People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 207 – Let everything end in the Warring States Period

Chapter 207 - Let Everything End in the Warring States Period ([-])


Time passed by minute by minute.

Now, there is still a long time before dawn.

Swish! !

A few lavender crescents streaked across the pitch-black midair, easily cutting open the bird ghost's body.

Pooh!Blood splattered, and the bird ghost that was still flying turned into two halves in mid-air.

【Breath of the Moon】

"Huh..." Ji Guoyansheng, whose feathers were a little broken, let out a slight breath. In front of him was an evil ghost that was slowly turning into ashes.

Ji Guoyansheng's eyes were sharp, and the palms of his hands holding the Rilun Saber were already soaked with sweat.

The blood had already soaked his clothes, but it was actually just the ashes of the ghost and his own sweat.

When returning to Sagiri Mountain, Ji Guoyansheng left the team alone.

Zhongzhu is now shopping with the rest of the top strings, and he.

It was a person who lay in ambush in the dark.

Always waiting for an opportunity to do something important.

at last.

Let him touch the opportunity.

Ji Guoyansheng raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Zhuyuan not far in front of him, which had just been chopped down from the sky and sank into the rocks.

Ghost King Wu Mi - fell not far from him.

Step, step, step.

The foot bag lightly stepped on the ruins, and Ji Guoyansheng held his breath, trying to hide his breath with breathing techniques, and controlled the distance between himself and Zhuyuan within a safe range.

Visually, it was about [-] meters away.

"Cough, cough! Cough!!" Takehara's cough came from the stone pile in front of him, and a bloody severed arm slowly extended out of the stone pile.


With the sound of tense and fast-growing muscles, Takehara not far in front of him grew back his own arms.

"...It hurts, it hurts so much..."

" familiar...this pain...why..."


Faintly talking to himself came from the stone pile in front, Ji Guoyansheng held the sun wheel knife, held his breath, and cautiously hid aside.

At the same time, he frowned slightly.

Ghost King... screaming for pain?

Such an image of the ghost king is not in line with Ji Guoyansheng's heart.

In the pile of stones.

Takehara's eyes were a little confused, he was half lying on the stone pile, his legs were twisted, and he swung hard.


changed back to its original appearance.

"Don't worry about this! ... Move quickly! Those two guys are rushing over again!" Wu Mi's nervous and anxious voice sounded again, obviously, he was a little helpless at the moment:

"Crazy! It's two crazy people!"

Wu Mi's tone became flustered.

The reason he was nervous was because Takehara had shown many unstable factors since he came to Sagiri Mountain.

Just now, he seemed to recall some memories of abusing him.

This made him feel very uneasy about Takehara.

The reason for anxiety is very simple, just look at the distance.

——Ji Guoyuan had a serious face, dragging a long flame in his hand, and came straight to this side.

"Gudu." Wuyou swallowed subconsciously.

Now, it seems that there is no other way but to run away and wait for the time to completely escape.

As for the frontal fight...

Now Zhuyuan, if there is only one person on the opposite side, maybe he can still fight for a while.

But there are two on the opposite side! !

Takehara's dazed eyes saw Ji Guo Yuanyi running towards him at a high speed, he frowned, his confused heart made him not know how to act at the moment.

The severe impairment of body functions also made many of his senses seem to be covered with a layer of cloth at this moment, making them unclear.

But because of his body's survival instinct, he stood up vigorously.

Although he recovered from his leg injury, Shang Quannai's excess blood seemed to seep into his leg, causing him to feel weak in his lower limbs at the moment.


Several meat whips grew from the spine, twisting and wrapping around the two legs, forming new external proliferative muscles.


The proliferative muscles quickly twisted and deformed, and a large number of muscles were twisted and regularly arranged on the thighs.

Instead, the calf turned into a reflex, with slender but elastic joints.

—Like the legs of a grasshopper.

After tensing, Takehara looked sideways at Ji Guoyuanyi who was rushing forward, turned his body to the other side, the new joints were slightly bent, and instantly filled with bursting strength.


Just when he was about to flee from the spot and continue the tug of war.

The lavender crescent moon flashed across the air in an instant!

Pulled up from the ground, it flew directly in front of Zhuyuan, brushing the tip of his nose!

This also succeeded in making Takehara, who was about to jump, subconsciously force him to stop.

The moment he was forced to stop, Takehara felt a little annoyed.

——Emotions are the greatest weakness of human beings, and he himself was actually forced to stop fleeing just now because of the fear of being hurt.

As a ghost, he actually made such a mistake.

Ji Guoyansheng, who had been hiding at the side, held the hilt of the Japanese Japanese sword at his waist, and his upper body maintained the posture of drawing the sword and slashing.

After the crescent moon, he sprinted over!

No sound, hidden breath.

Although Takehara spotted him the next moment, it didn't prevent Takehara from getting within the distance he could attack.

[Breath of the Moon·One Shape·Dark Moon·Night Palace]!

In Takehara's slightly dilated eye sockets.

Ji Guoyansheng suddenly pulled out the blade from his waist, and pulled out the sword from his arm!Round!
A huge purple crescent moon approached his body in an instant!

when! !

The moment the crescent moon touched Zhuyuan, it was smashed apart by the impact, and the place it touched turned into a star point!

Even the Rilun Knife held in his hand was bounced off by the blood scab armor attached to the surface of his body unconsciously by Takehara.

There was the crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

Sparks flickered in the dark.

There seems to be some traces of missing edges on the edge of the blade.

Ji Guoyansheng's pupils shrank, but this was also within his expectation.

Because of him, time has been won!

In the reflection of Ji Guoyan Sheng's pupils, Yuan Yi's figure gradually enlarged.

Takehara looked at the Japanese sword in Ji Guoyansheng's hand and the sparks from the collision with the sword at his waist, and frowned slightly.

He didn't understand Ji Guoyansheng's approach.


A sound of rising sun came from behind, and bursts of light and high temperature shone behind Zhuyuan!
Takehara suddenly turned his head in shock!

In the field of vision, Ji Guoyuanyi's face is very close!
It's just a few steps away from me!
In an instant, Takehara directly figured out what Ji Guoyansheng was doing just now.

An attack that clearly knows that there will be no results-that guy is trying to stall for time!
As soon as Ji Guoyuan tightened his abdomen, the earrings on both ears were constantly shaking by the wind.

His eyes were calm, as if he had expected everything in his eyes long ago, without any emotion at all.

Leaning down slightly, maintaining the movement of breaking through the wind resistance and sprinting, the sun wheel knife in his hand has the tendency to chop from bottom to top!

The hot sun flames continued to flow and spread on the blade, and the gorgeous tail flames reflected in Takehara's pupils, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

A long shining trail was dragged out.

In Takehara's slightly narrowed pupils, it kept slowing down.

boom! !

At the same time, a violent landing sound came from the other side of the body!
The huge wind and waves lifted the gravel, and a large area of ​​the ground was raised!The cracked ground texture even spread directly to Zhuyuan's feet!
In a short time, Takehara felt what happened over there again.

——It’s Kamisenna!
That guy fell from the sky!


The current situation on the battlefield is undoubtedly the most difficult for Takehara and Wu Mi.

Ji Guoyuan and Kamiquanna once again surrounded him from both sides.

Although the stack of armor formed by blood scabs can resist the attacks of Kamiquanna and Ji Guoyuan for a short time, it can only block it for a moment.

After that moment, what is ushered in will inevitably be his own death.


Thinking of this word, my heart felt like being pinched instantly, and a feeling of despair and suffocation came to my heart.

at this time.


Takehara's eyes darkened.

The battlefield in front of him disappeared completely, as if it had never existed before.

Suddenly, Takehara seemed to see himself struggling in a sea of ​​flames.

Violent ghosts, rampant roars, sadness and despair, and blood sprayed high in the field of vision.

Blazing eyes, constantly beating light, attached to the flames, crackling houses burning, wailing rotten logs falling down, heavy on the body, entwined with the flames of the beams.

The darkness around the eye sockets, the strong and choking smell of smoke that keeps pouring into the nasal cavity.

Death... no, never want to die like this.

Vaguely, Takehara seemed to see himself struggling to stretch out his palm towards the ceiling.

"" A hoarse voice sounded from his throat.

…This is where?
Takehara observed everything around him from the angle of No.1, endless confusion arose in his heart, and at the same time he felt the suffocating despair in his body.

Why am I here...?
— Strange, why is this feeling so familiar?

The burning sensation on the body, the blackened vision that was scorched by the flames, and even the arms that smelled like roasted meat.

so familiar...

who I am?
Suddenly, such a thought appeared in Takehara's heart.

Just as he thought before, Takehara, who was in a daze, felt more and more that he could not be a creature created by Wuyou out of thin air.

Time seemed to slow down in the tense nerves.

The trajectories of the surrounding things suddenly seemed to become extremely slow, and they were even moving little by little.

But in fact.

——It's just that Takehara's thoughts and reaction speed became extremely fast the moment he realized that he was about to die.

It is also limited to thoughts, if the body wants to move, it cannot be as fast as the beating thoughts.

In my mind, Wu Mi's voice was ringing out one after another, and some hoarse roars rang through my mind:

"Takehara! Quick! Split! Split!!"

"It's too late! Split up!!"

"Damn it! Give me your body!"

The continuous roar sounded, but in Zhuyuan's ears, but in Zhuyuan's ears at this moment, it was just a very vague and indistinct sound coming from afar.

After realizing that her roar was useless, Wu Mi tried to forcibly seize control of her body.

And Takehara, who is in a semi-fugue state, can easily be seized control.

at this time.

Ji Guoyuan and Shang Quannai, the two have already approached Takehara!

Wu Mi's terrified eyes replaced Takehara.

He finally managed to control his body!
next moment!He hurriedly exerted all his strength, and there was even a crisp sound of "cracking"!Gritted his teeth!

—Split me! !

goo goo goo...

The tissues all over his body swelled in a very disgusting way for a moment!

Like a deflated balloon, it suddenly deflated.

——No split succeeded!
In an instant, endless regret and despair covered Wu Mi's emotions.

How, why, why can't I split? !
How could this be! ?

Wu Mi with long white hair, his eyes were full of horror and surprise at the moment.


Narrow Mist.


Shrine hall.

The blood-colored enchantment trembled slightly, and Ganluji Sakuramochi standing in the middle of the shrine was sweating profusely, her eyes were tightly closed, and her hands were constantly shaking.

As time passed, the remaining evil spirits continued to commit suicide to kill the impact of the barrier, and the rate of consumption of the barrier reached an astonishing level!

But suddenly.

The evil spirits lying on the barrier tilted their heads one after another, their scarlet pupils staring straight at the foot of Sawu Mountain.

"Huh...?" They roared suspiciously in their hoarse voices.



One after another, they flew away from the barrier, and swooped straight down the Sawu Mountain.

It was as if there was something more important over there that was attracting them.

The residents in the enchantment discovered this situation, and they all turned their heads to look at the Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake who was close to collapse:
"Master Miko!"

"Miko-sama! Are you okay!"

"Evil ghosts! The man-eating ghosts have left!"

Hearing this, Ganluji Sakuramochi, whose consciousness was already a little fuzzy, breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense nerves instantly relaxed.

The result is--

She lay straight on the ground.


The people in the center of the shrine shouted in shock.

At the same time, after noticing the disappearance of the barrier, Jiichiro, who was on the edge of the barrier, also heard the shouts of the crowd.

He turned his head hastily, and ran towards the inside of the shrine with a nervous expression!
My wife Yuzi stood up and followed closely behind.



At the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

far away.

The place where the battle of the pillars is wound.

The smoke is everywhere.

boom! !

Huge vibrations continued to come, accompanied by howls of ghosts.

The thunder that shone to the extreme quickly passed through the battlefield, and every time it flashed, several scars would appear on the exhausted Winding Ghost.

The other pillars fought against the other upper strings together, and the battle with the upper string ghosts was gradually coming to an end.

The resolute face of the red-flame-colored Purgatory Renshourou was already covered with black ash, which was the trace left by a certain winding ghost after his death.

Blue flames flickered on his blade, and a few replaced the appearance of red flames.

Purgatory Renshourou didn't know what the purple-blue flame represented, but at this moment he knew that this flame made him stronger.

puff! !
After cutting off the head of another ghost, Purgatory Renshourou fixed his gaze on Takehara in the distance.

I happened to see the moment Ji Guoyuanyi and Shang Quannai attacked Zhuyuan!

He suddenly yelled:


(End of this chapter)

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