Chapter 182 – Self-discipline


Inside the doctor's hall.


Ji Guoyansheng tilted his head slightly.

The purple snake pattern kimono on his body was stained with blood, and he looked at Shang Quannai suspiciously.

I couldn't understand what Shang Quannai said.

600 years?
go to bed?

Ji Guoyansheng folded his arms, his eyes gradually became complicated.

Although he was still expressionless, there was already a lot of doubts in his eyes.

The amount of information hidden in this sentence seems to be a bit too large.

Shang Quannai and Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake stood side by side, and the two had already reached the door of the doctor's building.

At a moment when Ji Guoyansheng was stunned because he couldn't understand, Shang Quannai stretched out his arm and nodded his arm:

"Training is at the top of that mountain, remember to keep up."

He pointed to Sagiri Mountain in front of the doctor's office.

"Considering that you are a newcomer, there is no need to arrive within half a quarter of an hour, as long as you can arrive within a quarter of an hour."

"By the way, remember to call the guy lying next to you." Shang Quannai pointed to the ninja who had awakened and was trying to sit up by himself.

"That's it, see you at the top of the mountain."

After finishing speaking, he decisively waved his hand to Ji Guoyansheng.

Ji Guoyansheng was not given any time to react or speak.


Pulling the Ganlu Temple cherry cake, under Ji Guoyansheng's somewhat astonished gaze, the two turned into afterimages and disappeared in place.

At the same time, after Guo Yansheng's death,

Creak... There was the sound of the wooden door being pushed open.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan of dark red feathers pushed open the door from Uta's room, he looked at his dazed brother with his head, and didn't say much.

Quietly closed the door again.

Go back to the room.

Pull open the window.


He easily flipped out of the window without passing Ji Guoyansheng.


Landing safely, Ji Guoyuan flicked his ponytail one by one and turned his head.

Yu Duo was sitting on the bed, holding the child in his arms, smiling and giving Ji Guoyuan a thumbs up.

——This is the final answer that allows the two brothers to live in harmony after Uta's deduction.

— That is not to get along.

Solve the problem from the root.

This seemingly outrageous solution was unanimously approved by Yu Duo and Ji Guoyuan.


And the doctor's hall is in place.

"...strange guy."

Watching the two disappear in place, Ji Guoyansheng withdrew his outstretched arm with some doubts.

He frowned, and sat back again. He lowered his head slightly, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

600 years...?
Is this person teasing me?

All kinds of "taunts" by Yu Duo first, and then by my wife Shancun, made Ji Guoyansheng a little mentally sensitive now.

Ji Guoyansheng frowned slightly, put his hand on his chin, and began to deduce it with his meticulous thinking of running a family for many years.

In the thinking of ordinary people, it is impossible to think about sleeping for 600 years.

After thinking for a while, Ji Guoyansheng decisively denied his previous thoughts.

No, it shouldn't.

Judging by the way that person analyzed the battle situation and gave orders to others just now, his status in the Ghost Killing Team will not be low.

Even the "Lord Lord" would come to him to discuss matters, which is evident.

A person in such a high position should be similar to me in the family.

He will not make such low-level jokes easily, and he will even be serious in general.

If you really can't tell, you should say it cryptically, or refuse directly.

Therefore, this sentence should have other meanings, not literally.

So...what does he really mean...

In my mind, all the words I said just now and the demeanor and movements of monk Quannai kept repeating.

Da da.

Tapping lightly on the wooden seat with his fingers, Ji Guoyansheng supported his head with the other hand, and let his mind go thinking.

He seems to have speculated a little bit.

The scar on that guy's face was exactly the same as Enichi's.

My own question is how to have such a scar.

Yuanyi, how to have...

So, what he really means is...

"!" Ji Guoyansheng stood up abruptly, and he raised his head in astonishment.

——Is there a full 600 years of distance between myself and Yuanyi? ! !

"Hey..." Ji Guoyansheng choked on his own speculation, he opened his mouth slightly in disbelief, and was in a trance.

how is this possible…

His eyes were gradually lost, and he sat back staggeringly, his arms resting on his knees weakly, and his body lay down limply.

He looked at the ceiling, replaying Yuanyi's appearance in his mind, as well as the god-like swordsmanship of the opponent when he killed ghosts.

— 600 years?

But the insurmountable gap between myself and my younger brother in my memory seems to confirm this point.

Even if he practiced hard, struggled between life and death, and became the patriarch, he still couldn't bear the knife that fell from Yuanyi.

"...So that's the case." Ji Guoyansheng lowered his head, his eyes became more and more certain.

"It's reminding me."

He stared at the floor and was silent for a while.

The appearance of Yuanyi keeps reappearing in his mind and imagination, that appearance is suppressed by absolute advantage every time, but his face is expressionless, and he doesn't know the so-called appearance.

Really infuriating.

600 years... the time to practice swordsmanship?
What a desperate time.

"But." He raised his head, his gaze was extremely firm, just like the gaze he had when he decided to abandon his family and follow fate for a while:
"I'm not someone who gives up so easily."

Whether it was the family's difficulties in the past, or the difficult scene of annihilation of the entire army on the battlefield, he survived.

But it's just, come on again.

Even if the longest life of a person is less than a hundred years.


Ji Guoyansheng's heart, which was still active just now, suddenly fell silent.

Life is less than a hundred years...

With a gloomy face, he picked up the Sun Wheel Knife provided by team member Yin for newcomers, and pushed open the door of the doctor's office.

Slowly set foot on the road to Sagiri Mountain.


The ninja lying on the spot gritted his teeth quickly after realizing that his master had walked out of the doctor's office.

"Hey!" He straightened up with difficulty.


Randomly tearing the cloth strips next to him, after wrapping his wound that had stopped bleeding, the ninja followed Ji Guoyansheng and ran out.

Jiichiro leaned against the door frame beside him, he witnessed all this.


In Jiichiro's view, Ji Guoyansheng, who made a series of actions by himself just now, is undoubtedly a very strange guy.

Turning around, he sighed helplessly.

However, how can there be a normal person in the ghost killing team?

No matter how normal people are, when they choose to join the Ghost Killing Squad, they are already abnormal.

Behind him, in the dark room, my wife Yuzi with black hair was sitting quietly on the bed.

His dark brown eyes were regaining consciousness.

Beside the bed, there was a knife with a golden eye on it.

The eyeballs of the golden pupils twitched, as if observing everything in the room.

Suddenly, my wife Yuzi turned her head, and she looked at Jiichiro quietly.

And Jiichiro has gotten used to the numbness of the person whose elder sister stares at her so often, he kept smiling and walked all the way to his bed.

At this time.

The plain voice of my wife Yuzi resounded in the silent room:

"Go help Xiao Shancun."

"Eh?" Jiichiro raised his head in astonishment, looking at his sister.

It had been a while since he had heard my wife, Tamako, speak.

As if knowing that Jiichiro didn't hear clearly, my wife Yuko said again in detail:

"Little Shancun, if you don't have relatives to take care of you."

"I will do my best." She paused every word, while her eyes were very serious.

Jiichiro looked at his older sister who was a little stunned due to his incomplete memory. He stood up and smiled helplessly:
"Yes, I'll go."

Saying that, he picked up the new sun wheel knife that he entrusted someone to forge last time, and walked out of the room.

My wife Yuzi smiled when she heard this:
"Good boy!"


Jiichiro walked out of the room, stretched out his hand and slowly closed the door, and then a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"It's not my fault, Shancun."

"My sister asked me to train you."



Narrow Mist.

The mountain road leading to the shrine.

Several figures ran wildly competing with each other, only one yellow figure landed at the end of everyone.

"Huchi—huchi—" Purgatory Renshourou rushed to the front with his dazzling hair. He adjusted his breathing, and the sound of rapid breathing was even clearly audible.

Yanjian Yanci clasped his hands together, his tall body was abnormally dexterous, he was stepping on the tree trunk at this moment, using the distance between the trunks to jump forward.

Perhaps it has something to do with the cultivation he did when he was a monk, and he is particularly proficient in this area.

"Is Shancun really alright?"

"That guy's personality is very similar to Jiichiro's...but his style of doing things is two extremes."

"That's right, one is very aggressive, and the other doesn't want to move until the joint moment."

Kazama Naruya and Minazutsukushiro ran side by side, while consuming each other's breath through dialogue, and stalemate each other, no one can surpass the other.


Under the sunlight permeated by the mist in the morning, the pillars kept running.

A few hundred meters behind the figures of the pillars.

"Ha-ah..." My wife Shancun walked behind, yawned slowly, and wiped away the tears that seemed to have not woken up from the corners of her eyes.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the group of running pillars in front of him leisurely, with a tired expression on his face.

"Really, I don't want to run... I obviously didn't sleep last night."

With drooping shoulders, my wife Shancun hunched her waist weakly, climbing towards the top of the mountain step by step like a walking corpse.

"So tired—"

"Why are those guys running so hard...?"

"Is it really human?"

My wife Shancun felt that his eyelids were unusually heavy, and he had bags under his eyes, feeling weak all over.

In my mind, my wife Shancun began to talk to my wife Renshan in "Heavenly Kingdom" unconsciously:
"Senior, something is wrong..."

"What's wrong?" My wife Renshan, who was lying on the grassland looking at the sky, was bored to the point of numbness, and his eyes were dull.

"We almost killed that ghost king."

My wife Shancun has a sense of emptiness in his heart, he always feels empty in his heart, as if the results he should have worked hard for have turned into nothing:
"But why is there no real feeling at all?"

"...Idiot." My wife Renshan sat up, he felt the breeze blowing from the heaven, and said in a calm and short tone:

"Is there any credit for almost killing that ghost king?"

"In this crusade, you only cleared out the little soldiers."

"There is no actual harm at all, what will it feel like, hallucination?"

"Speaking hurts, senior." My wife Shancun rubbed his temples, his tone was very loose: "Obviously everyone feels this way."

Suddenly, my wife Renshan in the kingdom of heaven did not answer my wife Shancun, but fell silent in a rare way.

Perhaps, it's not that this year's Zhu Zhu didn't work hard enough.

On the contrary, the strength of this batch of pillars is much stronger than that of the previous ones.

Breathing method, half-ghost body, advanced 600-year-old knife forging technology...

This kid Shancun is not a person who does not work hard, he practiced harder than anyone else in secret.

I didn't sleep the night before I went to crusade against Wu Mi.

My wife Renshan lowered her head, and he touched the empty Leiqie scabbard at his waist.

Is it because those two are too dazzling?
"Next time, I will risk my life." My wife Renshan sighed, he looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and said softly:

"...I won't be around for long."

But because the voice was too low, my wife Shancun couldn't hear it.

If Shang Quannai was here at this moment, he would find out.

My wife's benevolent appearance is getting closer to my wife's kindness.

The scar on his face could not even be seen.


outside world.

Shangquannai and Ganlusi cherry cakes are rushing forward at a speed that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

"Arrange them to train near the shrine? Not to the obanyashiki?"

Ganlusi Sakura Cake frowned slightly, she was a little reluctant to wake up every day to see a group of men sweating profusely in training.

After all, she lives in the shrine most of the time.

Shang Quannai was aware of the concerns of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, and he explained:

"Don't worry, they won't be allowed to train next to the shrine."

"The shrine is halfway up the mountain, and the oxygen on the top of Sagiri Mountain is thin, which is very suitable for practicing breathing."

"So, let them be on the top of the mountain." Shang Quannai tilted her head slightly:

"It's just gathering at the shrine."

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake nodded slowly when she heard the words, her pink hair was wrapped in a small enchantment and was not disturbed by the wind.

Huhu——The faint sound of wind came from behind.

As they continued to move forward, a yellow figure slowly appeared in the field of vision of the two.

The faint voice of conversation also came from the standing still figure:
"Hey, senior."

"How about... help me climb the mountain!"

My wife Shancun raised his head, he glanced at the distant mountain top, and suddenly had a whim in his heart.

"Look, in this way, my body has been restored and my mental exhaustion has been satisfied. This is a dual method..."

"Right! Before..."

Shang Quannai suddenly appeared next to my wife Shancun. He bent slightly, his red eyes without highlights slanted close to my wife Shancun, and his tone was gloomy:
"…What did you say…?"


what sound? !

My wife Shancun was frightened instantly, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and his trembling pupils slowly looked to the side.

No, there is no need to look to the side anymore.

Shang Quannai's face with a terrifying expression was already in front of her eyes! !
Take a deep breath.


My wife Shancun's eyes widened in fear, her yellow hair stood up straight from her scalp, and she shouted loudly with a terrified expression:
"I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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