People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 210 - Takehara's Farewell, False Ending

Chapter 210 - Takehara's Farewell, False Ending

The dark clouds in the sky were pierced with a huge hole by the blood light just now, and a little blue light slowly sprinkled from the broken clouds.

The dark sky became slightly brighter due to the leaking light, but the surroundings seemed darker.

At the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

The huge wind and dust caused by the falling of the Infinite City gradually calmed down.

The members of the Ghost Killing Squad approached the ruins, all poking their heads, supporting each other, trying to see something as much as possible.

The ruins piled up into a hill several people high, and it was impossible to see what was in the evaporated circle in the middle.

A red arm clawed at the inner edge of the ruins.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the red arm is not actually red skin.

Instead, on Senbai's arm bone, blood-colored muscles are slowly growing back.

His knuckles clung tightly to the edge of the ruins, trembling and grasping tightly.

The newly born muscles were slowly tightened with force, but they couldn't stop breaking and healing immaturely.

The corroded white mist mixed with the blood mist slowly overflowed from the arm.

It seems to be intertwined with something in the sky above the arm, and the light is faintly distorted, slowly forming something.

The sharp-eyed Kazama Chengya saw the arm that was barely noticeable in the ruins at a glance, and he immediately shouted:

"Everyone! Come on!"

He pointed to the middle of the ruins:

The immediate reaction of the other people who were called out was naturally joyful.

They rushed forward subconsciously, but stopped abruptly.

They all looked at the direction Naruya Kazama was pointing at, and hesitation was slowly revealed in the surprise just now.

Of course they saw the arm.

But—no one knew whose hand it was.

——Of course I don’t know how to face the next situation.

If it was Shang Quannai's outstretched hand, they would immediately move forward.

But... what if... it's merciless.

The roaring explosion just now, the Infinite City that fell from the sky, and the scattered ashes and dust covered everything.

No one could see what was going on inside.

— It is not clear whether the war is over.

——Prudence may be the best choice.


The others, headed by my wife Shancun, tightly held the handle of the knife at their waists.

In his other hand he held the crude bandage he carried with him.

Set foot on the ruins of the Infinite City.


the other side.



Ji Guoyansheng looked exhausted. He got up from the ruins, and the construction debris scattered on his body fell as he stood up.

The purple snake pattern kimono on his body has been torn several times, and a little blood spilled on the surface of the clothes.

During the roaring explosion just now, Yuan Yi was pushed away by Shang Quannai, but he didn't have time to escape from Wu Mi's side.

It's just that at the last moment, a piece of wood that was ejected the moment the flying Infinite City hit the ground was lifted and flew out.

He raised his head, panting slightly, and looked towards the border of Sagiri Mountain, the direction of the ruins of Infinite City.

——I didn’t see Yuanichi.

Wei Wei took a look at the vigilant crowd gathered around the ruins of Infinite City, and then looked away.

——There is nothing to be wary of.

——Yuanyi has left, then the matter has been resolved.

Turning his head, his eyes quickly swept around, finally.

His sight stopped at the first crimson torii gate at the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

Ji Kunienichi, who was leaning on the torii lightly at the moment, slowly stopped.

"...I found it." Ji Guoyansheng murmured softly, and he moved staggeringly. The moment Wuyou flicked his blade away just now, the impact of the meat whip on him was not something ordinary people could bear.

Some worn foot bags trampled on the ground.

Just when he was about to step out of the ruins in front of him and head for Sawu Mountain along the vaguely distinguishable street.

Suddenly, there was a violent exclamation from the direction behind him:


Subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

In a somewhat trance-like vision, several players wearing black and torn uniforms of the Ghost Slayer Squad fell down from the ruins of Infinite City, shouting.

They looked a little flustered, leaned back in embarrassment, and then fell to the ground.

Yan Sheng's eyes looked up along the ruins of Infinite City.

The next moment, Ji Guoyansheng slightly opened his eyes wide.

"…what is that?"

I see.

Above the piled-up ruins of the Infinite City.

The red arm was slowly retracted, as if it had just recovered from exhaustion and needed to rest for a while.

The members of the Ghost Killing Squad raised their heads slightly. They were standing in the middle of the ruins, trying to climb to the top.

——A translucent figure wearing the uniform of the Ghost Slayer Squad with its head down slowly appeared and floated in mid-air.

Around the body, there is a faint blue-purple light.

Since the head is hanging down, the short hair slightly obscures the face, so I can't see clearly.

But it can be barely distinguished, it seems to be a male.

under the ruins.

Purgatory Renshoulang raised his head in a daze. He stared at the figure floating in mid-air, his pupils shrank slightly, and he murmured:

"...this...this is..."

The red-colored hair swayed slightly.

that face...

Although it was a bit blurry, he could recognize it.

The next moment, Purgatory Renshourou blinked hard, and almost subconsciously shouted towards the top of the ruins of Infinite City:


The sound instantly spread to everyone's ears, and the others looked at Purgatory Renshourou.

After hearing the name called by Purgatory Renshoulang, the eyes of other team members became surprised.

They immediately looked at the figure floating in mid-air.

As a member of the ghost killing team, and there are not many members in the ghost killing team, everyone basically knows each other.

And Takehara... As one of the few second-tier players, he can be regarded as a "senior" figure in the team.



Isn't it a sacrifice?

The expressions of the team members became more and more surprised.

Why did that senior Takehara...appear here...

For a while, the atmosphere near the ruins of Infinite City became very quiet.


It seemed that because of the name that Purgatory Renshourou called out, the translucent figure that was slowly rising froze slightly.

The fingers of the translucent figure twitched, as if just waking up, slowly raised his dizzy head.

Sleepy eyes opened with difficulty.

With a blurry vision, he saw in a trance, as if there were many people gathered in the direction below him.

Takehara's head was still a little hazy, he took a slight glance, and then saw the most conspicuous man in the crowd, Jinjuro Jinju.

——No way, Chiyan's blond hair is too dazzling.

Consciousness is a little clearer.

Takehara looked at Purgatory Jinshourou anxiously, he subconsciously wanted to say something.


But the moment he opened his mouth, a strong sense of warning came to his heart instinctively, making him forcibly suppress the thought of speaking in his heart.

——If you speak, the speed of your death may be accelerated.

Takehara was slightly taken aback. leave this world.

He suddenly realized, and looked at the ruins under him.

Under the body.

A figure with a naked upper body was lying in a semicircular recessed deep pit.

The upper body of the figure looked a little scary, as if it had been destroyed by something, and its body was completely bruised.

The blood-colored muscle tissue is constantly being regenerated and entangled on the bones, restoring their original appearance.

The figure's face had returned to its original state. Seeing Takehara looking at him, he forced a smile and waved to him.

It's just that the smile is unavoidably a little scary.

yes... yes...

Takehara smiled and looked away, but he couldn't help feeling a little regretful in his heart.

——I am dead.

At the same time, there is also a faint joy of relief and wish fulfillment.

He did it successfully.

The greatest wish in my heart has come true.

Even if you can't see it in person.

But the joy of fulfilling his wish with his own hands still made Takehara feel sincerely happy.

He raised his head, with a relaxed smile on his face, and looked at Purgatory Renshourou.

In sight, he was slowly getting further and further away from the ground.

The body is also slowly becoming illusory.

The two looked at each other, but neither spoke.

Purgatory Jinshourou opened his mouth slightly, his eyes followed Takehara closely, his throat wriggled up and down, but he couldn't say a word.

His pupils trembled slightly.

A great sense of guilt shrouded Renshourou. In fact, he didn't even know what he had experienced during the time when Takehara disappeared.

And what exactly did he do for everything now.

He didn't know everything.

Purgatory Renshourou looked at Takehara, his mood sank to the bottom.

The dim light that broke through the clouds fell on Takehara.

Just at the moment when Zhuyuan's body became more and more transparent, slowly disappearing completely.

He finally spoke:

"Senior Purgatory! And everyone!"


At the moment when the ending sound fell, Takehara's figure floating in mid-air completely turned into nothingness and disappeared.


The last bit of tail sound echoed, and the whispering voice slowly drifted away.

Purgatory Renshourou stared straight at the place where Takehara disappeared, dazed, the dim sky that had not yet dawned was reflected in his pupils.

Zhuyuan dissipated to the end, and the little stars disappeared with the wind.

The other members of the ghost killing team saw that Takehara disappeared. Although they didn't know what happened, they also stood still and mourned for a few seconds with serious expressions.

After the silent tribute, the team members hurriedly searched among the ruins of Infinite City and got busy.

——The brief tranquility brought by Takehara's soul made them feel a sense of relaxation.

——Let them almost subconsciously think that the war is over.

Shui Mu Yuebai stood beside Purgatory Renshourou, he turned his head to see Purgatory Renshourou's ecstasy, lowered his head and sighed.

Then join the rest of the team exploring the ruins of Infinity City.

Purgatory Renshoulang stood in place.


A morning breeze blew across his face, and his red-flame hair swayed slightly.

At this time.

He felt a slight sinking in his hand, and subconsciously looked down.

in the palm.

With a golden edge, a burning flame-shaped knife rests quietly on the palm.

"...This is..." Purgatory Renshoulang frowned slightly, he didn't remember that he had ever owned such a golden-rimmed sword.

At the moment when he clenched his knife tightly.

An intermittent and very vague voice entered his ears.

"...Senior Purgatory."

It was Takehara's voice.

Purgatory Renshoulang regained his spirits, raised his head, and subconsciously looked towards the sky.

The intermittent voice spoke.

"For me...see...the future..."


There is nothing in the sky.

Only the sound of the wind brushed by my ears slightly.

Purgatory Renshourou's hanging hand tremblingly held the saber tightly.




Next to the ruins of Infinity City.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake stood under the ruins. She closed her eyes, put her hands on her chest, and carefully sensed the aura belonging to Shang Quannai.

She has used this method frequently over the past 600 years to determine the state of the buried Shangquanna.

But just now, for a few moments, she didn't feel Shang Quannai's existence at all.

This caused a big stone to hang in the heart of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

At this moment, I feel it over and over again.


The familiar breath remained constant and no longer fluctuated.

Only then did she open her tired eyes, and let out a long breath of relief.



The members of the ghost killing team slowly climbed to the top of the ruins of Infinite City.

They lay on top of the ruins of the Infinite City, stretched their heads and looked inside.

But it was discovered that there was a huge semicircular deep pit in the middle.

At the bottom of the deep pit, there was a figure leaning on it.

They raised their heads and looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

The hand just now was the arm that was exposed when the other party crawled out of the deep pit!
The other pillars were also in the team. They looked into the pit, and they happened to meet the figure sitting in the pit.

In the deep pit, there was no sign of the second figure.

"Yo." Shang Quannai sat at the bottom of the pit, he stretched out his arms, and waved to the members of the ghost killing team:
"You're in good spirits."

"Practice again today?"

Several Zhu frowned and looked at each other, and the words they just wanted to say were instantly choked in their throats.

My wife Shancun's expression was cloudy and uncertain, ever since that senior Ming Zhu had completely merged with him, he always had an inexplicable feeling.

It intensified against the guy sitting in the pit.

Almost instinctively, he turned his head and slid down the high ruins.

"I'm still in the mood to joke around, so I don't need to worry too much."

My wife said as if she was complaining, and she fell directly to the ground, put her hands on the back of her head, and was about to leave leisurely.

The pillars looked at the back of my wife Shancun leaving with some surprise.

next moment.

A slight wind blows over the faces of the pillars looking back at my wife Shancun.


Shang Quannai gently landed on the edge of the top of the ruins, and stood beside the pillars lying on the top.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he looked at the back of my wife Shancun leaving.

Immediately, he was slightly taken aback.

——The breath of benevolence disappeared.

No... It can't be said that it disappeared...

It's more like...mixed together...

Just at the moment when Shang Quannai was thinking.

In the sky above Mount Sagiri in the distance.

The originally dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the covering dark clouds also slowly disappeared.

The golden and bright sunlight, like a pair of big hands, slowly pushed away the clouds.

It fell on the top of Sagiri Mountain.

--Its daybreak.

(End of this chapter)

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