Chapter 206 – Fire God of Thunder

"Huh..." Purgatory Renshoulang tightened his grip on the hilt of the knife he was holding high.

Suddenly, he slammed towards the evil spirit who was facing away from him!
The majestic force pressed on the bone knife, and Purgatory Renshourou slammed the bone knife on Shangxian Zhilu's body.

boom! !


Caught off guard, Shangxian Zhilu's entire ghost was smashed to the ground abruptly. While choking on the pain, he heard a faint sound coming from above his head.

"Breath of Flame · Three Types."

Purgatory Renshourou's blond hair swayed slightly, his red-flame pupils remained firm, and he once again raised the bone knife in his hand.

The pupils of the rest of the upper strings on the side were empty, they had no subjective consciousness, and at this moment Wu Mi couldn't separate their minds to take care of these guys.


The orange-yellow-red flames instantly burst out from the bone knife in strands!
"Qiyan Vientiane!"

The blade wrapped in billowing flames slammed into the back of Shangxian Lu who was already on the ground again!
boom! !

The flames seemed to be real, splashing around, and the ground was slightly lifted due to the heavy blow.

The bone knife wrapped in high temperature easily split a deep scar on Shangxian Lu's back.


Turning the blade vigorously, the fiery flames erupted in the evil spirit's body again!

Seeing the faint blue flames on Purgatory Renshoulang, the pillars were slightly dazed.

At this time,

"Huh..." Minazuki Shiro spit out some white steam from the corner of his mouth.

Push hard with your feet!
[Water Breath · Three Shapes · Flow Dance]!
The spray and water flow like a picture scroll unfurled immediately, and rushed straight towards the winding ghosts on the opposite side!
"Why are you standing still!"

"Cover up Purgatory!" Minazukibai yelled while controlling the speed of his body sprinting.

Looking in the direction of Mizunazukibai, one can find that as the life breath of Shangxian Land gradually weakens, the other Shangxian who have no self-awareness on the side seem to start to move.

The pillars also reacted, their arms tensed, and the breathing method that had been brewing for a long time almost instantly launched their sword skills towards the ghost not far away.


The sound of knives colliding came out.

"Thunder's breath, one shape..." My wife Shancun's eyes reflected the shining thunder.

[Thunderbolt flash]!
A blue lightning wrapped in gold flashed across the oppressive darkness in an instant, and hit the evil spirit opposite!

"Breath of Wind·Two ​​Shapes!!" Kazama Chengya's eyes fixed on the Kamizuki's eyes, arched his waist, and kicked directly towards the Kamizuru!
"Claw Claw Kohufeng!!" The arched waist exerted force suddenly, the entire upper body was directly tightened and pressed down by the huge core force, and the blade in his hand also slashed!

Swish-! !

Four cyan wind blades broke away from the blades and flew straight out!
"The breath of the rock, the shape of the land..." Iwami Yanci held the naginata with both hands, and the muscles of his body tensed suddenly.

In an instant, all kinds of light elements shone and mixed together, turning into one body and rolling towards the top strings.


The winding ghosts who have no self-awareness instinctively sensed the danger coming, and they made defensive gestures one after another.

Suddenly, among the ghosts on the upper string, the standing posture was the most normal, and a ghost wearing a yellow haori took a step forward.

"...Swordsmanship, the first move." A rather clear voice came from his already aging mouth.

The ghost with "Last One" written in his pupils bent down slightly, and moved naturally from the memory that was honed to the deepest part of his muscles.

The small dark yellow sleeve fluttered in the wind, his left foot stepped back, and his right hand rested on the twisted blade at his waist.

My wife Shancun, who was running towards him at a very high speed, saw his very familiar movements, her pupils shrank suddenly, and even her movements slowed down for a moment.

- This action!
——It was a flash of thunder!
This ghost...can't be...

My wife Shancun's thoughts spread instantly, and he looked at the skinny and aging ghost slowly approaching in his field of vision with some disbelief.

Suddenly, a benevolent voice sounded in my mind: "Don't be dazed! Cut it down!"

Almost subconsciously, my wife Shancun gritted her teeth, he didn't stop the pace of sprinting, and swung the blade wrapped in thunder in his hand violently!

The sound of weapons colliding came suddenly!
boom! !

A wave of blood ghost art burst out from the point of contact between the blades!

[Blood Ghost Art Ripple Exploitation]

Almost at the same time, Shangxian Ghost standing opposite also pulled out his blade, colliding with Leiqie in my wife Shancun's hand!
Huge force came from the blade, which made my wife Shancun's mouth go numb!
My wife Shancun looked in shock at the blade of Shang Xianyi that collided with her own blade, and the continuous bloody waves piled up from the place where the blade collided.

Muscles are getting weak!

From the corner of the eye, I saw the other companions around, and the bloody ripples also spread to the other pillars, and their expressions became a little surprised.

Obviously affected!

"Ho..." A meaningless hoarse roar came from the voice of the evil ghost who was close at hand, and the winding column, who was suspected to be the previous generation of Mingzhu, looked up and seemed to take a look at my wife Shancun.

My wife Shancun held the handle of the knife with difficulty, and the thunder and lightning poured into the opponent's body along the blade, but the opponent did not seem to be affected at all.

How to do!
The muscles will become less and less powerful, such an enemy must be defeated in an instant!

My wife Shancun gritted her teeth and wrestled with Shangxian, but Shangxian, who was wearing a yellow sleeve, seemed to be holding his hand on the handle of the knife.

The withered arm slightly touched the handle of the knife, and just like that, the two of them were deadlocked together.

"...Damn it." My wife Shancun kept thinking about countermeasures in her mind.


A huge drowsiness instantly enveloped my wife Shancun.


One last thought before waking up.

As if irresistible, in just a moment, his vision went dark and he fell into a coma.

However, the external body seemed to maintain its original movements automatically.


When my wife Shancun woke up again.

But I found that I once again came to the "heaven" in my mind.

The sky was blue and cloudy.

The fragrance of the grassland could not stop rushing into his nose.

In front of him, a person who looked exactly like him stood there, looking straight at him.

He hasn't been to this place for a long time.

My wife Shancun frowned, he was very anxious, he couldn't care less to tell who the person in front of him was, so he stood up quickly and kept saying:
"Why pull me in now! Let me out!"

He walked straight up to the man, and shouted in a very anxious tone:

"The situation outside is very critical!"

"You should understand too!"

"Be quiet." The person who looks exactly like my wife Shancun stretched out a hand, gesturing him to shut up.

Then, he whispered to himself softly.

"This is the last time." A familiar voice said from the man's mouth.

The man raised his head, and the pupil color of his eyes hidden in the shadow became exactly the same as my wife Shancun:
"Don't worry, the flow of time here is faster than outside, and the time we spend will not exceed one breath."

My wife Shancun was slightly taken aback when she heard the familiar tone.

this voice.

——It belonged to that senior Naruto.

That's right, that senior seems to be unknowingly, his appearance is becoming more and more similar to himself.

When my wife Shancun was in a daze, the calm Renshan continued to say:

"Next, I will hand over everything I have to you."

"Be sure to remember it." The tone seemed to be exhorting, my wife Renshan nodded to Shancun:

"Because this is the last time."

"...I understand." My wife Shancun looked at Renshan's extremely serious look, and he nodded straightforwardly in a rare way, without asking why.

"Crack!" After finishing speaking, the senior Ren Shan stretched out his hand, grabbed Shan Cun's hand, and interlocked his fingers.

"You!? What are you doing!?"

My wife Shancun looked at Renshan who was intertwined with her fingers, and couldn't hold back immediately. He shouted in horror:

"Even if you become me! I won't be fooled by my handsomeness!"

"Tsk, don't talk too much." My wife Renshan was speechless, and took Shancun's other hand further.


At this time, after benevolent reminders, my wife Shancun suddenly found out.

On the opposite side was Senior Naruto who was constantly changing his appearance.

At this moment, his hands intertwined with his own, and then.

——It has been completely integrated into one!
My wife Shancun looked at her other self who was gradually blending into her, and she was speechless for a while in surprise.



"!" My wife Shancun woke up suddenly, he took a long breath, and then let it out slowly.

After a moment in the outside world, it seems that a relatively long period of time has passed in the "Kingdom of Heaven".

In the eyes of Shang Xianyi on the opposite side, my wife Shancun just closed her eyes suddenly and then opened them suddenly.

But the breath has become completely different.

For example, two thoughts seem to overlap by a thread.

"Thunder's breath..." A familiar voice sounded, but it sounded twice like overlapping and failed to fit together.

"Hey...!!" One of the top strings became rigid, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, tried to withdraw the blade, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

However, it was only at this time that the idea of ​​​​retiring sprouted, and it seemed a bit late.

The lightning flashed on the blade, and the huge lightning spread instantly, directly engulfing the wrestling two people!
At the moment Shangxian Ghost tried to retract the blade, the arc jumped and instantly sucked his blade back again!
The blade rubbed against the blade for a moment!

My wife Shancun's eyes became extremely sharp, and the posture of holding the knife in his hand changed suddenly!
Tighten the waist and tighten the abdomen, all the strength is transferred to the arms!
Thunder and lightning burst out under your feet!Gravel floats!
The arc flickered, and the clothes on his body gradually ignited flames!
Turn the blade!
"Thunderbolt, change!" Another double-layered voice sounded, but this time, it seemed to be much more orderly than before.

Slash! !
boom! !

My wife Shancun sprints again!

The golden thunder wrapped around the blade, and with the twisting of my wife Shancun's blade, it turned into a swaying flickering energy, all of which poured out on the winding one in front of me!

With the sound of a blade passing through the flesh, my wife Shancun appeared behind the winding one with a flickering figure.

The thunder suddenly resounded, striking one of the winding strings continuously!


Half-kneeling on the ground, my wife Shancun slowly sheathed the blade.

"Huh..." White steam overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

In the end, he said slowly:
"...Fire and Thunder God."

The voice was extremely neat, as if only one person was speaking.

Puff -! !

Behind him, the head of Winding One flew high.


The head rolled to the ground, looking into the dim pupils of my wife Shancun, there seemed to be an extremely hard-to-find relief.

My wife Shancun slowly opened his eyes, and he felt that something was missing in his mind.

That's right - the senior Naruto who was in "Kingdom of Heaven" has disappeared.

But he also felt that it seemed that the current self was the truly complete self.

"...Jiguo Yuanyi, very beautiful sword skills."

For no reason, my wife Shancun sighed like this.

The tone didn't sound like his own.


The other pillars on the side, because Shancun solved one of the upper strings responsible for the weakening of the group in one breath, their battle was relatively easier.

After all, drinking ghost blood, holding a ghost knife, and being trained by the devil, in such an extreme situation.

——A pig can come up with two knives and confront Shangxian Ghost twice.


Under the siege of all the pillars, he successfully dealt with the Purgatory Renshourou of the land of the string, and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of Takehara.


Then, his eyes locked in one direction.

There, several bird ghosts had just been chopped to pieces.


The battlefield changes rapidly.

the other side of the battlefield.

Takehara was about to sit on the back of the newly-flying bird ghost and flee.

Suddenly, the back of his head went numb, and his pupils shrank slightly.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded in my ears.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan approached quickly.

Swish-swish-! !

The two invisible figures could only see the traces of Riyan's swaying knife light flashing past, and Zhuyuan's heart suddenly rang an alarm!
He suddenly jumped sideways and jumped up to a height of more than ten meters in an instant, dodging the slashes of the two.

The next moment, Shang Quannai's eyes were locked tightly. Holding the bone knife, he also appeared in the sky on the same level as him!

The blood fog in his hand slashed straight at him with the reflective blade!

While Takehara was horrified, the glazed sphere on his chest spun rapidly, and a stream of Shang Quannai's own blood gushed out!
He subconsciously formed two huge blood scab armors on his arms.

The blood mist bone knife was deeply stuck in the blood scab armor, splashing out some sparks and blood.

Huge power comes from the arm!
It directly sent Takehara's whole body flying!
The figure crossed the sky and crashed straight towards the ground!
The whole person smashed into the soil.

"Pffw..." He spit out a stream of blood from the side of his head, and there was unprecedented pain in his arms.

Just now, at the moment Shang Quannai slashed, blood continued to invade his body along the blade.

This almost directly broke the balance between Wu Mi's blood and Shang Quannai's blood that had been difficult to form in Takehara's body.

Endless pain instantly occupied Takehara's brain.


With the splash of blood, Takehara resolutely broke his own arms.

(End of this chapter)

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