Chapter 212 – After the War, a New Beginning



After discussing and summarizing, Shangquannai and Ganlusi Sakuramochi left Zhushi's room.

After solving the ghosts bound behind the house, the two left the house hidden in the shadow of the shrine.


In Zhushi's room.

The doors and windows were re-sealed, and there was no sunlight in the simple temporary room.

Yushiro watched worriedly as Zhu Shi sat down and closed his eyes to meditate, his eyes couldn't stop looking at her empty left arm.


He opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say anything.

He was afraid that if he mentioned Wu Mi's death, it would arouse Zhu Shi's desire to die.

In desperation, Yushiro forcibly suppressed his own words, watching Zhu Shi quietly.

"Huh...huh..." Zhu Shi sat on the tatami mat, her body was covered by a large robe, her head was moving little by little, and she gradually fell asleep due to exhaustion.

The corners of her eyes were unconsciously wet.



Inside the shrine palace.

Tanji and his wife were sitting on the edge of the shrine's roof, with a smile on their faces after the disaster, they were basking in the sun leisurely.

For the sake of insurance, Tanji and Zhu Mizi chose to settle in Sawu Mountain for a long time, but they happened to encounter a decisive battle.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

At this moment, Zhu Mizi gently stroked his stomach.

Tanji's eyes were a little nervous.

In a few months, the two of them will have a baby.

This made Tanji, who was a father for the first time, full of apprehension and tension.

"Anxin, Anxin, I'm not as nervous as you." Zhu Mizi looked at Tanji's sweaty face, she smiled and waved her hands:

"Isn't it still early?"

"Because, this is a very important matter!" Tanji couldn't calm down at all, and his palms were sweating.

Tanji looked at Zhu Mizi's appearance, he took a deep breath, and then slowly opened his eyes:

"No, I still have to be a little nervous!"


Inside the roof.

Ji Guoyuan, who was wearing a crimson feather, was holding a four-month-old baby in his arms. He gently held Uta's hand and stood under the eaves.

The two quietly watched the talking and laughing Tanji couple.

The hands with interlocking fingers are as calm as the relationship between them.

After a long time, Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyes slightly and looked at his wife Yu Duo.

Yuta looked up at Ji Guoyuan with a smile on his face:

"Things that can bother you are over."

Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyebrows slightly, and he nodded softly: "Yes."

The two looked at each other and smiled, held each other's hand, and looked up at the distant blue sky.

Everything seems to be a good start.





Ji Guoyansheng stood in the corridor on the other side of the palace secretary. He leaned against the wall, listening to the conversation between Uta and Ji Guo Yuanyi, folded his arms, and fell into deep thought.

The ghost thing is over.

But...the heart that wants to become stronger is absolutely not...

"Ah! You are here!"

Suddenly, Ji Kunyao popped her head from the end of the corridor, and she turned her head sideways to look at Ji Kuni Iwakatsu with a pensive face in surprise.

da da da~
Jogging all the way here, she was a little happy and ignored the previous etiquette for a while, she took the hand of Ji Guoyansheng who looked surprised, and ran towards the direction she came from:

"Come and see, come and see." Yai Ji Kuni looked very happy with a smile on her face, she said in surprise:

"My little son, he can already walk by himself!"

Ji Kuniwa Katsu was caught off guard and was dragged by Yaui to run. He looked at the smile of his strange but familiar wife.

Thinking was suddenly interrupted, making Ji Guoyan feel a little stagnant.

For a moment, his vision was a little blurry.

He watched his wife pull his back.

this feeling...

Occasionally, it seems to be pretty good?


Time passed slowly.

Slowly, the sun moved a little westward from the mid-heaven.

Two o'clock in the afternoon is the hottest time of the day.

On the dilapidated streets of Sawushan Town.

The members of the ghost killing team sat in the ruins, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and looked at the two figures standing on the street.

The two figures were talking about something.

When I listened closely, I found that the conversation seemed to be coming to an end.

"So... the Ghost Killing Squad cannot be disbanded yet."

Shang Quanna stood in front of Miyashiki Fuyo, and he said to Miyashiki rather helplessly.

After Miyashiki's tragic death, more than half of the traces of the curse on his body faded away again, but there was still a slight sense of discomfort lingering around his body.

However, this discomfort is nothing compared to the previous curse.

At this moment, Fuyo Ubuyashiki can act like a normal person, even running and jumping.

It's just that a weak body needs to be recuperated for a period of time before it can truly enjoy a healthy body.

Hearing what Shang Quannai said, he nodded slowly:
"...That's it, although I already had a guess before the curse was completely dissipated... I just didn't expect..."

Fuyo Miyashiki raised his head, put his hand on his chin lightly, and thought in a tone of voice:

"Some ghosts survived."

Shang Quannai nodded slightly, the sudden accident caught everyone by surprise:
"Although the surviving ghosts are basically extremely weak ghosts on the edge, they are still ghosts, and they are not things that ordinary people can handle."

"But as long as the team members have mastered the breathing method, they can basically deal with those ghosts easily. Before too long, it is not impossible to wipe out the ghosts in one go."

"The Ghost Killing Squad still has a reason to exist."

Fuyo Miyashiki smiled slightly, he nodded, his lavender eyes were full of hope:

"I understand, I will inform everyone later."

With that said, he turned around and waved at Shang Quannai: "I'll go over there to reward the team members first, and I have to make good use of such a body."

"Well..." Shang Quannai agreed with a smile, he waved his hand lightly, and was about to turn around.

Suyo Ubuyashiki's voice suddenly sounded from behind again:
"Ah, that's right." Fuyo Ubuyashiki turned his head, his expression became solemn:

"Your Excellency Shangquan, thank you for your help to mankind all the time."

He raised his head and his expression became relaxed:
"Tonight we will have a... team reunion, if you are free, please come and participate."

Shang Quannai was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then agreed: "I will."

After a brief conversation, the two said goodbye to each other.

Shang Quanna walked on the broken street leading to Sagiri Mountain, looking left and right at the members of the Demon Slayer Squad who were busy rebuilding in the surrounding ruins.

Come to think of it, since ghosts still exist, the system of Sawushan Town will not be disbanded.

However, Ganlu Temple may be a lot easier in the future - weak ghosts dare not approach the vicinity of Sawu Mountain.

The breath of resentment and fear left by the ghost king before his death will make those weak ghosts instinctively want to stay away from Sawu Mountain.

The ghost behind Zhushi's house is that when Shang Quannai saw him, he even wanted to die to escape the torment deep in his blood.

Such relaxing thoughts lingered in Shang Quannai's mind, and his body felt sleepy all of a sudden.

——Are you tired...

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes slightly, he pinched his shoulders, feeling the soreness coming from his eyes.

Wu Mi blew himself up to death, so he didn't eat too many Wu Mi's souls.

Only at the beginning, when Wu Mi was suppressed, was his body rapidly absorbing Wu Mi's soul.

But even so, digesting these souls also brought some energy consumption burdens to Shang Quannai's body.

"Huh...ha..." He yawned, held back his drowsiness, blinked his eyes forcibly, and walked up Sawu Mountain.



Soon, it was night.

Dusk slowly fell to the earth, and the dark blue night rose to the sky.

Sawushan Town, which has been turned into ruins, has lost the warm lights of the past.

Instead, at this moment, near the Yamashishi Shrine.

Warm lights rise near the torii gates, a shrine that is rarely illuminated at night.

"Yo, have you eaten?"

"...Didn't we eat together?"

The residents who came and went greeted and chatted with each other lively.

Vendors who originally only set up their stalls during the shrine’s big festival, now temporarily cast some things for fun, so that the passing residents can temporarily relieve the pressure of losing their houses.

The lights were brightly lit, and at this moment, all the people in Sagiriyama Town gathered around the shrine.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the shrine's construction, it was considered that it would accommodate a lot of people, so the surrounding side halls and halls are enough to accommodate most of the residents of Sagiri Mountain.

The redundant residents temporarily set up floor bedding in the main hall to rest.


The center of the shrine.

Inside the palace.

The members of the ghost killing team, as well as all the pillars, and other personnel participating in the battle are slowly gathering here,

The people who had already arrived were sitting on the ground. At this moment, Fuyo Miyayashiki was also sitting in front of everyone, looking at them with a smile.

On the path leading here.

Shang Quannai and Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake are walking slowly.

Just happened to run into Zhushi and Yushiro who were going to the palace together.

Coincidentally, Shang Quannai and Zhu Shi both looked drowsy.

The remaining kanroji sakuramochi and Yushiro looked at each other.

Looking at Ganluji's indifferent eyes, Yushiro took two steps back in fear.

After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Zhu Shi calmed down, she raised her head, and smiled apologetically at Quan Nai, the cherry cake monk of Ganlu Temple:

"...I'm very sorry, I'm a little funny."

Ganlusi Sakura Cake looked at Zhu Shi in surprise, she had heard the news that Zhu Shi was going to commit suicide after Wu tragic death.

In addition, the relationship between the two is quite good, so she asked directly:

"Are you... in good condition?"

Zhu Shi was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood what the real question Ganlusi Yingbing wanted to ask was, she smiled heavily:
"I...fortunately, since the ghosts are not completely extinct, then I naturally don't have the intention to die like"

Saying that, Zhu Shi's smile became a little dim.

The topic ended in a heavy atmosphere.

Soon, several people walked to the Palace Secretary, sat in the seat near the front row arranged by Fushi Miyayashiki, and waited quietly for the arrival of others.

There was a loud noise.

"Nishurou, do you know?"

It was the voice of Mizuna Moon White.

"This guy Kazama Chengya has actually tried to use His Excellency Jiguo's katana to barbecue meat, hahaha..."

"...Asshole, what's so funny about this!"

"Barbecue with a knives, hahaha..."


Soon, a few pillars walked in from outside the palace secretary with their arms around Purgatory Renshoulang carelessly, as if they were talking about something interesting.

It's just that the purgatory Jinshourou who was hugged by several people seemed to have a far-fetched smile on his face.


After waiting for a long time, the time came almost to the scheduled time.

"My lord, there is still one person missing."

Fuyo Ubuyashiki listened to the counting of the number of people informed by the team members beside him, nodded with a smile, and replied softly:

"It's okay, let's wait, after all, time has become abundant."

It was the first night after the decisive battle.

Under the observation of Shang Quannai and the crows, the weak and evil ghosts who witnessed the constant death of their companions all cowered and hid at the moment.

"Oh... oh!" The team member froze for a moment, then nodded. He scratched the back of his head, as if he was not used to it.

At this time.

A yellow figure broke open the door of the palace secretary and broke in from the outside.

"Jiichiro! Onee-sama——!"

My wife Shancun stuffed a lot of things into her mouth, her cheeks were puffed up, and he waved his arms vaguely not far away.

He ran in from outside the shrine.

Bang the door.

In an instant, all the members of the ghost killing team in the palace division looked at my wife Shancun who was wearing a bathrobe, her clothes were a little messy, and her mouth was full of food.


My wife Shancun's excited expression froze instantly, and he hurriedly searched for his family among the crowd.

Seeing everyone's strange eyes, my wife Shancun's face gradually turned red, and profuse sweat broke out on her forehead.


Such thoughts instantly filled my wife Shancun's heart.

"Here, here." At this moment, Jiichiro's extremely small voice came from the edge, and was instantly caught by Shancun, who has excellent hearing.

In the end, my wife Shancun's eyes locked on Yuzi and Jiichiro who were sitting at the edge of the crowd.

In his hand, there are many snacks that look like skewered meat.

With his head down, he ran quickly, and then sat down next to my wife Yuzi and Jiichiro under the gaze of everyone.

Turning his head and swallowing the food in his mouth, he slowly lowered his voice and asked Jiichiro and Yuzi with a face of embarrassment:

"Didn't you say you want to have a good meal?"

"Why did you leave in such a hurry?"

Muttering in a murmuring voice, he lowered his head tightly, and for a moment even Jiichiro couldn't hear what he was talking about.

He could only laugh and play haha.

At this time.

Smiling all the time looking at Fuyo Miyashiki who was here, seeing that my wife Shancun was fine, he slowly withdrew his eyes.

"Since everyone has arrived." Ubuyashiki Fuyo said slowly:

"Then, let's start the first meeting of the Ghost Slayer Squad after the war."

After finishing speaking, Fuyo Ubuyashiki solemnly glanced at all the team members sitting in front of him.



Slowly, he made a gesture of Dogeza towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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