People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 225 Extra volume: ——I heard that there is a martial arts gym nearby

Chapter 225 Extra volume: ——I heard that there is a martial arts gym nearby


in the afternoon.

Around two o'clock.

The sun is still high in the middle of the sky, and now is the hottest time of the day.

"Huh...huh..." Cang Ye stood at the door of his house, doing some simple activities non-stop, feeling the feeling of his rusty body moving again.

He was panting slightly, but his body had recovered to the point where he could run slowly.

Shen Hui absently took care of his clothes, and looked back at the small house where he had lived for many years.



Komaji wrapped a small salute with a cloth belt, and looked at the salute that he could handle enough, feeling a little silent in his heart.

After careful inventory, the things worth taking away in this home are only the size of such a small cloth bag.

He raised his head and looked back towards his home.

My own memories of this room seem to be only the appearance of my father coughing.


After tying the cloth bag diagonally behind his back, Komaji stood up slowly, and exchanged glances with Kuraya and Nobue who were smiling beside him.

But now, it seems that taking this opportunity to start a completely new life... is also a good opportunity.

- It's time to leave.

——Let's start... a new life.

The family of three nodded with a smile.

Then they looked across the street.

Shang Quannai was standing there at the moment, with his back to them.

"...Sir Kamizumi, we are ready."

Cang Ye turned his head, looked at Shang Quanna who was standing on the street looking up at the sky, and shouted in an unnatural tone:

"Can we go now?"

He originally wanted to call Shang Quannai "Master God", but when Shang Quannai's expression changed for a while, he was firmly rejected by the other party.

And was asked to unify the address as "Mr. Shangquan", or just call him by name.

This also made Cang Ye feel a little unnatural.

Shang Quannai heard the words, he slowly withdrew his gaze from the sky, turned around slowly, and nodded to several people:

"Well, let's go."



"Mr. Kamizumi, where are we going?"

On the way, Komaji took the initiative to question Shang Quanna for the rare second time.

Although the last time Shang Quannai was brought home, his attitude was indeed very unfriendly.

But later, when his father Kuraya did stand up and gradually became healthy, Komaji also took the initiative to find Shang Quanna in private, and expressed his apology and gratitude very sincerely.

Several people sat in a medium-sized carriage, and the space in the carriage was just enough for them to avoid looking at each other.

Shang Quanna looked at the traces of towns and towns that were gradually moving away from the window, he turned his head, and answered Komaji's question with a relaxed tone:
"A place far away from Edo Castle."

"As for the name of the town, you may not know where it is, but the location is probably in... Kii's area."

Saying that, Shang Quannai was silent for a while.

Speaking of it, his understanding of place names today is still in the Warring States period, and even the place names are also used in the Warring States period.

——It seems that it is necessary to supplement the knowledge of various aspects.

Thinking about it, Shang Quannai took out a small booklet and quickly wrote something on it with a brush.

If Komaji looked sideways at this moment, he would be able to clearly see everything that was and is written on the booklet.

For example:

"Long jump on Mount Everest."

"Watching the sunrise from the stratosphere."

"Swim with whales in the Pacific Ocean"

Below this line of words, there is also a line of small words:
"Try using a whale as a dumbbell if you can."

Write all kinds of content that seems outrageous, but not too outrageous.

At this moment, Shang Quannai is slowly writing a new line of content: "Learning."

After hearing the place name Shang Quannai said, the people in the carriage looked at each other and nodded slowly.



Town streets away from Edo Castle.

Suli Dojo.

In Love Snow's room.


Lianxue was lying on the bed, it was summer, but she was covered with a tight quilt, and she was coughing softly non-stop.

Sweat continued to break out, soaking the pillow and tatami she was resting on.


pat, pat.

Huiren gently twisted the wet towel.

"Lianxue, how do you feel now?" Huiren wiped the sweat off Lianxue's forehead with a warm towel, and she asked softly, "Is it a little cold?"

Although the eyes looking at her daughter were full of tenderness, Huiren's face became more and more haggard day by day.

Her spirit has gradually become a little abnormal, and she often thinks of some bad things.

"Cough's good..." Lianxue's face was red and hot, sweating constantly, she answered her mother intermittently.

Qing Zang leaned against the door, looking at the mother and daughter with a smile, but there may be worries hidden in this smile.

He saw his wife's haggardness, and also saw Lianxue's self-blame.

As Lianxue's father, he naturally wanted to heal his daughter and give her a happy life.

——Although Qingzang himself is not short of money now because he saved the old man last time and because he has some savings.

But he still couldn't afford to invite a famous doctor to treat Lianxue.

The dojo can't accept apprentices now, and there is no follow-up source of money.

Although Qingzang has been busy with some physical labor on the streets of the town recently, he really can't make much money.

And when he was working on the town street, he also heard about the reason why his Suliu Dojo couldn't recruit people.

It seems to be disturbed by people from the kendo gym next door...

Qingzang thought for a while, he recalled the last time he met Iwa Jinbanbei, the master of the kendo field next door.

And the appearance of the other party sincerely apologizing to himself and changing his past.

Qingzang shook his head.

Just don't listen to gossip.

Wait until you really understand it clearly, and then ask for an explanation.


He looked at Lianxue with a weak face.

Let's concentrate on taking care of Lianxue.

At this time.

"Qingzang! Come change the water!"

Huiren washed the towel again, then looked up at Qingzang who was standing at the door, and cried out wearily.

Qingzang nodded quickly: "Here we come!"



the other side.

Shang Quannai and his party moved forward smoothly.

Because Shang Quannai contacted the Ubuyashiki family in advance, and used the other party's huge network and economic negotiations, there were basically no obstacles along the way.

The carriage was very stable, not too bumpy along the way, and even the warehouse didn't feel much physical discomfort.

After nearly a week of driving, trimming and starting again.

at last.

on a certain morning.


Shang Quannai lifted the curtain of the carriage and took a look outside.

The sun was shining brightly, and the town street was in front of me.

Some familiar surroundings of towns and towns came into view, and the carriage did not stop in the middle of the most lively town streets, but at the entrance.

People were walking back and forth on the town street. Although the number of people was not visible, they could still hear noisy voices.

This is the place where he met Qing Zang a few years ago.

A few days ago, he used the crow to observe and found the location of Suliu Dojo.

And use the money from the Ubuyashiki family to purchase a house.

If it weren't for Sagiriyama's sacred letter not being used as currency in the outside world, Shang Quanna would not have asked Sanyashi to borrow money.

Shang Quannai got off the carriage.

Da da.

He lightly tapped on the wooden boards of the carriage behind him, and shouted to the few people who were still awake:
"We have arrived."

"Here we come!" Cang Ye's voice sounded immediately, as if waking up from a dream.

There was a creaking sound of wood squeezing in the carriage.

Komaji slowly stepped out of the carriage, supporting his father.

Followed by Shin Hui, who was combing and combing her hair.

As soon as they got out of the carriage, they were instantly attracted by the noisy voice.

"So that's how it is... There are a lot of people here!"

Kuraya turned his head to look in the direction of the center of the town street, and couldn't help sighing:

"Everyone is willing to come out and talk, it's a good place..."

"…and many more."

Just when Cang Ye was sighing like this, his pupils suddenly shrank slightly.


He saw from a distance that the group of people gathered together in the center of Ding Street didn't seem to be cheering or celebrating.

Noisy voice, doesn't seem to be a loud conversation.

But... they are fighting!

The noisy sound is screaming and roaring!

He saw the red blood and the bright reflection of the blade!

For a moment, Cang Ye's expression froze.

Shine, who had just tied her hair up, was also slightly dazed, she obviously saw the same thing as Cangya!
Komaji looked in the direction of Machigai silently, he frowned slightly, because of his different height, he couldn't see what his father saw.

He just... faintly rejected the feeling of excitement.

In the vicinity of the original home, there are actually many more people living here than here.

But the neighbors don't communicate much, and Komaji has long been used to such a cold feeling.

After seeing the lively scene, Komaji suddenly felt that living in this place might become troublesome in the future.

Just when Komaji was stunned.

After Shang Quannai paid the driver's fare, he waved his hand lightly, and with the driver's embarrassed expression, he forced the money to the driver.



"Why are you standing there?" Shang Quanna patted Komaji's shoulder lightly, and he pointed in another direction:
"Look in that direction, that's where you will live for some time to come."

Immediately, Kuraya Nobue and Komaji, the three of them looked in the direction that Shang Quanna pointed.

Then, the expressions of the three of them changed for an instant.

——The direction Shang Senna was pointing at was completely opposite to Machigai.

At a glance, although there are similar houses there, they don't look like fireworks.

Cang Ye's frozen expression slowly let out a sigh of relief, and he patted his chest.

——It's nice not to live in such a chaotic street.

Komaji's expression became normal. Speaking of which, after his father regained his health, he is now just a "stronger" 15-year-old kid.

On the side, Shenhui touched the wound on his abdomen that was scratched by the ghost, feeling lingering fear.

Shang Quannai turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of the center of Yanding Street, but he didn't care.

This is a matter between human beings and themselves, and has nothing to do with him. In this era when there are few ghosts left, Shang Quannai has no need to care about such boring things.

With this in mind, Shang Quanna patted Komaji's shoulder lightly, and took the lead in walking in the opposite direction from the town street:

"Let's go."

"The house left for you should be quite big."


Not far from Suliu Dojo and Kendojo.

Shangquanna, Kuraya, Komaji, and Nobue walked slowly on the side of the street.

at the same time.

Shang Quannai and the others were not far away.

Several people wearing kendo uniforms slowly stared at Shang Quannai and the others who were gradually approaching.

They hid in the alley, looked at each other, and then looked at the leader.

"Yanjin, should we drive away directly like before?"

"Recently, there have been rumors about us on the town street."

"...Continue like this."

The rest of the people in kendo uniforms spoke hesitantly.

If Qingzang is here, then he must recognize it.

The person who led the ambush on the road to Suliu Dojo was the son of the master of the sword dojo I saw a few days ago——Iwakin Atsuya.

At this moment, Iwakami Atsuya frowned slightly, his expression was a little impatient:

"What are you afraid of, we are just taking back what we should have!"

"Whoever feels afraid, quit the dojo by himself, and leave now!"

As soon as these words came out, no one made a sound.


The location of Komaji and his party.

Not long after leaving the town street just now, the other side of the street has become a very long white wall and eaves.

But no one cares.



Shang Quannai stopped. He stood at the end of the continuation of the white wall, in front of an elegant door with a tiled roof, and turned his head:

"Here, this is where you will live for a while."

At this time, Cang Ye and the others still did not react.

Cang Ye was stunned for a while, then turned his head to look at the door with Shang Quanna's face, and frowned for a moment.

He looked at the door carefully, and always felt that something was wrong.


A question mark rose above Komaji's head.

Komaji looked at the white wall connected to the gate, turned his head, and looked all the way to the end of the street behind him.

A drop of cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

The white wall spread to the end of the street before making a corner.

It is in sharp contrast with the appearance of houses on the other side of the street.

In other words.

The space behind this white wall.

All is where they live!

"...Mr. Kamizumi." The corner of Komaji's mouth twitched slightly.

"Are we going the wrong way?"

Komaji looked at the length of the white wall, pondered, and turned back to Shang Quanna with a less calm tone.

"No." Shang Quannai's answer was very decisive.

That is at this time.

He reached out and grabbed Komaji who was in a daze, and casually threw the key of the house to Kuraya who was in a daze:
"This is the key to unlock the door. I'll give it to you. Komaji will lend it to me for a while."

Before Cang Ye could reply, Shang Quannai immediately went on to say:

"Don't worry, I heard that there is a lack of people in a martial arts school near here, take Komaji to have a look."

"See you in the afternoon!"

Under Cangya's stunned expression, he looked at the key in his hand, but there was no sign of Komaji and Monk Quanna in front of him.

He turned his head and looked at Shen Hui in blank dismay.


(End of this chapter)

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