Chapter 183 – The Kyoto Incident


"We will reach the top of the mountain within ten seconds." Shang Quannai's face was next to my wife Shancun's, his tone was eerie, and his scarlet and bloodshot eyes added to the sense of horror.

My wife Shancun, who knelt down and confessed, trembled.

Is there anything scarier than trying to cheat only to find out that the cheat sheet was thrown at the teacher? !

"Otherwise, you can prepare your own clothes tomb first."

"Cloth Tomb?!"



Near the top of the mountain.

Zhongzhu, who was running, heard my wife Shancun's screams like howling ghosts and wolves.

They all stopped and looked back in surprise.

"Hey... that was Shancun's voice just now, right?" Kazama Chengya frowned slightly, and he said to Minazuki Shiro beside him.

"What happened? He seems to be asking for help."

"It's something bad."

Minzukutsushiro nodded, responding to Naruya Kazama.

"Huh..." Purgatory Renshoulang panted heavily, constantly using the rhythm of breathing to stabilize his breath.


Yanjian Yanci jumped down from the tree, and also stood still on the spot, silently looking down the mountain.


What's weird is that none of the four pillars wanted to go down the mountain to help my wife Shancun.

They had a tacit understanding and didn't move, they just stood there and watched.

And the next moment.


An eye-exploding surge of golden thunder erupted from the foot of the mountain, accompanied by an ugly cry like howling ghosts and wolves.

The golden and blue lightning intertwine, getting bigger and bigger in the field of vision.

Carrying a scorching heat wave, it rushed up from the mountain in an instant.


In an instant, it passed the standing four pillars.

The hot wind blew Sizhu's hair, and then they realized that they looked back in astonishment at my wife Shancun who had rushed to the top of the mountain.

in the eyes of the people.

My wife Shancun, who was full of tears, soared into the sky, and the golden thunder bloomed in the summer sun.




Pedestrians and vendors are bustling to and fro.

The neon lights at this time can only have such a "prosperous" scene in Kyoto, which is called "Edo Castle" at this moment.

At least the war seemed to have no effect on the city.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, there are still many farmers and soldiers moving stones to build Edo Castle.

Someone was waving the manuscript in their hands vigorously, and could only wipe the sweat with a worn and rough cloth on his forehead.


"Have you heard the recent rumors?"

An ashigaru cautiously said to his companion beside him, and after he finished speaking, he looked around in fear:
"That rumor in the city." Ashgaru's tone was terrified, even a little trembling.

"What? What made you so flustered?" The companion didn't think so, but smiled disdainfully, thinking that Ashgaru's tone was very funny.

"That's the one!" Zuqing smacked his lips, looking impatient, he stretched out his hand and patted the other party.

The companion saw Ashgaru's demeanor and movements, and occasionally took it seriously for a while, his eyes were a little helpless:
"You mean... the rumor of the 'big monster' in the city?"

"That's right, no matter day or night, someone will disappear at home!"

Ashigaru nodded quickly, he didn't dare to say what kind of big monster that thing was: "It's scary!"

"Is such a method really a monster?"

The companion is used to chatting casually with Ashigaru, he turned around and waved the pickaxe in his hand vigorously:

"It's more like the hidden methods of the gods in mythology..."

"God...?" Zuwei frowned slightly, he tilted his head, and did not deny it.

What these two people don't know is that the retainers of the Shangshan clan who asked them to build Edo Castle now mobilized their hands to build it because of this rumor.

——They want to expand and renovate the ancient city.

——In order to suppress the so-called "rumor" and "big monster".


I don't know how deep it is.

An unreasonably huge building appeared here, squeezing out a space.

Dim yellow lights flickered with blood red.

This is - infinite city.

Wearing a blood-red mask, Takehara sat on a treetop, quietly like a dead statue.

The huge vascular treetops are extremely sharp, breaking through the deep soil layer, and growing towards the top of the infinite city.


The treetops of blood vessels continue to extend, gradually covering the entire underground space of "Edo Castle".

Then, a thin treetop pointed at a certain location on the ground.


Violently broke through the ground!

Stuck into something soft on the ground.

Gulp, gulp, began to gulp down the drink.

on the ground.

Inside a mansion.

in a dim room.

"Ah!!" As soon as the maid carrying the tea entered the room, she was terrified by the scene in front of her. The tea in her hand fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

in front of her.

——Sitting on the ground, holding the bamboo slips, the master of the family has held his head high at this moment, and his eyes are popping out of their sockets.

A red thing protruded from his mouth, as if piercing through him, constantly bulging.

With the ups and downs of the red treetops, the master's body slowly became shriveled under the gaze of the maid.

——It finally turned into a piece of human skin that can transmit light.

The maid looked at the scene in front of her in horror. She fell to the ground, her body was already unable to walk, and her pupils slowly recovered from the fright.

Finally, he rolled his eyes and passed out.



Another red treetop pierced through the maid's abdomen, starting a new round of absorption.



In the infinite city.

A giant tree of blood vessels extended from the back of Naruto's head, and on the other side of the giant tree, there was a huge opening.


A red, human-sized egg wrapped in mucus was spit out.

Through the translucent wall of the ball, the creatures inside can be vaguely seen.

—is a human form.


Time slowly came to noon.

mountain top.

The top of Sagiri Mountain is covered with dense forests and shrouded in mist. Even at noon, the visibility here is still very low.

The light is dim like evening, only the dense forest in the thick mist in the distance can faintly seep into the white light.

The oxygen is also extremely thin, even less than the oxygen in the swamp.

Shortness of breath after a little exercise.

The five pillars stood in a row, and they all held their own weapons in their hands.

The new addition, Ji Guoyansheng, stood on the other side with the ninja, not with the pillars.

Ji Guoyuan and Ji Yilang sat on the stone beside them, smiling and waving at the pillars.

Shang Quannai stood in front of Zhu, and he had let them rest for the whole morning in advance.

After all, everyone hasn't slept all night, and they must be very tired at the moment. If you train harder in this situation, you will break down.

"Papa!" He clapped his hands, making the pillars more awake.

(End of this chapter)

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