People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 214 Extra Volume:——Who's Parents

Chapter 214 Extra Volume:——Who's Parents


Shang Quannai stood in the corner of the room, and he was looking at everything around him carefully.

After hearing the meaning in Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake's words, his heart suddenly turned cold.

A feeling of playing top-level numbers and starting over again instantly flooded Shang Quannai's heart.

He turned his head, his pupils trembling slightly, which reflected the appearance of the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.

Ganlusi Sakura Cake pretended to be expressionless, but there was a trace of forced smile in his eyes.

Shang Quannai frowned, feeling that his throat was a little dry at the moment, he opened his mouth:

"Nanlu Temple..."


Ganlusi Yingbing deliberately turned around, sighed heavily, and a sense of vicissitudes was revealed from her back.

Seeing the heavy appearance of Ganluji Sakura Cake, Shang Quanna didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, when he first woke up, he didn't know how long he had slept.

The long deep sleep made him have no sense of time for the outside world during his deep sleep.

"Karma! Karma?" The crow, who was staying by the window, looked at the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple suspiciously.

But it seemed that he saw something that frightened him, and the crow trembled slightly, just imitating the appearance of ordinary crows, and did not speak out.

At this time.

Da da da…

The sound of clogs hitting the floor came from outside the door.

"Hmph~" My wife Shancun's comfortable humming came faintly.

In the room, Shang Quannai's ears twitched slightly.

"Ah, good morning, Miko-sama."

Jiichiro greeted Ganluji Sakuramochi with his hand, and he walked slowly past the open door.

But he didn't notice at all, Ganluji Sakuramochi's slightly stiff face.

My wife Shancun, who was walking with Jiichiro, looked around slowly. When he passed the door of the room, he subconsciously glanced into the room.

Just in time, he exchanged a glance with Shang Quannai whose eyes were slowly mourning.

Shang Quannai looked at my wife Shancun who was staring at him.

Slightly stunned.

Seeing Shang Quannai awake, my wife Shancun's tone was a little surprised, and he waved to Shang Quannai:

"Oh—! Good morning!"

His expression was relaxed, and he even stretched comfortably when he spoke:

"Slept well last night?"

"Anyway... Huh... I slept soundly." After stretching, my wife Shancun's expression became more comfortable.

"It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably at night, the world without the ghost king is really nice..."


While sighing, my wife Shancun looked at Shang Quannai in the room with a smirk, and said jokingly:

"What's the matter, what's the matter, you look depressed~ Did you not sleep well last night?"

Since my wife Shancun's soul is completely complete, as time goes by, his character seems to be more free than before.

Jiichiro on the side was a little uncomfortable, but this kind of approach was indeed like his style.

At this time.

A cold female voice came from one side.


"Did you sleep well last night?"

"...tonight, you'll sleep well too."

Ganlusi Sakuramochi looked sideways slightly, and gave my wife Shancun an indifferent glance with scarlet pupils.

My wife Shancun was terrified all over.


- Wrong words!
My wife Shancun's face suddenly froze, and his expression became a little frightened. He turned his head stiffly and looked at Jiichiro beside him, wondering:

"Speaking of which, Jiichiro, did you use your left hand to kill ghosts last time with a sun wheel sword..."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly ask this..." Jiichiro was stunned for a moment.

My wife Shancun's face was gloomy, he reached out and pulled Jiichiro's clothes vigorously.

——Here again, that woman will kill herself!

——I will definitely kill myself!

Seeing that Jiichiro didn't respond, and even had a strange expression on his face, my wife Shancun gritted her teeth.

Sorry loudly in my heart.

Feel sorry!Jiichiro!
My condolences to you!

Da da da!
Gritting his teeth, closing his eyes, he ran out towards the corner of the corridor in the distance.

"Hey! Why are you running so fast all of a sudden?!" Jiichiro looked at the back of my wife Shancun who was galloping away in a panic, full of doubts in his heart.

Strange... so weird, this guy.

But the gloomy and cold gaze that swept over from behind from time to time made him feel the cold sweat breaking out even more.

He turned his head incomprehensibly, with an apology on his face, and nodded embarrassedly to Quan Nai, the cherry cake monk of Ganlu Temple:
"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Shan Cun him, something's not right recently... Please don't worry about it."

After watching Jiichiro apologize and leave, Ganluji Sakuramochi slowly looked away.

When he turned his head and looked at Shang Quannai in the room again, the atmosphere between the two seemed to freeze for a moment.

Shangquanna looked at Ganluji Sakuramochi's dodging eyes and unnatural expression.

His face gradually became dull.

——The two people just now are Jiichiro and my wife Zencun.

And what Shancun said just now...

It seems that I only slept the whole night?
Shang Quannai gradually woke up.

there is only one truth!
——Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, she was bluffing me.

After the atmosphere was tense for a while.

"Cough cough." Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake opened the mouth first, she coughed twice, and then walked slowly to the door of the room:

"In this case, I will leave first."

Just before turning around to leave, Ganlu Temple Sakura Mochi suddenly stopped, and she turned around:


"The two original crows have now woken up."

Her tone paused:
"To be precise, they woke up during the decisive battle, but they didn't contact you because they were afraid that you would be distracted."

"Now, they should be with Ubuya Shiki, you can go to Sagiri Mountain to look for them."

After finishing speaking, Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake's embarrassment eased a little, but the pace of leaving did not slow down at all.

"...Yeah." Shang Quannai nodded slowly, looking at the back of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake fleeing.

After a while, he walked out of the room.

He raised his head and looked at the clear sky under the eaves from the corridor.

Just kidding, helps to improve the quality of life.

He thought about it for a while, and realized that this might be the reason why Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake was joking.

After staring at the sky in a daze for a while, Shang Quannai suddenly woke up.

He actually wasted time in this meaningless daze. If he didn't have a firm goal, if he continued like this, he might lose himself after a long time.

If the time here is long, it may be hundreds of years.

Shang Quannai, Shang Quannai, you can't go down like this anymore!
After a period of psychological reflection, Shang Quannai finally affirmed her heart.

Shang Quannai fixed his eyes, he took a deep breath slowly, and shook his head.

"By the way... I remember that the goal I set last night was..."

His eyes lit up:
"Become a doctor again and observe human beings."

Shang Quannai thought so, he opened his legs and left the room.

After walking out of the courtyard completely, he realized that this was actually a house in the nearest town outside Sagiri Mountain.

And most of the members of the ghost killing team are also staying in this town at the moment.

As for why others agree...

I'm afraid it's Ubuyashiki's sufficient financial resources... and some people's frightening strength.

After briefly identifying the direction, Shang Quanna rushed in the direction of Sagiri Mountain.


As for the other side.

Under a very old-looking cherry tree.

swish - swish -

Ganlusi Yingbing squatted there, her pupils trembling, her face blushing, and she kept digging the soil with her hands.

There is nothing more embarrassing than being exposed for a lie!
At least at this moment, it is on the Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake!
Covering his face with his dusty hands, a sobbing sound came softly from his buried head:

"...ah... so embarrassing."



time flies.

the next day.

Shang Quanna successfully retrieved the first two crows from Ubuyashiki Fuyo.

After a short reminiscence, the two crows stayed on his shoulders inseparably.

"Karma, long time no see."

"Well, long time no see."

On the third day after the first normal sleep.

Shang Quannai went to the doctor's hall temporarily built by Zhushi and Yushiro, preparing to learn medicine in the real "sense" from the two.

Rather than his fake medicine that forcibly heals others with his own blood.

In order to truly experience everything about human beings personally in the future.

As for Zhu Shi's knowledge content, Shang Quannai was indeed a little surprised.

He even faintly saw the shadow of modern medicine from Zhu Shi's words.

And with some common sense of modern medicine, he can occasionally come up with one or two small ideas that can make Zhu Shi suddenly realize.

It is also limited to small ideas, after all, Shang Quannai was only a half-baked art major in his previous life.

As for the sakura cake in Ganlu Temple, taking advantage of the time when the ghosts have almost disappeared, they hired someone to redecorate and take care of the shrine.

To her, that shrine seemed to have taken on some serious meaning.

Perhaps, it was because of Mao Zaomen and Tanzi.

Shang Quannai thought so.

After all, the original site of the shrine was where Zaomen's family lived.

And Ji Guoyuan's family.

Yuanyi and the others chose to leave Sawu Mountain.

It seems that the characters of their family don't like lively scenes very much.

"I will continue to perform the duty of killing ghosts. If I settle down... I will stay in Forging Knife Village for the time being."

These are the original words of Ji Guoyuanyi.

As the elder brother, Ji Guoyansheng naturally chose to "tolerate" his younger brother's "willful" behavior, and followed him to settle in Forging Knife Village.

Upon receiving such news, Tieqiao, the master who once forged knives for Ji Guoyuan, was overjoyed, and proposed to talk to Yuanyi again.

Tie Qiao seems to have some wonderful ideas recently.

"Your Excellency Yuanyi's agility and swordsmanship are far beyond ordinary people. If you can create a swordsman who can imitate His Excellency Yuanyi's one-hundredth, not one-thousandth I…"

"...Then, maybe we can create a sparring partner who can quickly improve the strength of other players and not get tired..."

"Although it may be more troublesome to realize, I have already faintly got some inspiration, and I still need to listen to some opinions from Your Excellency Ji Guoyuan!"

This is a letter from Tieqiao.

The other pillars are still in the ghost killing team and are responsible for training other team members.

Today, the real killing of ghosts does not require them to take action, but these "militant elements" often rush to the front.

In this case.

Time passed quickly.

—seven months later.


At noon, the blazing sun fell on the earth.

The preliminary reconstruction of Sawushan Town has been completed.

The bustling streets of the past have also recovered a lot.

During this period of time, the number of appearances of the evil spirits became less and less, and some even hid directly in the deep mountains, relying on deep sleep to reduce the consumption of their bodies.


Shang Quanna was walking on the Torii mountain road down the mountain from the shrine, he let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple.

As a ghost, Shang Quannai, with the ability of photographic memory, actually studied with Zhu Shi for seven whole months.

It was only then that he thoroughly integrated Professor Zhu Shi's medical knowledge theory and practice.

"Karma!" Two crows hovered in the sky above his head, flying recklessly in the sunlight.

As the oldest two crows, they have the greatest voice in the crow group.

After all, in a sense, the current crows are descendants of the two of them.

At this time.


The crow fell from the sky and landed on Shang Quannai's shoulder. She looked sideways at Shang Quannai:
"What are we going to do next, Karma?"

Another crow also fell, but he made no sound.

Shang Quannai's eyes were a little tired. Although his brain was tired, he lived a very fulfilling life these days.

"The most basic medical methods are already available, so the next step is... the actual operation."

"Go down the mountain, it's time to really go and observe humans."

There is a little nostalgia and familiarity in his eyes:


With such exclamations, Shang Quanna walked down Sawu Mountain.


As for Ganluji Sakura Cake, after she learned that Shang Quanna really wanted to observe humans, she hesitated, and finally chose to stay in Sagiri Mountain.

"...For me, I still prefer to stay in place and daze, but it may be good to go down the mountain once in a while."

"But this time, let me stay for a while."

Ganluji Sakuramochi thought about it and said.

In Shang Quannai’s understanding, it means:
I don't want to go down the mountain, but I can go out and play once or twice occasionally.


Outside the Sagiri Mountains.

Shang Quannai's reign title was "Yonglu" when he woke up.

It was still in the Warring States period, but later, after a thorough understanding, Shang Quannai really understood.

The time of Yonglu is approaching the end of the Warring States period.

— 1570 A.D.

And the team member who told him that the current year name is Yonglu, in fact, because of the constant wars in the years after Yonglu, the year name changed quite frequently.

It even reaches a situation where it changes once a year or several years.

In addition, as the hidden team member, he doesn't know much about the outside world.

So, at that time he thought it was still "Yonglu", but in fact.

The year name is already "Wen Lu".

That is - 1592 AD.

At this moment, it is far from the Edo period.

Only 10 years left.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a dark and oppressive damp atmosphere enveloped the entire Shitamachi.

The rain poured down.

Shang Quannai was wearing a bamboo hat, and two crows were hiding under the hat. He slightly raised his head to look at the rainy sky.

"...It's a bad start."

At this moment, Shangquanna is in a certain affiliated town near Edo Castle.


At this time, he slightly raised his nose.

His eyes immediately locked in a certain direction.

—It smelt of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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