Chapter 196 - Flying from the sky is always fast


The midday sun fell on the earth.

The concentrated members of the Demon Slayer Squad walked slowly on the road leading to the outside world from Sagiri Mountain.



Along the way, at the peaks of the mountains on both sides of the road, or in a thicket of trees on the side of the road.

They all have a sphere the size of an eyeball, staring closely at the members of the Ghost Killing Squad until they leave their sight.

A scarlet eyeball protruded from the center of the flower, after watching the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad leave.


fell off the tree.


Rolled from the shade into the sun.

Under the gaze of other eyeballs, it slowly turned into ashes and dissipated.


Edo Castle.

The originally prosperous streets were empty at the moment, but the trees on the roadside were withered into dry branches under the summer light.

A black shadow was running under the sun, and the knife hanging on his waist could be vaguely seen.

"No no……"

The black shadow kept scanning both sides of the street, as if looking for something.


city ​​center.

Inside the huge castle tower.

"Hush, don't worry, we'll be fine, this is the castle..." A man dressed like a samurai shivered and curled up in the corner of the first floor of the tower.

Beside him sat another samurai with a look of despair.

"It's useless."

"Dead, all dead." The samurai with a numb face turned his head, glanced at the open gate of the castle tower, and fell to the ground, with twisted movements:

"Sooner or later we're going to die too."

The ashigaru who died outside the door was full of pain, but his body was already shriveled, as if he had been sucked dry.

"I knew it earlier... I would have listened to those men in black..."

The numb samurai looked straight at the straight street outside the castle tower, and observed carefully that there were piles of corpses on both sides of the street.

But I couldn't see any trace of blood, which was very strange.

"...but's too late..."

There was a hint of remorse on his face, and he couldn't help lowering his head, tears poured into his eyes instantly.

The throat moved up and down, and the samurai's voice was full of despair:

"I... want to leave here..."

The numb samurai leaned his head against the wall behind him, his body covered in dried blood and sweat.

He is the "side servant" of the general of Edo Castle, that is, the closest valet in popular terms.

Two months ago, many people wearing black clothes with the word "Mie" written on their backs entered and left Edo Castle.

Although the details of these people are not known, the other party does have a certificate and a deposit that can enter and exit Edo Castle.

They call themselves the "Ghost Killing Squad".

These people spread rumors of "monsters" in the city and tried to encourage residents to flee with them.

Residents only regard them as people who come from other places to perform shows, and watch them as fun.

Until someone actually finds them and says they want to leave.

And when they successfully left Edo Castle, the residents realized that this group of people might be for real.

—but they didn't care.

"Monsters are just rumors. Have you ever seen them? Haha, what are you worried about..." The warriors laughed disdainfully. They waved their hands and turned away.

"But... people who have died very strangely these days..."

"Is the dead strange at this time?"

"This is Edo Castle, it is already much safer than the outside world."

"That's right, those people are just liars, they tricked you into going to the battlefield, don't believe it."


In such a big environment, there were nearly 500 people who finally left with the people in black.

The total population of Edo Castle is only about 4000 people.

Even though many voices scolded them, nearly one-eighth of them still left with them, it can be seen.

—The situation is indeed very serious,
The numb samurai recalled all the previous details in his mind, and he became more and more regretful.

He patted himself on the head hard.

The friend beside him was still curled up and trembling.


at this time.

A red blood vessel as thick as a person violently shattered the floor of the castle tower!

Wood chips flew around, and dust suddenly rose in large swaths.

"Hey!!" The friend curled up beside him suddenly screamed in shock:

"Here we come! Monsters, here we come! Ahh!"

He looked at the thick blood vessel with horror on his face, and kept squeezing his body into the corner in fear.

The numb warrior raised his head and looked at the blood vessels, without the desire to move.

"Hiss—!" The thick blood vessel moved its body, and the sharp tip hovered back and forth between the numb warrior and his friend.

It seems a bit awkward.

Both of them were so frightened that they were in a cold sweat.

Just when the blood vessels were twisting as if they were choosing who to kill first.

Stepped into the castle tower with one foot.

A figure suddenly appeared at the gate of the Tianshou Pavilion. He looked into the Tianshou Pavilion and shouted in surprise:

"Oh—!! Found it!"

The person who came had short black hair, was dressed in black clothes, and had a scabbard with "Mie" engraved on it hanging from his waist.

The numb samurai and his friend, who had already lost their minds in fright, cast their gazes over in an instant.

Black clothes... There are white characters on the body... There is a knife on the waist.

It's those people!

Those men in black who know yokai!
Immediately, the eyes of the two people ignited a light representing hope.

The numb samurai looked at the swordsman of the ghost killing team at the door with a strange look.

The swordsman of the ghost killing team seemed not to care about himself and his friends at all, but stared straight at the thick blood vessels that twisted and twisted his body.

"Come to a showdown with me!"

There was surprise hidden in the eyes of the swordsman of the Ghost Killing Squad. He shouted, staring at the blood vessels excitedly: "You evil ghost!"

It seemed that because of being too excited, a strange flush appeared on his face.

He suddenly pulled out the knife at his waist, and just aimed at the blood vessels in the middle of the room.


The thick and twisted blood vessels froze in mid-air.


It suddenly retracted into the ground!
"Don't run away!"

The swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad was left with a dull face, stared blankly at the big hole in the ground, and then swung his knife angrily:

"You coward!"

The two samurai on the side stared dumbfounded at the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad venting their emotions angrily.




In the infinite city.

A message came back through the sun-burned eyeball.


Countless branches of blood vessels slowly retracted from the ceiling and retracted into the trunk again.


A stream of liquid flowed down the branches, pouring into Takehara's body.

Takehara, who was sleeping on the top of the giant blood vessel tree, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the front with dark eyes.

"...Wu Mi." Takehara said coldly.

"You don't need to remind me."

"I've already seen it."

Wu Mi woke up slowly, and he also used Takehara's body to speak: "Those two guys left Sawu Mountain."

"The time has come."

"What? Do you want to do it tonight?" Wu Mi's voice was deep and cold, and he asked Zhuyuan.

Indistinctly, the dominance of the two has passed to Takehara.

"You're in a hurry,"

Takehara did not answer Wu Mi's question directly, but raised a new question:
"Look where they're going."

Without waiting for Wu Mi to answer, Takehara directly stated his own judgment:
"They're coming toward us."

His face became gloomy, and his tone was a little bit bad:
"Our position was exposed... no, maybe it was exposed a long time ago."

He wasn't ignorant of the members of the ghost killing team two months ago, he just thought that they were normal to find out that there were ghosts here to deal with the task.

Now it seems... they may have been exposed long ago.

Listening to what Zhuyuan said, Wu Mi choked for a long time.

He re-observed the faces of Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuanyi among the people who came out. come there are two of those guys...

Wu Mi stared at Ji Guoyansheng's face, feeling numb for a while.

After holding back for a long time, Wu Mi seriously held back a sentence:

"Let's run."

"Idiot." Takehara answered concisely and decisively.

After finishing speaking, Takehara was silent for a while.

He wanted to call Wu Mi an idiot no matter what he said.

But he really didn't expect Wu Mi to say such an idiot.

The idiot was so stupid that Takehara wanted to add a few more insulting words.

"They're coming in our direction."

"But don't forget." Takehara tensed his mind and said in a deep voice:

"The infinite city can be moved anywhere."

"One thought is enough to get where you want to go."

"We'll set off as soon as it gets dark."

He raised his head, calculated the moving speed of Shang Quannai and his party, and calculated the approximate position in his mind.

"At that time, they kept advancing, and they couldn't make it back to Sawu Mountain in a short time."

"And when they found that there was no trace of us in Edo Castle, they were annoyed and wanted to turn back..."

"At that time, the blue Bana, and even all the humans near Sagiri Mountain."

Takehara's eyes showed excitement and excitement:
"It will all be my... ours."



don't look.

Don't say it.

don't mind.

Don't let them know.

This is the message that Shang Quannai passed to Ji Guoyuanyi through code words.

As the only two in the team who have opened the transparent world, they have a very keen sense of sight.

The moment they almost left the barrier, the two noticed several lines of sight closely following them.

The undisguised, cold and evil sense of aggression instantly made Shang Quannai determine the sender of the line of sight.

——It’s no misery.

——They were watched without misery.

——It is Naruto's vampire technique.

In the original book, Naruto used a similar blood ghost technique after she was promoted to the first string, and successfully discovered the location of the headquarters deliberately exposed by Yuya Ubuyashiki.

The final showdown in the Infinite City ensued.

Scorching sun.

After leaving the sagiri mountain barrier, they had passed through the entire town.

Shang Quannai lowered her eyes and walked at the forefront of the Ghost Killing Squad.

On his shoulder stood a jay, which was used as a medium for quick communication with Ubuyashiki.

In my ears are the non-stop chirping of cicadas,

At this moment, there are still cold eyes staring at him.

He could probably guess why surveillance was done in such a place.

The monitoring here just proved a possibility of the future that he had previously deduced with Ubuyashiki Fuyo and Tsukikuni.

——Wu Mi will come to take the initiative to attack, the purpose is for the blue Bana flower.

And the time to take the initiative to attack is naturally the best when he and Yuanyi are not around.

So surveillance will be set up.

I am afraid that if I and Yuanyi leave for a long time, Wu Mi will start.

If Wu Mi finds out that his surveillance has been exposed, then he may hide again.

...It really makes sense no matter what you think about it.

It was too reasonable, but it made Shang Quannai feel abnormal.

He raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky.

The Ghost Killing Squad chose this time to set off because it had been calculated.

Edo Castle, that is, Kyoto, is quite far from Sagiri Mountain.

Starting at noon, with the physical strength and speed of the first-class team members, they can arrive at Edo Castle just before dawn tomorrow.

Arriving at the battlefield is the daytime that is beneficial to one's own side, which is very important.

And can save a lot of physical strength for fighting.

Using a carriage was slower than walking, so it was cancelled.

It wasn't until he walked far away from Sawu Mountain and came to a narrow canyon that the feeling of being watched completely disappeared.

"Okay, stop where you are." Shortly after realizing that his gaze disappeared, Shang Quannai decisively decided to stay where he was.

He raised his hand and shouted to the crowd behind him:

"Prepare supplies, preserve your strength, and take a rest now."

The pillars were a little puzzled, they looked up at the sun one after another, and found that the current time had just passed about two hours.

They had only walked for more than two hours, and they were fully energetic.

Stop now... won't it delay the progress of the plan?

Although puzzled, they looked at each other, chose to trust Shang Quannai, sat down on the spot and began to prepare.

Ji Guoyuan stood aside, and after thinking for a while with his head down, he slowly raised his head to look at Shang Quannai:

"Nay." he called.

Shang Quannai turned his head when he heard the words, and looked at Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

He waved to Ji Guoyuan, and the two came to a somewhat hidden corner.

"The one just" Ji Guoyuan recalled the source of the line of sight he noticed just now, and Shang Quannai interrupted his movements.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he didn't speak any more, just looked at Shang Quannai.

"No misery." Shang Quannai nodded: "He is monitoring Sawu Mountain, and there are such things all around the barrier."

When he said this, he also used the transparent world to perceive his surroundings, and the breeze brushed the back of his hand, bringing information about the surrounding environment.

"If you stop now, you can only wait and see what happens."

The two stood not far from the resting place of the Ghost Killing Squad, talking softly.

"If that guy is spying on us in order to escape, then go back to Sagiri Mountain and make another plan."

"But if... he really intends to take the initiative to attack..."

Shang Quannai raised his head, he let go of his chin, and looked at Ji Guoyuan:

"Yuanyi, how long will it take you to get back to Sawu Mountain from here?"

Ji Guoyuan glanced in the direction of Sawu Mountain, and recalled the journey he had traveled along the way.

If you run with all your might...

He presumably said:

"Probably...less than half an hour."

too slow.

Shang Quannai frowned and shook her head slightly:

"In this way, if that guy comes for real, then I will take you back as fast as possible."

"Flying from the sky is always fast."

(End of this chapter)

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