People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 224 Extra Volume: ——Departure to Suliu Dojo

Chapter 224 Extra Volume: ——Departure to Suliu Dojo

a few days later.

Today's weather is very good, the clear sun is shining down, and there are some clouds floating in the sky.

Township near Edo Castle.

In front of Komaji's house.


The bowl full of clean water fell to the ground, and the water spilled all over the floor.

"Father, are you able to stand up already?!" Komaji's expression was shocked, he opened his mouth slightly, and looked at Kuraya, who was straight and stretching in front of him with some difficulty.

You know, Komaji had been saving money to buy medicine and feed it to his father for several years, but he could only watch his father's physical condition get worse and worse.

And now.

Cangya supported his waist, he propped his arms on the wall beside him, coughed and smiled at Komaji twice:
"Well, although it is a bit difficult, I can already walk."


At this moment, his complexion is no longer as haggard as it was a few days ago, and his spirit has lifted a lot, and his decadent look has gradually disappeared.

This is the continuous taking of the correct medicine in the past few days, and it is also the first time that Cang Ye has taken the medicine regularly under the arrangement, and the effect is very fast.

Saying that, Kuraya withdrew his hand that was supporting the wall, and waved his arms up and down at Komaji as if demonstrating.

The sound of bones cracking kept coming, which made Cang Ye's rusty joints feel a little happy.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!" But after a little exercise, he immediately began to cough violently:
"Hey-ha, although I can walk now, I still cough, haha ​​cough cough cough!!"

Kuraya was coughing, leaning against the wall, and talking to Komaji.

"Don't be brave, come back and lie down!" Shenhui's helpless voice sounded from the room, calling Cang Ye's name: "Really, can you save me some time at such a big age."

"Yes..." Cangya scratched his head in embarrassment, he smiled at Komaji, then turned around slowly, and walked back into the room.

"The air at a high place is fresh~" Cang Ye's relaxed exclamation came faintly:
"It's great to be able to stand...!"

"Lie down for me!" Shin Hui's voice sounded.

"Ah... Shine, you are not as gentle as before..."


Komaji was still in a daze, he watched his father stand upright and walked into the room blankly, he was still a little bit overwhelmed.

The back view of his father walking in front of him...he almost forgot what it was like.

It seemed that not long after he could remember, his father couldn't leave his sick bed.

Now, when he suddenly saw his father standing up, Komaji felt a dreamy feeling of unreality.

He reached out and punched his face.

Redness spreads rapidly around the cheekbones.

"...It hurts."

Dad stood up, it was real, not a dream.

Then, without saying a word, Komaji squatted down silently, and picked up the water bowl that had just been accidentally dropped on the ground.

Wiping the soaked board with a rag, Komaji thought slowly.

He raised his head, blinking his pink eyelashes slightly, and looked at the clear sky in the sky.

The circular sun spot flickered faintly, very dazzling.

Reflected in Komaji's blue pupils.

"...It's rare that it didn't rain today." Komaji muttered to himself.

The corner of the mouth raised a rare slight arc.



After Koma ruled the family.

In a dark alley.

Several figures suddenly appeared in the alley flickering.

They stood on top of the walls on either side of the alley, or leaned against the walls.

Several people looked at each other, their eyes looked deep into the alley, as if they were waiting for someone.


Step, step, step.

With the sound of slow footsteps came from the depths of the dark alley.


Shang Quannai walked out of the darkness wearing the usual brown doctor's robe. He looked up at the people standing at the top of the alley, and frowned slightly.

"...How did you guys come here?"

He glanced at the familiar faces of several people, his expression was rather speechless:
"This time it's for the juniors to practice their hands. You always do this... to grab the tasks of the juniors. The Ghost Killing Squad can't rely on you guys to keep going."

Saying that, Shang Quannai glanced at everyone again.

Previously, Shang Quannai found many traces of ghosts near Edo Castle. He contacted Ubuyashiki through the crow, and arranged many team members below the C level to come and wipe them out.

But now... the few people who came here are obviously not members below the C level.

At this time.

One of the crowd spoke in a relaxed tone:

"Hey, isn't this too noisy at home?"

Under the backlight of the sun, the man with short yellow hair can be vaguely seen shaking his head:

"That guy Ciichiro went to Ms. Zhushi for treatment a while ago, and finally his right arm grew back. Now it's annoying!"


The man with short yellow hair jumped down from the wall of the alley and landed in front of Shang Quannai. He raised his head and met Shang Quannai's eyes.

The youthful appearance that was almost the same as 15 years ago grinned slightly:
"That's why I'm here."

Shang Quannai looked helplessly at the boyish yellow hair in front of him.

Naruto - my wife Shancun - 32 years old.

It seems that because of his own blood, Shancun's appearance was fixed at the age of 17, and there has been no sign of aging until now.

Well, the mentality doesn't seem to grow either.

People in their 30s are still so unstable.

Shang Quannai sighed, then looked up at the other pillars sitting on both sides of the alley:
"What about you? Why?"

The rest of the people suddenly looked very guilty.

They turned their heads away.

"…my words…"

It was calmer, as if the tone of memory came from the side.

"Ah... this guy Shancun, what did you say about moving his muscles and bones... After all, he hasn't moved for several years."

Shang Quannai looked at the speaker.

The dark blue haori draped casually on the shoulders, the open chest full of scars, and the muscular body.

Fengzhu—Nariya Kazama—37 years old.

In contrast, Naruya Kazama looked a lot more mature, and his face was also angular due to years of exercise.

Touching the scar on his face, Naruya Kazama said casually:

"Thinking about it, it's time to kill some ghosts."

"So here I am."


Naruya Kazama jumped off the wall and leaned aside.

Shang Quanna stared at Naruya Kazama, and he nodded slowly until the other party's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

At this time.

From the side, a relatively cool and flat voice came:

"Same as above."

"?" Shang Quannai turned his head and looked at Zhu who said the word 同上.

Black and smooth single ponytail, neatly decorated with water ripple feathers.

Even the folds on the long hakama are neatly arranged.

With his eyes closed, he sat upright on top of the wall.

The breeze blew, and the strands of hair on the forehead were blown up.

Water column - water without moon white - 37 years old.

Similarly, the face remained unchanged, but the temperament really became a bit like a real water column.

Shang Quannai looked at Mizumu Yuebai's unearthly appearance, and for a moment didn't know how to react.

At this moment, Kazama Chengmi lowered his voice and explained:

"Bai, this guy, has become acquainted with monks in recent years, and seems to be very interested in things like temples and shrines."

"Right now... probably in the half-baked stage."

Naruya Kazama spoke slowly, he also raised his head and stared at Minazukishiro.

As Bai's friend, he didn't know whether such a change was good or bad.

Upon hearing this, Shang Quannai nodded slowly.

After all, 15 years have passed, and it is understandable that there have been some changes in personality and handling of things.

Like him, in the past 15 years, he has become more and more "ordinary", and he no longer has the sharpness that he could recognize at a glance in the crowd.

Of course, this is Shang Quannai's own opinion.

Wearing a bamboo hat and raising two crows, such a dress is very conspicuous in the ancient era of Edo.

"…whispering sound."

My wife Shan Cun secretly glanced at Minazuki Bai's aloof appearance, and he said something in a low voice.

Shui Mu Yue Bai frowned slightly, he heard my wife Shan Cun's whisper like a mosquito, although he couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't seem to be a good thing.

Shang Quannai didn't care about the vague confrontation between the two, he shook his head helplessly.

There are only these three pillars present.

Iwami Yanci heard that he was spreading Buddhist ideas all over the world, but he still carried the naginata with him.

As for Purgatory Renshoulang, he should be busy with his own family affairs, and it seems that he has given birth to a few more children.

Thinking of this, Shang Quannai glanced at San Nizhu present.

Here... It seems that except for Kazama Naruya, the other two are not even married yet.

Then he stepped out of the alley and left in one direction without looking back.

Then, his voice came slowly:
"Since you are here, the ghosts in Edo Castle will be handed over to you."

"Remember, don't disturb the civilians, and keep your movements small."

The three pillars watched the direction in which Shang Quannai was leaving until he could no longer see his back.

Then they withdrew their eyes, looked at each other, nodded, turned into afterimages and left the place instantly.

In the past 15 years, the strength of the pillars has once again undergone earth-shaking changes.

The current strength of the three of them, if they join forces, they may be able to beat Yuanyi in a relaxed state.



Koma Jijia.

inside the room.

Cang also lay on the tatami, his upper body was naked, exposing his bony back.

goo goo goo...

Komaji sat kneeling aside, holding a small bowl full of dark plaster, and was constantly applying it to Kuraya's back.

As the warm plaster covered his back and quickly became cool, the pain in the spine caused by bedridden for many years was also slowly easing.

Shang Quanna stood beside Komaji, and he watched the internal condition of Kuraya's body.

After a few days of diet and medicine stone adjustments, Cang Ye's body recovered very quickly.

Today, you can leave here.

Although I reminded those three guys, I should do it lightly.

But judging from the concentration of ghosts in Edo Castle, Shang Quanna believes that all the ghosts are gathered in Edo Castle now.

So, I'm afraid it can't be lightened.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Komaji beside him, and said:

"If you can get up and walk, leave here this afternoon."

"Eh? Today?" Shin Hui turned around in surprise, she was reaching out to correct Cang Ye's deformed bones with the method taught by Shang Quanna:
"...Could it be too early... Cangya is still a little reluctant..." Shin Hui's tone seemed a little hesitant.

"it does not matter!"

Suddenly, Cang, who was lying on his stomach, also raised his arm, and his voice became very powerful:

"Now I can jump ten times in a row without any problem!"

Shen Hui glanced at her husband in a daze.

Komaji didn't speak. In his opinion, it was already a very happy thing for his father to be able to stand up and walk.

So happy, until now, the corners of his mouth are still slightly raised.

"Komaji, say something too..." Nobue frowned, seeing Kuraya's cheerful look, she turned her head to look at her son.

But just in time to see the happy smile on the corner of Komaji's mouth.

Shen Hui, who hadn't seen his son's smile for a long time, was a little dazed for a moment.

Afterwards, she also turned her head and said nothing more.

Shang Quannai looked at the three people whose emotions were changing, and he nodded slowly:
"That's it. This afternoon, set off to leave here."

"Don't worry, after a while, if you want to come back, you can do it anytime."

He added, and walked out of the room.

Shang Quannai looked up at the sun under the eaves.

It is already noon now.

Is it simply because there are ghosts in Edo Castle that you want Komaji and his family to leave here?

No, no, if this is the reason, Shang Quannai can protect the entire town in the ghost tide.

Wanting to leave here, Shang Quannai just has a little selfishness of her own.

As someone who has read the original book, he is naturally clear about it.

in the original story.

After his father committed suicide, Komaji wandered far away from Edo.

And because of the tattoo representing the "sinner" on his body, he is often deliberately provoked, and often fights with others.


When Komaji was fighting several adult men with knives as a child, he met a mentor who in a sense saved the rest of his life as a human.

——The owner of Suliu Dojo, Qingzang.

Qingzang crushed and awakened the decadent Komaji with absolute strength.

And accepted him as an apprentice.

took him to meet another who saved his desperate soul.

Qingzang's daughter - Lianxue.

After a brief recollection, Shang Quannai frowned slightly.

With his intervention, Komaji's parents are still alive, and he doesn't have any "sinner" tattoos on his body.

Under such circumstances, if things develop naturally, Komaji will not be able to meet "Keizo", "Lianxue" and others.

Well, only once again is he meddling.

What a coincidence.

Shang Quannai took off lightly, jumped onto the roof, and looked up at the towering castle tower of Edo Castle in the distance.

Coincidentally, during his 15 years as a doctor, just a few years ago, he saw Qing Zang who was seeking medical treatment from a distance.

There are also some young Lianxue.

Although he couldn't help much, Shang Quannai remembered the location of a deserted dojo near the town.

If there is no accident, there is the predecessor of Suliu Dojo.

(End of this chapter)

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