Chapter 195 – Departure


Two weeks later,

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, swaying the pure and white moonlight.

A figure stood by the pool, vigorously waving the knife in his hand, and the sound of the blade cutting through the air was heard continuously and rapidly.

"Seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-five, seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-six, seven thousand nine hundred and nine..."

Chi Yan's hair shook slightly, Purgatory Renshoulang stood under the moonlight, his forehead was already covered with sweat, he adjusted his breathing, and tensed his gradually weakened arms.

Sweat slowly hung on the blade along the blade, and was thrown out as the blade was swung again and again.

Swing the blade again!
"Eight thousand!"

Purgatory Renshourou slightly inserted the blade into the soil, put his hands on the handle of the knife, lowered his head, and breathed calmly.

After the training of the pillars every day, he would always be alone and practice swordsmanship for several hours at night.

Day after day, every year since joining the Ghost Slayer Squad.

He raised his head and looked east.

As the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad, he must become stronger.

Only then can it turn into a scorching light at night before the sun representing hope rises.

Purgatory Renshourou likes what one of his juniors said very much.

'I want to share my happiness. '

'Our members of the Demon Slayer Team, everyone is doing this to create a world that is truly filled with happiness and peace, isn't it? '

The person who said this was Takehara.

The boy's tone was very sunny, but it contained a rather cruel approach to himself.

"Huh...Takehara boy..." Purgatory Renshourou let out a long breath.

He learned about Takehara's location from Shang Quannai a few days ago.

Takehara, in the Infinite City, is still alive.

When Purgatory heard the news, he understood almost instantly why Shang Quannai didn't tell him until this time.

——Stayed in the ghost king's base camp, Infinite City, for nearly half a year, and still survived.

There is only one possibility.

——The current Takehara may have become a man-eating evil spirit.

"Senior Purgatory! I can do it."

"Master Purgatory! Please don't worry about me!"

Takehara's voice echoed in Purgatory Renshourou's mind, and he lowered his head slowly.


The hand holding the handle of the knife became more and more forceful, until it lost its color.

Purgatory Renshourou clenched his back teeth tightly, his nose was slightly sore, and the anger in his heart kept rising.

He jerked the knife out of the ground.

Then swing the knife again!

Wow -!Crimson flames gushed from the handle of the knife!

Faintly, a strange blue-purple flame rose for an instant before being covered by the red flame.

"Eight thousand and one!"


Although Shang Quannai's blood is basically harmless to humans.

But after all, it is also the blood of ghosts.


the other side.

Between paddy fields.

Ji Guoyansheng was also bathed in the moonlight, wielding his blade lightly.

Compared with the steady momentum of Purgatory Ren Shoulang, Ji Guoyan Sheng at this moment seemed extremely relaxed.

Although it is also an open and close movement, it always seems to have a feeling of ease.

If you look closely, you will find it.

Ji Guoyansheng swung his knife—without swinging back.

This is the subtlety of following the country's swordsmanship.

The body stiffness caused by the retraction or exertion at the end of each move is subtly turned into the beginning of the next move, so that the use is extremely coherent and smooth.

Swish swish!
After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Ji Guoyansheng exhaled, turned his head and looked in the direction of the field not far from the next door.

There, a faint fire was flickering.

"...that guy Yanzhu..." He narrowed his eyes and curled his lips helplessly.

Ever since Shang Quanna said something to Renshoulang in purgatory a few days ago, purgatory has obviously become something wrong.

More drive than ever, but that passion is not as capable as it used to be-move other people.

"Trouble..." Ji Guoyansheng turned his head away, he no longer cared about other people's affairs.

At this time.


A drop of water fell into the clear pool beside it.

Ji Guoyansheng glanced in that direction subconsciously.

He caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the pool beside him.

"…that is?"

Ji Guoyansheng was taken aback for a moment, then slowly put down the knife in his hand, and slowly approached the pool.

He lowered his head and carefully observed his own reflection.

The eyes are gathered on the forehead and collarbone.

Faint traces of markings are imprinted there.

"This is...!" Ji Guoyansheng's pupils shrank, and he quickly reached out to touch his forehead, a gleam of joy rose in his heart.

——The same markings as Enichi!

That's how it is...that's how it is...

Recalling that Yuanyi had stripes since birth, and Shang Quanna also had stripes, Ji Guoyansheng touched his own faint stripes.

He thought he seemed to have found the reason for the surge in power.

Is this—is it a symbol of the strong?
Ji Guoyansheng admired the pool for a long time, until he met his own eyes in the pool.

The face that was too similar to Yuanyi came into view instantly, and the markings on his forehead made Ji Guoyan subconsciously feel that he saw Yuanyi.


Immediately he turned his head to the side unaccustomed, his complexion was pale, but the corners of his mouth slightly curled up:
"Yuanyi..." Ji Guoyansheng's eyes were sharp:

"I... am getting closer to you."



With high intensity training, time passes quickly.

A month flies by.

After all the pillars are familiar with the various changes in Infinite City and have made a complete grasp, Shang Quanna and Ubuyashiki Fuyo made a decision.

——Set off immediately and attack the Infinite City.

Today's Infinite City is still in Kyoto, and these real estate Yashiki Fushi did not give up Kyoto.

Instead, members of the ghost killing team were constantly dispatched to ambush around, trying to evacuate the people of Edo Castle.

But in this time of war, it is even more difficult to evacuate the people in a stable city.

Therefore, there is no obvious effect so far, and only a small number of casualties can be reduced.



Inside the doctor's hall.

The pillars have already started busy making the final preparations for their body-carried weapons, and they are walking around in the doctor's hall.

Inside my wife Tamako's ward.

"Shancun, take this, and this."

Jiichiro was holding a bunch of things, and he was stuffing my wife Shancun with a worried face:

"These are definitely useful."


My wife Shancun had a very helpless expression, he took the things from Jiichiro's hand casually, and put the other hand back on the bed.

He looked at his elder sister Yuzi, who was also sitting on the bed, looking for items for Jiichiro and handing them to him seriously, and sighed even more helplessly:


Then he pushed his hand violently, stopping Jiichiro and Yuzi's movements:
"Okay! That's enough!"

My wife Shancun's rare expression was very serious. He looked at the expressions of Jiichiro and his sister, and it was indescribable:
"How come, you are even more dishonest than me at this time."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hold Leiqie at his waist, and smiled at Jiichiro Yuko and the two confidently:

"I'm taking Leiqie, this knife is enough."

"I'm going to kill Wu Mi... It's a burden to bring other things."

"I also know..." Hearing this, Jiichiro frowned slightly, and breathed a sigh of relief: "But..."

Although he has witnessed Shancun's growth step by step, he is still very worried in his heart.

Facing such a ghost king...

clap clap!

"Okay, okay, nothing to worry about."

My wife Shancun patted Jiichiro's back vigorously, he put his arms on Jiichiro's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"The me now is not the guy I used to be who didn't know how to practice."

He turned his head and looked at his sister, his eyes were slightly moist.

Although he was smiling, he was also a little scared.

My wife Shancun raised the corners of her lips, her voice trembling slightly:

"The me now is super strong!"

"So... nothing to be afraid of!"

Jiichiro looked at my wife Shancun's forced smile, but he didn't say a word.

He silently stretched out his arms and hugged my wife Shancun.

Yuzi on the side was also silent, and slowly came over, hugged with the two brothers, her memory has recovered most of it.

My wife Shancun was hugged between the two, she was a little dazed, but after realizing it, she also hugged them tightly.

After a long time, the three of them slowly let go.

My wife Shancun smiled and stood up. He slowly stepped back to the door, and said to Jiichiro and Yuzi confidently:

"When I come back after cutting that Wu Mi, let's have a big meal together!"

After speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

Just after Jiichiro stared at the closed door for a long time, suddenly.


My wife Shancun pushed open the door again, and poked her head out from behind the door:
"Wait for me!"

Closed the door again.


outside the room.

My wife Shancun leaned against the door, he panted heavily, trying to relieve his tension.

After successfully calming himself down, he looked towards the lobby of the doctor's building.

In the lobby, other pillars were also busy cleaning up.

"Hey Kazama! What are you doing with the nails?" Minazutsushiro looked at Naruya Kazama who was holding some nails in a small sack with a puzzled expression.

"Shut up! I'm useful!"

Chengya Kazama turned his head and sprayed at him.

"Om, Shuri Shuli, Maha Shuli, Shuri Shuli, Savaha..." Yanci Yanci, who was on the side, was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue in the doctor's hall, reciting scriptures devoutly.

and many more.

My wife Shancun narrowed her eyes, and he sensed that something was wrong.

In the lobby of the doctor's building... I don't remember that there is such a Buddha statue...

Could it be that!
My wife Shancun suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Yan Ci told this guy, he was going to take that Buddha statue with him...

But the next moment, Yanci's actions dispelled my wife Shancun's thoughts.

He nodded reverently to the Buddha statue, then stood up, got up and left.

My wife looked at Iwami Yanci's leaving figure in bewilderment.

But when Yanjian Yancijian passed by my wife Shancun, he kindly reminded: "The meeting time is coming soon, it's time to wake up."

My wife Shancun was taken aback for a moment, then quickly raised her head.

It was only then that he realized that the Feng Shui Erzhu just now had left and went to gather early.

And in the lobby, the only person sitting still was Ren Shoulang of Purgatory.

He was sitting in the corridor on the side of the lobby of the doctor's building, looking straight at a sun wheel knife on the opposite side of the corridor.

It was the Japanese sword he originally wanted to give to Takehara.

The flame-shaped knives are very visually appealing.

At this moment, Purgatory Renshoulang is struggling.

Do you have this knife with you...

If you bring it, it's too much of a hindrance...

It would be a pity not to bring...

Just when Purgatory Renshoulang was struggling, a cry came from outside the doctor's hall:
"Hey! Purgatory! It's time to go!"

Followed by a rush of footsteps.

Naruya Kazama came over, and patted Jinjurou Jinjurou on the shoulder hard:

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for you outside."

Purgatory Renshoulang subconsciously nodded, and then couldn't help looking at the Sun Wheel Knife standing next to Zhu Shi's room.

…Feel sorry.

He turned his head, stood up, and smiled at Chengya Kazama:
"Let's go."

Da da da
After the pillars left.


Zhu Shi pushed open the door, carefully kept away from the sunlight seeping into the lobby, and then looked solemnly outside the door.

"My lords... Wu Yun is prosperous."


on the street.

It was just noon, and the sun was shining brightly.

All the members of the Ghost Killing Squad lined up together, Zhu, Class A players, Hidden players... counting carefully, there were only a dozen of them.

But these dozen or so members are already able to represent the top strength of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan stood at the front of the line, counting the number of people.

"Pillar...five...are all here, hidden members...thirteen?"

Shang Quannai raised his head and looked at the crowd with some doubts.

There is one more person.

A glance.

In an instant, he saw a pink-haired witch secretly poking at the witch hidden in the crowd, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly:
"Ganlu Temple...saw you."

Ganlusi Yingbing shook her figure, and slowly walked out of the team amidst the frightened expressions of the team members beside her.

She walked over with a face of reluctance, holding the big sword in her hand:

"Why don't you let me go."

Shang Quannai patted her on the shoulder righteously, and said the words he had prepared a long time ago: "The residents of Sawu Mountain need you."

This is true.

Ganluji Sakura Cake looked straight at Shang Quannai, and finally could only sigh helplessly.

She also asked Shang Quannai these days, but Shang Quannai just refused to let her join the team.

Ganluji Sakuramochi turned around slowly, looked in the direction of Sagiri Mountain, and then glanced sideways at Shangquanna.

— won't be the same as it was 600 years ago...just fine.

She dragged the big sword to the ground, and slowly left here under the fearful eyes of other residents on the street.

Ji Guoyuan stood aside without saying a word.

Yu Duo was holding the child, standing at the door of the doctor's office, and was waving goodbye to Yuan Yi.

Fate once again with the same action.

"Okay." Shang Quanna put away the starting watch, and he glanced at the team members who were ready to go in front of him.

Slightly turned sideways and waved his hand:

"set off!"


Outside the enchantment.

The members of the Ghost Slayer Squad walked through the barrier one by one, with Shang Quanna and Ji Guo Yuanyi naturally leading the way.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan held the Rilun Saber at his waist, he took a deep breath.

Such a long time has passed, and he hasn't been out of this enchantment for a long time.

Just when he wanted to move on.

A feeling of being watched came from diagonally above.

Ji Guoyuan subconsciously looked up in that direction.

"Don't look."

Shang Quannai looked straight ahead and led the team forward. He lowered his voice: "Go straight."

Ji Guoyuan was taken aback for a moment, then followed Shang Quannai's pace.

at the same time.

Ji Guoyuan wanted to observe the direction just now.

An eyeball disguised as a flower slowly rotated as everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad moved away.

(End of this chapter)

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