with some doubts.

"Ah, I remembered." Minazuki Shiro clapped his palms, and he nodded:
"It seems that Your Excellency Ji Guo said something like this..."

"My elder brother is the number one swordsman in neon." Minadutsukushiro said in a low voice, imitating Ji Guoyuan's tone.


"Number one..." My wife Shancun stood up, and he looked up at the night sky, his eyes full of longing.

"The elder brother of Your Excellency Jiguo must be very powerful."

"...Well, it's inevitable." Minazukishiro folded his arms, closed his eyes and nodded, agreeing with my wife Shancun's thoughts.

"A strong one..." Naruya Kazama leaned against the stone, hanging his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"I want to exchange ideas." He clenched the handle of the knife tightly.

Although he walks between life and death every day, it is still more hearty to fight against humans.

Shang Quannai looked at the Zhumen who were almost thinking, and felt a little sympathy for Yansheng in his heart.

Ji Guoyansheng, who has not learned the breathing method and has not been exposed to any ghost blood, is just a samurai at this moment.

"It's time to get out of here."

While muttering, he looked up at the main hall of Fugang towering in the distance.

There, there are now a large number of Fugang people who have been rescued from ghosts.


the other side.

Following the country camp.

"Brother, I will carry you on my back." Ji Guoyuan extended a helping hand to Ji Guoyansheng who was leaning on the tree trunk.

Ji Guoyansheng stretched out his hand and knocked off Yuanyi's hand. He used his broken knife to support it, enduring the pain and standing up.

"I can go."

"I see." Ji Guoyuan nodded.

"However, if the wound recurs, please be sure to inform the Yin team members." Yuan Yi lowered his eyes slightly, but his tone was full of worries about Yan Sheng.

Ji Guoyansheng didn't speak, he just supported his body with the broken knife, and walked forward slowly.

Seeing this, Yin quickly waved to him:

"Your Excellency over there! Go this way."

"We have carriages!"

"Huh?" Ji Guoyansheng frowned slightly.

Afterwards, the three members of Yin ran over quickly, forcibly carried Ji Guoyansheng who was struggling, and got into the carriage.

on the carriage.

"What about Yuanyi? Doesn't that guy need to take a carriage?" Ji Guoyansheng calmed down his emotions and said to the coachman through gritted teeth.

But Yuanyi's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"My lord brother, I still have a task to do, so I won't go with you first."

Ji Guoyansheng was startled, his neck was stiff and he turned to the side, then nodded silently.

At this time.

The crow on Yuanyi's shoulder suddenly began to speak in a low voice:

"Yuanyi, you don't have to come back."

"The evil spirits on the Tomioka mansion have been cleaned up, and we are preparing to go back."

"You can go back with your brother. If it is convenient, you can gather at Sawu Mountain, just in time for the other pillars to get in touch with the new team members."

Ji Guoyuan glanced at the crow on his shoulder, then silently looked at his elder brother in the carriage.

He opened the curtain and sat in.

After seeing each other for ten years, Yuanyi still has something to say to Yansheng.

Perhaps because of the health of his wife and children, Yuanyi is now willing to share his experience with his brother.

And just when he was about to speak.

But he found that Ji Guoyansheng was putting his head out of the carriage window, his neck shrugging.

"...What's the matter? Brother."

"I'm carriage sick."

Ji Guoyuan withdrew his eyes in some doubts, looked straight ahead, and sat upright.


Isn't the carriage still moving now?

(End of this chapter)

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