People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 197 - Zhu Shi's decision, Zhang Answers Me, Wu Mi

Chapter 197 - Zhu Shi's determination, answer me, Wu Mi

It is about a full day's journey away from Sagiri Mountain for normal people.

The peaks on both sides rise high, forming a canyon.

The members of the ghost killing team are camping here and resting in place.

Slowly, fireworks drifted out from the bonfire and swayed in the sky.

"...Already, it's going to be dark." Minazukiba looked worriedly at the gradually twilight sky, and his tone was very sad:
"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Starting at noon and resting until now, these members of the Ghost Killing Squad who had already prepared themselves felt a little tormented.

Now let them go up to kill the enemy immediately, and they will feel better than now.

"Don't be impatient." Iwami Kenji lightly patted Minazuki Shiro's shoulder, the heavy strength instantly made Shiro feel relieved.

Shui Wu Yue Bai lowered his head slowly, and sighed deeply.

"Did the plan change?"

Shiriya Kazama held a blade of grass in his mouth, he said vaguely, turned his head and looked at Shang Quanna who was on the top of the mountain, staring at a certain direction:

"...I've been there... watching it all day..."

My wife, Shancun, leaned against a wooden stake beside him holding his own Lei Qie, and he stared in the direction of Sawu Mountain in a daze.

On the side of the mountain top.

Shang Quannai stared closely at the direction of Infinite City, and in his perception, Takehara was not moving at all in Infinite City at the moment.

He communicated with Ubuyashiki Fushi through Yuya, and finally the two came up with a current plan.

Stand still.

and so on.

At the same time, Ubuyashiki also began to prepare for defense.

at this time.

Suddenly, Shang Quannai frowned tightly, and he looked in the direction of Edo Castle in the distance again.

——Takehara's aura...disappeared.

That is to say...

Infinity City has changed locations!

Shang Quannai quickly closed his eyes, extending from his own blood, sensing the position of Takehara.

That guy... Sure enough!
He turned his head and looked at Ji Guoyuan behind him.

The two nodded at the same time.

Shang Quannai turned sideways, lying on the cliff, looking at the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Squad who were resting in the camp in the canyon, he quickly shouted:


"Immediately! Go all the way to Mount Sagiri!"



Time passed slowly.

In the infinite city.

"Wu Mi, do you know where the blue Bana Flower is exactly?"

Takehara observed the barrier outside Sagiri Mountain through the remaining eyeball.

After those people left at noon, no one else returned to the barrier.

Only those who continue to go out one after another, the possibility of someone coming back to inform the news is ruled out.

After observing for so long, he found a problem.

The area of ​​Sagiri Mountain is too vast, and the difficulty of finding a flower in such a place in a short period of time seems to be exaggerated.

Takehara retracted the blood vessel tentacles that were staying on the ground, and he turned his head to look at the large piles of red eggs piled up under the giant blood vessel tree.

Wu Mi slightly controlled the dominance of his body, and his laziness revealed a trace of tension:

"The smell of that flower...I won't forget it."

Thinking of the fragrance of the green Bana flowers, Wu Mi's consciousness even made Zhuyuan's body tremble with excitement for a while.

"Don't worry, I can sense the location of those flowers the moment I go in there..."

Wu Mi said, his tone gradually became low, and he narrowed his eyes.

"He will never destroy those flowers, he is like me..."

Wucan's voice behind him talked a lot to himself slightly, but Takehara didn't care.


Until the moment when the sun slowly sets and turns into darkness at dusk.

"it's time."

Takehara opened his eyes, and he instantly turned his head to look at Naruto who was sitting under the giant tree of blood vessels, and controlled Naruto's movements through the blood vessels.

"Hey..." Naruto raised her head in an instant with her head down, her long black hair hung down in a mess, filling the space under her.

The hoarse voice roared feebly, and the Naruto at this moment was a corpse that was still alive.

Her consciousness has long been eaten away by Wu Mi.

The purple-blue skin looked very strange, and Naruto's fingers tremblingly stroked the strings.


The loud sound of pipa echoed in the infinite city.

next moment.

Takehara on the treetops disappeared.


outside world.

In front of the sagiri mountain barrier.


Wearing a black cloak covering his whole body, Takehara quietly appeared in a small cave somewhere.

In the dark cave, only the enchantment with a faint red light slowly circulated at the entrance of the cave.

Due to the ingenious geographical location, the exit of this cave was just blocked by the falling enchantment.

After the barrier, there is Mount Sagiri.

And Infinite City, at this moment, is deep underground at the foot of Zhuyuan.

This is to facilitate the evacuation later, and the plan to cover up people's eyes after the evacuation.

Action must be fast and stealthy.

Take the blue Bana flower and leave.

After a brief thought, Takehara reached out and pulled the hood of the cloak on his head, covering the upper half of his face.

He walked to the side of the enchantment and stretched out a hand to press on the enchantment.


As Wu Mi's blood overflowed from his palm, the barrier was corroded and opened a hole.

Slowly the white smoke rose, Zhuyuan broke through the barrier and walked in.


After crossing the enchantment, there is a completely different place behind the enchantment.

There is a street not far away, and the end of the street leads to the climbing point of Mount Sagiri.

It was just after dusk, but the street was eerily quiet at this moment, empty of people, only the echoing barking of dogs made people feel a little alive.

Takehara frowned slightly as there was no trace of human beings in the quiet town.

——Is it because the breath of ghosts is too strong?
Yes, in this enchantment, almost everywhere is filled with a strong smell of ghosts, but it is different from the stench of blood of ordinary ghosts.

The breath of ghosts here... seems to have a floral fragrance?
"Wu Mi." Takehara softly called Wu Mi's name, he stood inside the barrier, keenly observing left and right:

"Which direction is the cyan flower on the other side?"

pat, pat.

Walk out of the hole and walk quickly along the built wall to the street.

It seems that because of Wu Mi, Takehara felt that his heart was beating extremely fast at this moment, much faster than before.


Wu Mi controlled his body to smell the smell coming from the air. Following the perception of the cells, he stretched out his finger in one direction, his voice trembling with excitement:
"North, near the torii gate."

Takehara took over the control of the body and looked in the direction of the finger.

He suddenly discovered that the location of Wu Canzhi was exactly at the end of the street in front of him.

"...It's very close, and I'll leave after I get it."

Knees are slightly bent.

Sliding close to the ground and sprinting over!
Takehara crossed the street in an instant, and there was still no trace of human beings in the houses on both sides.

Although the breath of ghosts here is strong, but it is so close, as long as there are people living inside, they should be able to sense it...

This made Takehara feel a little uncomfortable.

They used to have zero knowledge of the situation inside Sagiri Mountain, and they didn't know what was going on inside.

It was the first time he came in, and for a while, Takehara couldn't figure out whether this situation was normal or abnormal, and he couldn't tell the extent of the situation.

But at this moment, with the blue Bana flower so close at hand, he couldn't allow him to think too much.

Their current task is to quickly capture the blue Bana flower!
With this in mind, Takehara's eyes became sharper, and the speed under his feet soared!

"Stop!" Wu Mi suddenly shouted in his mind!
Caught off guard, Takehara subconsciously slammed on the ground, large pieces of gravel suddenly lifted, and a huge sound rang out.


Narrow Mist.

Mountain Shrine.

"Miko-sama, what happened all of a sudden...?"

"Wow! It was so loud just now, did you hear it?"

"I heard it, I heard it..."

Crowds of people gathered near the shrine.

Fortunately, the area from the mountainside to the top of Sagiri Mountain is enough to accommodate the entire population of Sagiri Mountain Town.

"Huh... caught up." Ganluji Sakuramochi stood in the shrine palace secretary, and she slowly breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at the crowd in front of her who had successfully evacuated before the other party arrived.

Just now, she and Fuyo Miyayashiki suddenly received a notification from Shang Quanna, saying that Wu Mi might appear near the barrier, so they should be prepared.

——It really made the three of them hit the spot...

——A hole was broken in the barrier.

She looked down the mountain from the residents in front of her, feeling a little worried in her heart.

From the mountain, the thick smoke rising from the street next to the doctor's hall can already be clearly seen.

Zhu Shi did not choose to take refuge in the mountains.

The current Zhu Shi is probably staying in the doctor's office.

Only the doctor "voluntarily" followed up to Sawu Mountain.

Ganlusi Sakura Cake deflated her mouth helplessly. She turned her head and looked at her side. She had the impression that the doctor was standing beside her. She subconsciously said:

"Doctor, you..."

But next to him, the imaginary doctor is not here, there is no one here.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake blinked, and quickly turned around to look around, but found no trace of the doctor.

She seemed to understand something, and instantly raised her head to look in the direction of the doctor's office at the foot of the mountain, frowning slightly: "...that idiot."

in the side room.

Ubuyashiki raised his head, looked at the moon gradually rising in the distance through the window, and murmured:

"Already... come?"

The faint moonlight fell on his face, he held the brush in his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

All conceivable preparations have been completed.

Unexpectedly, it went smoothly.

Next to Fuyo Ubuyashiki.

A crow with particularly shiny feathers seemed to have just woken up from sleep. She shook her head slowly and stood up from the table.

Lowering his head, the crow glanced at another crow that was still sleeping beside him.

clap clap!

He stretched out his claws and kicked the opponent's feet violently, and said: "Get up."


on the street.

"No... Miserable!"

Takehara wiped away the dust surrounding him vigorously with his hands, and his expression suddenly became very exciting.

The tacit understanding between the two is almost zero.

Regardless of complaining to each other, Wu Mi hastily continued talking about the location of the blue Bana flower:

"Turn your head, it's on the right! Very close!"

Hearing this, Takehara also turned around quickly, and rushed directly to his right with a big stride.

bang! !
It slammed into the wooden door.

"Quick!" There was gradually no fear in Wu Mi's eyes, he greedily sniffed the rich fragrance of blue flowers from the other side in the air, his heart was full of longing.

On the curtain hanging above the wooden door, the words "Doctor's Hall" are written with a brush.

As the situation became urgent, Takehara's body became tense and his heart beat faster under the influence of Wumi's emotion.

He slammed the door of the doctor's hall through the smoke, and stepped directly into the doctor's hall.

Inside the doctor's hall.

In Zhushi's room.

The dim room did not turn on the lights, and the originally open windows were sealed tightly with wooden boards, with only a few gaps revealing the moonlight.

Joo-se is sitting at the lab table in front of the window.

The movements of her hands were unhurried, and she only looked sideways when she heard the noise from outside.

The moonlight reflected in her lavender pupils, faintly illuminating the movements of her hands.


A fine steel needle was inserted into the arm, and tube after tube was injected with some kind of purple and cyan liquid.

"Gu...ho..." The cyan lines began to spread along the blood vessels, Zhu Shi's expression became a little painful, and small cold sweat protruded from her forehead.

But she didn't stop.


He picked up another tube of medicine and continued to inject it.

The faint sadness that had always existed in her eyes was completely lifted at this moment.

It turned into obvious, definite hatred.


At this moment, outside Zhu Shi's room.


Takehara quickly ran twice, and when he was about to stretch out his hand to push open Zhushi's door, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What are you doing?! Come in!"

Wu Can has a ferocious expression on his face, he eagerly wants to move Zhuyuan's body, but unfortunately, as long as the two disagree, it is almost impossible to move the body:
"Bastard!" Wu Mi yelled angrily.

As for Zhuyuan, just staring at the side in a daze, standing on the side of the corridor of Zhushi's room, the sword is a flame-shaped one-the sun wheel knife.

This is the sword left by Purgatory Renshoulang here.

——It was originally intended to be given to Takehara as a gift of the Shinichirin Saber.

"What are you looking at?! Now there is something more important than the blue Bana flower!!" Wuyou roared angrily, he sensed the aura of Bana flower just across the door, and his mentality had reached the extreme.

"...that knife." Zhuyuan stared straight at the Rilun knife, and he said in a daze.

"Wu Mi." His voice suddenly calmed down, and it seemed that he didn't want the blue Bana flower any more. Takehara raised his hand, pointed at the sun wheel knife, and asked:


"...Why is my name engraved on that sun wheel knife?"

Hearing this, Wu Mi, who was angry, felt a chill in his heart.


A feeling that everything is over suddenly rose in Wu Mi's heart.

He suddenly looked in the direction that Takehara stretched out his finger.

The words "Bamboohara" and "Purgatory" are engraved on the scabbard and the handle of the Sun Wheel Knife.

"That purgatory..."

Takehara's tone gradually became low, and his eyes became dark and cold:

"Who is it?"

"Answer me, no misery."

(End of this chapter)

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