Chapter 204 - Pillars and "pillars"



At the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

In front of the huge pit of the abyss.

"Roar—!!" As the last bird ghost dived straight into the abyss, there were no traces of the evil ghost around Sawu Mountain.

But shadows and dark clouds still hang over the sky.

Sawushan Town, which has been baptized by the evil spirits, is no longer as complete as it used to be, and it looks like ruins.

Black smoke slowly rose from the ruins.

Tatata! !

The members of the Ghost Killing Squad ran quickly on the familiar and unfamiliar streets in the past, and everyone had different emotions on their faces.

In their anxious mood, they could only keep silent.



Several black crows, without exception, either had a section of their wings or were cut off at the middle, and fell from the sky high.

——The moment the barrier was broken, they were the first victims soaring in the sky.

The crows fell like rain, but many crows reacted in time, and together with the order of Fushiki Ubuyashiki, they successfully avoided the slaughter of the bird ghosts.

These crows inevitably suffered some minor injuries.

The members of the ghost killing team ran all the way to pick up the surviving crows, while observing the surroundings.


Finally, they stopped at the mouth of the abyss.

" a group of three, look around for survivors." Iwami Yanci was silent for a while, and said to the first-class team members behind him.

"Yes!" The team members nodded, led by the other pillars, and scattered into the ruins.

In situ, only a few pillars were left, looking around vigilantly.

Just now, everyone witnessed the scene of ghosts filing down.

"They... burst into the ground?"

Minazukiba lightly touched the red eyelids, he stepped forward, squatted down, stretched out his hands and picked up a few pieces of broken soil at the mouth of the abyss.

"Is there anything there?"

He raised his head and looked into the dark abyss, but he could only faintly see the dim blood-colored light from the hanging flowers on the other side, and could not see other things clearly.


A few stones mixed with sand and stones fell straight into the abyss, but the sound of landing was not heard for a long time.

tread, tread.

Yanjian Yanci held the naginata in both hands, he walked over with a solemn expression, and glanced into the abyss.

With just one glance, he recognized that huge blood-colored Bana flower growing upside down in the abyss.

"This is... Lord Umizumi's vampire technique..."

The ghosts rushed in scrambling, indicating that there was nothing on the ground that they cared about.

In other words, there are more important things underground.

As he spoke, he seemed to understand something:
"Your Excellency Shangquan and Your Excellency Jiguo may be below!"

Yan Ci turned his head and looked at the other pillars of the ghost killing team who were a little tired behind him.


After a cursory glance at everyone, Iwami Yanci suddenly found that there seemed to be one person missing.


At this time, the sound of small gravel rolling down came from the side, Yanjian Yanci looked sideways.

Purgatory Renshoulang was stepping on the pile of rubble in the ruins of the doctor's hall, and slowly walked up to the broken eaves.

At the top of the eaves, there is a sun wheel knife with a flame-shaped knife inserted obliquely there.


The callused hand gently held the handle of the knife, and then pulled it out forcefully!

From the pile of rubble, he pulled out the Sun Wheel Knife, which seemed to be still intact.

Purgatory Renshourou wiped the blade with his cuff, looked at his own sad face reflected on the blade, and was slightly taken aback.

I don't know since when, the passion in my heart seems to be slowly fading.

Even he himself hadn't discovered it.

"Purgatory!" Yan Ci yelled towards the back of Purgatory Renshoulang who was standing on the top of the ruins, holding the sun wheel knife in a daze: "Did you find anything?"

Purgatory Renshoulang was slightly taken aback, he shook his head slowly, then turned around slowly.

Bundle the Sun Wheel Knife around your waist and stick it together with the Bone Knife:
"...found something left here, nothing."

Iwami Yanci looked at the appearance of Purgatory Renshourou, he was silent for a while, then nodded.

Although I found something wrong, I didn't have time to pay attention to it.

During the conversation between the two, some Zhu and the first-tier team members came back one after another with solemn faces.

——They didn't find any traces of survivors, not even the bones of the corpses.


The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad looked at each other, and they shook their heads.

The mountainside of Sawu Mountain was shrouded in black mist, and they, who were a step behind my wife Shancun, could not see the red barrier on the mountainside.

At this moment, everyone felt mournful in their hearts.



Just now.

Infinity city.

Shang Quannai jumped up and caught the crow that fell from the sky, and he landed on the ground on the other side.

Lowering his head, he could clearly see the injuries on the crow.

His body was brushed by something that looked like sharp claws, but fortunately, it was just brushed, and his life was not endangered.

"Gar... above... ghost... enchantment..." Jay Crow spoke weakly and intermittently.

"I already know." Shang Quannai nodded, signaling to the crow that there is no need to speak.

He turned his head and put the raven in a cloth made of blood.

——The barrier outside is broken.

He sensed it a moment before the sound came.

Shang Quannai squinted his eyes, and looked at Takehara who stood up amidst the ruined wall opposite him, with a huge wound on his waist and abdomen.

Takehara shrugged his shoulders lightly.

On the chest covered by the cloth, with the gradual rotation of the glazed ball, the large area wounded by the sun's breath is slowly growing new granulation.

Very slowly, probably the resilience of ordinary humans.

A little itchy, Takehara scratched it twice casually.

at this time.

Inside the giant tree of blood vessels.

The corpses of several ghosts with "winding string" written in their eyes gradually became active, and the tubes injected into the back of their necks broke.

With one step, they stepped on the ground.

From the new Shangxianyi to Shangxianzhilu, except for the disappearing Shangxian Si Narui, all the other members are there.

——They are the top players who shared their food without misery.

"Hey..." He opened his somewhat rotten mouth, and the broken muscle tissue on his face was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


the other side.

Shang Quannai's eyes gradually became serious.

——Transfer the position, or try your best to kill Wu Mi in the shortest time.

The ghosts in the eggs I saw just now were able to easily smooth that spot on the surface several times.

If you don't go up for reinforcements as soon as possible, there will be big problems.

He didn't know whether it was Takehara or Wu Mi who was controlling his body at this moment, but from the previous behavior and language, it was probably Wu Mi.

With Ji Guoyuan at the side, he looked up at the top of his head, feeling a little worried in his heart.

After tensing his nerves, Shang Quannai smeared blood on his bone knife again.

Throwing the bone knife behind him, he leaned forward and prepared to sprint.

The soles of the feet touch the ground.

Together with Ji Guoyuan.

boom! !

The floor trampled by gravity suddenly tilted and collapsed!
From both sides, the two rushed straight towards Zhuyuan!

Takehara glanced at the two people rushing from both sides with dazzling flames and blood energy, he was silent and did not move.

All his attention was focused on the ground.

"Run! Bastard!" Wu Mi's sudden voice startled Zhuyuan.

"You are indeed a running dog of the Ghost Killing Squad! You are a despicable creature!"

"Shut up! Idiot!" Takehara scolded back.

All this was heard by Shang Quannai who was approaching quickly.

The two approached quickly.

The moment Ji Guoyuan's monk Quan Nai's blade touched the surface of Takehara's body.

"Hiss————————————" The sound wave twisted hissing sound, blasting from the ceiling high.

next moment!
boom--! !

The ceiling of the entire Infinite City completely collapsed!



Next to the entrance to the abyss.

The team members who went out to search for survivors in the ruins have all returned one after another.

They all got the only answer.

— No survivors.

Just when Iwami Yanci wanted to issue further orders.


The stones at his feet suddenly trembled, hitting the ground non-stop, which immediately attracted Iwami Kenji's attention



The ground suddenly began to shake violently!Especially the part near the mouth of the abyss.

The sand and stones fell, the houses that had not collapsed were completely turned into ruins, and dust was raised everywhere.

Bang bang bang!
The roar of impact and collapse came from the depths of the abyss, echoing non-stop.

There were screams of collapse everywhere.

"What's wrong?!"

"The ground! The ground is tilted up!!" The swordsmen of the ghost killing team tried to stabilize their center of gravity, and they shouted in shock.

"What happened under the ground?! Ordinary earthquake?"

The crack at the mouth of the abyss further expanded, and even extended to include all members of the Ghost Slayer Squad!
Everyone staggered instantly.

The pillars stood firmly in place. After several months of training in Infinite City, their sense of balance has reached its peak.

"Don't panic!" Yan Ci inserted a naginata into the ground, stabilized his body, and looked back at the abyss with a steady expression.

In the abyss that cannot be forgotten.

Faintly, a group of dark things are surging, and seem to be constantly surging up.

——Something rushed up! !

Thick black stuff!
"Everyone! Stay away from the cave now!!" Yan Jian Yanci shrank his pupils, turned his head, and hurriedly shouted at everyone.


After yelling the last cry, Iwami Yancijian, who was closest to the entrance of the cave, had no time to escape from the edge of the cave entrance that sloped and collapsed inward.

With a loud bang, the ground he stepped on completely collapsed.

"Yanci Room!!"

Mizumuzuki turned around and shouted loudly behind her.

He watched Yan Jian Yan Cijian fall from the mouth of the abyss, his eyes widened.

Amidst the huge roar of the ground shaking, Shui Wuyue Bai did not hear whether Yan Ci said anything.

Seiya Kazama next to him tugged Minazutsushiro's shoulders, he didn't speak, he just understood.

Now, there is absolutely no way to lose any combat power.

Finally, after everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad evacuated from the vibrating central area.

The vibration also gradually calmed down.

"Huh...huh..." Everyone gasped in shock.

The pillars stood together, their eyes fixed on the mouth of the abyss.

There is a breath of ghosts.

Very strong.

The silence at this moment is like the calm before the storm.

next moment.

Countless densely packed black bird ghosts wrapped into a ball and flew out from the mouth of the abyss!

"Hiss—!" The hiss turned into sound waves and continued to spread.

Everyone instantly looked in the direction of the huge black sphere.

"Monk!" Minazuki saw the top of the sphere with his sharp eyes, inserted a naginata into the group of ghosts, and stabilized Iwami Kenji.

On the sphere that flies high.


Iwami Kenji grasped the naginata deeply inserted into the body, keeping his body stable.

He looked solemnly at the huge sphere below him composed of countless bird ghosts.

The bird ghosts waved their wings vigorously, and had no time to bite Yanci Yanci, the head that looked like a human and a bird looked particularly ferocious.

There's something in the center of the sphere.

——Iwami Kenji, who has been meditating all the year round, has a very keen perception of things.

Even in the extremely noisy environment, you can clearly hear and distinguish any sound.

Faint red flames and wailing sounds came from inside the sphere.


The sphere exploded violently from the middle!

The intense sun's rays even illuminated half of the sky for an instant!

A new sun rises slowly in the oppressive and dark night.

In the backlight of the scorching sun, Chengya Kazama reluctantly opened his eyes and looked towards the center of the collapsing sphere.

A certain figure seemed to be waving a blade in his hand.

A pitch-black figure was hit by gravity, and flew backwards in one direction at top speed!
boom! !

It fell straight on the ground at high speed, and countless mud and stones were lifted up again.

boom! boom! boom!
Like floating in water, the figure's body collided and jumped several times on the ground at high speed.

The last half of his body fell into the ground.

——It’s Takehara.

Just now, at the moment Ji Guoyuan's monk Quan Nai got close, he summoned all the bird ghosts back to the ground, and instantly enveloped himself.

He sacrificed part of the bird ghosts at once, blocked that attack for him, and made time to escape.

But alas...

"The time... I didn't count it right... Puff..."

Takehara raised his arm from the soil, the entire surface of his body was scorched and blackened by the sun.

But this red burn mark is fading fast.

At the moment when the bird ghosts were protecting him, Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan also hitched a ride, grabbed the bird ghosts, and followed the surface together.

And successfully entered the sphere formed by the birds and ghosts in mid-air, and the two of them flew out of him at once.

Takehara slowly got up, he looked up at the ruins around him, and the distance he slid.

"Run!" Wu Mi's voice sounded in his mind again.


not far away.

All members of the Demon Slayer Squad looked in the direction of Takehara who flew upside down.

Includes columns.


Shang Quannai took Iwami Yancijian and landed beside the members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Along with the two of them, there were a few ghosts with dull faces and expressionless faces, with twisted blades on their waists.

They landed heavily, standing in front of everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad.

In the eyes, there are various words of "winding".

On the body, wearing black clothing, and all kinds of tattered feathers.

On the back of Haori, the word "Mie" is vaguely written.

"Roar!!" The leading ghost, wearing a yellow tattered sleeve, held the handle of the knife at his waist, and roared loudly at the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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