People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 217 Extra Volume: ——Stove Gate and Purgatory and Jiguo and Cats

Chapter 217 Extra Volume: ——Stove Gate and Purgatory and Jiguo and Cats


"Meow, meow~"

In the dark alley, some young cats meowed faintly.

Shang Quannai was wearing a bamboo hat, and he was holding some food in his hand, crushing it with his fingers and mixing it with water to feed a kitten in the alley.

When he passed by this alley, he happened to see this skinny cat.

The continuous rainy weather made Shang Quannai upset, so he just sat here and played with the cat for a while.

The kitten's pupils are golden, and brown and black spots spread on its fur. It is constantly licking Shang Quannai's palm at the moment.

Seems to be thanking you.

Shortly after.

In an instant, Shang Quannai disappeared in front of the bewildered kitten.


The pussy cry of the kitten echoed in the alley.

It carefully sniffed something in mid-air, then stretched its limbs, and climbed up the wall lightly.

ran out in a certain direction.



The sky has been a bit dark in recent months, and the rain has been continuous.

At this moment, there is light rain in the sky, and the cold breath gently brushes over the ground.

Sawushan Town.

On both sides of the street, there were still people busy repairing the buildings in the light rain.

The impact of that decisive battle was devastating to the buildings of Sagiri Mountain Town.

"Shrine guards, Gouyu, Feixue..." There are still vendors with cloth bags on the side of the road selling items related to the shrine.

There seems to be no shortage of supplies and customers for things related to the shrine in Sagiriyama Town.

pat, pat.

Shang Quannai was walking on the streets of Sawushan Town, and he pulled the bamboo hat on top of his head with his hand.

"Karma!" Two crows stood on his shoulders, comfortably under the shadow of the bamboo hat.

It has been a while since he helped the couple.

Although he casually mentioned Sagiri Mountain in the end, the place where the couple appeared was very close to Edo Castle.

As for the distance between Edo Castle and Sagiri Mountain, with the couple's weak physique, it may take more than half a month to walk non-stop day and night.

Therefore, he just wanted to completely cut off the thoughts of the two of them.

But in retrospect, maybe it would have been a better choice to leave without saying anything.

Since then, he has often walked on the battlefield or in towns and fields as a doctor, helping many people and killing some ghosts.

Maybe it was the accumulation of emotions, or maybe it was other reasons, when Shang Quannai saw the different expressions of the people being helped again and again, he was faintly touched.

The vision that once viewed everything with gradual indifference is melting.

The heart named "Humanity" seemed to be beating slowly and heavily again.

So, he came here this time.

——It is to ask Zhu Shi for a potion that can turn into a human being.

Shang Quannai had this idea a long time ago, turning back into a human being again, although what she lost was strength and lifespan, but what she got in exchange was a feeling of comfort.

But what he didn't expect was.

The mistake was actually on him.



Rebuilt Doctor's Hall.

In Zhushi's room.

The usual darkness was gone here, although it was daytime outside, and the doors and windows were sealed tightly.

But in the corner, a weak candle light source has been placed.

The dim candlelight illuminated the room, and the shadows of the two people reflected on the wall, dancing gently as the weak air flow passed by.

"...Sorry, I can't provide you with the potion to turn back into a human..."

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai with apologetic eyes, she lowered her eyes slightly, and her lavender eyes shrouded Bo Wu:

"No, it's better to say, after I gave you the potion to turn back into a human... it didn't work either."

Shang Quannai was sitting opposite Zhu Shi, he frowned, tapped his fingers on the tatami table in front of him, and choked for a while.

He really didn't expect it.

Originally, I thought that Zhushi would always be a fixed point, as long as I reached the limit of my patience, I could come here to seek relief from being bad.

But I didn't expect that after I came, I got such an answer.

--No effect?
Shang Quannai frowned, he sighed and thought carefully.

Then he asked a puzzled question:

"…what is the reason?"

Hearing this, Zhu Shi sighed slowly, and clenched his entangled fingers slightly.

She raised her head and looked to the other side of the newly built doctor's hall, where there was a room.

The door of the room is locked, and there are faint traces of a red enchantment on it:
"The blue Bianhua flower needed to make that medicine is gone now." Zhu Shi said, his tone suddenly became heavy:
"But it's actually not the biggest problem. There are still a few samples of that drug."

"The fundamental reason why you can't use it is because this medicine doesn't work for you at all."

Zhu Shi and Shang Quannai looked at each other:

"Its effect on Wu Mi is already negligible, and the result of your blood sample experiment left over from the last time is-this drug has no effect on you."

"It can't turn you back into a human, and it can't even make you temporarily weaker like Wu Mi."

"...It seems that there is something in your blood that is of the same origin as the blue Bana flower, which makes the medicine unable to exert its original effect."

"I have experimented many times, but in the end I can only come to such an uncertain conclusion."

After finishing speaking, the two were silent for a while.

Shang Quannai hung his head, barely heard the sound of breathing, and didn't know what he was thinking.

In the end, Shang Quannai nodded heavily, with some regret on his expression, but not too much emotion, he tried to be more relaxed:
"That's it, I roughly understand."

He stood up, pushed open the door and glanced at the doctor's office, there were still some people waiting to get medicine.

Shang Quannai turned her head and nodded to Zhu Shi:

"In that case, I will leave first."

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai's appearance, she opened her mouth, just about to say something, but choked for a while, then closed it again, finally looked at Shang Quannai and nodded slowly:

Under Zhu Shi's gaze, Shang Quannai picked up the bamboo hat at the side, waved to the two crows standing on the table, and slowly left the doctor's office.


Light rain was falling in the sky, dripping on Shang Quannai's bamboo hat.

For the painted hat, the rainwater flowed smoothly across the surface without soaking the hat.

The moment she walked out of the doctor's office, Shang Quannai looked up at the dark gray-blue sky, and felt empty again in her heart.

"Huh—!" He let out a long breath, lowered his head, and thought about where he should go next.

He stretched out his hand to pull the bamboo hat, turned around and was about to leave.

But he stopped suddenly, and turned his head to look in the direction of Sagiriyama Shrine.

...How about going to Yiyanshe?
At this time.

Step, step, step.

Light footsteps came from ahead.

The footsteps paused slightly after approaching Shang Quannai, and then walked straight towards him again.

"Master Shangquan, long time no see." A somewhat familiar voice came from the side of the doctor's hall.

Shang Quannai subconsciously turned his head to look.

The first thing that catches the eye is the red flame-like hair that attracts the most attention.

——It’s Purgatory Jinjuro.

The red flame-colored hair swayed slightly, and the smiling Purgatory Jinshourou was holding an oil umbrella, and he was wearing a rare gray-black kendo suit.

Beside Purgatory Renjurou, stood a woman in a light pink kimono.

What caught Shang Quannai's attention was that the woman next to Purgatory Renshourou was smiling and gently stroking her swollen belly.

She is pregnant.

Shang Quannai tilted his head slightly, he seemed to remember who mentioned that Purgatory Renshourou joined the Ghost Killing Squad only after he got married.

So... the woman next to him at this moment...

Seeming to see Shang Quannai's doubts, Purgatory Renshoulang quickly used the other hand to support his wife's umbrella, and extended his hand to introduce his wife:
"Master Shangquan, this is my wife, purgatory is burning."

He stretched out his palm and placed it slightly on his wife's shoulder.

Purgatory Zhixiang has a pair of red pupils that are different from ordinary people. Although he is smiling, the faint temperament between his brows reveals a feeling of repulsion.

Afterwards, Purgatory Renshoulang lowered his head again and said softly to his wife:

"The one over there is Mr. Kamizumi whom I often mention, the main force in the decisive battle."

Purgatory Zhixiang heard the words, and nodded slightly to Shang Quannai. Due to her physical inconvenience, she could only express her respect in this way.

Seeing this, Purgatory Renshoulang quickly supported his wife.

But this slight movement exposed the bone knife that Purgatory Renshoulang was carrying around his waist.

Shang Quannai didn't pay much attention to Renshoulang's wife, he looked at the bone knife on Renshoulang's waist in Purgatory.

The blade of the bone knife seems to have been remodeled by the knife forging masters in the knife forging village.

At this moment, the sword of Purgatory Renshourou is exactly the flaming sword that was left behind at the moment when Takehara turned into a star point.

Seeing Dao Tan, Shang Quannai raised his head. He observed the passion that no longer appeared on the face of Purgatory Renshoulang, and said bluntly:

"How are you."

Purgatory Renshoulang was slightly taken aback, he raised his head, as if he didn't expect Shang Quannai to say such a thing, he smiled a little embarrassedly, and then looked at his wife beside him:
"Ah... Recently..."

"It's not as hard as before, and occasionally I can sleep well at be with my family." Purgatory Renshoulang and his wife looked at each other, then slowly looked at Shang Quannai, and gave his own answer:
"It should be...happier."

The hand that was free from holding the umbrella quietly touched the knife at the waist, but his expression was no longer gloomy:

"After all, working hard to live a better life is what I should do now."

Upon hearing the words, Shang Quannai nodded slightly, without saying too much.

Although Purgatory Renshoulang has not yet completely overcome the influence of the decisive battle, he already has the intention of letting go.

Perhaps, after a while, he will be able to completely escape from the sequelae of the struggle between ghosts and humans.

Purgatory Renshourou put his hand lightly on his wife's shoulder, and looked at Shang Quanna:
"I came back to Sawu Mountain this time to let Miss Zhushi check her body for Chi... The baby is about to be born."

Shang Quannai heard Purgatory Renshoulang's words, and subconsciously glanced at Purgatory's blazing abdomen with a penetrating world.

It seems that the fetus is indeed about to be born, and it seems to be in the last few days.

He stretched out his hand to pull the bamboo hat, turned sideways:

"Then I won't bother you, there are quite a lot of people queuing up in the doctor's office."

After that, he was ready to leave.

But the footsteps paused, Shang Quannai did not look back, but said to Purgatory Renshourou and the others behind him:

"I wish you happiness."

Behind him, Renshou Lang's expression became more and more surprised, and he even looked at his wife in disbelief.

There was also some doubt in Purgatory's blazing eyes, she asked:

"...That Umizumi-sama doesn't seem to be as strict as you said..."

Purgatory Renshourou watched Shang Quannai's leaving back for a long time, and it took a long time before he could hold back a sentence:

"...The matter of choosing to observe human beings really has a great impact on this person."

That's right, what was unintentionally revealed during the tea chat at Ganlu Temple Sakura Mochi, coupled with Shang Quannai's actions in the past few months, almost all members of the Ghost Killing Team knew what he was doing.

But is the truth really what Purgatory Ren Shoulang thinks?



On the edge of Sagiriyama Town.

Shang Quannai's face turned blue.

Not right.

Very wrong.

Why are there so many guys holding babies recently.

The same goes for the couple who were rescued before, and so did the Purgatory Renshourou just now.

It seems that I heard that Tanji's child seems to be born soon.

In addition, the boy from the Yuan family who was able to run on the ground that I met in the forging knife village a while ago.

For a while, everyone around seemed to have children!

Shang Quannai's brows twitched, he seemed to have foreseen the future of a group of brats roaming in Sawu Mountain.

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, and in the end, walking unconsciously, he got farther and farther away from Sawu Mountain.



Shortly after.

The door of the doctor's office.

Zhu Shi stood at the gate of the rainy season, because of the dark clouds in the sky, there was not much sunlight outside at the moment.

After taking part of the blue Bianhua, she can occasionally come out to take a breath under such circumstances.

She looked worriedly at the direction where Shang Quannai left, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

Zhu Shi could see that Shang Quannai had entered a state of confusion.

At this time.


A very faint meow came from the side.

Zhu Shi subconsciously turned his head to look.

"Miss Zhushi!" I saw Yushiro standing aside with a depressed face, holding a brown and black kitten with golden pupils in his hand:
"Look, I met this cat on the road."

"It follows me all the way, and I can't get rid of it no matter what!"

Yushiro seemed sullen, he never liked cats very much.

"Meow!" The kitten's eyes were full of confusion, it followed the smell all the way here.

But the rain washed away the remaining traces, and it could only stop here, and finally followed Yushiro helplessly, who seemed to have the same smell.

Zhu Shi looked at the confusion in the cat's eyes, she stretched out her hand, took the cat from Yushirou's hand, and gently smoothed the hair on the cat's forehead that was splashed by the rain.

When Yushiro saw Zhu Shi's gentle movements, he was shocked, and regret rose in his heart.

—Too bad, I shouldn't have brought it back.

Zhu Shi hugged the cat and looked up at Yushiro:
"This child... is very poor, let him stay in the doctor's office."

Yushiro took half a step back, but after a moment of stalemate, he gritted his teeth, turned his head, and said in a stiff tone:

"...Then, well, since Miss Zhushi said so..."

Zhu Shi looked at Yushiro's stalemate, and smiled gently.


Later, the two gave this very clever cat a name.

——Chacha pills.

(End of this chapter)

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