Chapter 216 Extra Volume: —— Named... Zhi

Seeing Shang Quannai kicking open the horizontal door, the man hurriedly staggered to his feet, ignoring the mud on his body, and got up from the ground.

The wound on the body was splashed with muddy water, and it was painful and itchy.

"...Hoo...Hoo..." He leaned against the wall and staggered towards the house where Shang Quannai entered.

The urgency in his heart has left him no time to think about why a doctor can kick open the locked door.


In the dim woodshed.

It was empty, and the damp breath showed water stains on the damp ground.

Gusts of cold wind leaked in through the not-so-closed door.


Following behind Shang Quannai, the man staggered open the door and walked in.

Shang Quannai hugged the woman who was on the verge of coma, and he glanced at the relatively small room.

Afterwards, he gently placed the woman on a dry haystack, and used the transparent world to observe the other party's situation again.

The woman's pupils were a little dilated, her face was pale, and her face was full of sweat.


"Ho... ah..."

She stretched out her hand, grabbed Shang Quannai's sleeve, and looked at him with painful and disturbed eyes, as if she wanted to say something.

But his body was so weak that he couldn't speak at all.

Can only make some meaningless hoarse sounds with difficulty.

Suddenly, a look of despair filled her pupils.

She has no strength, and the child is about to be born. If this continues, death is the inevitable end.

Children, I am afraid most of them will die together.

Thinking so bleakly in the woman's heart, the corners of her eyes couldn't help getting a little moist, and the tip of her nose was a little sour.

What she thought was not unreasonable. In this era of backward medical technology, it is common for both mother and child to die.

Seeing this, Shang Quannai slightly adjusted the lying posture for the woman, and then some blood secreted from her fingertips, and she flicked her fingers.


The blood drops turned into a faint mist in mid-air, filling the firewood room.

【Blood Confused · Fragrance of Paralyzing Dreams】

He stretched out his hand, arranged the haystack again, adjusted the height of the haystack to a suitable place, and calmed the woman's emotions softly:
"...It's okay, please trust me..."

The blood mist that was difficult to see with the naked eye was inhaled into the woman's lungs, and in an instant, the woman's expression became peaceful, even a little sleepy.

Seeing the woman gradually falling asleep, Shang Quannai slowly withdrew his hand.

The use of vampire techniques for healing was actually somewhat outside of his plan.

Because of this, it is not really experiencing human feelings.

But under the current circumstances, he could only use the vampire technique first to replace the effect of the anesthetic.


He casually pulled out a small knife from his knuckles.

The appearance gradually changed into the impression of a scalpel.


The man's weak voice came from behind, and he looked nervously at the small bone knife in Shang Quannai's hand.

The sharp sword light can be reflected in his pupils even in the dim woodshed.

Delivery... Do I need a knife...

A bad feeling filled the man's heart.

Shang Quannai guessed what the man was worried about, and he secretly sighed.

In an era when such "Cesarean sections" did not appear at all, it was certain to be stared at by horrified and incomprehensible eyes while undergoing surgery.

And, even if you want to explain it, you can't explain it clearly.

It might be counterproductive to directly say that the abdomen should be cut open to take out the fetus.

Therefore, Shang Quannai flicked the blood between his fingers again.


The blood mist filled the air behind him.

【Blood Confused·Dream Hypnotic Fragrance】

The man's expression froze for a moment, and he frowned suspiciously.

Something seems to be going wrong.

Shang Quannai's voice sounded slowly and a little dull:

"...this is normal."

After the man heard the words, he smiled unnaturally with a weak expression, and his voice seemed a little bumpy, as if he was a little embarrassed:
"Yeah... yeah... sorry, I was talking too much... cough cough cough...!"

After finishing speaking, the man lowered his head in shame, thinking that he shouldn't have said what he just said.

Shang Quannai withdrew his sideways gaze, and this time, slightly reduced the dosage.

During the operation, he needed to have the man stand next to his wife, even if both of them were unconscious, but they could also give each other motivation.

The energy of human subjective consciousness is still relatively huge.

The man seemed to be aware of this too, and he was very anxious, leaning on the seemingly insecure walls of the house, and staggered step by step to the side of the haystack.

Afterwards, he held his wife's hand nervously.

After feeling his wife's cold hands, the man's heart was slightly startled.

He subconsciously wanted to cover his wife's hands, but suddenly realized that his hands were not much warmer because of the bleeding.

In the end, he could only take a hard breath, covered his wife's hand with both hands, closed his eyes tightly, and prayed with torment in his heart.

Shang Quannai withdrew his gaze, dripping his own blood on the bone knife.

Then, slam it to the side!
The dazzling crimson blood flame instantly pulled out a flame line on the blade of the small bone knife!
The blood stained on the bone knife quickly evaporated.

Shang Quannai withdrew her straightened arm.

Lighten the bone knife with a flame—disinfection.

Then, under the man's firm and weak prayer.

The operation has begun.


The faint light that was lit at an unknown time danced slowly, reflecting the shadow of Shang Quannai's slightly lowered head on the wall behind him.

The effect of vampirism instead of anesthesia is very good. At this moment, the woman is holding her husband's hand in a daze, and her consciousness is going back and forth between deep sleep and light sleep.

Pain is not felt.

And the blood mist that was supposed to play the role of the blood ghost technique, after entering the woman's body, it slightly improved the woman's physique.

The pale face just now is slowly turning around.


For Shang Quannai, who has a transparent world, it is relatively simple to perform this cross-age surgery.

He precisely controlled every muscle in his arm to ensure that nothing would go wrong.



Following a loud baby cry, the man raised his head slightly in surprise.

He looked at the newborn baby that Shang Quannai was holding in his hands.

Shang Quannai opened his eyes slightly, he was a little surprised.

"Wow—! Wow!"

The baby was crying loudly, and in his open mouth - there were two white but still young deciduous teeth.

Newborn babies...will they grow teeth?
And the physique looks stronger than the average baby.

Shang Quannai looked the baby up and down.

—It's a boy.

Before he had time to think too much, he could only act as if everything was possible.

He wrapped the baby in his hands with the cloth he carried with him, and handed it to the man beside him.

Then, I pulled out some absorbable thread provided by Zhushi from my medical package, wrapped it around the bone needle, and started the last step of the operation.

"Ha...ha..." The man seemed to be ignoring his own weakness at the moment, he took the crying baby from Shang Quannai's hand with trembling hands.

Then, leaning slightly, he put the baby's body beside his wife, and stroked the baby with a smile.

The voice trembled:

"...Look, Nobue, it's our child..."

There were faint tears in the eye sockets, as if there were signs of crying with joy.

The baby, who was still crying loudly, gradually became weaker while lying on the haystack, and finally breathed evenly.

Yes, for their family, they were walking home normally, but they were suddenly attacked by evil spirits.
After escaping from the dead, they were told that the child was about to be born in a harsh environment, which brought the two of them to the bottom of their hearts again.

Everything seems to be getting better now, which makes him cry with joy.

And the wife who gradually woke up also saw the appearance of her child.

She looked a little weak, and seemed to be a little weaker than before. With difficulty, she stretched out her hand, and gently touched her child with her fingers.

Then, she raised her eyes slightly and looked at her husband.

Also at this time.


With the thread cut short, the surgery came to a perfect close.

Shang Quannai straightened up, he wiped the blood stained on the bone knife, and took it back into his package.

Afterwards, he looked back at the couple who were weeping with joy, and remembered this scene slightly in their hearts.

He became a doctor again in order to experience human "emotion".

But unfortunately, at this moment, Shang Quannai was still not infected by any emotions.

This extreme inner peace made Shang Quannai feel scared.

After taking a deep look at the two of them again, he turned around and left without saying a word.

Seeing this, the man looked a little ashamed. He wiped the tears from his eyes with his muddy hands, and then wiped the rough clothes on his body twice vigorously.

He looked at Shang Quannai who was about to turn around and leave, looked left and right, then gently picked up his child, and quickly turned around and called Shang Quannai:

"...Master Physician!"

After shouting, the violent trembling of the vocal cords made his throat uncomfortable, and he coughed immediately:
"Cough! Cough!"

He raised his eyes and saw Shang Quannai's slightly paused footsteps. He quickly suppressed his coughing instinct and shouted again:

"I...I have nothing to repay you..."

He drooped the corner of his mouth bitterly. Being from a poor and sick family, he had no ability to repay such kindness at all.

The man slowly looked at the child in his arms, then raised his head again:

"...But, to express our gratitude to you...!"

"...The name of this child, please decide by yourself!"

The man shouted in a hoarse voice, which seemed a little thin under the sound of rain outside the house.


Shang Quannai stopped walking towards the door, he turned his head slightly, and pursed his lips helplessly.

Some embarrassed glanced at the man holding the child.

He is very difficult.

the reason is simple.

——He is a waste of names.

Even if he was asked to think of a name right now, the names like Rhubarb and Xiao Hei all came to mind.

Shang Quannai's eyes danced back and forth among men, women, and children.

What to do, I have to find a way to reject him.

Thinking about it, Shang Quannai hesitated to speak, but said in a firm tone:


"Eh?" The man's expression became obviously astonished.

The next moment, Shang Quannai's voice sounded again:

"You are the parents of this child, and I am just an outsider."

"Names are important to everyone, and should not be determined by outsiders like me."

"Maybe one day when the child grows up, knowing that his name was not chosen by his closest parents, will he feel strange and sad..."

"And, as parents, you actually want to name your child yourself."

After forcibly making up some reasons, Shang Quannai nodded slowly, and glanced at the man:

The man frowned hesitantly. He looked back at his wife, only to find that his wife's eyes had been fixed on the child in his arms.

The guilt in his heart made it difficult for him to nod easily.

He breathed heavily, and then his tone became weaker, with regret in his eyes:

"Then... can we find out where your clinic is? We will definitely repay you when we have the ability...!"

Hearing this, Shang Quannai glanced at the man's humble eyes.

He shook his hand, opened the door of the house, and stepped out with one foot in the man's anxious eyes.


It turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

The man's hypnotic effect still left some, and he didn't feel anything abnormal.

Just a little lost.

But the next moment, a light voice came from the direction of the door:
"I don't have any medical center. If you really want to repay, you can go to the shrine on the mountainside of Sawu Mountain and offer something."

Hearing this, the man raised his head again, his eyes gradually regained their light, and he muttered softly:



At this time.

Pull, pull.

The wife at the side reached out and tugged at the man's sleeve, she had a surprised expression on her face.

"...Huh? What's the matter, Shine."

The man turned his head and looked at his wife quickly, his face was filled with worry: "What's wrong?"

"...No, but, did you see it just now?" The wife's expression was a little strange, and she pointed in the direction of the door:
"Just now, that doctor disappeared directly at the door..."

Hearing this, the man was slightly taken aback.

He froze for a long time.

The effect of hypnosis completely disappeared at this moment.

Everything I saw just now suddenly became so unbelievable.

He turned his head and stared blankly at his wife and the child in his arms.

"... Shin Hui." There was excitement hidden in his sluggish tone:
"We seem to... have met a god..."

The wife blinked even more inconceivably. She reached out and touched her husband's forehead:

"...No, are you okay...?"



The man briefly outlined to his wife what he had just witnessed and what happened.

Then, the two of them looked at the opposite wall together, and were dazed for a long time.



Shortly after.


A small Japanese room for Shin Hui and her husband.

"Hey, Cangya." His wife said.

Cang is also a man's name.

"what happened?"

"I thought of a... very suitable word, name."

"What is it?" The man looked at his wife and asked suspiciously.

The wife holds up a finger:

"The child's name is called... healed."

"It means both healing and governance..." The wife counted down her fingers.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and looked at his wife:
"I think so too!"

He looked up and looked at the light rain that was falling outside his room:
"The full name... I'll call it Komaji!"

"Eh? Why is it called... Koma?" His wife tilted her head in doubt.

"Guard the Koma dog of the shrine, guard, isn't this a good moral?"

Although the man is still thin, his face is full of confidence at the moment.

"I see...Komaji...Komaji..."

The wife looked at the baby in her arms:

"Got it, Komaji?"

 ps: Koma dog is a stone lion
(End of this chapter)

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