Chapter 213 – Being a Physician Again



Fuyo Ubayashiki faced all the team members who had experienced this war in front of him, and pressed his forehead to the ground.

Beside him, Chen Ji and his son, who were kneeling in the palace secretary of the shrine, took the pose of Dogeza together.

Dogeza - This is the most important etiquette for expressing gratitude or apology.

The moment Ubuyashiki Fuyo wanted to speak.

A voice sounded from the crowd.

"My lord! What are you doing?!"

Then came one after another persuasion.

"Please get up quickly, your body..."

"My lord!!"

"We cannot accept such a great gift from you..."

Immediately, all members of the Demon Slayer Squad sitting in front of him immediately panicked, standing up instinctively one by one, wanting to reach out to help Fuyo Miyayashiki who was kneeling on the stage.

Especially the pillars, they almost stood up and wiped the ground in two steps, and came to the obstetrician Shiki Fuyo.

The Jiguo family sitting together looked towards this direction with almost expressionless faces, only Yu Duo looked a little sleepy.

In contrast, Yan Sheng even looked indifferent.

at this time.

The voice of Ubuyashiki Fuyo came, although the voice was soft, but it instantly quieted the whole scene:

"Feel sorry."

The pillars who were about to help Miyashiki Fuyo get up were slightly taken aback.


Why...why should the lord apologize?

Just when everyone was stupefied for a while because of doubts, Fuyo Ubuyashiki kept his movements and continued to say:

"We are the Yashiki clan."

At the same time, Chen Ji and the child's voice sounded behind him:
"To everyone in these long years..."

"Block your own life, fight the evil spirits for the people of the world, and do your best."

"My sincerest thanks."

He suppressed his body, and the voice came from below in a dull voice:
"The ghost king who slaughtered the world, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi."

"already dead."

The moment this sentence was said, the stone in the hearts of almost everyone present fell heavily again.

"Thank you again for your contributions..."

My wife Zencun stared in the direction of Fuyo Ubuyashiki in a daze, and he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere.

"My lord, there is no need for you to thank us...!" Naruya Kazama frowned, he bent down, looked at Fuyo Miyayashiki, and said sincerely.

"That's right! Without you, we would have..."

Just when the pillars wanted to try to support Miyashiki Fuyo, it made it difficult to proceed with the speech for a while.


Shang Quannai, who was slowly sipping a cup of tea, blew on the mist on the tea, and said slowly:

"You can't relax just because the ghost king is dead."

Shang Quannai raised her brows, and glanced at several Zhu who had obviously relaxed.

The pillars shuddered a little, and their expressions became a little unnatural.

Only Yanjian Yanci listened to Shang Quannai's words, he held the Buddhist beads and turned his head in doubt:

"Master Kamizumi means..."

Minadutsushishi finally helped up Fuyo Ubuyashiki, and Ubuyashiki looked at Senna with grateful eyes, and nodded to him.


Shang Quanna and Fuyo Ubuyashiki looked at each other, he put down his teacup, his tone seemed a bit heavy, which formed a clear contrast with the relaxed atmosphere:
"Although the king of ghosts is dead, his immediate family members will naturally leave with him."

He sighed:
"But that doesn't mean ghosts are extinct."

His eyes slanted down, and he looked at the stunned pillars aside.

Obviously, the pillars had vaguely guessed something.

Shang Quannai nodded slightly, and said the conclusion reached during the day:

"In this world, man-eating ghosts still exist."

Shang Quannai's tone paused, the scene has become extremely quiet, everyone is listening attentively, for fear of missing a little information:
"But fortunately, the group that has lost the Ghost King no longer has the ability to continue to grow in number."

"In other words, there are only so many ghosts left!"

He suddenly crossed his arms and sat on the roof, his eyes swept over the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad:

"With your current abilities, it is only a matter of time before the evil spirits are completely wiped out."


As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of people in the crowd picked up the sun wheel knife and close-fitting armor placed beside them.

The sound of Xixisuo's dressing sounded from the crowd.

They stood up and were ready to go to salute to the obstetrical monk Izuna.

Then he turned around and prepared to leave the palace secretary.

The pillars who were closer were forced to freeze in place under the persecution of Shang Quannai's eyes.

Shang Quannai choked for a moment when he saw the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team ready to set off to kill ghosts.

Then he hurriedly exited and blocked:

"Tonight, there is no need to go out to kill ghosts."

Hearing this, the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad who were walking out of the gate of the Palace Secretary were stunned for a moment.

The swordsmen turned their heads, and looked at Shang Quanna who said this with some incomprehension.

One of the swordsmen hesitated for a while, and then dared to ask:

"Shangquan...Master Shangquan, isn't there still evil spirits living in this world, then we should go..."

"That's right, Kamizumi-sama!"

Many people immediately followed up, and there was still fighting spirit driven by some reason in their eyes.

"No." Shang Quannai closed her eyes and shook her head lightly:

"Tonight is the first night after Wu's tragic death. I have already observed it through the crow."

"The powerful ghost died last night, and the weak ghost, because of the death of the ghost king, is cowering and hiding in an unknown place."

"The fear from the depths of their blood will make them fear the outside world for a period of time, be afraid, and even actively avoid humans."

"Similarly, during this period of time, our efficiency in finding them is extremely high."

"Especially the first night."

Shang Quannai nodded. With his eyes closed, he connected to the crows circling around the neon at the moment, accepting various images:
"…do you understand?"

The swordsmen frowned. They felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

In the end, he could only scratch his head slowly, and sat back.

"...Ming, I understand."

Shang Quannai nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Fuyashiki Fuyo who had been prepared again, and signaled that the next work would be handed over to him.

Ubuyashiki also nodded to him, and then continued to speak to everyone in the Demon Slayer Squad:

"That's it, so one of the main purposes of our meeting is to..."

"—to formulate a plan for killing ghosts for a period of time in the future."

Ubuyashiki Fuyo's voice kept ringing in his ears.

The members of the Demon Slayer Squad slowly turned their attention to Fuyo Ubuyashiki.

Shang Quannai also left the roof and leaned against the red pillar beside her.

At this time.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake walked over slowly, and she looked up at the moon sky that was partially covered by the eaves.

"Nai." She shouted, looking sideways at Shang Quannai:

"Next, what should we do?"

Shang Quannai was slightly taken aback, he also looked at the starry sky, a sense of tiredness slowly welled up in his heart, and he said instinctively:

"...We don't have to do anything anymore, everything is slowly getting back on track."

"Next, it's up to humans themselves."

Ganluji Sakuramochi's expression became a little unnatural, and her eyes gradually became a little helpless.

Open your mouth and want to say something.

He sighed heavily again.

Finally, after struggling for a while, she spoke again:

"...I mean, what about us? How are we supposed to go on with our lives after this is over?"

"Our goal of the first 600 years has been achieved."

"So..." After finishing speaking, the corners of Ganroji Sakuramochi's mouth slightly curled up, and she hid her hands under the large priestess costume, and looked at Shang Quanna with a smile:
"Your answer is…?"

Shang Quannai put his hand on his chin when he heard the words, and pondered for a while.

"my words…"

He was thinking, frowning slightly.

To be honest, he really didn't seem to think much about it.

As a result, when really thinking about this problem, Shang Quannai actually felt a sense of emptiness with nothing to do.

That's right, he is a ghost now and has a long lifespan, so what should he do in such a long time...

——In other words, what to explore?
If you don't do anything, it will definitely not work.

Once it loses the motivation and reason to move forward, it is very likely that it will gradually lose itself over a long period of time and become the next Wumi.

After a period of contemplation, Shang Quannai slowly raised his head, and he looked at Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake:

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake slightly raised her eyebrows.

Shang Quannai's thoughtful voice continued to sound:
"Should be... to study human beings."

The pupils of Ganluji Sakura Cake dilated slightly, and she looked at Shang Quannai in disbelief.

--what are you talking about? !
It's even a little unclear how such an outrageous answer was obtained in a short period of time.

"Ganlu Temple, you should have the same feeling." Shang Quannai's voice became low:

"After becoming a ghost, the emotion of being a human gradually fades away, if it is not for the original intention of being a human being that has been firm from the beginning."

"Maybe, at this moment, I will also become a monster like Wu Mi."

He raised his head, his eyes gradually became serious and determined:
"Perhaps, I will pick up my identity as a doctor again, and observe human life and emotions closely..."

" get back the feeling of being a human being."

Ganluji Sakuramochi's expression changed from surprise to plain. After listening to Shang Quannai's words, she nodded slightly:


Afterwards, she shook off her large red and white maiden robe, turned around and walked towards the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard beside her.

Under Shang Quanna's suspicious gaze, he slowly sat on the cherry blossom tree.

"...?" Shang Quannai tilted his head, he had some doubts.

But after a while, he put these things behind him and turned to aimlessly looking at the people and things around him.

Shang Quanna looked at the Demon Slayer Squad members who were listening attentively, as well as the Zhumen who had different expressions and postures.

His eyes slowly swept across the tired-looking Zhu Shi, and Yushirou who had worries written all over his face.

My wife, Shancun, who was eating and drinking, not listening carefully, and Jinjurou, who was surrounded by several pillars, smiled wryly.

The whole family is upright and upright, and even Yuanyi's children have a very serious expression.

There is also the Kanroji cherry cake sitting alone under the cherry tree in the palace courtyard, looking up at the moon sky.

Shang Quannai nodded slowly, a not so strong sleepiness welled up in her heart.

Since coming to this world, he has been in a state of mental tension almost all the time.

In the beginning, facing the crisis of death.

Later, I want to completely relieve the tension of future troubles.

Even in deep sleep, the extra energy was spent on digesting Wumi's soul.

Now, such tense nerves have finally been relaxed for a moment.

The eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the vision in front of them gradually became blurred.

Finally, the eyes slowly closed.


Gradually, Shang Quannai leaned on the red pillar of the palace secretary, and slowly fell asleep.

Breathing evenly, eyelids trembling slightly.

at this moment.

Miyashiki Fuyo hissed softly.

All members of the ghost killing team in the Palace Division secretly glanced at Shang Quannai who was asleep.

Among them, only the eyes of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake showed faint worry and reluctance.

——Please... don't sleep for so long.

For her, watching her relatives and friends die alone, and waiting for her only acquaintance hundreds of years ago to wake up, is really a cruel thing.

under the gaze of the crowd.

Shang Quannai fell asleep more and more.



"Gee! Gee!"

Some birdsong came from the ears.

No, this bird song doesn't seem quite right.

Hearing gradually recovered, and the birdsong in his ears gradually became clearer.

"Karma! Quack!!" The rough crow's cries sounded loudly from beside his ears.

Shang Quannai, who was still asleep, frowned unconsciously.

The tired and heavy eyelids became lighter than ever at this moment.

Shang Quannai's head was a little dizzy, and he felt some traces of sunlight reflected into his pupils through his eyelids.

Under the warm morning sun, Shang Quannai slowly opened his eyes.

The moment you open your eyes.


Shang Quannai sat up abruptly, frowned tightly, and breathed somewhat rapidly.


I fell asleep without realizing it!
He turned his head suddenly, his eyes swept around, and he simply judged the surrounding environment.

A very normal Japanese style room.

At a glance, you can't even tell what era this room should be in.

The window on one side of the room was open, and the sunlight leaked in from there, shining on Shang Quannai's eyes.

Covering it slightly with his hand, he stood up and looked towards the door of the room.

At this time.


The door was suddenly pulled open.

Ganluji Sakuramochi appeared at the door with a resentful expression on her face, and she subconsciously glanced at the direction where Shang Quannai was lying.

After not seeing Shang Quannai's figure, she was slightly taken aback.

Then, he looked at Shang Quannai who was standing on the other side of the room.

Ganluji Sakuramochi subconsciously wanted to say something.

Suddenly, her eyes became a little sly, and she sighed in a forced indifferent voice:

"... already, the second 600 years."

Shang Quannai, who was standing in the corner, gradually froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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