People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 184 – When a Martial Arts Practitioner Sees an Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 184 – When a Martial Arts Practitioner Sees an Immortal Cultivator

The top of Sagiri Mountain.

Oxygen is thin, if ordinary people are in this kind of place, they may have difficulty breathing directly, just like drowning on land.

Kanroji Sakuramochi had left the top of the mountain, and she returned to the shrine.

After all, Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, which has worked hard for hundreds of years, has reached its peak.

There will be no further progress in a short time, so she chooses to go back and sort out the current information with Miyashiki Fuyo and Chen Ji.

"Are you awake?" Shang Quannai looked up at the sun hanging in the middle of the sky through the thick fog, and he said to the pillars in front of him.

After glancing at the group of pillars, he nodded:
"Now that we're all awake, let's begin..."

Suddenly, a hand was slowly raised from the middle of the team:
"Wait... Shang... Hu... Master Shangquan..."

It was Naruya Kazama, who was panting heavily with a pale face.

At this moment, the difference in the comprehensive strength of the pillars can be seen at a glance.

Kazama Chengya, who is the least proficient in breathing, is currently supporting Iwami Kenji, who stands like a mountain, with one hand, panting continuously.


Pulling back his collar, revealing the hideous scars on his chest muscles, he raised his head and breathed with difficulty.

After all, Naruya Kazama created the breathing method by himself halfway through, and even he himself is not very proficient in it.

In such a place with thin oxygen, he felt a little uncomfortable for a while, and his breathing rhythm was messed up, causing his body to be severely hypoxic now.

His eyes were a little dark, his hands were on Yan Ci's shoulders, his head was shaking, as if he was about to faint.

Purgatory Jinjurou and Minazukishiro looked over worriedly, and beside me, my wife Shancun was standing with drooping shoulders with a face full of tears.

Shang Quanna squinted his eyes and observed Naruya Kazama's body. He didn't speak, but turned his head and looked at Ji Guoyuan.

——If this guy didn't breathe according to the rhythm of his breathing method, he wouldn't be so hypoxic just by relying on his own physical fitness.

——I kept maintaining the childish rhythm of breathing, but I became disordered.

"Relax." As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood up from the side, he walked over and patted Kazama Chengya's back lightly.

Ji Guoyuan had noticed something wrong with Kazama Chengya early in the morning, and he had been secretly observing the other party's breathing pattern.

Now, he has completely mastered the "breath of the wind" that Kazama Chengya imagined.

"Follow my rhythm, don't be nervous." Ji Guoyuan said softly, and his breathing pattern began to change.


Following Ji Guoyuan's guidance, Kazama Chengya closed his eyes tightly, his breathing gradually calmed down, and Xuqing's face also returned to blood.

At the same time, his own somewhat incomplete breathing method gradually became complete.



Ji Guoyansheng, who was struggling to breathe, looked here with a strange expression, feeling very puzzled.

What did Yuanyi do?
Ji Guoyansheng struggled to keep breathing, but still felt short of breath.

All his attention was focused on Yuanyi, and he didn't mean to pay attention to others at all.

In contrast.

Standing aside, the ninja whose injuries no longer affected his movement was obviously much easier to breathe.

——Ninjas have been trained to hold their breath in water since they were young, and they are often better than ordinary people in these aspects.

He looked at Yan Sheng who was staring at Yuan Yi silently in front of him, looked down at his hand, and hesitated.

But after a while, the ninja gave up on his idea of ​​teaching Iwakatsu an easier way to breathe.

——Master has such a strong personality, so he probably won't accept his method.

He thought, tightening the kunai and shuriken around his waist.

There is a simple sleeve arrow ejection device on the forearm, which is a very simple but very practical ninja mechanism.

——In these days, who still throws away kunai with their hands.

At this time.

Shang Quannai in front of the team suddenly waved at Ji Guoyuan:

"Then the team here will be handed over to you first, let them hone their breathing skills first."

Shang Quanna pointed in the direction of Ji Guoyansheng, and smiled at Ji Guoyuan:

"Your brother can rest assured and leave it to me."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he subconsciously looked at his elder brother in the direction of Shang Quannai's finger, recalling Yu Duo's advice in his mind
——Don't get close to your brother, or your brother will get angry.

"En." He turned his head back, and nodded to Shang Quannai expressionlessly, expressing his agreement.

Shang Quannai nodded, then turned around and walked in the direction of Zhuo Jiguo Yansheng.

Ji Guoyan Sheng glanced at Shang Quanna who kept walking towards him with some doubts, and he turned his head to look at Ji Guo Yuanyi who was correcting Yan Jian Yanci's breathing.

This came to my mind.

——Yuanyi, have you reached such a level in this ghost killing team?
——Well, it was expected.

At this time,

"Jiguo...Yansheng, right?"

Shang Quannai stood in front of Jiguo Yansheng and Ninja, with his hands behind his back, and he seemed to be holding something in the palm behind him. He looked at Yansheng:
"Yuanyi told me about you."

Ji Guoyansheng didn't speak, but his expression froze slightly, and then he nodded indifferently.

Shang Quannai heard the words, and turned his eyes to the ninja next to him:
"And you, what's your name?"

The ninja who had been silent for a while, trying to reduce his sense of existence, was taken aback. He looked at Shang Quannai blankly, as if he didn't expect Shang Quannai to ask him such a question.

The ninja was silent for a while.

Under the gaze of Ji Guoyansheng, the ninja opened his mouth and explained in a calm tone:

"The title of a ninja is a ninja, and a ninja has no name."

After speaking, the ninja closed his mouth again and fell into silence.

——Things with a name will have feelings for them, and ninjas should not have feelings.

Emotions will only hinder the progress of the task when doing the task, which is the weakness of human beings.

A ninja who has abandoned his feelings is the real "tool" for missions.

This is the consciousness that the ninja has been instilled all along, and he takes it as a warning, and he firmly believes it.

Shang Quannai glanced at the ninja in surprise, but after thinking about the current situation of the neon lights, it would not be too abrupt to have such a group.

He didn't question anything, but nodded silently:
"Have you decided to join the Ghost Killing Squad?"

This sentence is for the ninja.

"Where is the master, the ninja will be there." Almost without hesitation, the ninja replied decisively, as if he had said this sentence thousands of times, and his tone was very skilled.

This sentence also means that if one day Ji Guoyansheng decides to leave the Ghost Killing Team, then he himself will not stay.

At this time, Shang Quannai's ears moved slightly.

He heard the whispers from behind him, the group of pillars in Jiguoyuan area.

——Yuanyi wants them to fight each other.

——In this extremely hypoxic environment, melee combat is the best way to promote actual combat capabilities.

He came to his senses.

"Well, that's the last question."

Shang Quannai nodded, lowering her eyes slightly, her eyelids covering half of her pupils lazily.

The hand hidden behind the back stretched out in front of the body, and then slowly opened the palm.

The things held in the palms of the hands were also displayed in front of several people.

——Two small and exquisite bone bottles.

When Ji Guoyansheng and Ninja were attracted by the things in Shang Quanna's palm, he asked slowly:


"Want to become stronger?"

Shang Quannai's tone was low, but very attractive.

Just the moment he said this sentence.

The pillars behind him started the prologue of the chaos.

【Breath of Water · Shape of Land · Twisting Vortex】

"Drink!" Mizunatatsu clenched his teeth and twisted his body vigorously!

White rippling waves immediately swept around Minazukibai, and he suddenly jumped up high!
It directly attracted Ji Guoyansheng and Ninja who were looking at Shang Quanna.

The two raised their heads subconsciously, and looked behind Shang Quannai in shock.

——The blue and white waves as exquisite as Ukiyo-e, twirling and entangled on the body of the sword, floating in the air with the leaping swordsman.

next moment.

Purgatory Renshoulang stood on the ground, the soles of his feet grasping the ground, all the muscles in his body once gathered strength on his arms!
[Breath of Flame · Unrelenting Shape · Winding Flame】!
With the twisting of the blade, the dazzling red flame turned into a swirl and rolled out from the blade, instantly resisting the spray that Minazukishiro burst out towards the surroundings.

When the high-temperature flames came into contact with the spray, a large amount of white mist evaporated immediately.

Instantly blocks a large viewing area.

For a moment, everyone stood in the fog.

At this time,

【Breath of the Wind·Shape of Unbridled·Ascent to the Dust Haze】

Draw a knife!

Five criss-crossing cyan wind blades split out instantly, flying high from bottom to top.

The powerful wind blade immediately carried a large amount of water vapor, making the vision clear again.

"Huh..." Kazama Chengmi squatted down slightly with no expression on his face, his knife was already in the scabbard.


"Really, it's just a scuffle. Don't accidentally injure your teammates in the fog." He let out a long breath and looked at Shui Wu Yue Bai who had just landed.

At this time.

"Be careful!" Shui Mu Yue Bai had just landed, he glanced at Kazama Cheng Mi's direction, his pupils shrank in fright, and he reminded loudly.

Swish! !

A strong and rapid sound of breaking through the air instantly came from behind Kazama Chengmi's head!
[Sizhi type · rhyolite · fast sign]

Yanjian Yanci suddenly stepped out of the fog that hadn't dissipated!

The long naginata in his hand was wrapped in mist, and the blade was wrapped in white light, and he swung it towards Kazama Chengya at extreme speed!

boom! ! !
The ground deposit on the path of the naginata cracked open!
"!!" Kazama Chengmi's pupils shrank suddenly, the back of his head felt cold, and he immediately rolled forward on the spot!

Dangerously avoided the blade!

Iwami Kenci's naginata was cut deeply into the ground, and with a slight force on his arm, he pulled the naginata out of the ground.

Naruya Kazama turned his head in horror, looking at the place where he squatted just now.

—the ground there has cracked into a spider web.

"Monk! Do you want to kill me?!" Kazama Chengya glared at Iwami Yancima. He looked at the cracks on the ground and was afraid for a while.

He sat on the ground, his chest rose and fell rapidly, adjusting the rhythm of his breathing.

Just when the monk muttered "Amitabha Buddha" secretly, and was about to put away his sword and stand up.

A thunderous sound came from behind Chengya Kazama who rolled aside:


"Breath of Thunder!"

"One type!"

Chengmi Kazama's body went numb, he turned his head in horror, stared wide-eyed at my wife Shancun who was bending over and holding the handle of the knife at his waist, his whole body was wrapped in thunder.

My wife Shancun opened his eyes, and the golden thunder jumped around, reflecting his eyes completely white, and he took a deep breath:

"A flash of thunder—!!"

When Narumi Kazama heard my wife Shancun's shout, his eyes became more frightened, and he hurriedly looked at his companion beside him.


My wife Shancun took a big step!


"Drink!!" Thunder and lightning intertwined brilliantly!

Work hard on the soles of your feet!Kick it out!

The whole person lost his center of gravity in an instant, and the front half of his body was like a puddle of slime. He slammed on the ground hard, and fell like a dog eating shit.

However, the body was still propelled by the strong pedal force, so that my wife Shancun used the face brake to advance several meters.

Afterwards, under the dazed eyes of Naruya Kazama and the surrounding Zhu, my wife Shancun's legs hang down feebly, and her whole body is completely stuck to the ground.

The lightning also dissipated slowly.

The dust slowly scattered, which also heralded the end of the first round of "chaotic fighting".

"My wife! Are you okay!"

Seeing this, Renshou Lang, who was on the side, hurried over and helped my wife Shancun up from the ground.

However, my wife Shancun felt as if she had lost her bones, her whole body was limp and she was about to fall back.

His eyes were glazed over, and his face was covered in mud.

There was also an unconscious murmur in his mouth.

Shuimu Yuebai slowly approached him, he lowered his head and glanced at my wife Shancun's state, the corners of his mouth twitched:
"...He was out of oxygen and has passed out now."

"Eh?" Purgatory Renshoulang tilted his head, somewhat puzzled.

At this time, the persecuted Kazama Chengya surrounded him with a resentful face, cursing:
"He deserves it."

"In such a place where it is difficult to breathe, you still shout the name of the move so loudly."

"It's no wonder there's no lack of oxygen..."

"It makes sense." Yanjian Yancijian also came over, carrying the naginata on his back.

At this time.

Ji Guoyuan slowly walked over from the other side of the mountain road, holding a bunch of wooden knives for training in his arms.

Yuanyi looked up at the pillars forming a circle, and said:

"After you come here and get your weapons, you can start fighting."

"Weapons are made of wood, so you don't have to worry about hurting others."

Everyone turned their heads stiffly, the expressions on their faces were a little frozen and flustered.

"So, you didn't start fighting just now, did you?" Kazama Chengya asked Xiang Jiguo Yuanyi hesitantly, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

Ji Guoyuan nodded as a matter of course, and then seemed to realize something: "Did something happen?"

"...No." Kazama Chengya twitched the corners of his mouth, and secretly pinched Yanjian Yanci's flesh with his hands.

And aside.

Ji Guoyansheng and Ninja raised their heads dully, the interweaving of fire, thunder and waves just now was reflected in their pupils.

They stared blankly at the empty mid-air, their hearts filled with shock.

Ji Guoyansheng slowly withdrew his eyes, and he lowered his head to look at Shang Quanna's usual expression.

He felt that his own worldview.

It seems to be refreshed again.

(End of this chapter)

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