Chapter 211 – Ghosts and Ants


Narrow Mist.

Between the mountainside.

Near the shrine.

"It's all right now, I just need to rest and recuperate..." Zhu Shi smiled and nodded at a certain injured patient, her severed arm was hidden under her sleeve.

"Thank you...Master Zhu Shi, thank you very much...!!"

Zhu Shi was a little tired, she could only maintain a smile and nodded slightly.

At this time.


In her mind, there seemed to be something that had been vaguely involving her, at this moment.

Completely disconnected.

An unprecedented sense of clarity welled up in my heart.

She turned her head in a daze, and looked into the distance, at the foot of Narrow Mist Mountain, in the direction of the ruins of Infinite City.

Fingers trembling with excitement.



The top of the ruins of Infinity City.

the breeze blows,

The pillars and the members of the Ghost Killing Squad got together and nervously looked at Shang Quanna who was surrounded by them.

"Master Kamizumi." Standing beside Shangquanna, Kazama Naruya frowned slightly, and asked the question that everyone wanted to know:
"Wu Mi...that ghost king..."

"do you died?"

As soon as the words fell, almost everyone, even those who were under the ruins at the moment, turned their eyes and looked at Shang Quannai who was sitting on the top of the ruins.

There was tension and excitement in their eyes, as well as deep worry.

The atmosphere instantly became very tense, and people subconsciously wanted to hold their breath.

Shang Quannai's upper body was naked, blood secreted from the skin, slowly wrapping the muscular upper body with perfect lines.

The blood turned into a new garment.

His tired eyes reflected everyone's expectations and desires.


Take a long sigh of relief.

He nodded slowly and heavily.

But smiled easily:


"He is dead."

The bright sunlight, like water leaking from the broken clouds, spread all the way from the direction of Sagiri Mountain.

As Shang Quannai's ending fell, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and felt an unprecedented sense of relief in their hearts.


"…Very good…"



They looked at each other, with the most sincere and happy smiles on their faces unconsciously.

But in war, someone survives and someone dies.

There were also people who stood there silently, blessing those team members who had died in the battle with ghosts.

Everyone stood where they were, with some blood on their faces, but they all looked back in the direction of the rising sun with solemn expressions.


As the sun slowly dispelled the gloom on their bodies, everyone felt a little lighter.

This is hard-won happiness.

They slowly closed their eyes, feeling the long-lost moment of rest.

The ruined Sagiri Mountain Town was slowly illuminated by a warm light.

The wreckage of the buildings that blocked the street was filled with black ash under the sway of the sun.

——It was the corpse of a dead ghost, completely purified by sunlight at this moment.

The end of the broken street.

The top of the ruins of Infinity City.

The pillars stand here, quietly watching the sunlight that falls.

The sunlight reflected in Shang Quannai's plain blood-colored pupils, bringing a trace of floating ashes on him.

Sagiri Mountain, which has been ravaged by evil spirits all night, ushered in complete tranquility at this moment.



Time passed slowly.

In a relaxed yet heavy atmosphere
tao tao…

"Hey—! Here, here!"

On the dilapidated streets, the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad, who had not slept all night, were busy cleaning up the ruins of Sawushan Town.

"I need someone here too!"

"Oh—! This is something from my childhood... I found it here..."

Someone got up from the ruins in astonishment and shouted at the people beside him.

"...Damn ghost." There were also people standing in the ruins with their brows tightly furrowed, picking up things and cursing at the same time.

There are also members of the ghost killing team who are healing other members who were seriously injured and unconscious during the battle.

"Hey! Hey! Can you still hear me?!" He shouted loudly, discerning the severity of the other party's situation at the moment.

Lying on the ground, the mouth of the player whose abdomen was overflowing with blood seemed to be slowly moving.

The members of the Ghost Killing Squad who were in charge of the treatment quickly bent down and listened carefully to the words of the seriously injured.

Intermittent voice came:

The hoarse voice is extremely low, making it difficult to hear the emotions in it.

"Every night...can be spent in a peaceful sleep..."

"...That would be great..."

After listening to the words of the wounded, the swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad gritted his teeth, kept stopping the bleeding on his hands, and turned his head around to shout loudly:

"Who is coming! There are seriously injured people here! Help is needed!"

In an instant, the other team members who had just returned from the ruins leaned over with stretchers and other things.

No one will die, no one will leave.

No one will suffer, let alone cry.

Everything is so peaceful, warm, happy and casual.

A world without ghosts must be like this... I guess.



end of street.

Ruins of Infinity City.

The Pillars have left to help with the aftermath.

Shang Quannai rubbed the center of his brows, he was sitting on the top of the ruins of the Infinite City, and there was a feeling of exhaustion in his sour brows.

No misfortune, he is dead.

He died right under his own eyes.

Shang Quannai was so sure.

In just a moment.

Wu Mi was right under him and chose to blew himself up.

Under his gaze, the shackles of the body were broken, and it turned into a ball of blood full of tyrannical energy, which exploded instantly.

Trying to wipe out the entire ghost killing team in an instant.

Facts have proved that if he didn't perceive it in advance, he quickly made two layers of barriers and smashed down the infinite city.

The vicinity of Sawu Mountain might have been razed to the ground by him.

But even if he had made defensive preparations and directly faced him who blew himself up without misery, his upper body was wiped out in an instant.

But fortunately, the energy generated by Wuyou's self-destruction did not kill him, it only caused serious injuries.

"Huh..." He continued to let out a long breath, a feeling of taking off a heavy burden spontaneously arose.

While sitting in the deep pit, Shang Quannai kept looking around over and over again to see if there were any missing red souls that could be seen.

In the end, he didn't find any sign that Wu Mi could survive.

creak... creak...

The sound of trampling on the rubble of the ruins came from the side.

Shang Quannai looked up subconsciously.

——It is the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.

Holding the sides of the priestess clothes, she walked carefully on the steep pile of ruins.

Then, he slowly sat on the other side of the top of the ruins.

"Are you okay?" She looked at Shang Quannai sideways and asked hesitantly.

Shang Quannai glanced at Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake in surprise, then nodded with a smile:



The bottom of the ruins of Infinity City.


My wife Shancun squinted her eyes and stared at the two people sitting at the top. He clicked his tongue and kept shaking his head:
"Isn't this a normal smile..."

"I keep a straight face all day long and don't know what to do..."

After whispering for a while, my terrified wife Shancun found that Shang Quannai had been staring at him since he didn't know when, and he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and asked someone for help.

Shangquannai and Ganluji Sakuramochi stayed at the top of the ruins of Infinite City for a while.

Until the incomparably bright sunlight in the field of vision was blocked by hazy clouds.

Shang Quannai clapped his hands slowly and walked down from the ruins.

At this time.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps coming from the front.

As soon as Shang Quannai landed on the ground, he subconsciously looked in front of him.

The swordsman wearing the black Ghost Killing Squad uniform ran all the way from the direction of the shrine, and stopped panting in front of the ruins of Infinite City.

The swordsman bent down and gasped for a few uncomfortable breaths.

"...Ouch!" I couldn't hold back my retching.

He quickly raised his head, pointed to Shang Quannai at the Sawu Mountain in the distance behind him, and said with difficulty:

"Shang... Shangquan... Master Shangquan!"

After taking another big breath of fresh air, his reaction was finally better:

"Phew... I'm sorry, Lord Zhu Shi, she needs to find you urgently!"

"I have another task... I will resign first."

After finishing speaking, the swordsman hurriedly waved his hands, panted heavily, and ran to another direction of the ruins.

Shangquannai and Ganlusi Yingbing watched the direction the swordsman was leaving, but they were slightly puzzled.

Zhu Shi... looking for me at this time... something important...

--Could it be that? !
He was startled, raised his head, and looked at the sun in full bloom above his head, which was slightly obscured by clouds.

He remembered that Zhu Shi said that he would choose to understand himself after Wu's tragic death.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

The two rushed towards Sawu Mountain with quick steps.


Between the mountainside.

Near the shrine, in a dark room.

goo goo goo...

Zhu Shi was standing in the room, fiddling with some reagents in his hands, among them, there was a group of bulging meat balls on the table.

The liquid in the reagent was bubbling and bubbling, and then slowly stabilized.

Yushiro stood behind Tamashi, he took all the blood of Shang Senna that he begged for when he was a doctor, and successfully transformed himself into a ghost.

And he recovered from the injury caused by Wu Mi's frontal hit.

At this moment, Yushiro was concentrating on watching Zhu Shi's back at work and the meat ball wriggling on the table.

" correct." Zhu Shi pinched the needle tube with one hand and drew a trace of blood from the meat ball, which dripped into the test tube.


The blood that came into contact with the purple liquid in the test tube was instantly evaporated, turning into ashes and flying away.

The lavender eyes moved slightly, and the expression revealed a look of "as expected".

At this time.


There was the sound of wood being squeezed.

- The door was opened.

Zhu Shi withdrew his gaze from looking at the test tube, and looked towards the door.

Shang Quanna pushed open the door of the dark room, and looked at Shuse and Yushiro who were standing in the room.

The cherry cake of Ganlu Temple followed closely.
When going up the mountain, I met Ubuyashiki Fuyo who was about to go down the mountain.

Ubuyashiki told the two of them the location of Zhushi, so that he could come here directly without any obstacles.

"…What's wrong."

Shang Quanna glanced at the room, and after Ganluji Sakura Mochi also entered the room, she closed the door that seeped in the faint sunlight:
"Call me in such a hurry."

At this time, Shang Quannai's eyes paused slightly, and hesitantly glanced at the wall at the back of the room.

There, there is a red soul that is constantly struggling.

It seemed that someone was bound by him.

"Hmm." Seeing that it was Shang Quanna who pushed the door open, Zhu Shi turned around and handed the test tube in her hand to Yushiro behind her.

He casually pointed to the tatami mat beside him: "Please sit down."

After several people sat down.

"Let's get straight to the point."

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai with a more serious expression:

"I feel it, Wu died tragically."

Just when Shang Quannai frowned slightly, he nodded, but he was still a little unclear about what Zhu Shi wanted to express.

Zhu Shi added the second sentence with a heavy tone:

"However, ghosts are not extinct."

"...What do you mean?" Shang Quannai's tone changed slightly, and his face darkened.

Things have changed.

In the original book, Wu Mi's life involves all the ghosts, except Midouzi, Zhushi himself and Yushiro who was created by Zhushi.

If Wu Mi died, all the rest of the ghosts would instantly rot into a puddle of mud because of the gene breakdown.

Today, however, this appears to have changed quite a bit.

This is what Shang Quannai is most worried about.

——His butterfly flapping its wings had far greater impact than what he had seen.

"Just now, I found a lingering ghost in the direction behind Sawu Mountain."

Zhu Shi and Shang Quannai looked at each other, and the atmosphere became more solemn.

"That point in time was after Wutra's death."

Zhu Shi stretched out his right hand, and Cheng Zhang pointed to the test tube held by Yushirou and the meat ball on the table:

"I took a small piece of meat that belonged to that ghost, used it for experiments, and bound him behind this house."

She turned her head and looked at Shang Quannai:

"Remember what the kid named Tomioka said?"

After Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes and looked towards the room, he lowered his head and propped his chin with his hand:

"...Wu Mi ate the stalk of the blue Bana flower...?"

Zhu Shi nodded, feeling slightly agitated, perhaps because he is very interested in this aspect as a scientific researcher: "That's right, it's the flower stalk."

"I've been working on it for a while."

"After eating the flower stalk of the blue Bana flower, it can help ordinary ghosts break away from the control network of the 'ant queen' belonging to Wu Mi, and become an independent newborn 'ant'."

Zhu Shi casually picked up a struggling ant from the side, and gave an example in the dark room:

"If the queen dies, other ants in the colony will also die in various ways due to the loss of the 'control network'."

Shang Quannai stared at the ant in Zhu Shi's finger, and he almost understood the reason.

"And if the queen ant eats the flower stalk herself, then—" Zhu Shi frowned, and she drew a long tone:

"The ant queen herself will break away from the 'network' and become an individual, which will bring good news to the entire group."

"After the death of the queen, the 'network' among the remaining ants does not disappear, and the colony continues to survive."

"But." Zhu Shi suddenly changed his tone, and said with a twist:

"The part of the ants who are most closely related to the queen will still not adapt to the death of the queen, and eventually die."

"So..." Shang Quannai raised his head, he questioned:

"Now, Wutra has died, and the more powerful ghosts have also died."

"On the contrary, the weak ghosts... are still alive?"

"That's right." Zhu Shi nodded, agreeing with Shang Quannai's thoughts: "This is also the final result of my experiment."

(End of this chapter)

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