Chapter 199 – Battle: ([-])


Just now.

Shang Quannai led Jiguo Yuanyi to rush forward in the cold high altitude.

As the time passed by second by second, Shang Quannai finally saw the red enchantment that was growing in size in his field of vision!


"Get ready to land!!" Shang Quannai yelled loudly, and the sound of the wind wrapped around his ears made his voice louder.

"I understand!" Ji Guoyuan also looked at the ground below and answered him.

The two of them stared at the ever-closer barrier until a hole automatically appeared in the barrier.

Passes through the barrier in an instant.

When he was about to hit the ground, Shang Quannai turned around and slightly threw Ji Guoyuan up.

Even if Yuanyi is too strong, he doesn't have the recovery ability like a ghost.

This sudden forced landing close to the speed of sound can cause some damage to Shang Quannai, but he can recover, but Yuanyi cannot.

In the end, under Shang Quannai's gaze, Ji Guoyuan was thrown to the roof beside him.

boom!Da da da!
After Guo Yuanyi adjusted his posture in mid-air, he contacted and ran on the roof at the same speed.

Shang Quannai turned around and straightened her body with both feet!
The legs slammed into the ground of the street!

boom! ! !
A loud roar came from the street outside.

The vibration and dust kicked up far more violently than when Takehara stepped on the ground just now.


Inside the doctor's hall.

Dust was shaken and released from the beams, and there was a creaking and squeezing sound.

come yet? !

Wu Mi's ears twitched slightly, his eye sockets trembled as he recognized the violent sound from the outside world just now.

"...Damn it!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed out some words, staring fiercely at the direction outside the doctor's office.

Did it come so fast?

"Takehara!!" Wu Mi turned his head and shouted: "Move! That guy is here!!"

Wu Mi kept trying to twist his body, but when Takehara was silent, he could only move his position slightly.

In the end, under the pressure of two people with heavy weights on their bodies, they barely got close to the door of the room.

"...two unsightly guys!!"

Wu Mi looked at Zhu Shi, who was holding on tightly to him, and my wife, Yu Zi, who was constantly releasing thunder and lightning behind her, and felt impatient for a while.

"Go away!"


With a ferocious expression on his face, a few bone whips suddenly grew out of his back, spiraling towards the two people beside him.

At this time.

Tatata! !

The harsh sound of wooden boards rubbing against sliding steps sounded.

A panting figure stood at the door of Zhu Shi's room. He watched the bone whip slowly grow out of Wu Mi's back, his pupils gradually constricted.

In an instant, Yushiro ran forward subconsciously, and shouted:

"Miss Zhu Shi——!"

Flying forward, in an instant, Wu Mi looked sideways and saw Yushiro who was rushing over to resist Zhu Shi.

The bone whip behind him suddenly accelerated!

boom! !


The three figures were hit hard immediately, and flew out in two directions.


Immediately, Zhu Shi's left arm inserted into Wu Mi's chest was pulled out violently, but only a section remained.

Zhu Shi's left hand did not regenerate.

Yushiro, who stood in front of her, suffered a heavy blow from a huge force.

Wu Mi moved his body stiffly, he looked at the few people who were already lying in the messy room, and he had no intention of pestering them anymore.

"Zhuyuan!" Wumi's neck was bulging with veins, and his heart was already extremely flustered, he shouted loudly: "Move me!!"

next moment.


A more crimson hideous mask made of blood scab slowly grew to cover his face.

Takehara's voice sounded indifferently again:

"……You're annoying."

Although Wu Mi's mood has dropped to freezing point, but fortunately.

Takehara finally moved.


On Sawu Mountain not far away, Ganluji Sakuramochi controlled the barrier, slowly closing the passage reserved for Shangquanna just now.

She lowered her arms and looked at the panicked residents in front of the shrine, who began to bow their heads to pray, and sighed helplessly.

Is the war between humans and ghosts entangled for nearly a thousand years coming to an end?
There was a tired look in Ganluji Sakuramochi's eyes, she hoped so.

She raised her head and looked down the mountain.

I don't mean to go down the mountain

Her mission is to stay here.

— That's all.

The hands are slightly stacked together.

With a vibration in the space, the eyes of the residents were instantly attracted by the vibration, and they all raised their praying heads and looked at Miyazaki.

In the hands of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, a new enchantment was slowly born.


Down the mountain.

Stepping out of the dust, Shang Quannai quickly looked around, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The dazzling blood-red soul was immediately exposed in the field of vision.

—in the doctor's hall!

"Yuanyi!" He yelled upwards: "It's in the doctor's hall!"

Da da da!

Ji Guoyuan, who lowered his upper body and ran wildly on the roof, responded, and then jumped up holding the sun wheel knife at his waist.

The tiles of the house were stepped on and crumbled.

Leaping high under the moon, the sun wheel knife in his hand glowed instantly.

The exuberant sun flames gushed out in an instant!
Shang Quannai stared closely at the red soul in the doctor's hall, and he turned sideways.

With his left hand spread out, a blood-colored Bana flower slowly blooms.

In addition to the ability to enhance the effect of vampirism, this Bana flower also has the effect of high temperature and corrosion.

There are still many functions that Shang Quannai didn't even have time to develop.

However, when the bloody Bana flower is blooming, observing the movement of the red soul is obviously more clear.


"He's coming!" Shang Quannai frowned slightly, and he looked at Wu Mi who was doing jumping movements with some doubts.

Although he was puzzled, he couldn't sit still and waited for death. He slightly calculated the mid-air distance that Wu Mi's jump would reach, and Shang Quannai slightly bent his knees.

next moment.

boom! !

There was a violent impact sound, and the wooden planks and stone tiles shattered together.

At the moment when Ji Guoyuan fell in mid-air.

The red-masked Takehara crashed into the roof of the doctor's building, and flew straight up into the sky.

The white and clean moonlight fell on Zhuyuan who rushed to the sky.

He threw off his black cloak, revealing the light gray samurai kimono underneath.

"This can't keep up...but that's it." Zhuyuan turned his head and glanced at Ji Guoyuanyi who fell on the roof of the doctor's building, his scarlet eyes flickered slightly.

"Mingnu... Chuan..." A hoarse voice just rang out from his throat.


With the sound of breaking through the air at an extremely high speed, a powerful impact came from the other side of the body, and Takehara's ribs were hit hard!
In an instant, a huge pressure ran over his chest.

In midair, a trace of a sonic boom cloud surged.

"Pffw..." Zhuyuan choked out a mouthful of blood, and he turned his head to look to the side in astonishment.

Half of the mask was broken, revealing a small half of Takehara's face.

In the blurred field of vision, a familiar figure was reflected in the pupils, and Takehara's eye sockets trembled violently.

The expression became a little crazy.


Shang Quannai's eyes were cold and emotionless, a red bone knife was slowly growing out of his hand, and his other hand was tightly grasping his neck.

No words, no communication, now there are only opportunities that are difficult to grasp but must be firmly grasped!

No matter what, Wu Mi will be killed here this time!
Shang Quannai's eyes were firm.

The moment he saw "Wu Mi" rushing up into the sky, he rushed up along with him.

Just after the bone knife was created, Shang Quannai wanted to cut off the head of "Wu Mi".


Wu Mi broke his own neck!
"...again." Shang Quannai frowned, and there was only a gush of blood left where he pinched!

There was a crazy smile on Takehara's face under the mask, and the corner of his mouth even grinned to the point where the mask was broken.

Takehara's body instantly disappeared in mid-air.

Shang Quannai's eyes were fixed on the place where Takehara disappeared, and his perception ability had reached the peak of ghost life under the blessing of the Scarlet Bianhua!

Shang Quannai suddenly lowered his head, and cast his gaze to the ground!
Infinite City!
——Just under Sagiri Mountain!
He can't escape!

I will never let you escape again! !

Shang Quannai's pupils contracted slightly, his abdomen tightened, and he sank instantly!

Under the pressure of the wind, he sank extremely quickly!

"No misery—!!"

boom! !

It hit the ground heavily, the ground was cracked and lifted, and a large cloud of dust was immediately lifted up!


In the infinite city.

Takehara appeared on the top of the giant blood vessel tree. He reached out and touched the broken mask, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

At this moment, after seeing everything just now, his heart became a little confused.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Takehara smiled softly, the thoughts in his head were already in a mess.

who am I?
Takehara?No no no no.

Takehara is just a name, a code name.

So, what exactly is "I".

"Huh ha ha ha..."

When I just wanted to control Naruto to teleport Infinite City away from here.

"Cough ho...!" A sharp pain came from behind!It even made him cough up a mouthful of blood again.

Takehara turned back in astonishment, and looked at his back with a ferocious expression.

A trace of the other shore flower is imprinted there, and the pain of burning and corrosion is constantly transmitted.

Blocked his attempt to teleport.

He frowned tightly, turned his head, and looked at Naruto again.

"Pass... pooh!"

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out!

Wu Mi stayed quietly deep in Zhuyuan's body, panting heavily, calming down the inner tension.



Shang Quannai fell heavily to the ground.

He stared at the infinite city beneath the ground.

At the moment just now, he pressed his Bianhua hard behind Wu Mi, at least for a short period of time with the effect of the weak sun.

It's okay to procrastinate for some time.

There was a trace of sternness in his eyes, his heart was urgent, he clenched his right fist, and subconsciously slammed it to the ground.

in the dark mind,

One by one, figures slowly appeared and then quickly disappeared.

"I... will protect everyone!" Ganluji Sakuramochi vowed.

"Ghost, don't leave one!" Murata's voice sounded.

"We will continue until you - Wuyou is killed!" My wife's benevolent voice echoed.

"The future of mankind...please." The figure of Ubuyashiki Fuyo appeared.

In the end, what resounded in Shang Quannai's tinnitus was——

"My brother, thank you."

Zaomen Shigeru's appearance before he died slowly appeared, and then disappeared as a blue light spot.

boom! !

The fist sank deep into the soil!
As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood aside, he glanced at Shang Quannai's movements and was slightly taken aback.

The hair on the back of the hand stood up slightly.

Immediately after that, he jumped back and retreated to the distance, half of the ruins of the doctor's building.

Turn your head.

Yushiro was seriously injured all over his body, and there was already a near-cut injury in his waist. He was opening his eyes, looking at Ji Guoyuan unknowingly.

"...Please don't worry about me, Your Excellency Ji Guo."

He smiled miserably: "I have already used... the blood of Mr. Shangquan."

As a doctor, he can get some blood left by Shang Quannai once he applies.

While the two were talking.

next moment.

not far away.

【Blood Ghost Art · Bloody Bana Flower】!
A burst of dazzling red light suddenly came from Shang Quannai's direction, and rushed straight into the sky!

"Hoah!!!" Shang Quannai pressed her body to the ground and slammed her fist into the ground vigorously!

A crystal clear blood-colored Bana flower was slowly born hanging upside down in the ground!

next moment!
boom! ! !
The blood-colored Bana flower slowly took root on the ground. It hung upside down, spiraling its petals and stamens, greedily sucking the blood from the soil.

Get bigger fast!

The soil was expanded, the surface was corroded, and the bloody light became more and more intense!
Scarlet light permeates the cracks in the ground, and the cracks are like cracks in rubies.

Several carriages without horses that stopped along the way fell into the crack in an instant!

Since it is away from residential areas, all the cracks can be clearly seen.

On Sagiri Mountain.

"Then... what is that?!"

"The ground is cracked!"

"Red light..."

The residents looked at the street in disbelief. The centers of all the cracks were concentrated in the central square of Sawushan Town.

"…This is……"

Ganluji Sakuramochi stared blankly at the scene at the foot of Sawu Mountain, a little red light reflected in her pupils.

Down the mountain.

Shang Quannai's hands were firmly pressed on the ground, his pupils were filled with scarlet light, and the wind was blowing from the cracks in the ground!
The bloody Bana flower in his hand keeps growing!


boom! !

The stones kept collapsing and falling, forming a faint circle around the edge.


With the collapse of the surrounding shattered surface stones, the blood hidden under the ground finally slowly revealed its true face!

A huge upside-down Bianhua flower filled with blood, exuding a rich blood color, suddenly appeared in the ground!

It continues to grow towards the dark and gloomy underground, grow stronger, and spread...


——The scarlet stamen touched the top of the infinite underground city!
Sitting on the ground, the corners of Shang Quannai's mouth curled up slightly, and the red light reflected on his face:

"…found it."


The growth speed of the Scarlet Bana flower has increased by another magnitude!

Under the ground, the petals of the bloody Bana flower were tightly rolled up, tightly bound the entire Infinite City!

At the same time, the cracks on the ground also completely led to the subsidence of the surface.

In the town, there appeared a huge hole that led directly to the ground like an abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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