Chapter 219 Extra Volume: —— Komaji


Purgatory home.

"Is that so, I'm so sorry!"

Purgatory Renshoulang sat in front of Shang Quannai, he bowed his head sincerely, and his voice was full of apology:
"I'm really sorry for delaying your schedule."

Just now, Shang Quannai was talking with Purgatory Renshoulang that he was leaving and could no longer take care of a few children.

"...It's really nothing." Shang Quannai was taken aback by Purgatory Renshoulang's attitude. He waved his hand quickly, and staying here is also a bit of his subjective idea.

But in fact, Purgatory Renshoulang still didn't say a word.

This matter of "letting Shang Quanna take care of the child" was not something he thought of and asked Shang Quannai from the beginning to the end.

The instigator behind it is Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

It is said that it was because the Miko-sama felt that Shang Quanna's recent behavior was a bit too abnormal, and she needed to calm down and feel some initial things.

Now it seems that doing so seems to be working.

Purgatory Renshourou raised his head slightly, and he and Shang Quannai looked at each other.

The present Shang Quannai no longer has the stagnant feeling of being confused and dazed half a year ago.

Purgatory Renshourou touched his chin with some stubble, and he smiled:
"Then, I wish you a happy journey ahead!"

His tone was very cheerful, and he seemed to have walked out of the shadow of the struggle between man and ghost.

"En!" Shang Quannai also nodded, and smiled back at Purgatory Renshourou.

I don't know if it's because he often recalls his past life these days, but he has always had a good impression of the purgatory family.


Unexpectedly simple, Shang Quannai communicated with several people in Lian Ji, and then embarked on the road of practicing medicine again.

"Goodbye!" He waved his hand behind him and said goodbye to several people.

Just from the looks of it, the little figures behind him looked a little puzzled and reluctant.

Purgatory and Shoulang held the small wooden knife in their arms, their extremely energetic eyes were full of bewilderment.

Ji Guoqiyi was also holding a wooden knife, and he who had been jumping around was now calmed down in a rare way.

the other side.

Xiao Jin was holding a handful of small white flowers in her hand, looking at Shang Quannai's far away back, she faltered and stuffed the flowers into her father's hand beside her.

She stretched out her hand to pull the hem of Zaomen Tanji's clothes, and pointed her other finger at Shang Quanna who was walking outside, pursing her small mouth as if she wanted to say something:

Tanji looked at his daughter's expression, probably because of the blood connection, he took the white flower, and he instantly understood what Xiaojin meant.

Sumire...does she want to give this to Lord Umizumi?
Tanji raised his head, quickly shouted at Shang Quanna's back, and waved his arms:

"Lord Kamizumi!!"

Shang Quannai, who was walking in front, was taken aback for a moment, and he turned around with some doubts.

I saw Tanji trotting all the way over, holding a small bouquet of white flowers in his hand.

Tanji saw Shang Quanna lowering his head and staring at the flowers, he smiled slightly, and realized that he didn't need to say anything more.

He just spread out his hand with the white flower slightly, and handed it to Shang Quannai:

"This is what Xiao Jin wants to give you."

Shang Quanna lowered her hat, and to be honest, there were some reasons why he chose to stay here that made him tangled up.

Maybe it's also because - human cubs also have a cute side.

After taking the white flowers from Tanji's hand, Shang Quannai turned her head slightly, and looked at the little ones behind with a smile.

What Xiao Jin gave him was a bouquet of white periwinkle flowers.

Flower language represents lifelong friendship.

Perhaps it is due to the unintentionalness of children, but this moment is indeed worth remembering.

Afterwards, Shang Quannai turned around completely and left.

But resting and emptying his mind are only temporary, and he has to embark on his own journey after all.

On a new journey, you will encounter new things and a new world.

But unfortunately, meeting is always accompanied by parting.


Step out of the door of Purgatory House.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone behind him, Shang Quannai walked away slowly with two crows standing on his shoulders.

Several children looked at Shang Quannai's back with ignorant eyes.

The children didn't know that the "adult" who had taken care of them for a short time left and would meet again next time.

Already 15 years later.



time flies.

15 years later.

With a battle of the Tokugawa shogunate, the entire Warring States period came to an end.

Neon was ruled by the shogunate for more than two hundred years, and the era called "Edo" slowly opened.

During this period, a certain guy who called himself a "doctor" walked in various areas of the neon, or the battlefield towns, or the urban wilderness.

Slowly, it seems that there are some fame and rumors.


1607 years.

Edo period.

Qingchang 12 years.

summer evening.

Somewhere in the countryside near Edo Castle.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky.

The downpour continued, making the streets muddy and slippery, and the cold air swept across the township.


The pink figure quickly swept across the street, and it was hard to see clearly under the dim light and shadow for a while!

Only after careful identification can it be seen clearly that it seems to be a young man galloping in the rain.

Wearing a dark peach-colored kimono that is easy to move, the young figure stepped on simple straw sandals, holding something in his arms, and was running quickly in the rain.

He ran extremely fast, but with every step he stepped on the ground very steadily, splashing water and mud.

The expression of the dark peach-colored kimono boy was steady, but there seemed to be some red and swollen marks on his face, which looked a little abrupt.

The medicine...will be home soon...

Speed, it needs to be faster!
Thinking in his heart, he quickened his pace and accelerated again.

The water splashed under the feet was bigger than before.

At this time.

On the street ahead, at the corner of a building with Edo wooden style, the boy stepped on the ground suddenly, without slowing down at all, the straw sandals had some rough edges, and he rushed directly behind the corner.

next moment.

at the corner!A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him!
A shadow instantly enveloped the young boy who hadn't grown too tall.


bumped into it!
The boy's pink eyelashes fluttered slightly in fright, he couldn't stop the car, and his whole body slammed into the person coming at the corner.

"Puff ho!"

A huge shock force was transmitted from the other party, and the young man immediately stiffened and fell backwards in some embarrassment.

In the bosom, the medicinal materials wrapped in the cloth flew out in an instant, and seemed to be soaked in contact with the rainwater in mid-air!

The boy's light blue pupils suddenly shrank!
His quick reflexes allowed him to quickly turn his body, and instantly stabilized his body!

Standing on the ground with both feet, he subconsciously wanted to pick up the herbs in midair.

But in mid-air, there were no traces of medicinal materials.

The boy in the dark peach-colored kimono was slightly taken aback.

What about medicine, medicine...!Where is the medicine!

His expression became a little flustered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the moment, there were no traces of tattoos on the arms and wrists that peeked out from the shorter, dark peach-colored kimono.

This means that this young man has not done anything against local laws so far.

At this time.

"...Yam, Chuanbei..." A murmur came from the direction of the tall figure beside him.

The boy turned his head quickly and looked at the strange man wearing a bamboo hat and two black crows standing on his shoulders.

The man was reaching out to pick up the medicinal materials in the cloth bag, and he was still muttering something, as if he had picked up all the medicinal materials just now.

But the impatient young man had long since ignored these things. He stretched out his hand, subconsciously wanting to take back his medicinal materials:
"give me back!"

With claws, he quickly grabbed the medicine bag in the man's hand!
But the next moment.

The man easily raised his hand and avoided the boy's claw attack.

"...Bastard!" At this moment, the expression of the dark peachy boy suddenly became dark, his eyes were fierce, and a threatening aura burst out from his body.

Is this kind of person again... the guy who came out halfway to rob...

Why does this guy have arms and legs... and still live so healthy...

Anger arose secretly in the boy's heart, he clenched his fists, his veins bulged violently, and he even trembled.

Creak... Blue veins spread across his forehead.

but it does not matter.

Such a bastard can be easily dealt with!

Don't waste any more time!

Thinking about it, as soon as the boy stepped on the ground, he jumped up into the air, and his huge strength made him jump just as high as the man's eye-to-eye.

Just when he was about to punch with all his might.

"I probably understand."

A man's voice came from in front of him, leisurely with a hint of doubt:
"...Does anyone in your family...have tuberculosis?"

The young man's expression froze slightly.

The next moment, the man pointed at himself, bent slightly, smiled and said:

"I'm a doctor."

"Let me go and see the one in your family, maybe the result will be better than eating these things alone."

At this moment, the boy clenched his hands and landed on the ground vigilantly. He carefully sized up the man in front of him.

The black crow...the hat...and the red eyes...

! !
The boy's expression became a little surprised, but he was still vigilant.

This guy is!



the other side.

A small house that looks empty but is actually inhabited.

The walls around the house are already covered with cracks, and the old wood keeps dripping water from the beams on rainy days.

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!!"

A man in thin clothes was sitting on the tatami, covered with a quilt stitched with simple fabric, bent over, coughing non-stop.

He grabbed the quilt with his hands and tightened the clothes on his body, but it was still extremely cold.

His whole body was trembling involuntarily, his face was pale, he was sweating wildly, trembling and enduring the discomfort in his body.

He has been ill since he was a child, and in an accident 15 years ago, his bodily functions were severely damaged again, which logically should have made his condition more serious.

But after that time, he rarely had a cough for a period of time, but only for a few short months.


On the side, a woman in a light pink kimono worriedly called the man's name. She reached out and wiped the cold sweat on the man's forehead with a handkerchief:

"Hold on a little longer, Komaji will come back with the medicine in no time."

"Koma...ji..." The man named Cangya resisted the discomfort, he clenched his teeth, raised his head, and opened his eyes with difficulty, his bony appearance showed his weakness.

With a hoarse voice, Cang Ye held his wife's hand with difficulty:

"... Shine." The man raised his head and called out his wife's name softly, with a hint of apology in his eyes:

"I'm sorry... I caused you trouble."

"The very expensive."

"Whether you... Komaji or... In fact, you can have a better life..."

Cang also lowered his head, his eyes dimmed:

"You are good at handicrafts, which is a very remarkable skill..."

"Komaji is almost an adult, with his and your abilities, after I leave, you can move into Edo Castle to live..."

Shen Hui was taken aback, her eyes trembled slightly, she pursed her lips, stretched out her other hand, and tightly held Cang Ye's cold but wide palm:
"...Don't say such things!"

She pursed her lips tightly, tears welling in her eyes.

Shin Hui seemed to want to say something more, but it seemed that as soon as she opened her mouth, the tears in her eyes were about to fall, so she could only keep her nose red and her mouth tightly closed.

Cang Ye was stunned, he lowered his head, coughed lightly, and said nothing.

For a while, apart from the sound of rain outside, there was no other sound.

That's right, the two were exactly the couple who were rescued by Shang Quannai from the mouth of the evil spirit 15 years ago and helped her to give birth to a son - Nobue and Cangya.

In the past 15 years, Cangya took advantage of the first few years when his body was still able to walk freely, searching for traces of the "god" many times.

Regardless of whether that person was a god or not, he wanted to express his gratitude.

I also tried trekking to the so-called "Sagiri Mountain Shrine", but because the journey was too far away, with my own body, I am afraid that I would die of exhaustion halfway.

So I gave up my plan to go to the shrine.

But in the following years, he did not give up the idea of ​​finding that "god".

Moreover, in recent days, the outside world seems to be spreading some news about "Doctor Li" and "Doctor Black Crow", saying that the people in the rumors are extremely skilled in medicine.

The similar bamboo hat and crow elements made Cang Ye once ignite the hope in his heart.

However, as the disease became more and more serious, watching family members become more and more troubled and cost money because of themselves.

Cang also slowly gave up the idea of ​​wanting to heal himself.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

——I originally just wanted to "thank" the gods, but in the pain of these years, it gradually turned into a selfish desire to "heal myself".

What... ugly greed!Cang also!

Thoughts of guilt instantly filled Cang Ye's heart, even if he hadn't done it yet, the condemnation in his heart made him suffer.

Coupled with the fact that his son Komaji had many scars on his face in recent days, Kuraya was even more worried.

Perhaps, his own death is the best help for this family.

Such thoughts have already begun to sprout in Cang Ye's heart.

Just when Cang Ye was tangled in his heart.

Outside the door, the voice of his son's conversation could be faintly heard.

(End of this chapter)

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