Chapter 227 Extra Volume:——Encounter


Qingzang smiled bitterly, and scratched the back of his head.

"It's like this..."

He held Iwakami Atsuya's arms with one hand, making it impossible for Iwakami Atsuya to escape, then he stood up and explained something to the two people in front of him:
"This child..."


After Qingzang's explanation.

"...So, this guy is a disciple of that rock sword dojo."

Komaji was silent for a long time, seeing that Shang Quanna did not open his mouth to answer, he was forced to say rather helplessly:

"Instead of the disciples of Suliu Dojo?"

Keizang grabbed Iwakami Atsuya's arms with one hand, twisted the opponent's arms behind him, smiled and nodded to the two, and at the same time sighed in his heart:
"Yes, that's it."

He looked up at Shang Quannai and said haha:

"I'm sorry to cause trouble to you two."


Shang Quannai shook his head weakly, indicating that it was not in the way.

Komaji's expression became puzzled.

After a short contact, Komaji also had a vivid first impression of Keizang.

——He is a very hearty uncle.


Since it wasn't the apprentice of Suliu Dojo who made the mistake, why did the uncle apologize?
Komaji frowned slightly, and looked at Keizang suspiciously, his eyes full of puzzlement.

Qingzang put away his helpless smile, but still had a habitual smile on his face:

"It should be the first time for you two to come here. It seems that you haven't seen you on the town street before. They are new faces."

"That's right, it's our first time here."

Shang Quannai nodded slightly, he touched the edge of his bamboo hat, and the crow in his arms seemed to wake up faintly.

"That's it, I understand."

As he said that, Qingzang showed some apology on his face:

"In order to express my apology, if you don't mind, can you tell the next two about the destination of this trip?"

"Maybe I can be a little bit of help as a tour guide for the two."

As if worried about Shang Quanna's refusal, Qingzang's speech speed became a little faster.

Keizo looked sideways slightly, glanced at Atsuya Iwakami whose arms were locked by him, and smiled heartily at Shang Quanna and Komaji:

"Of course, the child must be handed over to his parents to teach him well."

Saying that, Keizo stretched out his spare hand, smiled and patted Iwakin Atsuya on the shoulder twice.

A muffled voice came from Iwakami Atsuya's back.


Yan Jin Atsuya was caught off guard, choked suddenly, and lowered his head, his face was gloomy, his arms behind him seemed to be glued together, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

At this time.


Shang Quannai reached out, took off the hat on top of her head, lifted it slightly, and then casually put the hat on her chest:

"Introduce yourself."

The slightly red eyes looked straight at Qing Zang:

"My name is Kamisenna."

Shang Quanna put his hand on Komaji's shoulder beside him, and patted lightly:
"This kid's name is Komaji."

Qingzang nodded, but also had some doubts.

His eyes glanced between Komaji and Shang Quanna.

——It turns out that these two are not father and son?

When introducing that child... Komaji, he didn't specifically add the title "Inuko" or "Kamiizumi Komaji".

In this way, I want to accept... Komaji, yes, the idea of ​​accepting Komaji into the Soryu Dojo may not be realized.

After all, they are not parents, and they don't know whether they can make decisions for this child.

Thinking of this, Qingzang sighed slightly in his heart, feeling a little regretful.

Komaji's physical talent is better than his.

It is a piece of rough jade that can be handed down from generation to generation with a little polishing.

When he first saw Komaji, Keizo even felt a lot better.

At this time.

Shang Quannai's next words left Qing Zang in a daze.

"I'm a doctor. As you can see, I was walking around with this child just now."

Komaji raised his eyes and glanced at Shang Quanna, then slowly looked away.

——He lies without blinking an eye, a very powerful guy.

Komaji has a new understanding of Shang Senna.

Qingzang watched Shang Quannai take off his bamboo hat, he was slightly dazed.

There are not many doctors in such a small place, and the only few doctors are half-baked people who use all kinds of weird things as medicine primers.

At this time.

Qingzang was slightly taken aback when he saw the two crows lying in Shang Quannai's arms.

The crow...the physician with the crow...

By the way, I seem to have heard some rumors somewhere...!
The moment when the figure of his daughter lying on the sick bed appeared in Qingzang's mind.

Shang Quannai's words sounded again:
"Our trip actually has no destination. We are just looking for sick people and treating them."

"If you can find someone who is sick, you can tell me, and you can count it as doing me a favor."

"Don't worry about whether I'm not good at medicine. Go to the surrounding towns and ask around. If you hear words like Dr. Bamboo Hat, it's probably me."

Shang Quannai watched Qingzang gradually lose his voice, and then slowly put on the bamboo hat:


Qingzang's breathing became a little faster inadvertently.

"Whoa! Ah!!"

Suddenly, Iwakin Atsuya, whose arms were captured by Keizang, let out a heart-piercing scream:

"It hurts! Let go!!"

"It's broken! It's going to be broken! The arm is going to be broken!!"

Qingzang came back to his senses, he quickly looked at the screaming Iwakin Atsuya, and quickly let go of his grip.

Although the calm smile was still on his face, Qingzang was so nervous just now that he couldn't help but clenched his sweaty palms tightly.

The only one who was unlucky was Atsuya Iwakami whose arms were suddenly twisted forcefully.

Iwakami Atsuya looked back at Keizang with a blank expression, but Keizang didn't have time to take care of him at the moment.

The smile on Qingzang's face was slightly unnatural. He scratched the back of his head and faced Shang Quannai:
"Since Mr. Shangizumi has said so, then I... can't refuse."

"...To tell you the truth." Qingzang's face darkened slightly, but his smile remained unchanged:

"I have a daughter who is bedridden with a serious illness."

He lowered his head slightly, but when he talked about his daughter, his tone was full of warmth and happiness.

There is also a strong sense of self-blame hidden.

"I have consulted many doctors before, but none of them can do anything..."

"It can only be concluded that the illness is asthma, but there is nothing to do."

Uncommonly, Qingzang sighed deeply.

After hearing the word "asthma", Komaji's eyes moved slightly, as if he was looking at Keizo.

——Papa's illness seems to be similar to asthma.

Komaji's eyes that had been hanging all this time finally showed some waves.

There was also some sympathy in the eyes looking at Qingzang.

Komaji, who is also a family member who is terminally ill, can most deeply understand each other's emotions.

At this moment, Qingzang raised his head slowly, with a little hope hidden in his smiling eyes:

"Mr. Kamizumi, I don't know if this will be possible..."

Before Qingzang could finish speaking, Shang Quannai nodded resolutely, and stretched his palm forward:
"lead the way."

"Go to your dojo."

Qingzang pursed his lips, he grabbed Yanjin Atsuya beside him, and nodded solemnly:




After Qingzang pressed Yanjin Atsuya back to the Yanjin Sword Dojo at a very fast speed, and then rushed back quickly.

The entrance of Suliu Dojo.

Keizo, Shang Quanna, and Komaji came here slowly.

I don't know when there was an extra sapling at the door. Although it was only calf height, traces of artificial cultivation could be seen.

The dilapidated wooden sign with big characters of "Suryu Dojo" was nailed vertically on the side wall, which was very eye-catching.

Qingzang turned his head and nodded to Shang Quanna:

"This is it, please come in."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the wooden door leading to the dojo courtyard.


The three of them walked into the dojo slowly.


Inside the dojo.

"I'm ashamed to say that even though I run such a big Suliu dojo, I don't even have a single student under my sect."

"On weekdays, I only rely on some physical work to make ends meet."

Along the way, Qingzang spoke slowly, although it sounded that life was very bleak, but he always seemed to be optimistic:
"Haha, it doesn't seem like something worth sharing."

Komaji watched Keizo's back, and he felt that Keizo was different from himself.

Passing through an outer corridor, walking through the empty indoor training ground, and crossing the courtyard, we came to the door of Qingzang's daughter's room.

The door of Lianxue's room.

Qingzang's wife, Huiren, was carrying a wooden basin filled with water, and was going to pour water in the courtyard to re-warm the water.

Just in time, they met Shang Quanna and his party headed by Qingzang.

Huiren looked at Shang Quannai and the two behind Qingzang, and was slightly taken aback by the pace of advancing with the wooden basin. He looked at Qingzang suspiciously, and whispered hesitantly:

"... These two are... have you recruited students?"

"Have you finally recruited a student?"

Qingzang waved his hands with a smile, took the wooden basin from his wife's hand, and shook his head:
"No, not yet."

The excitement that had just flooded Huiren's face turned into confusion in an instant, she blinked her eyes, and forced a smile at Shang Quannai and the two of them.

Afterwards, she hurriedly leaned against Qingzang and asked in a low voice:

"Then, who are these two?"

Qingzang turned around, smiled and said:

"These two are..."

Just when Qingzang wanted to introduce Shangquanna and Komaji to Huiren.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Although it was weak and soft, there was a very urgent coughing sound from the room not far away.

It's Lianxue!
Qingzang and Huiren's eyes immediately focused on the room where the cough sound came from, and they turned around immediately.

And then,

A shorter figure quickly passed by Qingzang's side, and rushed out with a big stride.

Komaji almost subconsciously took a step in the direction of the cough, even faster than Keizo beside him.

But the next moment, Komaji was stunned.

At the moment just now, he ejected almost like a conditioned reflex.

At this moment, he slammed on the brakes and stopped abruptly.
By the way... Dad has almost recovered...

It's not Dad who coughs.

Komaji froze in place in a daze, he slowly straightened up and stood still.

But the coughing still continued.

"Cough! Cough!"

After realizing this, Komaji frowned slightly, and he listened to the constant coughing in his ears.

In my mind, the figure of my father coughing kept reappearing.

As Keizang's figure ran past him quickly, a gust of wind stirred Komaji's hair slightly, and he stared blankly at the back of Keizang rushing into the room.

Although he staggered, but still quickly ran over in small steps, it was Huiren's figure.

"Lianxue!" Huiren was yelling worriedly.

At this time.

Shang Quanna stood beside Komaji, gently pushed Komaji's back, lowered his head slightly and said:

"Let's go, just standing here, hearing the coughing sound, I feel very uncomfortable."

After speaking, he also walked towards the room where the coughing sound came from.

Komaji glanced at Shang Quanna's back, then hesitated for a moment.


He took a step, trotted a few steps, and followed Shang Quannai.

Together, they followed Qingzang and entered Lianxue's room.

The coughing sound became more and more clear.

"Cough, cough, cough..."



The moment you enter the room.

Komaji's pupils narrowed slightly.

in view.

The girl was half lying in Huiren's arms, her face was sickly red, her forehead was sweating, she was limp and coughing continuously.

With the sound of coughing and shrugging his shoulders, the figure slowly overlapped with the father in his memory.

Seeming to have noticed the strange gaze, the girl looked this way with difficulty, with pink and white pupils in the shape of flowers.

"Cough cough, cough cough." She coughed softly, unable to say anything at all.

When Komaji saw Lianxue's appearance, he immediately realized what he needed to do now.

water!Find water!


He turned around sharply, and the foot bag rubbed against the floor of the outer corridor, making a harsh sound.

He remembered that there was a wooden basin in the corridor outside!
next moment.

inside the room.

"Water, bring water!" Huiren hugged the weak Lianxue, and she shouted anxiously to the side: "Tub!"

Hearing this, Qing Zang at the side turned his head and wanted to look for a wooden basin outside the room.

And the next moment.


A wooden basin filled with water suddenly appeared on the side of Lianxue's bed.

Komaji stood in front of the tub, bent over, panting slightly.

"Water... water is coming." He spoke intermittently.

Qingzang was taken aback.

At this time.

Komaji raised his eyes, just in time to meet Lianxue's eyes.

"Cough cough!"

Seeing Lianxue's slightly flushed lower eyelids, he frowned slightly.

He lowered his head and took a towel from the side.

After soaking in water and wringing it dry, she skillfully wiped Lianxue's face and absorbed some heat with a not-so-warm towel.

He used to wipe his father often in this way, and the movements were so proficient that it was engraved into his bones.


Huiren's outstretched hand, originally intended to hold the towel, froze in place, and she stared at Komaji's skillful movements in a daze.

- this child...

She looked back at Qing Zang again.

Qingzang smiled and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

And aside.

Shang Quannai didn't make a sound, he just stood quietly in the corner of the room.

He could see Komaji's actions.

From the road just now, Shang Quanna used the conversation with Keizang faintly to give Komaji many psychological hints.

In short, he took advantage of Komaji's sympathy to the extreme.

Of course, if you don't use it, the result will be almost the same.


He is quietly using the transparent world to observe Lianxue's condition.

Shang Quannai came up with her own answer.

Unlike Komaji's father, Lianyu's illness was not tuberculosis.

But bronchial asthma.

In the absence of targeted drugs, death is also very likely when the disease is severe.

But it's not a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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