Chapter 205 – Purgatory

The sky was extremely dark, and occasional lightning flashed across the gloomy sky, and the dark clouds hovering over Sagiri Mountain still didn't mean to disperse.

The mountainside of Sagiri Mountain.

Outside the shrine barrier.


My wife Shancun waved the Raiqie in her hand, and after killing the last evil spirit around the shrine, he gasped heavily.

"Huh...huh..." Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he looked down the mountain with a dazed vision.

He also saw the sun that suddenly bloomed above the ruins at the foot of the mountain just now.

—Has the decisive battle already begun?
My wife Shancun was very anxious, he quickly recovered his strength by breathing, and after briefly wiping off the blood on the blade, he was ready to walk down the mountain.

within the boundary.

Jiichiro looked at my wife Shancun's exhausted back, and his hand holding the Japanese sword trembled slightly.

"My lord, Shancun has also grown up."

"Well, that's right." My wife Yuko sat behind Jiichiro, her eyes were clearer and wiser than ever before.



The sky was dark and extremely depressing.

Under Sagiri Mountain, among the ruins of the town.

pat, pat.


The broken blood scab mask slowly gathered on Takehara's face, and he staggered to stand up.

He stretched out his hand, looked down at his palm, and then looked sideways at the ruins of the town surrounded by smoldering flames.

An inexplicable and strong sense of disobedience appeared in my heart.

"Yes! Run!" Wu Mi shouted in Zhuyuan's body: "Get out of here quickly!"

Death was so close that he couldn't even open his eyes to see the situation outside at this moment.

Feeling the pain from all over the body, Wu Mi secretly felt thrilled by this adventure.

Even if Takehara, who has Kamiquanna's blood, controls his body, he can use Kamiquanna's own blood to fight.

——It is also completely powerless to fight against the combination of those two monsters!
Those two guys are simply monsters! !

Wu Mi wailed silently in his heart.

Listening to Wu Mi's words, Zhuyuan slowly raised his head without any waves in his heart.

In the sky, scattered birds and ghosts hovering and flying chaotically.

There are still more remnants of bird ghosts constantly emerging from the abyss.

Looking at the sporadic bird ghosts in the sky, he felt melancholy, and Zhuyuan frowned tightly, his eyes were very puzzled.

But after a brief hesitation, he still firmly clenched his fists.

—Run, because you want to live!
All the reasons can be explained in order to survive!
"Get out of here!" He said to himself, but his heart was inexplicably shaken.

"Quick!" Takehara clenched his teeth and shouted again.

As a result, these words seem to be persuading himself to escape.

The body, in the instinctive resistance to escape.


Takehara frowned, not because he was resisting to run away, but...

—resisting leaving here.

Raising his head, Takehara looked around suspiciously, seeing only ruins one after another, he didn't understand why he instinctively didn't want to leave.

"Run!!" Takehara clenched his fists again, striding hard as if angry.

Wu Cang looked at Zhuyuan talking to himself in slight shock, frowning for a while, the veins on his forehead popped up, he didn't know what to say.

He suddenly felt that deciding to attack Takehara's body seemed to be the stupidest thing he had ever done.

"Huh..." After continuous efforts, Zhuyuan breathed a sigh of relief, looked ahead, and turned his head, ready to escape from this place.

However, the injuries to his body were already very serious, and the several large wounds that had been slashed could hardly heal quickly.

The pace of escape is very difficult.

His recovery ability as a ghost can only allow him to survive this level of injury at this moment.

"Hiss—!!" In the sky, a ghost bird swooped down.

He landed in front of Zhuyuan, prostrated himself on the ground, and motioned for him to support Zhuyuan to fly away from this place.


A miserable voice sounded from the bottom of my heart:

"Eat it so we can escape from here! Quick!"

Takehara was stunned in disbelief.


Wu Mi answered Zhuyuan's question in advance, and his tone was rare and wise:
"In the current situation, no creature can be trusted except myself."


at the same time.

Not far directly in front of Takehara.

A clearing among the ruins.

Everyone from the Ghost Slayer Squad was standing there.

Standing in front of everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad were five ghosts with different costumes.

The five ghosts stood about 50 meters in front of the ghost killing team. They turned around and did not intend to initiate an attack.

Among them, there are three ghosts wearing twisted blades that can vaguely be seen as sun wheel knives around their waists.

The costumes of the other two ghosts are more like the stacked armor of traditional warriors, with family crests painted on the armor.

Shang Quannai put down Yanci and saw Yanci, he squinted his eyes and glanced at the winding ghosts blocking in front of him.

Yuguang swept away.

Just happened to catch a glimpse of Takehara who was making an escape movement.

Shang Quannai immediately opened his eyes, casually patted Mizuna Yuebai beside him, and ordered:

"Try to hold these ghosts!"

“We will be back as soon as possible!”

After finishing speaking, he exchanged glances with Ji Guoyuan who was at the side, and rushed towards Zhuyuan.

"This..." Shui Wuyuebai was startled, he looked at the backs of the two who had already rushed out, quickly pulled his attention back, and looked at the ghosts in front of him.

There was a slight chill on the back, but there was no sign of flinching.

There are five ghosts on the opposite side, and we also have...

and many more.

Shui Mu Yue Bai was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly glanced at the people beside him.


——Where is my wife Shancun? !
"... hold on to the winding..." Chengya Kazama wrapped the bandages around his hands and the handle of the knife, staring closely at the numbers in the pupils of the ghosts.

In the eyes of ghosts in different costumes, the words "one, two, three, five, and land" are respectively displayed.

"Just to verify whether the training these days is useful..." Kazama Chengya tore off the bandage with his mouth, his eyes became dark and fierce.

Shui Mu Yue Bai frowned helplessly, and could only face the situation in front of her for a while.

As for where my wife Shancun has gone... I can only put it on hold for now!

"...killing characters...this kind of clothing...this kind of dress..."

Mizumuzuki glanced gravely at the ghosts standing in front of him, he was already in the posture of drawing his sword, his eyes were very cautious.

The ghosts in front of them were wearing the old-fashioned uniforms of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

And, it seems that one is older than the other.

"...Is it the pillars of the ancestors?" Minazuki Shiro frowned tightly, breathing hard for a while.

The same is true for the other pillars. Looking at the old-fashioned costumes in front of them, the ancestor pillars who have lost their minds feel very uncomfortable.

Yanjian Yanci observed the surroundings, and he had some bad premonition in his heart.

——The figure of my wife Shancun has not been seen so far.

His eyes passed through the pillar ghosts in front of him, and he looked at Takehara who stood up in the distance.

"The other party is winding up, so be more careful." Yan Jian Yanci's voice was particularly dull.


behind the pillars.

not far away.

Tatata! !

The sound of hurried footsteps continued to come, accompanied by the sound of easily audible breathing.

A head of blond hair kept jumping while running wildly, looking very dazzling under the dark sky.

My wife Shancun looked at the few people who were approaching immediately, he became joyful, it seemed that the real battle hadn't started yet.

There still appears to be a stalemate at the moment.

The speed under your feet is even faster!

Naruya Kazama noticed the footsteps behind him, his ears twitched slightly, and the air flow around him enhanced his perception.

Turn your head and look back.

Just in time, I met my wife Shancun with a joyful face.

Oh, it's this guy.

After thinking about it this way, Kazama Chengmi turned his head expressionlessly again, holding the knife cautiously, aiming at the Shangxian ghosts not far away.

My wife Shancun's expression became unnatural, he took a deep breath, also became serious, and stood on the other side of the line.

Just when the pillars noticed that my wife Shancun had returned to the team.


"Hey, new me."

An extremely familiar voice sounded in my wife Shancun's mind.

My wife Shancun was panting slightly. Hearing the voice in his head, he was a little dazed.

——It is the ancestor Naruto in the "Kingdom of Heaven".

This senior, who is not compatible with his personality, often calls himself the "new self" and calls himself the "self".

It's just... this senior...

Why contact me at this time?
As if seeing my wife Shancun's doubts, the benevolent voice continued to sound:
"Look at your side, look at that pillar of flame, yes, it's him."

My wife Shancun subconsciously looked at Jingui Renshoulang next to her, blinking her eyes with some doubts.

A benevolent voice came faintly:

"...There's something wrong with this kid."

My wife Shancun heard the words, and stared at Purgatory Renshoulang in a daze.

In my impression, this senior Yan Zhu was as warm as a raging fire.

Something has been really wrong lately.


Purgatory Renshoulang had two blades hanging from his waist. His original expression had become very cold, and even faintly angry.

"Ghost..." He suppressed his anger and murmured in a low voice, gently holding the handle of the sun wheel knife at his waist, rubbing his rough fingers lightly.

But when he accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhuyuan staggering up in the distance, he was slightly taken aback and his pupils shrank.

far away.

Takehara is struggling to leave.

The vaguely familiar face under the shattered mask was accurately captured by Purgatory Renshourou in his field of vision.


As if he felt that he had misread, Purgatory Jinshourou closed his owl-like eyes, then opened them again, and looked at the direction not far away with concentration.

——It’s Takehara!
He frowned, his eyes moved following Takehara's staggering movements.

Purgatory Renshoulang suddenly remembered his previous speculation.

——Takehara turned into a ghost in Infinity City.

Then, it is entirely possible that Takehara, who became a ghost, appeared on this battlefield.

But, but...

Purgatory Renshourou's mood gradually trembled.

That direction seems to be the direction where "Wu Mi" fell just now.

But I didn't see Wumi's existence...

Thinking about it, Purgatory Renshourou stared straight at Takehara in the distance, frowning tightly.

Subconsciously, the body also moved.

He took a sudden step, and his pupils, which were as bright as red flames, trembled slightly.

Iwami Yanci at the side saw the bewildered appearance of Purgatory Renshoulang, and he hastily reminded:

"Purgatory! Return to God!"

Iwami Yanci's tone was anxious:
"Now is not the time to be distracted!"

But Purgatory Renshoulang didn't seem to hear it, he clenched the handle of the bone knife at his waist, and stepped forward firmly.

"Purgatory Renshoulang!" Yanjian Yanci frowned.

Purgatory Jinshourou stepped forward again.

But rare, Iwami Yanci didn't interrupt again.

Yanjian Yanci frowned tightly, he looked at Purgatory Renshourou, his always calm expression could not help but become emotional at this moment.

——The body surface of Purgatory Renshourou.

——It was vaguely covered with a layer of translucent blue-purple flames.

The strange blue-purple flames fluttered indistinctly, and it was difficult to see clearly under the dark sky.

Although it is just a phantom, it is unimaginable for other people that this kind of thing happened.

"Purgatory..." Minazuki Shiro looked at Purgatory Jinjurou in surprise, he didn't know what happened for a while.

My wife Shancun also opened her eyes slightly, but he was not so surprised after being struck by lightning all the year round.

"Ho... roar!" Shangxian Gui standing opposite noticed the movements of Purgatory Renshourou.

Among them, Shangxian, who was wearing a samurai armor and had the word "Lu" written in his pupils, twisted his neck and looked over, and shouted loudly: "Ho!!"

He was trying to push back the Purgatory Renjurou who wanted to get close.

These winding ghosts who have lost consciousness are now only relying on simple intelligence to maintain their actions.

The order they received was just a simple order to cover the king's evacuation.

Under the gaze of all the pillars, Purgatory Jinjurou looked directly in the direction of Takehara, and took another step.

The hand holding the bone knife was unconsciously squeezed tightly.

Shangxian Zhilu's eyes suddenly darkened, and he held the handle of the knife at his waist.

Pulling it out like muscle memory, and posing the most standard Hirata-style swordsmanship.

Blood entangled Shangxian Zhilu, he opened his disgusting bloody mouth ferociously, and the general's stomach contracted twice suddenly.

"Ouch!" A large amount of green stuff was vomited out, spraying bubbles on the blade in his hand.

The green mist also spread.

"Hiss—!" The next moment, he took a deep breath!

"Huh!" Spit forcefully towards the advancing Purgatory Renshourou!

The green mist spread instantly, and the potholed ground that had been baptized was instantly corroded and began to collapse.


The green pus slowly gathered, gradually enlarged and distorted.

Finally, behind Shangxian Zhilu, a monster with the shape of a dragon's head three people tall formed!

At the same time, the green liquid that turned into substance adhered to Shanglu's blade, and he swung the blade quickly, and slashed towards Purgatory Renshourou a few times!
Swish swish!
The green wave of the knife broke away from the blade, rose from the ground, and ran straight towards Purgatory Ren Shoulang!

The green pus dragon beast behind it also smashed over!
The blue-purple flame on Purgatory Renshoulang's body gradually became clear.

boom! !

The pus hit the place where Purgatory Renshoulang was standing just now, and immediately corroded a huge hole.

But at the same place, the figure of Purgatory Renshoulang could not be seen.

Under the gaze of the side pillars, Purgatory Renshourou appeared behind Shangxian Zhilu.

He raised the bone knife in his hand high.

(End of this chapter)

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