People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 220 Extra volume: ——I was born by him? !

Chapter 220 Extra volume: ——I was born by him? !

in the rain.

Shang Quanna followed Komaji slightly behind, and he raised his head and squinted to look at the location of Edo Castle not far away.

Red dots flickered slightly in his eyes.

His face sank slightly.

——It’s been a while since I’ve been near Edo Castle, it seems that there are a lot of ghosts hiding here...

Although all the ghosts discovered over the years have been dealt with by the Ghost Slayer Team or Shang Quanna, the weak ghosts are very good at hiding, and the ones that can be found do not account for much of all the ghosts.

We can only rely on the passage of time to slowly kill these moths that live in the world.

He retracted his gaze, whispered a few words in his mouth, and the crow on his shoulder lowered his head slightly, as if listening.

It's time to clean up the area around Edo Castle.


Cang also outside the room.

The small house does not have much floor space, and it is very embarrassing to be crowded with other dilapidated houses in a street.


The rain doesn't mean to decrease or stop, but it tends to intensify.

pat, pat, pat.

Not far from the street, two figures, one tall and one short, were advancing in the rain.

"... Later, if you dare to make some slightly wrong movements, be careful whether you will go out without an arm."

Komaji walked a little ahead of Shang Quanna, lowered his eyes, and warned Shang Quanna in his tone, but hesitated for a while.

"Okay." Shang Quannai smiled and nodded slightly, his tone was particularly relaxed in comparison.

"...Remember." Komaji turned his head back, looking at the house that could be vaguely seen in the rain not far away.

Originally, with Komaji's temperament, he would never bring someone like Shang Quanna to see his father.

But as soon as he thought of his father's skinny appearance, which was getting thinner day by day, Komaji's heart that wanted to yell angrily stopped in an instant.

Relying on myself alone - it seems that there is no way to heal my father's body, nor can I supplement any nutrients for my father to recover.

A sense of powerlessness filled his heart, so Komaji could only try the hope that appeared in front of him.

Shang Quanna's eyes slowly moved away from Komaji, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

I was faintly interested in what happened in the next few minutes.

——What kind of person is Yiwozuo's father...?
Yiwozuo, strong in physical skills, formerly known as Komaji, ranks third among the twelve ghost moons.

That's right, walking beside Shang Quanna now, the boy Komaji with pink eyelashes and blue pupils, wearing a deep peach kimono, has a tangled face.

It is the third chapter in the original book

Also in the chapter of Infinite Train, he was the first to appear on the stage, and he played against Yanzhu Purgatory Xing Shoulang.

When meeting Komaji for the first time, the purple name on the top of his head caught Shang Quanna's attention.

Coupled with the conspicuous feature of pink eyelashes, he was sure at the time that this young-looking child was the predecessor of Yiwozuo.

Colliding with Komaji on purpose, but not avoiding, in fact, Shang Quanna did it on purpose.

According to Komaji's original life direction... he should have completely lost his purpose in life because of the suicide of his extremely respected father soon after, and he has been wandering in a daze ever since.

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought about it.

Now that he's here... how could it be possible for what happened before to happen again.

Just when he was thinking about these.

"Here we are." Komaji's voice came from in front of him, he turned his head again, and warned Shang Quanna with his cold eyes.

Shang Quannai raised his head and looked in front of him.

——A dilapidated small house squeezed among several houses.

next moment.


Komaji stretched out his hand, and gently opened the door of the house. He lowered his head slightly, and his light blue pupils flickered unsteadily:
"Father, mother, I'm back."

As the door was opened, the cold breath broke into the room along with the damp rain.

Kuraya, who was sitting on the tatami mat, turned his head, and suddenly coughed a few times.

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!!"

Komaji was shocked when he saw this, he quickly pulled Shang Quanna into the room, and then hurriedly closed the door.

"come on in!"

Shang Quannai was dragged into the house by him.


The door was closed by Komaji who was sweating on his forehead, he didn't want any accidents to happen to his father at this moment.

inside the room.

It was extremely dim, and the only light source, the candle, was blown out by the damp wind that had blown in just now.

Komaji stood against the door, listening carefully to his father's cough coming from behind him.

"Huh..." After hearing his father's coughing sound weakened obviously, Komaji secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and he reached out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Komaji's mother, Nobue, opened her mouth slightly at the moment, and looked at Shang Quanna who was looking at the room in surprise.

Seeing that the room was dark, Shang Quannai looked at the candle that was emitting white smoke.

Then, lightly twirl your fingertips.

He casually flicked his fingertips, skimming the burning sparks of blood towards the candle.


The extinguished candle burned again, and the slightly shaking yellow candlelight shone on Shang Quannai's indifferent face.

At this time.

Komaji took out the medicinal materials from his small package, turned his head hastily, and sat cross-legged beside his father who was staring at Shang Quanna with his mouth slightly open.

"Father, I brought medicine back, I'll make it later..."

Skillfully wiped the sweat off his father's back with the warm cloth prepared by his mother, he frowned slightly when he saw that his mother and father looked at Shang Quannai's silence.

Usually at this time, the old man would pat himself on the shoulder lightly, and sigh deeply...

What's going on today?
Following Kuraya's line of sight, Komaji looked over slowly, and met with Shang Senna who noticed this.

——Is it because of the presence of strangers?
He turned his head, stretched out his hand, and explained softly to his father Cangya:

"Father, don't worry, that is..."

But in the middle of speaking, Komaji's brows became more and more tight, and he pointed at Shang Quanna's hand in mid-air, which was also stiff.

I can't say outrageous words like "the doctor I met halfway".

It seemed that after sitting down and thinking about it like this, Komaji suddenly felt that the fact that he brought the doctor back from the road seemed too careless and outrageous!

At this time, Shang Quanna saw Komaji's embarrassment, he turned his head, and smiled at Kuraya and Nobue:

"I'm a physician."

He sat down slightly, although he didn't follow the real etiquette, but it was much better than being condescending just now:
"I was invited by the two children to be in charge of diagnosing and treating this gentleman with tuberculosis."

"It wasn't confirmed just now, but now it seems that this gentleman's condition can be confirmed as tuberculosis." Shang Quannai sat at a position far away from the two of them, and he said softly.

Shin Hui and Cang Ye were stunned, they didn't speak, they just watched Shang Quannai's speech quietly.

Shang Quanna was also a little puzzled, he even turned his eyes to look at Komaji.

Komaji also looked bewildered.

The atmosphere among the few people was silent for a while.

Shin Hui, who came back to his senses, stretched out his hand and tugged on Cang Ye's sleeve, and she said in a daze:


Cang also nodded in a daze, his breathing became strangely smoother at this moment:

There was excitement and joy in his eyes.

Bamboo hat, black crow, red pupils, and the same appearance as back then, even a little bit of aging can't be seen!

The "doctor" in front of him must be the "god" who delivered Komaji's baby back then!
I can't remember it wrong, I can't remember it wrong!
The more he thought about it, the more excited Cang Ye became, but the self-blame in his heart also faintly became stronger.

Shang Quannai was a little confused about the situation, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

It was at this time that Shang Quanna noticed Shin Hui, a woman in a pink kimono.

This is...a woman in her thirties from the cell point of view.

Shang Quannai narrowed her eyes.

Just now, Komaji also called out the words "mother". Komaji's mother?

But in the original book... it seems that there is no description of Komaji's mother...

Or, Komaji's mother died before his personal storyline unfolded...

Now the situation is...

Shang Quannai raised his eyebrows in doubt and looked at the surprised Shine, and Cangya who was so shocked that he stopped coughing.

He choked for a while, then said hesitantly:

"...You two... know me?"

Hearing this question, for a moment.

It was as if a bucket of cold water had poured Nobue and Cangya from the beginning to the end.

The hearts of the two sank directly to the bottom of the valley, and at the same time, their emotions calmed down.

This sudden suddenness made Cang Ye very choked up, he subconsciously wanted to explain.

But because his body has been ravaged by tuberculosis for many years, he coughed directly as soon as he opened his mouth:
"Ahem! No! It's ahem!!"

In the end, Cang Ye blushed and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Cough cough!!"

"Father!" Seeing his father's hurried appearance, Komaji panicked for a moment. He stood up and quickly reached out to support his father.

"...You!" Komaji turned to look at Shang Quanna, then looked at his father coughing, his eyes gradually became less kind.

At this time.

"...No, cough cough, it's okay." Kuraya stretched out his bony arm and patted Komaji's back lightly.

"...But..." Komaji looked anxious, and he wanted to say something, but seeing his father waving his hands, he could only suppress his inner emotions, and sat back slowly:

"…I understand."

"Huh..." Cang also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Shang Quannai's puzzled look, he knew he couldn't say anything more.He stretched out his hand in a hurry, his whole body tilted, and his palm hung on the shoulder of his wife Shenhui.

Seeing that Cang also looked a little embarrassed, Shang Quannai became more and more puzzled.

In his recent memory, it seems that there is no way to find two people who can match up with the two sitting opposite each other.

——People will properly forget some unimportant memories, especially ghosts with long lifespans and strong memories.

Things like passing by and saving two people 15 years ago seem to be the most normal and frequent things happening here in Shang Quannai.

However, ghosts just don't open those forgotten memories for the time being, and they can easily recall all the past as long as they open the box hidden deep in their memory.

At this moment, Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes slightly, memories were rolling in his mind, and he reached out his hand to signal Cang Ye:
"Don't worry, let's talk slowly."

Shen Hui, who was reminded by her husband, came back to her senses. She looked back at her husband nervously, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Shin Hui seemed a little uneasy, and after seeing Shang Quanna's eyes looking at her, she clenched the kimono on her lap even more nervously.

The palms are already full of sweat.

Finally, she pursed her lips and said with a trembling voice:

"" Shine looked at Komaji who was also puzzled aside:

"Seventy years ago."

Her tone suddenly became smoother:
"It was the same rainy night as today. I was pregnant at the time... and my husband, Kuraya, was attacked by monsters..."

Komaji was taken aback suddenly, he was quite familiar with this beginning - he seemed to have heard this story before.

The story his mother told him every day when he was young!
——I am the son of the gods, a child brought to the world by the gods.

That's why he grew teeth naturally, and his body is stronger than his peers, and he can even beat ordinary samurai with ease, and his body coordination ability is very good.

But after growing up slowly, Komaji only listened to this story as a bedtime story... that's all!

Afterwards, Komaji suddenly turned his head to look at Shang Quanna who was aside.

He turned his head to look at his mother again, with an incredible look on his face.

The doctor I met randomly on the street...

Is it the god who brought me into the world? !

This is outrageous!
Komaji's expression gradually collapsed.


Shang Quannai was sitting not far in front of the two of them, he was thinking slightly.

Hearing Shen Hui's words, he was gradually taken aback.

Memories of 15 years ago slowly flooded my mind.

He remembered.

In the past 15 years, too many people have been treated and saved. Shang Quannai couldn't remember it for a while, and it is reasonable to be true.

But... the child who was delivered in the past turned out to be the first three in the original book...

He tilted his head slightly, and exchanged a glance with Komaji who was full of disbelief.

What is this, fate?
Shenhui raised her head, she gently rubbed the corners of her blurred eyes, and continued:

"At that time, it was you who appeared, made the monster dissipate, and allowed the child Komaji to be born in this world safely."

"Ahem... That's right." At this time, Cang Ye's hoarse voice also sounded, and he worked very hard to suppress the discomfort in his throat:
"Over the years, Shin Hui and I have always felt guilty for not being able to go to your shrine to offer thanks. We... owe you a thank you."

"Whether you remember or not..."

Cang also bent over slowly, his expression looked a little difficult, and his voice became hoarse and said:

"We are all grateful for the kindness back then...!"

Shang Quannai looked at the two people in front of him, feeling a little troubled, he was the worst at dealing with such situations.

After a short silence, he stood up.

He stretched out his hands to support Cangya and Nobue, who were struggling to bend down, and said softly:

"I have received your wishes."

"But today, your son brought me here to diagnose you, so you are my patient and I am your doctor."

"Just your physician, too."

After finishing speaking, Shang Quannai smiled and nodded to Cang.

Riddler, who wouldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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