Chapter 200 – The Life of Takehara

The blood-colored Bana flower hanging upside down is exposed in everyone's field of vision, and its stamens tightly bind the infinite city floating underground, exuding a strange red light.

The red light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the dark clouds above the sky like billowing black ink.

boom! !

Lightning occasionally flickered in the dark clouds, illuminating the darkness for a split second.



Da da da!
A group of figures galloped quickly between the trees!

The damp breath began to spread.

"Hurry up! We'll be there soon!" Iwami Yanci's monk uniform was blown by the wind, and he shouted towards the team behind him:

"Wu Mi is now in Sawu Mountain!!"

The one rushing to the front of the team was a flash of golden lightning - my wife Shancun.

White steam was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he kept charging at the highest speed.

His eyes were solemn, and his hand was already holding the handle of the knife at his waist.

Followed by Kazama Chengya, who lowered his body and also used picking up moves to speed up.

Naruya Kazama's expression was very heavy, and he knew something must have happened.

At this time, someone suddenly raised his head towards the sky, pointed there and shouted in surprise:

"what is that?!"

In an instant, almost everyone looked up at the sky in the direction of Sagiri Mountain.

The dark and depressed clouds were illuminated by a scarlet light.

But that's not what grabs their attention.

What really shocked them was the densely packed red dots that suddenly appeared in the distant midair.

The speed of the ghost killing team slowed down for a moment.

"Accelerate!!" Someone yelled hysterically.



10 minutes ago.

In the infinite city.

The warm lights are hidden in the giant blood vessel tree, exuding a strange red light, which looks very scary.



The space in the infinite city began to vibrate violently, and the buildings collided and rubbed against each other.

— Abandon the Infinite City.

—Otherwise you will die.

Takehara glanced around, made a decisive decision in his heart, and silently fixed his eyes on the red eggs behind him.

The red ovules piled up into hills have already covered most of the area of ​​Infinite City.

At this time.

Wu Mi slowly came back to his senses.

"…what happened."

Wu Can, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the shaking buildings around him in doubt, and he glanced sideways at the little blood-colored Bianhua behind him that had disappeared.

Wu Mi looked up at the ceiling propped up by the tops of giant vascular trees.

——A strong bad feeling.

let's go!

Instinctive warning, Wu Mi thought it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"Teleport!" He gave an order to Naruto who had no self-awareness.

Naruto put her hands on the strings.

With the sound of the pipa coming and reverberating.


The Infinite City shook violently again, and some buildings even began to collapse due to the vibration!
boom!Several staggered houses and wooden bridges began to crumble!
Wood chips mixed with dust instantly filled a small part of the infinite city.

Failed to teleport away!

This time, Wu Mi had a complete perception of the situation!
He raised his head in horror and looked at the ceiling, his eyes seemed to pass through the infinite city and see things outside!
Something is clinging to Infinity City!
——The Infinite City is bound in place!
- Can't move!

"...Trap, this is a trap..."

Wu Mi's eyebrows trembled slightly, and he stared at the ceiling with tightly narrowed pupils.

A burst of deep regret suddenly rose to my heart.

He shouldn't have come!
He has already entered this trap since he stepped into the barrier of Sagiri Mountain...

No no no no!
— not at that time!
Wu Mi lowered his head and glanced at his body at the moment, he seemed to have figured out something in a trance.

It was Takehara who asked him to come to Sagiri Mountain.'s Takehara!

This guy used to be a member of the Ghost Slayer Squad!

"...Heh...haha, that's how it is." Wu Mi's eyes gradually lost their brightness, and he staggered back two steps with a gloomy expression.

He actually believed in a member of the ghost killing team, a member of the ghost killing team who had been tortured by him!
And planned with the other party all the way, and finally entered the enchantment of Sagiri Mountain.

think carefully.

Why would the Ghost Killing Team be able to make all the preparations in advance without knowing it.

——The streets full of life are empty.

——There is an inducing factor for the smell of cyan Bana in the room.

——The ambush prepared by Zhu Shi and my wife Yuzi.

—and finally, those two guys were able to arrive in a short time.

All kinds of connections, there is only one final answer!
"So it is, so it is."

Wu Mi raised his head, he suddenly realized.

——This is not something that belongs to the ghost side to divert the tiger away from the mountain and take the initiative to attack.

Instead, the human side completely controls the overall situation!

Takehara was secretly guiding his actions, while Kamiquanna was putting on a show to control his actions.

All are fake!It's all a lie to snatch the green Bana flower in turn and survive successfully!


It was so miserable to be cheated.

Wu Mi's mood gradually slumped, and at the same time, feelings called anger and hatred slowly took root.

"...Did you fall into your trap from the very beginning?"

"...Catch a turtle in an urn?"

Just when Wu Mi was muttering to himself.

Takehara slowly manipulated his body, and stretched out his hand to the red eggs behind him.

——Since the Infinite City cannot escape, it can still create chaos and escape in the chaos.

That's what Takehara thinks.

Wuyou keenly noticed Takehara's movements!
I don't think about it!

He raised his head abruptly, and his mind immediately competed with Zhuyuan.

The bodies of the two froze in place for an instant.

"What are you doing?!" Takehara frowned tightly, and shouted at Wu Mi incomprehension:

"You don't want to live!!"

He raised his arm vigorously, but due to the disagreement between the two of them, Takehara couldn't even control Naruto at this moment.

"I won't let you go any further." Wu Mi's tone was low, and he lowered his eyes, firmly checking and balancing with Zhuyuan:

" lowly creature!"

"Dirty bastard! I'm disgusted!"

Takehara was taken aback.

"...What?!" Zhuyuan's expression instantly became very surprised, he even opened his mouth and choked for a while, then he frowned and shouted angrily:

"Asshole! What did you mean by that just now?!"

Wu Mi did not reply, but silently confronted Zhu Yuan.

It seems that because of anger, Takehara actually had a faint sense of grabbing control of his body, he raised his fist and slowly clenched it.

Wu Mi is a brainless idiot, Takehara has always been aware of it.

Now I quarrel with myself for no reason, specifying which muscle is wrong.

——And pointless quarrels are just a waste of time!The most important thing now should be - to continue with my plan!


Thinking of this, Takehara tried harder to gain control of his body.

Under Zhuyuan's all-out snatching, Wu Mi actually lost the ability to control his body for a moment.

Just this moment.

"Teleport!" Takehara yelled at Naruto!

In the next moment, under the expression of relief with no misery and doubt, Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Hoarded in Infinity City, all red spheres.

In an instant, everything disappeared completely.

"...What did you do?" Wu Mi was silent for a while, then asked slowly.

Seeing that Zhuyuan didn't seem to cause any harm to himself, he didn't continue to pester him, but just silently guarded Zhuyuan.

"Create opportunities."

Takehara responded casually, he raised his head and glanced above the infinite city:

"A chance to live."



The outside world of Infinity City.

The mountainside of Sagiri Mountain.

In the room of Miyashiki Fuyo, he was constantly writing something, and at the same time whispered to himself:

"Well... so far it has been planned, but His Excellency Kamizumi's ability is a bit unexpected..."

"If this continues, Wu Mi may really die in this generation."

Saying that, Miyashiki Fuyo was slightly agitated, and he looked up at the sky covered by dark clouds outside the window:

"I can't believe it... the ghost king who has not been eliminated for nearly a thousand years can actually witness his death with his own eyes."

"Master Ancestor..."

Suddenly, his eyes staring at the sky outside the window were slightly startled, and then his brows were tightly wrinkled.

The pen in his hand was also trembling.

"...There will always be variables."

His pupils shrouded in pale white reflected the densely packed shadows of the lightning flashing across the sky.



At the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

The dark clouds above the head slowly gathered, it seemed that it was going to rain.

Shang Quannai showed a rare smile, but the smile didn't look very kind.

He sat on the root of the hanging flower on the other side, staring at the boundless city.

The muscles in his calf tensed instantly, and with a push of his arm, Shang Quannai was about to jump into the abyss leading directly to the Infinite City in the next moment!
at this time!

Dense dark shadows instantly enveloped Shang Quannai from above.

No, the shadow didn't just hang over Shang Quannai.

The red ovule appeared continuously and flickered.

One after another, and the next...until

——There is no other thing in the sky except the red egg ball!


Shang Quannai tensed her muscles subconsciously, forcibly stopped her jumping movement, hung on the rhizome of the bloody Bana flower, and looked up.

In the shaking field of vision, the pitch-black sky has been completely blocked by shadows.

The densely packed dark red ovules showed their figure in the constantly flickering light of thunder and lightning in the sky.

"……This is."

Shang Quannai's eyes widened slightly, and he scanned all directions above his head.

There are so many red ovaries, even if they are arranged in an airtight manner, they actually——directly cover the entire sky above Sawushan Town!
Huge shadows gathered in Sagiri Mountain Town like a lingering viscous darkness.

Shang Quannai's eyesight can clearly see the things inside those red ovules.

One after another, hideous and distorted figures are curled up in the egg ball, waiting for the moment when the "egg shell" is broken!
——All are ghosts!


On the side, in the ruins of the doctor's building.

"...Really..." The doctor fell to the ground, staring directly at the dark red ovules in the sky, sighing with straight eyes.

"Are you coming?"

Zhu Shi leaned against the broken wall of the ruins and sat aside. She held her severed hand, with cold sweat constantly breaking out from her forehead, and looked firmly at the ovule in the sky.

Somewhat tricky.

At the moment when he came into contact with Zhu Yuan and Wu Mi's common body, Zhu Shi got a message.

——Wu Mian, who had eaten the flower stalks of the blue Bana flower, had already changed his body.

Ordinary ghosts will get rid of the "ghost" network system after eating the flower poles, and become an independent ghost that is not controlled by Wu Mi.

And after eating without suffering...

He can also continue to control other ghosts, but similarly.

no misfortune

——It also breaks away from the network system among "ghosts".

The meaning contained in it, she didn't even dare to think carefully about the consequences.

Zhu Shi's eyes gradually became serious.


The only good news is... these ovules all appeared in the sky outside the barrier at this moment, and did not directly appear in Sawushan Town.

However, this does not seem to be good news.


"Wooah!! Those red things fell down!!"

In people's field of vision.

Those red eggs frozen in mid-air.

Suddenly began to fall at an extremely fast speed!

Whoosh-! !

Become an afterimage!

"It fell down!"

The residents on Sagiri Mountain stared wide-eyed, watching the falling red balls in horror, they immediately shouted.


There are also wise people who immediately went to the Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake to seek shelter.

"Don't worry, everyone!" Ganluji Sakuramochi shouted to the chaotic crowd:

"We have the protection of the enchantment, and nothing will happen."

Hearing this, some people suddenly became quiet, and they looked at the enchantment that had always existed in the sky above in shock.

Ganlu Temple Cherry Cake naturally stood in front of the shrine, she folded her hands together, and the red blood energy continuously rose into the sky.

at the same time.

For the first time, those red egg balls also hit the barrier firmly!

The bloody waves overlapped and staggered on the barrier, and the huge impact instantly impacted the barrier from all angles!
"Puff ho..." Ganlusi Sakura Mochi closed her eyes tightly, and some blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

Forcibly supporting the barrier to resist such a neat resonance is still a heavy burden for her.

The densely packed weak forces condense together to form a huge resonance, which is enough to break through any seemingly strong defense.

"...It's blocked."


"Thank you, Lord God, for your blessing..."

The residents looked up at the red egg that failed to break through the barrier, and felt a little more at ease, then subconsciously looked at the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.

"Miko-sama! That's great..."

And after seeing the blood at the corner of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake's mouth, they hesitated and became afraid again.

From birth until now, she has never seen such a weak appearance of Miko-sama.

What frightened them even more was—those red egg balls rising again.

They seem to be about to hit the second time!
Ganluji Sakura Mochi's brows trembled slightly, she raised her head to look at the sky, pink ghost horns had grown on her forehead.

That stuff, a few more times.

— She might not be able to bear it.

At that time, the balls that fall like cannonballs will destroy the entire Sagiri Mountain Town like a blanket!

Just at the moment when the red egg ball hit for the second time!

A burst of red light rose from the mountain.

A brand new enchantment was instantly blessed on the enchantment of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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