Chapter 187 – Childhood Nightmare


The top of Sagiri Mountain.

"...What is that?" My wife Shancun stared blankly at the huge shadow cast above her head.

Minazuki Shiro was taken aback, and quickly took out the map of Infinity City that Fusei Ubuyashiki had given him from his bosom.

He raised the map in his hand and compared the outline of the map with the reflection in the sky back and forth.

- Exactly the same!
In a trance, the surrounding thick fog and blood fog merged with each other.

An infinite city created by Shang Quannai's blood ghost technique suddenly appeared above the top of Sawu Mountain.

Of course, this is not an infinite city with real quality, but something similar to hallucinations simulated by vampirism.

Zhu Shi's blood ghost technique can create illusions and transform them to create a real vr effect with a touch of touch.

The layout inside is exactly the same as the Infinity City layout that Shang Quannai saw last time.

——He even imitated a fake Naruto sitting in it.

After reflecting on the bloody Bana flower in his hand, it barely made Infinity City feel a little real.

Shang Quannai, who had turned into a miserable figure, smiled even more strangely and coldly. He held the bloody Bana flower and stretched out his other hand.


snapped his fingers.

The false Infinite City descended slowly, and finally enveloped the entire top of Sagiri Mountain.

The pillars looked at the enveloping Infinity City in amazement, and when they touched it, it was like passing through water, and a slightly heavy feeling pressed on the bodies of the pillars.

The eyes also became very heavy, and they couldn't help but close their eyes.

When they opened it again, the scene in front of them had changed drastically.

Brightly lit infinite city.

There are criss-cross houses and overlapping sliding doors.

And platforms floating in mid-air that defy the rules of physics.

"bring it on."

Wu Mi's voice came from a platform not far away, and the voice echoed in the infinite city.

The pillars looked up subconsciously.

Wu Mi squinted her scarlet eyes half-closed, looking down at the five pillars with contemptuous eyes:
"Please please me."

He raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled up in disdain:
"...Can it be done?"


Ming Nu sat kneeling beside Wu Mi, holding the pipa in her hand, flicking it once or twice from time to time.

A red mist of blood erupted from around Wu Mi's body!In an instant, it crushed the stunned pillars!
"Puff ho...!!" My wife Shancun was the first to bear the brunt. He stretched out his hand to resist the incoming wind pressure. The huge pressure made it difficult for him to keep standing in place.

He staggered and rolled back.

Shui Wuyuebai looked at Wu Mi standing on the platform with astonishment, in a trance, he even thought that Shang Quannai had been replaced by Wu Mi.

--real or fake.

Raise your head, in the field of vision.

creak... creak...

A few bone whips protruded from behind Wu Mi, waving wantonly in mid-air.

Shang Quannai, who used to have no momentum, was peaceful, and was often in a daze, has disappeared.

What was left seemed to be the cold-blooded Wu Mi who despised life.

It's...a ghost.

Minazuki Shiro's pupils trembled slightly, and his hand had unconsciously held the knife at his waist.

The same goes for the other columns.

At this moment, they seemed to really remember it.

Shang Quannai is not human.

"Wu Mi" frowned impatiently when he saw the faces of Zhu Zhu moaning and chirping.

next moment.

The bone whip twisting behind him slammed towards the pillars!



outside world.

Another place that is very different from the Infinite City.

——This is a sunny and quiet courtyard.

The sunlight is very dreamy, and the outside of the courtyard is all white, which looks very empty.

On the side of the courtyard, there is only half a mansion-like building.

Two figures sat facing each other.

"Gudu! Gudu!" The ninja raised the bone bottle, expressionless, and poured it down in one gulp.

Then slowly opened his eyes.

Only then did I realize that the surrounding environment seemed to have changed in an instant.

Holding the empty bone bottle in his hand, with a little blood on the corner of his mouth, he looked around dully.

--here it is…

The same is true for Ji Guoyansheng who is sitting opposite him.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed just now, from the misty mountain top to here almost in an instant...

——The courtyard of the Jiguo mansion.

On the eaves at the side, tiles are carving the words "Jiguo" finely.

On the door of the mansion, the family crest of the family is also depicted in lavender traces.

Although Ji Guoyansheng was taken aback by the sudden change of the scene, all his attention was still focused on the ninja.

He also holds a bone bottle in his hand, and has even pinched the cork, ready to pull out the cork and drink at any time.

"Ninja." Ji Guoyansheng looked at the dull look of the ninja after drinking the liquid in the bone bottle, and he suddenly said:

"How does it feel."

The ninja stared straight at Ji Kuniwa Katsu's back.

Following Kuniwakatsu, the mansion extended to the corridor of the courtyard, and a figure wearing a red feather was sitting.

The figure is very thin and looks like a child.

Messy hair, casual clogs...

There are faint sun earrings on the ears.

The child-like figure was sitting on the wooden plank in the corridor at the moment, with his feet dangling from the edge of the plank, and his blurred face was looking up at the sky.

From time to time, I will reach out to observe my current appearance, which seems to be very novel.

--child?How could there be a child here?
——A very familiar figure... who is it?
The ninja was stunned for a while, and then he came to his senses, carefully feeling the changes in his body.


But after a while, he raised his head stiffly:

"My lord..." The ninja hesitated, his face was a little puzzled:
"It seems... nothing has changed..."

And the moment he said those words.

The heart tightened suddenly!
The majestic blood gushed out like a collapsed embankment.

The ninja's face was astonished, and it instantly turned red!He braced himself against the ground.

"Puff ho...!!"

Hands tightly clutched to the side, leaning on the corner of the huge stone.

Ji Guoyansheng frowned, and he stepped back slightly, looking at the ninja with some vague worries in his eyes.

At this time.

boom! !

Most of the rock that the ninja was holding was crushed and shattered!Turned into pieces of rubble and exploded.

The shattered stones flew in all directions, and a piece of debris brushed Ji Guoyansheng's cheek, which had no time to react, and bright red blood slowly flowed down the cheek.

Ji Guoyansheng stood up in surprise, and he quickly stepped back a few steps before the ninja had time to lie on the ground and curl up in pain.

His eyes were in a trance, looking at the gravel on the ground and the boulder that actually existed beside the two of them just now.

And the still unscathed hands of the ninja.

He touched the warm blood on his face.

The strength of the ninja has increased, and right in front of his eyes, he has broken through the restriction called "human beings".

That guy... wasn't lying.

In this world, there really are ways to become stronger without hard work.

In my mind, the image of Ji Guoyuanyi gradually became clear.

——Do you need to work hard?

Ji Guoyansheng lowered his head slowly and looked at the bone vase in his hand.

Remove the plug.

He carefully looked at the bottle filled with blood mist in front of him, and slowly closed his eyes.

Look up!

Gudu, Gudu.

As the Adam's apple wriggled up and down, Ji Guoyansheng swallowed all the blood in the bone bottle into his abdomen.

As the blood slowly passes through the esophagus, it merges into the body along the cells.

Ji Guoyansheng staggered back two steps, his hand weakly dropped the bone bottle in his hand, the whole person seemed to be drunk, and his spirit became a little confused.

Unlike the ninja who endured the pain by force, Ji Guoyansheng was a bit like drinking too mellow old wine in one breath, and his body couldn't digest it.

pat, pat.

The clogs slammed on the ground.

Finally, he stepped back in front of the child of Kurehaori behind him.

Sitting down.

The child with red feathers slowly moved his gaze down, he swayed his legs slightly, and looked at Ji Guoyansheng.

Suddenly, there was a hint of emotion in the dark red pupils of Gujing Wubo, and the child said to Ji Guoyansheng who was sitting on the ground:

In an instant, the blurred face of the child became clear instantly.

The young Ji Guoyuanyi, swinging his legs, sat on the edge of the courtyard corridor.

"...Ho." Ji Guoyan Sheng was a little fuzzy, he almost subconsciously turned his head away from Ji Guo Yuanyi with a disgusted expression.

——Why is Yuanyi from childhood here.

At this moment, Yansheng's thoughts were fuzzy, he just felt puzzled and disgusted, and he didn't feel surprised.

Oh, maybe it was some fantasies about Yuanyi's ability to appear anywhere at any time.

The young Yuan Yi tilted his head, as if he didn't quite understand Ji Guoyansheng's actions, he questioned:

"Before, my elder brother kept asking me how to defeat that teacher..."

"Brother, why...why do you want to become stronger?"

Ji Guoyansheng leaned slightly on his Da Dao, and he looked at the Ji Guo pattern on the Da Dao in a daze:

"This is my duty. I am the eldest son of the family. Everyone's future should depend on me to protect everyone..."

Suddenly, he paused, his eyes seemed to become clearer:
"No, it's not like that."

"The reason for wanting to be strong..."

In his mind, countless teachings from his father when he was young flashed across in an instant.

The reason at the beginning seemed to be for the family, to become a stronger warrior.


——Do you really think so?
Ji Guoyansheng lowered his eyes halfway, he felt a little weak in his arms.

——If I really thought that way, then I wouldn't have the idea of ​​abandoning my family...


In my mind, the dusty memories of my childhood flooded out.

The image of the younger brother in simple haori easily defeating the teacher stood up impressively.


He turned his head suddenly, his eyes became firm, but still not clear, Ji Guoyansheng stretched out a finger, pointing at the young Yuanyi:

"It's... to surpass you!"

The young Yuan Yi tilted his head, as if he didn't understand very much, and pointed to himself very cooperatively.

"...Why, why do you have such talent."

Ji Guoyansheng held the handle of the knife with both hands, supported the ground with the knife, and let his upper body stand up: "Beyond ordinary people's character, a gesture of indifference..."

"Why do you have such a powerful force..."

"It's so powerful...but it doesn't matter..."

"I can't understand it at's really..."

He took a deep breath, and his tone fluctuated:

The young Yuanyi quietly listened to Ji Guoyansheng who was not clear about his mind, and he silently lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

He opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound. He seemed to be saying "Why does your lord brother want to surpass me", but hesitated for a while, and didn't say it.

Instead, he changed his mouth shape, and said slowly, in a childlike tone:

"Brother, as long as you surpass me, is that enough?"

"Beyond me...after that?"

As soon as Xiao Yuan raised his head, it was the first time he asked his elder brother so seriously.

Ji Guoyansheng was equally stunned, leaning on the knife, his eyes slowly cleared from doubt.


After surpassing Yuanyi...

It seems like I haven't thought about it at all...



Ji Guoyan came back to his senses, at the moment he only felt a little headache, and was surprised by his own subconscious.

He is - never thought that he would surpass Yuanyi.

He has subconsciously denied the possibility of himself surpassing Yuanyi one day in the future, so he didn't think about things after Yuanyi at all.

"...I don't know." Ji Guoyansheng shook his head, he slowly closed his eyes, and his mind, which had been confused by Shang Quannai's blood, was gradually returning to normal:

"I just, simply want to..."

He slowly lay down on the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the sky:

"want to…"

The outstretched hand slowly retracted, touching his own face similar to Yuanyi's.

"...I want that, that's all."

The eyelids became heavier and heavier, but the spirit that became clear could hear the voice from the ear.

He closed his tired eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Da da da.

It was the sound of someone stepping on clogs and slowly approaching.

The sound is very crisp, it should be a person with a small body weight.

At this time, the youthful Yuanyi's immature voice rang in his ears:

"Brother, do you want to continue to become stronger at this moment?"


"Let me tell my elder brother the secret of my becoming powerful."

Subconsciously, Ji Guoyansheng's spirit was aroused, and he looked like "as expected, you must have the secret".

The young Yuanyi's voice still rings in my ears:


"...remember my breath."


Ji Guoyansheng felt a small hand on his chest.

Pressing slowly and hard, regulating the rhythm of breathing for him.


In a deep sleep, Ji Guoyansheng slowly accepted Ji Guoyuanyi's breathing method from his subconscious mind and muscle memory.


Shortly after.

It is still in the courtyard simulated by Shang Quannai with the blood ghost technique.

Ji Guoyuan, who looked like a young man, knelt and sat beside Ji Guoyan Sheng who was lying on the ground. He lowered his eyes, and the sun earrings on his earlobe shook slightly.

The image just now was also imitated by Shang Quanna, but in Yansheng's eyes, it was the appearance of a child.

"...Master Yuan." The ninja knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and respectfully called out to Ji Guoyuan.

Ji Guoyuan didn't answer him, but just quietly looked at his brother's heaving chest.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the false but dreamy light blue sky.

"...Master Iwakatsu, when will you wake up?" The ninja hesitated for a while, and finally asked with doubts.

"I do not know."

Ji Guoyuanyi's answer was very concise and decisive.

(End of this chapter)

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