Chapter 203 - Climbing Out of the Abyss!

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the violent hurricane roared, forming a layer of oppressive tornado above Sagiri Mountain, and the damp breath came from the high clouds.

Outside the Sawu Mountain, in the distance.

On another hill.

A faint golden lightning flashed past, and my wife, who was wearing a yellow haori, stopped at the edge of the cliff.

My wife Shancun, who rushed to the front, resisted the strong wind and subconsciously looked up at the distant Sawu Mountain. He just witnessed the moment when the barrier was broken.

"That is…!!"

My wife Shancun's eyes reflected the moment when countless evil spirits shattered the barrier and landed on the human world.

Lightning flickered in the clouds.

The barrier... shattered...!
What's wrong? !what happened! ?

The maintained by that fierce priestess!
Did something happen to her? !

But Kamiquanna didn't come back one step earlier...

Almost instantly, my wife Shancun's heart rose to her throat and choked her throat.

in view.

Numerous evil spirits screamed and flocked towards the center of Zawu Mountain, and the dense wave of ghosts even flew in the air.

The eye sockets trembled slightly.

No matter how things happened, the scene in front of him at this moment does not allow him to stop half a step!

Calm down, calm down.

"Huh..." My wife Shancun had a few drops of nervous sweat streaming down his forehead, he forced himself to calm down and let out a long breath.


My wife Shancun stepped back with her left foot and stepped on the ground on the top of the cliff. His soles grasped the ground with force through the foot pocket, and a little bit of lightning began to flicker and spread.

The thunder light jumped on the ground, emitting dazzling light in the dark environment.

He looked at the straight line between Sawu Mountain and the cliff where he was at the moment, took a heavy breath, and then slowly closed his eyes.

——It can be done.

The surrounding rocks suddenly cracked open, and slowly floated slightly with the leap of the thunder.

He looked at Sagiri Mountain, which was still a short mountain away, and poured all his strength into his feet!
at last!Push it out!

boom--! !Thunder!
The rock protruding outward under his feet was suddenly shattered by lightning!It turned into rubble and floated away!
My wife Shancun turned towards Sawu Mountain in an instant, and like a cannonball, she broke away from the cliff, wrapped in thunder, and charged straight over!
At this time, Chengya Kazama, who was the second fastest in the team, was barely able to catch up.

He looked at the crumbling cliff in front of him,
"My wife is good at saving!!"

Shouting loudly, Kazama Narumi looked at the back of my wife Shancun flying off the cliff.

He raised his head again and glanced in the direction of Sagiri Mountain from afar.

! !
When he saw the countless evil spirits descending from the sky that had already dyed the entire Zawushan town black, his pupils shrank suddenly.

So many ghosts...!
The Adam's apple squirmed up and down slightly, and Kazama Chengya finally yelled loudly to my wife Shancun who was rushing in the direction of the hell-like Sagiri Mountain at the moment:
"...Don't be too messy!!"

After shouting, he stared blankly at the golden thunderbolt plunging headlong into the swirling black cloud-like ghost tide.

The other members of the Ghost Killing Squad, who were running wildly all the way, quickly stepped forward, looking solemnly at the different appearance of Sawu Mountain at this moment.

Then, he turned his head immediately and walked down the mountain along the cliff.

Hurry up!

Naruya Kazama lowered his eyes and followed closely in the army.

After seeing Sagiri Mountain's appearance at this moment, a strong worry shrouded his heart.


In Sawushan Town.

The golden thunder quickly broke through the obstruction of the vortex ghost tide, and plunged into the tightly shrouded Sawu Mountain Town.

My wife Shancun stretched her legs forward, Lei Qie inserted into the ground, and stepped on the ground hard, the blood-soaked stone street was plowed out immediately!
The town of Sagiri Mountain is extremely dark at the moment, and the only place where light comes from is the shrine on the mountainside of Sagiri Mountain.

——There is a small enchantment there, which is emitting a faint light.

My wife Shancun stood up slowly, his eyes were fixed on the direction of the shrine.

Everyone, should be there!
He pursed his lips and could only hope so.

Turning his head to look at the doctor's hall that had been turned into ruins, he frowned tightly.

At this time.

My wife Shancun's ears shrugged, he heard some unusual sounds.

pat, pat, pat.

"Hiss - roar..."

After all, the sound of dense footsteps surrounded my wife Shancun.

He turned around slowly, his hand had already tightly grasped the handle of Leiqie's knife.



The mountainside of Sagiri Mountain.

Near the shrine.

A red enchantment opened, covering the residents in the shrine.

"Hiss—!!" The flying evil ghost suddenly fell from a high altitude, and hit the barrier with gravity.

The second followed closely behind.

The moment the evil ghost's body was attached to the barrier, the bodily fluids on his body began to corrode the barrier, and white mist floated up.

"...Is that it aimed specifically at me?" Ganluji Sakuramochi stood in the middle of the shrine, feeling the corrosive substance on the surface of the barrier.

She held a small enchantment model in both hands, wisps of blood energy floated from the surface of her body, linking to the enchantment model.

——Constantly repairing the enchantment that corroded the gap.

In the situation where the opponent restrained himself, it seemed that in a short period of time, in order to delay time, he could only do so.


Yushiro was lying on the stretcher, resting with a weak face.

Zhu Shi wrapped his left arm and walked around in the frightened crowd, calming everyone's emotions.

Dozens of Demon Slayer Squad swordsmen below Class C, headed by Jiichiro, are standing on the edge of the barrier, waving the blades in their hands non-stop.


Under the control of Ganlu Temple, their Sun Wheel Knife can easily pass through the barrier, cut off the bird ghost lying on the barrier, and then retract the blade.

In this way, ghosts can be killed safely.

But even so, the number of bird ghosts is still too much!

Jiichiro swings the sword with his left hand. After losing his right arm, he will naturally practice swinging the sword with his left hand. Now he has almost the same combat power as before.

He shuttled among the other swordsmen, controlling the density of the ghosts that hit him.

The more Jiichiro acted, the more he felt something was wrong.

He frowned tightly.

"Strange..." He glanced at the ghost that bumped into him, and then at the dark sky stained by ghosts.

Even though there are so many ghosts, why are these the only ones who came to attack...

— not right.

"Huh...huh..." A swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad was panting heavily. He kept adjusting his breathing, but his eyes revealed deep exhaustion and despair.

Look up towards the sky.

Dense bird ghosts hovered in the sky along with the black swirling clouds, and only a few sporadic groups flew down to attack.

These—I'm afraid they're just the advance troops to break through the barrier.

The real main force is all in the sky at this moment, or they don't know what to do in Sawushan Town outside the barrier.

But even so, when they deal with this group of monsters, they are always on the verge of their limit.

Bang bang bang! !

Another group of bird ghosts smashed up, their ferocious faces stuck to the barrier, constantly biting the barrier.

"...Damn it!!" The swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad gritted his teeth, he suddenly raised the sun wheel knife, and rushed straight towards the evil spirit sticking to the barrier!
Adjusting the breathing, the rhythm of the breathing intentionally imitated the breathing method taught by the pillars.

"Hiss—!" A big mouthful of oxygen was compressed into the lungs!
at this time!

"Roar!!" The claws connected to the wings of the evil ghost in front of him suddenly turned red!With a puff, it easily corroded through the barrier!
Straight towards the unsuspecting swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad!
Even Jiichiro on the side didn't have time to act.


The swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad looked at the sharp claws that were constantly enlarging in his field of vision, his expression gradually frightened, but the forward trend of his body could no longer be reversed!

But, looking back on this life, do I have anything to worry about and be afraid of...

The answer is - no!
In the next second, the swordsman's expression changed from panic to firmness, and he rushed up to meet the ghost's attack!


He shouted loudly!

Just when he was about to die with the evil spirits.


A hand came from behind the evil ghost, and quietly placed the blade on the ghost's neck.

Then jerk back!
The golden thunder and lightning flickered faintly, the blade slashed across the neck without hindrance, and the bird ghost's head flew high.

My wife Shancun, who was covered in blood, shook Leiqie and wiped away the ashes stained on it.

"Huh..." High-temperature steam overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad who was inside the barrier looked at the sudden appearance of a figure in surprise, and he froze in place for a moment.

"Ming, Master Mingzhu!" He shouted nervously, and the hand that had long been unable to hold the Sun Wheel Saber suddenly lost its strength.

Bang!The sun wheel knife fell to the ground.

Looking behind my wife Shancun, the swordsmen suddenly noticed.

The bird ghosts around the barrier have been slowly reduced to ashes.

It's just that the number of birds and ghosts covering the sky still hasn't decreased.

"Is the current Master Naruto here?!"

"Great! Really great!"

As soon as they heard Youzhu rushing back, the despair on the faces of the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad inside the barrier melted away like the warm sun in the wind and snow.

My wife Shancun was a little tired. He walked into the barrier slowly. The road behind him, from the foot of the mountain to the torii gate of the shrine, was covered with ashes.

——He came all the way up with Breath of Thunder.

"Shancun, are you alright!" Jiichiro held an ordinary Japanese sword, he walked over with a worried face, and gently supported my wife Shancun, who was a little weak to walk.

My wife Shancun shook her head, did not speak, but stared unexpectedly at the Japanese sword held in Jiichiro's right hand.

And Jiichiro stared at a white road that suddenly appeared in the conspicuous ghost tide on the road that my wife Shancun came up.

As the two stared at each other.


In the sky, the bird ghosts who had been hovering high in the sky, forming swirling clouds, suddenly had something strange at this moment!

"They! They're rushing down!!" A swordsman from the Ghost Killing Squad pointed at the swirling clouds in the sky and shouted tremblingly.

The Swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad tightly clenched the hilt of his knife, even though his calf was already trembling honestly, he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating.

Immediately, everyone raised their heads and looked straight at the dark swirling clouds in the sky!

"Hiss—!!" The sharp screams came from large groups, gathered together, forming a wave of sound!
They revolved around the vortex clouds of thunder and lightning, and the pitch-black demons fluttered their wings and flew high, condensing into a pitch-black gauze and hovering in the sky!
At last!
It's like pouring rain!The bird ghosts turned into a bunch and rushed straight down towards a certain position on the ground!
Whoosh!Continuously pouring down like a cocoon!
"Roar!" A series of roars came from high above the sky!
"What is this...!" My wife Shancun, who is very hard of hearing, couldn't bear the stimulation immediately, he staggered back, his face was painful, and he tightly covered his ears with his hands.

"Master Naruto!" The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad leaned nervously beside my wife Shancun, pointing out with the Sun Wheel Saber.

"Things of this level..." Jiichiro stood beside my wife Shancun, staring nervously at the countless bird ghosts rushing down.

This amount... is impossible to stop.

Just when he was thinking this way, he accidentally looked down at the dark mountain, and suddenly understood something!
"...Wait, wait!" Jiichiro frowned tightly, he looked at the birds and ghosts diving rapidly from high altitude, and discerned the direction of their dive!
"They're not coming towards us!"

Jiichiro said doubtfully, he finally found out what was wrong.

The direction those ghosts are sprinting is not a shrine at all.

In other words, the other party didn't seem to care about the shrine that gathered humans on the mountainside at all!
And what the other party cares about is...

boom--! !

The moment Jiichiro thinks!Countless birds and ghosts turned into jet-black streams, pouring straight into the ground under Sawu Mountain!
All the bird ghosts flocked to the foot of Sawu Mountain at this moment, one after another!
Violent vibrations came from the bottom of Mount Sagiri. My wife Zencun and Jiichiro stood firm amidst the vibrations and looked down the mountain.

I saw the place where those bird ghosts plunged headlong.

——Surprisingly, it was the abyss that Shang Quannai used the bloody Bianhua to break through at the foot of the mountain!

And the extremely huge abyss pit, the beam formed by the large number of birds and ghosts poured into it, has a faint tendency to be thicker than the entrance of the cave!

"What's that place?"

My wife looked suspiciously at the hole where the ghost entered. He also saw the hole when he came, but he didn't have time to pay attention.

" you know?"

At this moment, he looked back at Jiichiro, wondering.

Jiichiro looked directly at Yamashita, with a numb expression, and nodded slowly:


"Master Shangquan, and Lord Jiguo...they are fighting against each other without any misfortune."

When my wife Shancun heard this, she was shocked:
"It's over!"


Down the mountain.

On the street leading directly to Sagiri Mountain.

"Oops, too bad..."

"There are ruins everywhere..."

The pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad finally broke out of the tide of bird ghosts shrouded in the outside world at this moment, and entered the interior of Sawushan Town.

"...What is this?" Mizunazukibai's straight eyes were slightly reddened, which was an accidental injury while killing ghosts on the road.

The pillars looked at the group of ghosts pouring into the ground in front of them, and felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

Only Purgatory Renshoulang was alone. He turned his head slightly and looked at the ruins of the doctor's hall.

After the number of evil spirits in the sky decreased, the faint moonlight shone down.

The sun wheel knife in the shape of a flame knife was inserted high on the top of the ruins of the doctor's building.

Under the moonlight, it reflects the cool and cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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