People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 226 Extra volume: ——Come on, Komaji!Use destruction to kill!

Chapter 226 Extra volume: ——Come on, Komaji!Use destruction to kill!


Time passed slowly.


on the trail.

The muddy ground stretches all the way, no one builds stone roads in this kind of place, even the lively town streets are muddy.

Weeds grow on both sides of the road, and there are fences and scattered one-and-a-half-story houses on both sides.

Two figures, one in front and one behind, were walking slowly on the road.

"Mr. Umizumi... What do you mean by Budokan?"

Komaji followed behind Shang Quanna, staring at the special "foot bag" on Shang Quanna's feet, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

At this moment, Shang Quannai put on the bamboo hat again, and the two crows curled up obediently in his arms.


Shang Quanna, who was walking in front, suddenly called Komaji's name. Although his tone was gentle, it hit Komaji's heart directly:
"You want to be strong, right?"

Komaji was taken aback for a moment, he looked up at the back of Shang Quanna's head, and nodded slowly:
"...Well, that's right."

Although it is not clear why this "doctor" who helped him almost selflessly knew what he was thinking.

But after witnessing the scene where his father stood up miraculously, Komaji became accustomed to Shang Quanna's occasional sense of fantasy.

——He took me to the Budokan...was it because he wanted to become stronger...?
However, for the Budokan...

Komaji thought of the imaginary content of precepts with a lot of rules, just like the rules he upholds.

And, it costs money.

Money, because of his father's illness and the price of medicine, has already planted roots in the young Komaji's heart.

Although Dad is gradually recovering, this does not change Komaji's instinct to save money at all.

While Komaji was thinking about it, Shang Quanna, who was walking in front of him, said slowly again:

"What's the reason?"

Komaji was stunned for a moment, his pink eyelashes fixed, and his eyes slightly drooped as he looked at Shang Quanna's back.


Seemingly not getting an answer, Shang Quannai repeated it again:
"What is your reason for wanting to become stronger?"

——The reason for becoming stronger...!
At this moment, several thoughts flashed through Komaji's mind.

But when he wanted to open his mouth to answer, he found that his reasons seemed a little hard to say now.

In order not to be fooled when buying medicine at the pharmacy.

In order to keep the belongings and medicinal materials on the way home.

In order to escape the pursuit of the execution office.


Komaji's eyes were slightly empty.

No, not these.

As if aware of something, Shang Quanna stood still, turned her head, and looked at Komaji who had stopped unknowingly behind her.

Komaji was stunned in place, and the tense and relaxed spirit during this period made him actually a little bit in a trance.

This feeling of being in a dream made Komaji feel dazed from time to time during this period.

The houses on the side of the road were reflected in his blue pupils, revealing a trace of silence.

Shang Quanna looked at Komaji's eyes, and the skill of judging people honed over the years made him speak:

"Don't panic, think carefully."

"What you do, in the final analysis, is all for what."

Komaji heard Shang Senna's words, he stared at the footprints on the muddy ground, or the weeds on the roadside, and pondered.

Buy medicine...protect property...medicine materials...

In his mind, the weak figure who was lying on the hospital bed and coughing non-stop slowly emerged.

At this moment, Komaji's eyes moved, he raised his head, and opened his mouth to say:

"If you don't get stronger, you won't be able to bring medicine to Dad..."

Shang Quannai nodded when he heard the words, but he shook his head again:

"Is the reason you want to become stronger just to bring medicine?"

"Now your father doesn't need you to buy medicine anymore, so... don't you want to become stronger anymore?"

Komaji's eyes gradually became clear, he patted the back of his chaotic head, and shook his head vigorously:
"The reason why I became stronger..."

The oath that was once firmly in my heart is now resounding in my mind:

"—I want to protect my family."

Yes, that's right.

From the moment I met Shang Quanna, time seemed to go faster than usual.

Since then, everything I have encountered has become more and more dreamy.

This made Komaji's mind empty, and he gradually stopped thinking about problems.

And at this time.

Shang Quannai's affirmative voice came from in front of him:
"That's right, that's a good reason."

"Then now."

Komaji raised his head and looked in Shang Quanna's direction, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.


As Shang Quannai said, he turned and looked behind him, which was the intersection leading to Suliu Dojo.

"I'll let you protect me for the time being."

Shang Quannai pointed at a dark alley not far away:
"Let's go, Komaji!"

Komaji's expression became more and more puzzled, he looked in the direction that Shang Quannai pointed, and looked at the entrance of the alley.

At this time.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps in the alley.

"Atsuya, we seem to have been discovered."

And a low-sounding curse:
"Tsk, talk too much."

next moment.

With a gloomy face and messy braids, the man in the white kendo uniform slowly came out of the alley, staring at Shang Quanna and Komaji unkindly.

Then, four or five people who were also wearing white kendo uniforms came out behind him.

They are apprentices at the Kendo Gym.

They came over with bad expressions and directly blocked Shang Quanna and Komaji's path.

The one in the lead was the son of the master of the kendo field—Iwakami Atsuya.

Iwakin Atsuya glanced between Komaji and Shangquanna, then looked at Shangquanna, pointed at him and shouted loudly:

"Hey! That guy in the hat!"

"That's right, it's you, the monster with the pink eyelashes next to you, get out of here quickly!"

Iwakami Atsuya's tone was very unfriendly, even mixed with tongue-tattling sounds:
"Near here is... the site of Suliu Dojo! We are Suliu's disciples! If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Iwakami Atsuya made a threatening look, and he held the thing like a knife handle hidden under the kendo uniform at his waist with sharp eyes:


At the same time, several apprentices wearing kendo uniforms following behind Atsuya Iwakin also stared at the two with unfriendly eyes.

Several people lined up together, although they did not have an advantage in height, but the number surpassed Shang Quanna and Komaji.

From Iwakin Atsuya's point of view, Komaji is obviously a child, and Shang Quanna, who carries Komaji, naturally belongs to the identity of "father".

And in this case, there are many people, they have knives, and they are wearing kendo uniforms, dressed like samurai.

The other party will usually be frightened on the spot, and then quickly apologize and leave with a shitty apology.


Shang Quanna smiled and looked at Iwakami Atsuya, the son of the master of the kendo field, who now looks only a year or two older than Komaji.

The opponent's crude ambush had already been noticed when Shang Quannai was just away from the center of the town street.

Shang Quannai is relatively indifferent to the fights between children.

At first, he thought about passing them directly and going directly to the Soryu Dojo.


Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking past the several kendo field apprentices who were blocking the road in front of him, and looked towards the road not far away.


——Qing Zang was wearing a loose white martial arts uniform, and was walking towards this side from the other side of the road with a smile.

Due to the relatively long distance, Qingzang still doesn't know what happened here.

Seeing Qingzang walking towards here from a distance, the corners of Shang Quanna's mouth couldn't restrain an arc.

Qingzang is exactly one of the characters in his target operation.

He has already come, so there is no need for him to move forward,

Shang Quanna glanced at Iwakami Atsuya who was standing in front of him.

This baby even made a wave of framing at the Suryu Dojo next door.

The arrogant and arrogant child was generally called a bear child in his era.

Not beaten.

Shang Quanna turned her head and looked at the calm Komaji.

Komaji also responded to Shang Quanna with innocent eyes.

The two looked at each other, but neither of them made a move in the end.

It's just that Komaji gave Iwakin Atsuya a little extra look.

The monster with pink eyelashes... this is the first time anyone has called him that.

But Komaji just felt novelty, not angry at all.

"Hey—bastard, can't you hear me telling you to get out?!"

Iwakami Atsuya frowned, staring at Shang Quanna and Komaji who were looking at each other, the veins on his face were bulging, and his hand holding the handle of the knife was also slightly exerted.

The arrogant temperament made him a little used to the appearance of others giving way, and when he suddenly met such a person, Yanjin Atsuya was furious for a while.

Seeing that the two were about to stand in such a stalemate, he looked sideways and glanced at his colleagues beside him.

Several people nodded.


Click - swish!

The white blade came out of its sheath, cut through the white kendo suit in an instant, and pierced through the clothes.

The sharp blade pointed at Shang Quanna and Komaji, but it was only a short blade less than an arm long.

And the moment their colleagues pulled out their knives, they didn't make a move, they just looked at their side in a daze, and silently withdrew their knives.


"Go to hell..." Yan Jin Atsuya stared at Shang Quannai with his eyes wide open, holding up the short blade.

At this time.


A broad and powerful hand stretched out from behind Atsuya Iwakin, and grabbed his arm tightly!
Immediately, Iwakami Atsuya was unable to advance an inch with the arm holding the knife.


Iwakami Atsuya was taken aback, and looked up at his raised arm.

One hand gripped his arm tightly.

The white wide sleeves caught the eye.

next moment.

Qingzang frowned slightly, even the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little helpless at this moment, and a friendly but serious voice came slowly:

"What are you doing?"

That's right, before Iwakami Atsuya drew his sword just now, Qingzang who was not far away heard some quarreling words, and hurried all the way over.

And just grabbed the arm of Iwakami Atsuya who was about to wield the blade.

Judging from what I heard, these guys seem to be...blocking the way?
Reminiscent of the rumors he heard before, Qingzang felt a little strange in his heart.

He glanced at the several kendo hall apprentices around him:
"You...are apprentices at the nearby sword dojo, why are you here..."

Keizang withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, glanced at Iwakin Atsuya whose arm was clamped by himself, and then was slightly taken aback:
"No, you, you were close to Yan that day..."

Seeing that the person coming was Qingzang, the owner of Suliu Dojo, Yanjin Atsuya suddenly shrank his pupils and turned his head away.


How did this guy come here? !
Iwakin Atsuya broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, ignoring Shang Quanna and Komaji in front of him, he felt annoyed and regretful in his heart.

have to run!must run!

If you don't leave, what has been going on all along will be completely exposed!

Taking advantage of Qingzang's stunned moment, Yanjin Atsuya struggled desperately to break free from his grasp.

Subconsciously, a sentence blurted out:

"Bastard! Let go!"

He also knew that he might not be able to break free, so he kept twisting with the blade that could be slanted towards Qingzang!

But Qingzang, as the founder of a close combat genre, naturally couldn't be broken free by a 17-year-old kid.

He frowned slightly as he listened to the words in Iwakami Atsuya's mouth.

In my heart, I said "sorry" to the old owner of the kendo field next door.


Not only did Iwakami Atsuya fail to break free, but he was firmly held down by Qingzang with his backhand, and pressed to the ground with his knees.


The blade in his hand also dropped.

"Puff ho!" Yan Jin Atsuya shouted in pain, he struggled desperately, but it didn't work.

Several apprentices from the kendo gym on the side dropped the blades in their hands in fright, and fled in all directions.


——They don't want to be punished by Iwakin Hanbei.

Because Qingzang was suppressing Iwakami Atsuya, he couldn't take care of those escaped apprentices for a while.

Iwakin Atsuya stared at the fleeing colleagues from the corner of his eye, cursing in a low voice.

Keizo looked at Iwakami Atsuya being caught by him, his frowning brows slightly loosened, he raised his head, and looked at Shang Quanna and Komaji who were standing in front of him now.

He smiled apologetically:

"Sorry, you're not hurt, are you?"

Shang Quannai shook his head slightly, and subconsciously observed Qingzang's body through the transparent world:


Although it has not reached the limit of the human body, it is almost there.

And Qing Zang is also very discerning.

After he glanced at Shang Quanna, who was covered by a loose doctor's robe, he stared straight at Komaji, unable to move away.

Having been immersed in martial arts for many years, he can tell Komaji's talent at a glance.

Keizo smiled, squinted his eyes, and looked at Komaji and Shangquanna with a kind expression:

"I made you two laugh, I'm the owner of the Suryu dojo nearby... If you don't mind..."

Just when Keizo finished speaking, Komaji interrupted him:

"Suryu Dojo?"

Keizo nodded and looked at Komaji with a smile:

"That's right, Suliu is the name of my fighting style."

Komaji didn't care about Keizo's words, instead he pointed to Iwakami Atsuya who was pinned down by Keizo on the ground at the moment, hesitating and speechless:

"Isn't this guy also from your Suliu dojo?"

"Just now they yelled at us to get out."

Qingzang was taken aback for a moment, then looked down at Iwakami Atsuya who did not refute.

Iwakin Atsuya dodged his eyes, his face was in close contact with the ground.

Qingzang smiled awkwardly, raised his head:

"...I think, I probably know what's going on..."

(End of this chapter)

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