Chapter 181 – The Confused Ji Guoyan Sheng

Inside the doctor's hall.

Ji Guoyansheng sat next to the unconscious ninja, and his younger brother Yuanyi walked over slowly.


Ji Guoyuan hugged a bunch of maps, took one first, handed it to Ji Guoyansheng, and lowered his head slightly at the same time:
"Sorry, I didn't take care of my brother's emotions."

"Also please... my elder brother, don't take their words to heart."

Ji Guoyuan looked at his brother seriously, but it seemed that he couldn't see any real emotion in his eyes that never wavered.

"..." Ji Guoyansheng looked at his outstretched hand hanging in mid-air, while Yuanyi said to himself, without any intention of handing over the map.

He hesitated for a moment, then snatched the map from his younger brother, stopped talking, and began to examine it seriously.

In the center of the map, there are three large ink characters written:

— Infinity City.

Ji Guoyansheng lowered his head, looked at the map intently, and pretended not to care.

As soon as Yuan saw that his brother was so serious, he didn't disturb him any more, turned around and left slowly.

And began to distribute maps to other hidden players.

"This is yours." Yuanyi handed the map to a Yin team member passing by.

Previously, Ubuyashiki Fuyo had already talked to Ji Kuni about the functions of these maps.

After reading it carefully, he basically memorized the contents on the map.


—and he sent his own.

But what he didn't know himself was.

Enichi himself, who is currently the strongest swordsman in mankind...

——I can't understand the rhythm.

This is thanks to the five-tone-deficient flute in his arms, wrapped in his wife's sachet, made by his brother Ji Guoyansheng when he was a child.

"...Thank you." The Yin team members looked at Yuanyi handing over the map one by one, and were slightly dazed.

After taking over the map, Yin's team members continued to help the doctor and Zhu Shi.

"Huh..." The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, his hand holding the scalpel was trembling due to fatigue, after spending a period of time with Zhu Shi, his medical skills improved by leaps and bounds.

He who can teach himself medical skills in troubled times seems to have some talent.


After cutting off a piece of necrotic tissue, the doctor quickly stopped the bleeding.

Zhu Shi held some potions, carefully lifted the hem of the kimono skirt, stepped on the gap between the crowd, and walked back and forth among the seriously injured patients.

Blood smeared on the walls and floors of the doctor's building, and a disgusting smell of blood spread.

Only this group of members of the Ghost Slayer Squad, who have seen blood all year round, don't feel anything about it.

clap clap!

Zhu Shi lightly patted the seriously injured person's face, held the potion between his fingers, and shouted softly:

"Hey—can you hear me?"

Afterwards, Zhu Shi frowned slightly, looking at the unresponsive wounded, feeling a little troubled in his heart.

——No longer conscious.

She raised her head and shouted to the doctor who was operating in the room:

"Mr. Doctor—Is there any blood tonic?"

"Yes!" The doctor yelled and answered, and not long after, a hidden team member ran over holding a medicine tube.

"Thank you." Zhu Shi took the medicine, thanked him softly, and continued his treatment.


On the side, the pillars are discussing something around the obstetrician Fushi and the monk Quanna.

blood red...

What could it be?

In the infinite city, the sky is full of blood red.

Blood ghost?then what?
The possibilities are so wide that the only useful information seems to be the location "Infinity City".

And Shang Quannai's own plan is to directly and precisely pursue the location of Infinite City for a sneak attack after resting.

Therefore, the decisive battle will be in the infinite city, which should be part of the plan.

It seems that no information has been obtained.

Shang Quannai lowered his head, while he was thinking, Ji Guoyuan was handing out the map of Infinite City in his hand.

"...Your Excellency Kamizumi." Ubuyashiki Fuyo was silent for a while, and he looked expectantly at Shangquanna:
"Any ideas?"

The eyes of all the pillars also looked at Shang Quannai.

Shang Quannai rested her chin with her hand and shook her head slowly.

"...Sorry, I can't think of anything useful for the time being."

Ubuyashiki Fuse saw Shang Quanna's sad face, and he also knew how difficult it is to deduce something with just this little information.

Even Shang Quannai can't deduce anything, the poor information is so poor.

But he was not too disappointed, after all, this was expected.

After everyone was silent for a while, among the pillars, only Jingui Renshourou's expression slowly changed from excitement to depression.

The others looked slightly dazed.

After all, they don't know much about Infinity City yet.

At this time, Shang Quannai slapped the map of Infinity City spread out on the table.

"Time is running out. Wu Mi is seriously injured now. If we wait until he fully recovers, we will be the ones who are passive."

"Infinite City is now in the direction of Kyoto. To seize this opportunity, time is running out."

In the last battle that could completely kill Wu Mi, Shang Quannai left blood that could monitor the location of Infinite City at the end.

Although I didn't expect that Takehara was also in the infinite city at this moment, and replaced the role of "locator".

But after all, in exchange for a second hope.

Shang Quannai's eyes were solemn, he glanced at the several pillars in front of him, and looked at each other one by one:
" the last chance."

"It's not too late."

"Start the decisive battle training!"

Although it is the best choice to go directly to the past now, but...

Shang Quannai glanced at the other team members, as well as the Zhus, the exhaustion on their faces and the wounds on their bodies reminded Shang Quannai.

Not only was there no tragic damage, but the ghost killing team as a whole also suffered a lot of strain.

"...Ah, is it training again..." My wife Shancun, who had a serious expression just now, suddenly collapsed, and he leaned against Jiichiro's body weakly.

He kept muttering something in his mouth, but very quietly.

Jiichiro smiled helplessly.

Just when everyone was shaking and looked at Shang Quanna timidly, Ganlusi Sakura Cake slowly approached.

She poked her head out curiously, and looked at the few people:

"what happened?"

Miyayashiki looked at her, then smiled and explained to her what happened.

After explaining for a while, Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake suddenly realized and nodded, but there was still confusion in his eyes: "Is the sky full of blood red...?"

——It kind of looks like your own vampire technique...?
At this time.

Purgatory Renshourou raised his arm with a somewhat gloomy expression, and asked in a resonant tone:

"Excuse me!"

"When does training start?!"

Shang Quanna put away the map on the table, pasted it on the wall next to him, and looked back at Purgatory Renshourou:

"The training location is on the top of Mount Sagiri."

"I give you half a quarter of an hour to arrive at the mountaintop shrine on Mount Sagiri."

"Assemble in front of Yugaki."

"No steps."

Considering that the Zhumen still had some slight strength, Shang Quannai deliberately extended the time.

When the pillars heard this, they all looked at each other and got ready.

Jiichiro patted my wife Shancun on the shoulder, he left the pillars with a smile, and returned to his room.

Sagiri Mountain is actually quite difficult to climb.

"Start now!"

Boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, the few pillars in front of him disappeared in a flash.

There was only a little dust rippling caused by the recoil of kicking the ground like an arrow leaving the string.

And the door of the doctor's hall also kept shaking due to the impact of huge force.

On the street outside, my wife Shancun's screams could be faintly heard.

Fuyo Miyashiki also leaned on a cane, and with the help of the hidden team members, he slowly left the doctor's office and got into the carriage.

Chen Ji has been busy processing redundant maps in the carriage.

On the side, Ji Guoyansheng, who was concentrating on observing the map of Infinite City, was taken aback, and he looked up in confusion.

But nothing unusual was found - except that the pillars were missing.

At this time, Shang Quannai happened to turn sideways, and pointed to Ji Guoyansheng who had been sitting there all the time:
"The one over there!"

Seeing Shang Quannai pointing at him, Ji Guoyansheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and put away the map he was looking at:
"What's the matter?"

The tone is very upright, and even the voice is a little serious.

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyan's feathered weaving and stacked armor, and then subconsciously looked at Ji Guoyuanyi.

—— Ji Guoyan wins.

As Enichi's older brother, he was chosen at birth as the successor to the head of the country.

With a strong self-esteem, his self-esteem is often pressed to the ground and trampled.

I was instilled in the concept of "you should be strong and you must be strong" since childhood.

Therefore, the young Yansheng kept sighing, "It would be great if a talent like Yuanyi could be given to someone who has studied swordsmanship painstakingly."

At that time, Yuanyi only wanted to play children's games with his elder brother.

The difference in cognition when they were young also led to the birth of the initial differences between the two brothers.

This has also completely led to it, after realizing that his younger brother has crushed his character since he was a child, and has been taking care of his own feelings in the dark.

The huge contrast caused Ji Guoyansheng, who had a strong self-esteem, to fall into a flame called "jealousy".

In the original development, he even resolutely chose to cut off the head of Fuyo Ubuyashiki in order to become stronger than Enichi.

He held the head of Miyashiki Fuyo,

——Go to seek refuge in Wu Mi.

The incarnation became the first winding moon ghost in the history of the original book.

——First String [Black Death Mou]

But even if he became a ghost, he never forced Ji Guoyuanyi.

And in the hundreds of years of swordsmanship training, he gradually forgot why he had to surpass Yuanyi in the first place, and even what would happen after surpassing Yuanyi, he never thought about it again.

It's just that the obsession in his heart has been driving him to move forward and become stronger.

In the end, in the Taisho period 400 years later, during the decisive battle in Infinity City, he was confused by the memories of Yuanyi that suddenly popped up in his heart, and was killed by the three pillars.

Turned to ashes in sourness and regret.

This is Ji Guoyansheng's original life trajectory.

Thinking of this, Shang Quanna paid attention to Fuyo Ubuyashiki beside him.

Perhaps the relationship between the two of them has not been very good, and Ji Guoyansheng was so happy in the original book.

Come back to your senses.

Since Shang Quannai exists at this moment, it is impossible for Ji Guoyansheng to experience such a bloody life again.

When he, a butterfly, flapped its wings 600 years ago, the original timeline of Demon Slayer: Blade also changed.

"You have to go to training too."

Shang Quannai was talking to Ji Guoyansheng, and he glanced at the awakened ninja lying on the table next to Yankatsu again:
"The one next to me also wants to."

Hearing this, Ji Guoyansheng nodded slowly, stood up slowly, and took off the armor on his body without saying a word.


The heavy stacked armor fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Then, after Ji Guoyansheng stared at the markings on Shang Quannai's forehead and collarbone for a long time, he was silent for a while.

And hesitantly pointed to Shang Quannai and asked:


"Is the scar on the forehead natural?"

Shang Quannai withdrew his outstretched hand, and he subconsciously touched his forehead when he heard the words.

He quickly realized that Ji Guoyan Sheng was referring to the markings that he hadn't paid much attention to.

It is the dark red markings that appeared after waking up in the Warring States Period.

Under Ji Guoyansheng's expectant gaze, he slowly shook his head:

Ji Guoyansheng was taken aback when he heard the words, then suppressed the joy in his heart, let his tone become cold and indifferent, and continued to ask:

"Then how did this kind of scar... appear?"

"Did it just happen naturally, or did you do something?"

As if realizing that his attitude was wrong, he changed his words and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious because my younger brother has the same marks on his face."

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyansheng who was pretending not to care, he lowered his head slightly to suppress the corners of his mouth, then raised his head and frowned, as if recalling something:
"Ah... I remember... indeed..."

Ji Guoyansheng's breathing became faster.

"I seem to have fallen asleep."

Shang Quannai turned his head to the side, and did not meet Ji Guoyansheng's eyes: "'s been a long sleep."

"After waking up, there were such marks on my forehead." Shang Quannai pointed to her forehead and said.

Ganlusi Sakuramochi was observing the map of Infinite City beside her. When she heard Shang Quannai say this, she immediately raised her head and answered with some complaints:
"It's really long."

Shang Quannai scratched her head in embarrassment, and at the same time her eyes became darker.

Ji Guoyansheng's expression gradually changed from indifferent to in sync with his heart, revealing a puzzled look.

Obviously, Shang Quannai's words completely aroused his inner curiosity.

The urgency in his heart forced him to know how the spots like Yuanyi appeared, and the cold expression on his face could not be restrained.

"How long?" Ji Guoyansheng asked concisely.

Shang Quannai turned around in surprise, he thought that according to Ji Guoyansheng's temperament, he would not ask any more questions.

"Do you really want to know?"

Ji Guoyansheng did not answer Shang Quannai directly, but stared at him straight.

Shang Quannai's eyes became a little helpless, he looked above the doctor's office, took a deep breath, and looked like he was recalling the past.

He is deliberating.

Then he said slowly:


"About 600 years."


Ji Guoyansheng was expressionless, and a question mark appeared above his head like a real question.

(End of this chapter)

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