Chapter 198 - You will die here soon!No misery!

outside world.

Temporary station for members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

"Okay, let's go!" Shang Quannai grabbed Ji Guoyuanyi's shoulders and gathered strength slightly under his feet.

In an instant, it turned into an afterimage and soared into the sky, heading straight for Sagiri Mountain.

in situ.

Purgatory Renshoulang quietly looked at Shang Quanna who was holding Ji Guoyuanyi with his hands, kicking his legs from the spot and rushing into the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"All members, follow me forward."

Yanjian Yanci twirled his rosary, he was assigned as the temporary captain, and he was directing the crowd at the moment.

He glanced at the people who started running towards Sagiri Mountain, and turned to look at Purgatory Jinshourou who was in a daze:
"Purgatory, keep up."

"Oh... oh! Here we come!"


Shangquan Naifei was at a high altitude, and he was facing the strong wind, staring closely at the very small Sawu Mountain in the distance.

During the two hours of the day, they traveled the distance of two days for ordinary people.

But now, he has to fly back within 3 minutes.

Go faster!
Ji Guoyuan, who was being held by Shang Quannai, was expressionless, but his hair was messed up by the wind.


The first minute and six seconds after Takehara arrived in the barrier.

Inside the doctor's hall.


Gusts of wind poured in through the broken door, and none of the previous lights were lit in the dark doctor's hall.

Takehara quietly looked at the sun wheel knife leaning against the wall, staring at it for a long time.

The flaming blade reflected the moonlight brightly, and the traces of the engraved names were very eye-catching.

who I am?
This very philosophical question resounded in Takehara's mind.

The reason why he observed the knife was not only because it had his name on it.

Rather—he had an inexplicable feeling about the flame-shaped sword.

Very familiar.

And Wu Mi, who has control over the other half of his body, is anxiously thinking of a way to get Zhuyuan to open the door and take away the blue Bana.

Wu Mi was in a panic, suppressing the anger and regret in his heart, lowered his voice and almost squeezed out this answer from his throat:

"Me! How do I know why there is your name on a knife... Maybe that knife is also called Takehara..."

He was panting slightly, and the eagerness in his eyes could no longer be hidden:

"I only know that if you continue to linger like this, both you and I will die here!"

Wu Mi's voice gradually became louder, and he stared closely at the appearance of the other half of Takehara in his mind:

"I don't want to die!"

"Don't you want to die too!"

Takehara didn't reply, he just looked at the sun wheel knife again.

"Open the door! The blue Bana flower is behind the door!"

The first minute and 23 seconds when Takehara arrived in the barrier.

Takehara still didn't move.

"Damn it!" Wu Mi tried to control his body, but the two of them had different ideas, which would only make the body freeze in place.

"Open the door, bastard!"


Just when there is no tragic quarrel.

In another room not far from Zhu Shi's room.


A female figure with long black hair and some yellowing at the ends was leaning against the door tightly with her back, holding a knife in her hand.

Dark brown pupils, staring at the door panel.

She was wearing a white kimono, and there was still light writing in her eyes.

It's my wife Yuzi.

She didn't choose to leave, but stayed alone, and she didn't even tell Jiichiro or her father.

Only Fuyo Ubuyashiki knew, and he nodded in agreement.


——just for revenge.

Blue and red intertwined arcs occasionally flickered on the blade.


In Zhushi's room.


The empty syringe fell to the ground and shattered.

"Huh...huh..." Zhu Shi's left hand has changed color, and there is a clear contrast with the white right arm.

She was dazed and stood up staggeringly.

Unexpectedly... Wu Mi, this guy, actually dared to come here.

But, with that, my... mission.

It's finished.

Zhu Shi was thinking in a daze, she turned around and walked slowly towards the door.


When she turned around, she picked up the last needle on the table and inserted it into her temple.


With the injection of the liquid in the needle tube, Zhu Shi's expression gradually became clear, as if all the toxins and medicines contained in his left hand had no effect on her.

After the consciousness became clear, the voice of the conversation outside the door also became clear.

"Takehara! Wake me up!"

"You want to know why, you have to live first!"

"The most important thing now is the blue Bana flower!"

Zhu Shi approached the door of the room, she held her breath and eavesdropped.

It's a miserable voice.

Who is he... talking to?

Why don't you come in?

Zhu Shi frowned slightly, she quietly hid behind the door, and took out a piece of paper wrapped with lavender light from the pocket of the purple kimono.

This is a note from Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, which has the effect of temporarily hiding her figure and breath.

This kind of paper is also circulating in Sawushan Town, and is called "God's Snow" by the residents.

When a small amount of small pieces of paper are scattered on the body, it is like falling snowflakes.

After casually scattering scraps of paper on his body, Zhu Shi's aura gradually disappeared.

At this moment, the noise outside the door suddenly disappeared.

" don't need to command me."

A strange and indifferent voice sounded, and the pupils of Zhu Shi who was hiding behind the door shrank.


No... this voice is a little familiar...

Sudden!Just when Zhu Shi was thinking about who the owner of the voice was!
The door of Zhu Shi's room was kicked into pieces vigorously, turning into several pieces and flying out!
Then, a trance figure stepped in.

The bouncing board almost hit Zhu Shi who was hiding aside.

She pressed against the wall tightly, her slightly trembling pupils fixed on the...

——Takehara? !

Zhu Shi stared in disbelief, unaware of her existence, and slowly walked towards Zhuyuan in the depths of the room.

I didn't hear the name that Wu Mi called just now... Now it seems that it is indeed Zhuyuan!
The swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad who has a good relationship with Jinju Renshourou, Zhu Shi has had contact with him before, and he is a very cheerful child in his impression.

But what's going on...

Obviously...perceived to be Wu Mi's breath and blood...

Takehara's scarlet eyes shone slightly in the dimly lit room.

"Wu Mi, where are the blue flowers on the other side?"

As if talking to himself, Zhu Shi held his breath, feeling a bit embarrassed for a while.

"Go straight, on the stage in front..." Wu Mi's voice came from Zhuyuan's mouth, and his voice gradually trembled.

Zhu Shi was slightly taken aback when he heard Wu Mi's voice, and then suddenly understood what was going on.

The guy in front of him... is Wu Mi!
It's seems to be in Takehara's body...

Takehara...was turned into a ghost?
Zhu Shi looked at Takehara's unsuspecting back, his left hand trembled slightly.

Apparently... it seems the memory has been erased as well.


Zhu Shi frowned, a little confused.

Would the ghost who was turned into Wu Mian dare to speak so strongly?
For a while, I was a little confused about what happened between Takehara and Wu Mi, but on the surface...

It seems that Takehara is more powerful?
Thinking about it, she slowly took out another needle from her pocket and injected it into her left arm.

This is a potion used to get out of Wu Mi's control.

"Go straight?"

Takehara frowned. After observing the room, he went straight to the experimental bench.

I don't know why, but after seeing the Sun Wheel Knife just now, Takehara, who was a little nervous, suddenly became very calm and easy-going.

My heart became quiet.

How to describe it.

Oh yes - it's like coming home.

And on the experiment table facing the door, there was an open test tube.

In the test tube, the fragrance of blue Bana flowers was continuously coming out.

Takehara lowered his eyes, picked up the test tube on the table expressionlessly, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it twice, then looked at the blue liquid in the test tube with raised eyebrows:

"Is this the blue Bana flower you mentioned?"

"Wu Mi... You shouldn't..."

His tone was contemptuous: "Have you been cheated?"

Wu Mi didn't reply, just stared at the test tube in his hand with trembling pupils in horror.

With a hard pinch, the test tube was blown to pieces.

"Go!" His voice trembled, and he understood the current situation in an instant.

Along the way, no one was seen.

The fragrance of the blue Bana flowers is so unobtrusive.

And it's just a fake cyan Bana flower!
This is a trap!

"Go!!" Wu Mi roared out these words almost instantly, and he was about to forcibly control the Naruto in the infinite city under his feet to play the pipa.

At this time.

It's now!

Zhu Shi held her breath, she was concentrating, the nails on her left hand stretched hard and became sharp and dark blue!
Just when he wanted to rush forward and attack Wu Mi suddenly.

A brown afterimage entwined with lightning flashed past her!With a gust of wind, Xian Zhu Shi rushed towards Wu Mi one step at a time!

In his hand, he seemed to be holding a sun wheel knife.

Seeing the figure rushing in from the door, Zhu Shi froze for a moment, then quickly followed.

【One Type · Thunderbolt Flash】!
My wife, Yuzi, held the Rilun Saber in her hand, her eyes locked on Takehara, and the instinct from the blood of her body told her.

——The creature in front of him is Wu Mi!

"Don't even think about running!!" She shouted, and rushed towards Wu Mi in an instant!

My wife, Yuzi, wrapped Lei Guang together with her and a knife, and slammed into Zhuyuan's back hard!

The sharp point of the knife pierced through Takehara's back, and stabbed high out from his chest!
The blade was entangled with thunder and lightning, and for a while, a smell of burning barbecue came over.

Takehara and Wu Mi were forced at the same time, and their bodies slammed forward uncontrollably!
bang!It slammed into the laboratory table hard, and the reagents and needles were knocked to the ground.

"Puff ho...!" Zhu Yuan's mouth overflowed with blood, but he didn't look flustered at all.

Just at the moment when Wu Mi wanted to escape.

Takehara almost subconsciously opposed Wu Mi, and the struggle between the two of them directly stiffened their body movements.

This allowed my wife Yuzi to rush up and backstab in an instant.

"Bamboo...hara!!" Wu Mi stared at him, he shouted desperately, staring sideways at my wife Yuzi who was stabbed in the back.

Although he was angry, at the moment he was one with Zhuyuan, and could only try to kill the guy who was sneaking up behind him.

After finally turning his head and seeing Yuzi's appearance, Wu Can's pupils shrank in fright.

The firm eyes of my wife Yuzi are reflected in the eyes.

"Why are you here?!"

My wife Yuko... I remember Kamizuru who died at the hands of Kamiquanna...

Want to stop me... just with a previous winding? !
Wu Mi's eye sockets trembled slightly, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and looked at my wife Yuzi who was holding the Sun Wheel Knife behind him in disbelief:
"Aren't you already dead..."

This is halfway through.

The figure in the purple kimono moved forward quickly in concealment.


An arm pierced through Wu Mi's chest again from directly in front of Wu Mi's body!

Second penetration!


A big mouthful of blood spewed out, Wu Mi was breathing hard, and he turned his head to look in front of him with a ferocious expression.

Subconsciously, he reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the person in front of him, pushing forward vigorously.

I saw that after the effect of the flying snow that concealed the aura on his body disappeared.

Zhu Shi appeared in front of Wu Mi.

"Meet you again... Wu Mi!" Her left arm had been completely sunk into Wu Mi's body, and there was a successful smile on her nervously sweating face.


Wu Mi coughed up blood, and Takehara had been confronting him, causing his body to be in a state of rigidity for a long time. He looked back and forth at the two people who he thought were dead.

In addition to being horrified, there was a burst of fear in my heart:
"Why are you here too?!"

this woman...

Looking at Zhu Shi who was actually smiling in front of him, Wu Mi couldn't believe it.

How dare you do this...Go to hell! !
The whites of his eyes were covered with blood, and his heart was already burning with anxiety.

Wu Mi knew that Zhu Shi, who was a ghost, could not die easily, so he subconsciously used his "authority" as the ghost king.

But the next moment.

He was shocked to find out.

Zhushi in front of me, and my wife Yuzi behind me.

It seems that it is not within his control!
what did she do !

Wu Mi only felt absurd in his heart. He estimated the time until now in his heart, and he felt a strong desire to quit.

It can't go on like this!

This is a trap!

will die!
"Takehara! Don't you understand!" Wu Mi began to yell hysterically: "I'm going to die! I'm really going to die!!"

"Get moving!"

The minds of the two disagreed, Wu Mi could only do some simple movements on the spot stiffly.

Before Zhuyuan could reply, Zhu Shi in front of him spoke first:
"That's right!" Zhu Shi smiled and panted heavily, her left arm has slowly merged with Wu Mi's body:
"You're going to die right here!"

"Do you know what's in my left arm?!"

Her expression contained the excitement and excitement of getting revenge, and her tone was trembling:
"It's a potion that can turn ghosts into humans!!"

Wu Mi's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously grabbed Zhu Shi's head with his hands, and his sharp fingertips immediately plunged into Zhu Shi's skull, his tone was cold and harsh:
"Zhu Shi... use such low-level tricks to delay time, and your ability is just like this."

——Is that fellow Umiquanna rushing back?
Worry-free eyes.

It's a pity that Wu Mi didn't believe that Zhu Shi made such a potion.

"Delaying time..." Zhu Shi smiled, some sweat dripped from her forehead, her eyes became tired and contemptuous:
"You'll know when the time comes..."

At the moment when the ending of this sentence fell.

boom! ! !
The doctor's hall shook violently, and there was a resounding sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside!

Wu Mi's pupils shrank into a line in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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