People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 208 – Let everything end in the Warring States Period

Chapter 208 - Let Everything End in the Warring States Period ([-])


The dark clouds in the sky are getting lower and lower, and the smell of blood is accompanied by people's panic, and the atmosphere becomes more and more depressing, so depressing that people can't breathe.

Inside the shrine.

Ganlusi Yingbing closed her eyes tightly and fell to the ground weakly.

The nerves that were too tense before suddenly relaxed, but it had the opposite effect.

"What should I do... Miko-sama, she..."

"what should we do?!"

"Master Miko..."

The crowd gathered around, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

Some people even cried out in a hurry.

They tried to move Miko-sama into the palace, but what they didn't expect was...

——They can't move the cherry cakes of Ganlu Temple at all.

The density of eight times the muscle has not changed after Ganluji Sakuramochi turned into a ghost.

On the contrary, it has been strengthened even more superiorly.

This caused her weight to skyrocket.

But it can't be seen from the slender and weak appearance.

There is nothing they can do even after all their strength, and the helpless residents can only stare at the side helplessly.

But fortunately, the evil spirits have all left the vicinity of the mountainside of Sawu Mountain, and they headed down the mountain.

Therefore, residents are not at risk of being harmed.

It's just that some people silently looked at the ruined town below the mountain, and they didn't know what they were thinking in their dim eyes.

At this time.

pat, pat.

Little drops of rain fell from the oppressively dark sky.

Dripping on the cheeks of Kanroji Sakuramochi.

Ganluji Sakura Mochi's eyelashes trembled a few times.


She struggled to open her tired eyes and looked at the gloomy sky.

The smell of damp soil poured into the nostrils, and the raindrops hit straight.

It's raining.

At this time.

"Let's go! What happened just now?!"

Jiichiro and my wife Yuko squeezed away from the crowd, calmed down the panicked expressions of the people around them, and looked towards the middle of the crowd.

"Ganlu Temple... What's wrong, Ganlu Temple!"

He glanced at Ganluji Sakuramochi lying on the ground.

Ganluji Sakuramochi opened her eyes with difficulty, and slowly shook her head at Jiichiro:

Afterwards, with the assistance of my wife Yuzi, I successfully lifted the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple and walked into the Palace Secretary.

after a short break.

"I want to go down." Ganluji Sakuramochi walked out of the Palace Secretary, and she looked at the bottom of Sagiri Mountain seriously and solemnly.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake decided that she was going down the mountain.


Behind the shrine.

Inside the room of Fuyo Miyashiki.

Miyayashiki Fuyo sat beside the flickering candlelight, holding some straw paper in his hand, and kept writing and calculating.

"...I should have thought of it... I should have thought of it..." There was some remorse and helplessness in his tone:

"Feel sorry…"

Fuyo Ubuyashiki lowered his eyes, his slightly whitish pupils were filled with sadness.

To end this war once and for all, there must be sacrifices.

This is where he can't help.

Originally planned to use his own sacrifice to atone for his restless heart.

But he was stopped by Shang Quannai on the grounds that his son is not capable of leading the ghost killing team at the moment.

"…Feel sorry…"




At the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

The rain gradually became heavier, and the raindrops formed a line, gently sweeping over the battlefield, suppressing the smell of blood.

Purgatory Renshourou looked at Takehara who was pinched not far away, his pupils shrank tightly, and he suddenly felt his chest was as dry as a chill:

Purgatory Renshourou's shouts spread far into Takehara's ears in the distance.


Takehara, who was immersed in the world he conceived, was slightly taken aback.

this is my name…

Who is calling me?
Such a familiar voice...

This cry from a distance seemed to him to be much clearer than Wu Mi's roar just now.

In a bewildered mind.

Zhuyuan was still lying in the raging fire, and the beam pressing on his chest was already red and black.

Surrounding, is the darkness that fuels the flames.


There was another shout, and in the field of vision, there were sparks falling from mid-air, and the blackened field of vision burned by the flames.

"cheer up."

Faintly, a golden figure appeared.

"Takehara boy."

The figure in the fantasy became more and more clear and solid, and finally, a white arm with flames tattooed on the cuff stretched out from the darkness.


The palm was placed on the beam that was pressing on Takehara's chest.

Squeeze hard!The charred beams of the house suddenly turned into bits and pieces of ashes.


The tightness in Zhuyuan's chest gradually disappeared, and he subconsciously took a deep breath, like a drowning person finally getting ashore.

The sense of restraint on the body completely disappeared at this moment, and it became extremely relaxed.

The darkness in his field of vision was also instantly eliminated, and the person who appeared in his field of vision was extremely clear.

With red flame-colored hair and pupils burning with flames, there was a nervous expression on his expression at the moment.

——It’s Purgatory Jinjuro!
Takehara looked at the Purgatory Jinjurou who appeared in his heart, and slowly opened his eyes wide, his pupils trembling violently.


Why, why do I know his name.

It's Yanzhu from the Demon Slayer Squad...

column?What is a column...?
As if two people were constantly arguing in their hearts, Takehara covered his head, lowered his head, his eyes were full of entanglements.

The memories that had been obliterated from the bottom of my heart because of the pain, scars and hatred, now appeared in my mind like a surge.

The heart that was originally a sea of ​​fire turned into a vast expanse of white at this moment. Takehara stood with his head slightly down in this space.

"Master Purgatory!"

A childish phantom appeared beside Zhuyuan, who looked up and said something to someone.

"Huh? Haha."

Another taller and more cheerful figure appeared. He folded his arms and patted the other figure's shoulder with a smile.

"Just call me Renjurou, don't be so reserved, Takehara boy." The tall figure smiled.

"Yes... yes! Purgatory... Ren... Senior!"


The voice of the conversation in the past, and the two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in Takehara's pale heart.

"Takehara boy."

On the other side, the figure of the new Purgatory Renshoulang appeared.

It's just that the tone of Purgatory Renshoulang at this moment is not as free and easy as before, but rather solemn:

"You, have you made up your mind?"

"Yes! Master Purgatory!" The shorter figure appeared on the other side, his tone was firm and confident:

"I, Takehara."

"I want to join the Demon Slayer Squad! For me in the past, and for everyone in the future!"

The figure that made the oath gradually dissipated, turning into a wisp of wind and flying in front of Takehara.

It slowly transformed into a human figure whose limbs were hoisted up.

The human figure was covered in wounds, but it was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wounds were all over the next moment of recovery.

A hole was dug out in the chest, and the heart that should have been there had disappeared.

In the end, all human figures disappeared completely, turning into white mist and gathering together.


Takehara's sluggish pupils gradually became brighter, he slowly raised his head, swallowing a mouthful of saliva


Yes, yes, I am not a creature created by Wu Mi.


I'm a member of Ghost Slayer.

Master Yanzhu Purgatory's descendant...

I am - human!
"Not a ghost!"

Takehara raised his head abruptly, his originally startled eyes became clear and firm.

at the same time.

A figure formed of white mist appeared in Zhuyuan's mind.

The white mist approached him from behind, and finally merged with him slowly.

"...It's so tiring... Confronting the consciousness of ghosts..." Such a sentence came from the white mist.

"But luckily, it worked."



outside world.


After Wu Mi realized that he couldn't split, he quickly tore off a piece of flesh and blood from his body.

Since it can't be split, it can only be torn apart on the physical level!

The blood soared and mixed with the raindrops that gradually fell all around.

When he was about to flex his fingers and throw it out.

this moment.

Wu Mi, who was about to cut off his own body to escape, froze in horror.

The body froze suddenly, unable to move at all!
--what happens? !
Wu Mi's eyes were full of horror.

next moment!
"Go to hell." A flat and familiar voice sounded.

There was a violent piercing sound!


The sound of a knife piercing into flesh sounded from the side of my ear.

With Wu Mi's stiff sideways eyes, he looked to the sides of his body from the corner of his eye.

Pupils shrink!


Together, Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan inserted the blade into Wu Mi's body from both sides.

Almost at the same moment, Shang Quannai changed the way she held the knife, and thrust Wu Mian into the ground hard, pinning him down with her knees.

Shang Quannai knew that at this time, Wu Mi could not be split, and the method of suppressing him was absolutely feasible!

Blood splattered everywhere, and the scorching sun, accompanied by Shang Quannai's blood mist wrapped around the blade, erupted in Wu Mi's body in an instant!
"Wow... Whoa!!"

Every pore of Wu Mi's body was howling, and he could even see the dazzling sun burning through his chest.

It hurts!It hurts! !
The sound of bones being crushed into dregs continued to be heard, and Wu Mi's blood continued to repair the damage to the body, but was destroyed by the attack the next moment.

"Ah!!" Wu Mi screamed in pain, but his body still couldn't be split, so he could only be grilled continuously by the two with knives.

He couldn't even open his mouth wide, he could only growl in pain.

The stiff body couldn't even move a finger at this moment, Wu Mi could only look at the piece of minced meat hanging on his hand in despair.

Obviously...Obviously as long as this piece of meat is ejected...

"Desperate?" Suddenly, Takehara's chuckling voice sounded, even sounding a little happy.

Wu Mi was taken aback for a moment.

For a moment, he couldn't understand what happened just now, because Zhuyuan had a nagging personality before, and Wu Mi still didn't know what Zhuyuan wanted to express at this moment.

Even the outside world, Ji Guoyuan's first monk Quan Nai was surprised.

In Shang Quanna's vision, the name on the top of Takehara's head slowly became clear from the messy scratches.

It became a neat and clear font again - Zhuyuan.

Shang Quannai's brows drooped slightly.

Have you regained consciousness, Takehara?

When Ji Guoyuan saw Shang Quannai frowning, he also understood something.

From the first time he saw Wu Mi, he noticed something was wrong.

At this moment, Takehara's relaxed voice came again:

"Let me ask you, are you desperate? Miserable?"

"You..." Wu Mi's expression was dull, his brows twitched slightly, and his pupils trembled violently:

"You! It's you!!"


He gritted his teeth and roared, even a little bit ignoring the pain from his body, and Takehara's teasing made him feel a great shame.

"Why did you do that?!"

Wuyou took a deep breath, the sun was burning along his throat:

"Aren't you going to die too!!"

"Idiot! If you don't want to die, move quickly!!"

"Dead..." Takehara's tone became deep, and he let out a breath slowly:

"Yes, of course I used to be afraid of death."

Through his own field of vision, Takehara glanced at Purgatory Jinshourou who was rushing towards him not far away, and his eyes were slightly sore:
"But, from the day I joined the Ghost Killing Squad."

Takehara paused for a moment, with an imperceptible crying tone in his tone, and changed the phrase again:
"From the day everyone joins the Ghost Killing Squad!"

"They were all ready to die!"

Takehara's voice suddenly became harsh and filled with hatred, as if he was gnashing his teeth and said:

"Go to misery!!"

Without a word, he coughed up another mouthful of blood.

It turns out that all my previous guesses were correct!
"How did you treat me before, feel my pain right now..."

Takehara's tone gradually became flat and contemptuous, perhaps during the time spent with Wu Mi, he completely understood what kind of guy Wu Mi is:
"And everyone else, all of them..."

Under the endless anger, Wuyou frantically wanted to drive his body, but under the dominance of Zhuyuan, he couldn't move at all.

He was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Intertwined with pain, Shang Quanna and Ji Guo Yuanyi can be seen in the corner of his eyes, and in front of him is the broken street leading directly to Sawu Mountain.

At the end of the broken street, Wuyou stared ferociously, and he saw a figure in a priestess costume running towards him.

- It's that woman.

The pillars on the other side are also speeding up their pace.

"...haha...hahahahaha..." Wu Mi's hoarse voice came from his throat, he breathed steadily, and smiled weakly.

The attacks of Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuanyi couldn't kill him directly!

During the time he was in Takehara's body, his body had been in contact with Shang Quannai's blood for a long time, and he was familiar with it, plus the flower stalk of the blue Bana flower that he took back then!
Under the combined effect of these factors, at this moment, the attacks of Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuanyi will only make him feel the pain of suffering.

If you want to kill him completely, I am afraid it will take some time.

In other words, he will be slowly grinded to death here in pain.

Wu Mi was in a trance.


As the king of ghosts, with his endless life, would he actually die?


Not reconciled!Not reconciled! !
Wumai's eyes became ferocious, he gritted his teeth, and the anger in his heart turned into impulse and hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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