Chapter 186 – The Mimic of Shang Quannai


The top of Sagiri Mountain.

Ji Kuniwa Katsu and Ninja sat cross-legged facing each other.

In Yan Sheng's hand, he already held a bone bottle.

The atmosphere between the two has frozen to the extreme.

"My lord, do you really want to drink?" Ninja's tone was low, and he looked at Ji Guoyansheng with fluctuating emotions, feeling very uneasy about the contents in the bottle in front of him: "This kind of thing... makes people very disturbed!"

The ninja judged from his memory of cultivating anti-drug physique for many years, and the contents in the bottle in front of him were probably toxins.

Ji Guoyansheng nodded, and he looked at the bottle in his hand with gloomy eyes:

"Indeed, the words that drinking this thing will make you stronger are indeed like lies."

"If I were a child, I might still sneer, how can there be strength without hard work."

Ji Guoyansheng held the bone vase, his fingers worn out the old material of the bone vase, his tone was low, and he glanced at the pillars who were sitting and resting together.

And Ji Guoyuanyi who was sitting beside him, looking up at the sky.

He clenched the bone bottle in his hand, and his tone became firm:

"However, even if there is any opportunity in front of me now, I don't want to lose it."

"Strong, I must become stronger."

"at all costs."

After speaking, with the ninja's somewhat surprised expression, he picked up the bone bottle and was about to open the stopper.

In a panic, the ninja stretched out his hand to block Ji Guoyansheng's movement.

His eyes were serious, and his breathing became irregular due to panic:
"My lord, here are two bottles."

"You can let the subordinates test the poison first, and it's not too late for adults to drink it."

Ji Guoyansheng looked at the ninja who said this in a flat tone, his throat wriggled a few times, and finally nodded slowly:
"…I understand."

After a brief eye contact, the ninja slowly picked up a bone bottle.

"Boom!" He opened the cork.

Seeing the faint blood mist spreading from the mouth of the bottle, the ninja's pupils shrank.

——This thing is really poisonous.



the other side.

Da da da,
Shang Quannai held a small but delicate blood-colored Bana flower in his palm, and he walked towards Zhongzhu.

The pillars sat in a row in a circle, looking at the knives in their hands, their physical strength had been exhausted in the battle just now.


"What's there!" My wife Shancun, who was resting, felt a chill in the back of his head. He was so frightened that he immediately raised his head and looked around nervously.

In the end, I saw Shang Quanna who kept walking on one side.

The danger comes from around!

"What are you going to do?" My wife Shancun keenly sensed that something was wrong, and he immediately turned his head to look at Shang Quannai who was slowly walking over with some malicious intentions.

His eyes were tightly locked on Shang Quannai, he held his breath, and his calf muscles tensed up.

Get ready to run away.


Shang Quannai glanced at my wife Shancun who was still panting, he shook his head, walked straight past the pillars, and walked in the direction of Ji Guoyuanyi.

"Eh?" My wife Shancun was taken aback for a moment, he stared blankly at Shang Quannai bypassing him, a little confused.

The pillars looked at the two curiously. They got together and didn't know what they were discussing.

All I know is that Shang Quannai seems to have said something to Ji Guoyuan, and then Ji Guoyuan nodded and turned his attention to Ji Guoyansheng not far away.

—It seems that it has nothing to do with us.

All the pillars breathed a sigh of relief, and gasped again.

It is so difficult to breathe in this place.

Depressed and suffocating.

Ah, it is indeed a good place to practice breathing.

The pillars looked at each other, thinking in their hearts.

Just when everyone thought they could take a break

Shang Quannai walked back again.

Still holding the bloody Bana flower in his hand, he slowly walked past my wife Shancun while holding it in one hand.


He stretched out his hand and patted my wife Shancun's shoulder, which gave her a big jump.

"Why, what's the matter?" My wife Shancun stood up, he looked at Shang Quannai nervously, and asked a little dull.

"I will take you through the new round of training."

Shang Quannai smiled kindly at my wife Shancun. Seeing the yellow hair, he couldn't help but change his attitude towards him:

"Are you all ready?"

My wife Shancun's pupils trembled, and he backed away in fear.

——This guy is smiling, such a sinister smile...

"Well! Come on!" Purgatory Renshoulang was very excited, he stood up all of a sudden, and looked at Shang Quannai with fiery eyes: "I can't wait!"

Naruya Kazama opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and he looked at Jinju Renjurou who got up with a look of astonishment.

Shui Wu Yue Bai beside him was equally dumb.

"Well, everyone should learn more about Renshoulang's spirit."

Minzutsutsuki took a deep breath, stood up, adjusted his breathing, and looked at Shang Quanna:

"So, how should we train for the new round?"

After finishing speaking, Minazuki Shiro frowned slightly.

——Shang Quannai is laughing.

Since seeing Shang Quanna for the first time a few months ago, he has never seen Shang Quanna smile so... happy one day.

Shang Quannai still kept smiling, he nodded, and then explained:

"It's simple."

"In the next training, you need to unite and treat this place as a real battlefield."

As soon as the end of this sentence fell, the expressions of all the pillars became serious.

"And..." Shang Quannai lowered his head slightly, his voice gradually became cold.


The blood flow in the body slowed down, the muscles began to change, and the skin rose and fell, which looked quite scalp-numbing.

- Mimicry of ghosts.

As a ghost, Shang Quanna can change her appearance and form at any time.

He just used this skill on the bone knife before, but it didn't really work on himself.

Now, he is going to be a real mimic.

The goal of mimicry is

——No misfortune.

"From now on, you're going to..."

creak... creak...

Along with the ups and downs of the muscles, Shang Quannai's facial features, height and hair color also changed.

In the end, with black hair, slender eyebrows and cold eyes, wearing a black kimono, and fair skin without misery, appeared in front of Zhongzhu.

As Shang Quannai who has been thinking about how to target Wu Mi day and night, even if he doesn't mimic the real thing, he can still achieve nine images.

"Wu Mi" said slowly:

"Treat if you are innocent."

All the pillars watched Shang Quannai become like this, they were so surprised that they couldn't speak for a while.

"My God...does this sense of substitution be so strong..." My wife Shancun's expression was cloudy, but my wife's benevolence in the kingdom of heaven in his mind became excited.

"Ah... that's right."

"Wu Mi" on the opposite side seemed to remember something, he cut his wrist casually, causing the blood to flow out continuously:
"Since there are no misfortunes...then let's get used to the terrain of Infinite City in advance."

Papa, papa, viscous blood flowed down the arm, and soon flowed a large piece.

The cold voice of "Wu Mi" reverberated, like fingernails scratching on a blackboard, making one's scalp tingle.

As the blood spread, the bloody mist gradually rose and enveloped the surroundings.

The pillars held the knives at their waists, ready to attack at any time.

【Blood Confused·Vision Dream Fragrance·Change】

In Shang Quannai's left hand, the strange blood-colored Bana flower exuded a strange light in the blood mist.


A huge roar came from overhead.

The pillars looked up one after another.

"…what is that?"

Seeing the things gradually emerging in the sky, the pillars were all stunned in place.



In the shrine.

After hearing the sound from the top of the mountain, Fuyo Ubuyashiki walked out of the shrine, and he raised his head to look at the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Chen Ji, who was discussing countermeasures with Fuyo Miyayashiki, also hurried out:
"What's wrong?"

Miyashiki Fuyo looked at the dark clouds gathered on the top of the mountain, his eyebrows were slightly bent, and he smiled:

"Well, it's nothing serious."

"Chen Ji."

"I'm here." Chen Ji also looked up, and at the same time promised Miyashiki Fuyo.

"Let the other team members go down the mountain to appease the residents."

Chen Ji looked at the top of the mountain with some doubts, but when she really saw what appeared on the top of the mountain, her expression became a little frozen:
"I...I see..."


Narrow Mist.

mountain top.

Thick fog hung over the top of the mountain.

Seen from the outside, it seems to be circling around the top of the mountain.

The black mist turned into dark clouds and became thicker and thicker.

At the foot of the mountain, the people in the town of Sawushan, who just got up to work with the dawn, raised their heads in surprise to look at the top of the mountain, which was shrouded in dark clouds.

"...Ah?" A middle-aged man with a cloth belt on his forehead and a bag of praying ema on his shoulder raised his head and looked at the top of Sagiri Mountain suspiciously.

In doubt, his narrowed eyes gradually widened in surprise, he staggered back two steps, and pointed to the top of Sagiri Mountain:
"what is that?!"

I see.

On the top of Mount Sagiri, where the clouds and mist rise and fall.

A faint, irregular prismatic building slowly revealed its appearance.

That building is huge, hanging over Mount Sagiri!
A red mist hung over the place, making the building appear looming.

It was as if another Sagiri Mountain suddenly appeared hanging upside down, facing the real Sagiri Mountain peak!
"That's a house?!"

"Where is Miko-sama? Go and call Miko-sama!"

"... Miko-sama, you should be on the mountain now..."

"How to do…"

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Many of the people who live here choose to settle here because they were hurt by ghosts, or they used to be members of the ghost killing team.

They also see members of the Ghost Killing Team every day, so they are much more tolerant of such supernatural things.

The first time I saw this situation, I didn't choose to run away in a panic, but subconsciously wanted to solve it.

Just when all the people on the street were nervously gathering at their doorsteps, ordinary members of the Ghost Killing Squad ran out one after another.

Wearing black uniforms, with sundial knives hanging from their waists, they hurriedly ran over in a row, smiling softly to appease the crowd:

"do not worry!"

"It's safe! Trust us!"

A member of the Ghost Slayer Squad was covered in scorching sweat. He looked at the residents in front of him, who were far outnumbered by the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad, and felt dizzy for a while.

"Captain!" He turned his head and yelled at the other team members who were wearing the same clothes: "What's going on here?"

"I don't know!" The captain answered the team members loudly, his voice came from the other side of the noisy crowd:

"However, since the lord said it's all right."

"Then it will be fine!"



Underground of Edo Castle (Kyoto).

Infinite City.


As the viscous bloody liquid exploded, another translucent light red egg slid down from the trunk of the giant blood vessel tree.

As the egg slides from the trunk to the roots, it slowly hits another egg.

Look around.

In the infinite city, a layer of red egg hills has been erected.

Dark red humanoid figures were curled up in the ovum, their chests slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of breathing.

"Dangling...Dangling..." Mingnu lowered her head, and played weakly on the strings. The word "四" in her eyes was distorted, and her eyes were dim.

On the side, the remaining five Shangxian ghosts who had lost their self-awareness were leaning on the giant tree of blood vessels, their hands and feet hanging down like empty shells.

On the top of the giant tree of blood vessels.


Takehara stretched out his stiff arms and grabbed a branch that was attached to his neck.

With an effort, the branch was pulled out from the back of the neck.

Where the branch broke, scalding blood splashed everywhere and sprayed in mid-air.

Crackling, crunching.

Twisting his neck casually, Takehara stretched:
"The body is almost adjusted..."

After several days of self-cultivation, coupled with the continuous supplement of nutrients through Naruto's giant blood vessel tree, Takehara's body finally perfectly harmonized with Wu Mi's flesh and blood.

At the same time, it also alleviated the negative state of the breath of the sun carried by Wuyou's flesh and blood, and Shang Quannai eating the soul's blood.

The negative state of Rihu can be alleviated so quickly, thanks to the blood of Shang Quannai in Takehara's body.

Clenching his fists tightly, Takehara felt an unprecedented powerful force in his body.

He lowered the corners of his eyes, his tone changed abruptly, and he said slowly in a miserable voice:

"...Now, just wait for the blue Bana flower to appear."

"Damn can't see what's going on in Sagiri Mountain at all..." Wuyou squinted his eyes, observing Sagiri Mountain through the eyeballs arranged outside Sagiri Mountain.

The red barrier blocked the field of vision detected by Naruto's blood ghost technique, and the interior of Sagiri Mountain could not be seen at all.

"It doesn't matter, we just need to see those two guys leave the barrier."

Takehara's tone was low, his eyelids drooped, and he gently rubbed his head with his hands.

"So?" Wu Mi asked, he controlled Zhuyuan's body and turned around, looking at the ball eggs at the root of the giant blood vessel tree:
"What are you doing with all this useless trash?"

"It's useless for those things to hatch, right?" Wu Can's scarlet eyes glanced at the human figure curled up in the egg. He really didn't know the meaning of these things.

"You don't understand." Takehara didn't answer him directly, but decisively denied Wu Mi's thoughts, making Wu Mi a little stunned.

Wu Mi and Takehara faintly occupy half of his body, and he feels a little puzzled about Takehara on the other side.

"...What do you mean?" Wu Mi questioned, if it was normal, he would definitely be sullen at this moment, and began to think of ways to torture the person who said this sentence.

But now, he was somewhat used to Zhuyuan's existence.

They obviously occupy the same body, but their minds don't have any meaning of becoming the same.

Takehara looked up at the ceiling of Infinite City, and murmured:

"If someone wants to live, someone has to sacrifice."

" want to live, don't you?"

Takehara lowered his head, his eyelids half covered his pupils:

"I want, too."

"Always wanted to."


(End of this chapter)

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