People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 229 Extra volume:——Atsuya Iwakami is a pervert

Chapter 229 Extra volume:——Atsuya Iwakami is a pervert


Suli Dojo.

In Lianxue's room.

Komaji, Keizo, and Huiren formed a circle, looking at Shang Quanna who was carefully diagnosing Lianyue's condition.

among the three.

"Hmm...cough cough cough..." Lianxue was lying on the sickbed with a thick quilt covering her body, her face was sweating non-stop.

She stared at Shang Quannai who was squatting next to her in a daze, but couldn't speak.

--high fever.

Shang Quannai lightly pressed two fingers against Lianxue's forehead, felt the other's body temperature, and frowned slightly.


According to what she perceives, Lianxue's body temperature is about 38-39 degrees at the moment.

Although the cause of Lianxue's cough was indeed bronchial asthma, her body was too weak, which led to a series of complications.

Even cold and fever, which can easily kill people in this era, appeared on Lianxue at the same time.

With such superimposition, Shang Quannai was a little surprised at Lianxue's strength in this age when no medical knowledge was popularized.

"...What's the matter, Mr. Shangizumi, did you encounter a very difficult matter?"

Seeing Shang Quannai frowning slightly, Qingzang on the side was a little flustered, and immediately said worriedly:

"...can...can it be solved?"

Huiren also grabbed Qingzang's sleeve nervously, she pursed her lips, a little unable to bear to look at her daughter who was already a little unconscious.

When Lianxue heard this, she also looked at Shang Quanna who was squatting beside her in a daze, and Komaji who was standing beside her twisting a towel.

Komaji looked at Lianxue who was lying down, he was tightly clutching the towel in his hand.

In my heart, I became inexplicably nervous.

Shang Quannai slowly withdrew his fingers, looked up at the worried Qingzang, and smiled easily:

"Don't worry, don't worry, it just surprised me a little more than what I just observed."

"But the overall situation is still under control."

Saying that, Shang Quannai reached into the small bag she was carrying, and took out a note.

Hearing this, Qing Zang breathed a sigh of relief, but the tension and worry in his heart were not greatly relieved.

He could only smile and nod his head stiffly:
"That's good...that's good..."

Just when Qingzang and his wife were holding each other's hands to comfort each other, Shang Quannai wrote a large list of names of medicines on the note.

And when writing, he asked in a deep voice:

"Qing Zang."

"I'm here." Qingzang straightened his face, and he replied quickly.

"Where is the nearby pharmacy, is it reliable?"

Shang Quannai lowered his head and spoke at a faster speed. He wrote down a long note, took out a second note, and continued writing.

Komaji on the side lowered his head, glanced at the content on the note, his pupils shrank slightly.

——It’s all the names of medicinal materials.

Hearing this, Qingzang pondered for a moment, then he immediately replied:

"On the north side of the dojo, the shop owner is a kind old man. He heard that his son died in battle, and now he guards the pharmacy alone."

"I have a good relationship with Lianxue, and I bought all of Lianxue's medicines from him."

The moment he finished speaking this sentence.

"That's it, then I understand." Shang Quannai nodded.

next moment.

Holding a few long notes in one hand, they handed them to Qing Zang in an instant.

The arm was so close that Qingzang could clearly see the content on the note.

Qingzang was startled, he looked along his arm, but met Shang Quannai's smiling eyes.

As a warrior, his dynamic vision is much better than that of ordinary people, but just now, he couldn't see Shang Quanna's outstretched arm clearly!
This also means that at the moment just now, if Shang Quannai wanted to take his life - then he is dead now!
Qingzang's mood changed subtly, and he looked at Shang Quannai with a hint of joy and excitement.

But this emotion was very weak, and was soon overwhelmed by a flood of worries.

"Take it, go to the pharmacy and show it to the old man."

Shang Quannai didn't care about the change of Qingzang's expression, he watched Lianxue's physical condition, and handed the note to Qingzang:
"Then take back the medicine he gave, the sooner the better."

Then, he raised his head slightly, and glanced at Komaji who was twisting the towel and staring dryly:

"Huh?" Komaji was taken aback, then turned his head and looked at Shang Quanna.

"You go with Qingzang."

"be careful on the road."

For a moment, Komaji's expression became very exciting. He seemed to want to say something to Shang Quanna, but he seemed too embarrassed to say it.

In the end, half of his face was flushed, and he let out a sigh of relief:

"…I see."

Although I don't know the meaning of following, but since this Mr. Shangquan has said so.

Then... let's go.

Komaji turned his head and walked towards the door, then looked back at Keizo who was still standing inside the house.

He watched Qing Zang take the note from Shang Quanna, and then the two glanced at each other.

Qingzang held the note tightly, glanced at Lianxue from the corner of his eye, and spoke to Komaji in such a solemn tone for the first time:

"Can you keep up?"

Komaji looked at Keizo's serious look, his calf muscles tensed slightly, and his pink eyelashes half-closed:

"I will."

The two looked at each other.


Qingzang jumped out of the room, and stomped on the outer corridor of Lianxue's room!
The smooth wooden floor rubbed against the foot bag, making a screeching sound!

Komaji leaned down slightly, and he watched Keizo's movements closely.

"Be safe!" Huiren shouted loudly in the room.

The two people outside the room turned into two strong winds and rushed out of the dojo.

Huiren's expression became more worried, and she gently supported her face with her hand:

"...These two people... will be fine."

After worrying for a while, she immediately turned her head and paid attention to Lianxue's condition.

And Shang Quannai, who was squatting beside Lianxue, was using some common medicinal materials that she carried with her to slightly boil something with the flame of vampirism.

A not-so-glamorous scarlet flame ignited in Shang Quannai's palm.

The other hand held the medicinal material and threw it directly into the flames.

He frowned slightly, and using the vampire technique at this moment was only for the convenience and quickness.

As for whether Huiren on the side would notice, then he didn't care about it.

It just so happens that Huiren's full attention is on Lianxue at the moment.

For such an abnormal sight, she didn't notice the surprise for a while.

Or rather—no energy to pay attention at all.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Lian Xueping was lying on the ground, she looked at the flames growing out of Shang Quanna's palm, coughed lightly twice, and the last thought echoed in her mind:

——Already, I saw hallucinations.

Feeling compassionate, Lianxue slowly closed her eyes, and crystal tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

— dying.

—Sorry, Mother.

"Eh? Eh? Love Snow? What's the matter?"

Huiren sat aside, looking at Lianxue with tears dripping from the corner of her eyes in doubt, she asked worriedly, and quickly wiped her daughter's tears with a towel.

When Lianxue heard her mother's question, she half-opened her eyes, tears gathered in her eye sockets, and kept falling.

"Woooo...cough cough cough..."



Shortly after.

outside the room.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Keizang and Komaji, two panting figures, appeared at the door of the room, both of them still carrying a pile of medicinal materials.

Komaji bent over, gritted his teeth, and panted heavily.

After seeing the strange look on the old man's face, he finally knew why Shang Quannai asked him to go with him!
——There are too many medicines!

"We! Huh... we're back!" Komaji propped up the door frame, and he slowly "squirmed" into the room, holding stacks of medicinal materials covered in oiled paper with both hands.

Shang Quannai didn't look back, he put his hands on the back of Lianxue's head, gently helped Lianxue half up, and fed her the freshly boiled medicinal materials.

Without looking back, he said to the two people behind him:

"It's time to work, let's put the medicinal materials aside."

"Take a break, there are still things for you to do later."

Just when Keizo and Komaji were about to nod and were about to sit aside.

Outside Lianxue's room, outside the fence on the edge of the courtyard.

At the gate of the dojo, there was a burst of old but energetic shouts.

"Excuse me--!"

"Your Excellency Qingzang of Suryu Dojo—!"

"Are you free? I'm near Banbei in Xiayan. See you if you have something to do—!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of noisy conversation.

In Love Snow's room.

Qingzang and Huiren looked at each other, and he subconsciously got up and left the room to open the door outside the ashram.

At this time.

"Wait." Shang Quannai said suddenly, he frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced at the direction outside the wall through Lianxue's open door:

"Is it someone from the sword dojo next door?"

Qingzang was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly remembered the situation where Shang Quannai was stopped by the sword dojo and others on the way just now, he nodded:

"That's right, Yanjin Hanbei is the owner of that sword dojo."

After finishing speaking, Keizang stared at Shang Quanna, and also stopped leaving the room.

Hearing this, Shang Quannai turned around and looked down at Lianxue who had just drank the herbs and was feeling a little sleepy.

Kendojo... This term, in the original Komaji's story, does not have a good meaning.

In Komaji's story, the collective "Ken Dojo" has always represented the image of the "villain".

——Forcibly and unreasonably wanting to occupy Suliu Dojo, obstructing Qingzang from accepting disciples, and harassing him many times.

As a result, during the period when Komaji and Lianxue had just made their marriage contract.

The 67 people in the kendo field chose to poison the well water because they were no match for the combination of Keizo and Komaji.

Without knowing it, Qingzang and Lianxue drank the poisonous well water.

Only Komaji, who went back to his hometown in Edo to visit his father's grave, escaped.

Such a group of people... have to beware.

——They play dirty.

After a period of consideration, he said aloud to Qingzang:

"Don't open the door."

"Pretend not to be there."

"...I understand." Qing Zang looked at Shang Quannai's bored look, nodded, and then sat back again.

And not long after he sat down.

Outside the wall, Yan Jinbanbing's shout continued:

"Excuse me--!"

"The owner of Suliu Dojo—!"

"His Excellency Qingzang—!"


After a while.

Outside the dojo wall.

"His Excellency Qingzang—!"

Iwakin Banbei narrowed his eyes slightly, he was calm and continued to shout loudly.

On the side, Iwakami Atsuya was already kneeling on the ground under his pressure.

Next to it, there is also a large group of apprentices from the kendo field. They all stand upright and look sincere.

"...Don't pay attention to it."

Iwakin Hanbei's face became a little ugly, he understood that his son was at fault for this matter, and it was a big mistake.

Naturally, he would punish him severely and come over to apologize in person.

Internally he will discipline.

But this doesn't mean that, externally, I don't want any dignity and face.

In this situation, the owner of Suliu Dojo doesn't take himself seriously anymore!
Iwakin Hanbei, who used to be a samurai, is already considered old, but his inner pride still exists.

It was also because of this pride that he punished his son so severely.

Just when he was about to yell again.

"Qing Zang..."


The dojo door was slowly pushed open.

Qingzang smiled, he pushed open the door and walked out from the dojo.

Following him was Shang Quannai with a crow on his shoulder.

Shang Quannai's face at the moment is not very friendly.

Although he could hold his breath, Lianxue couldn't.

The noisy voices kept coming again and again, and Lianxue even had a faint tendency to vomit physiologically.

This is caused by suffocation.

At this time, he took a look and saw Atsuya Iwakami kneeling at the door.

Iwakin Hanbei looked at Keizang's appearance, and was slightly sullen, but suppressed it very well, and he took a few deep breaths.

"Your Excellency Qingzang, are you finally willing to come out to see the old man?"

He said to Qingzang, his eyes slowly turned to Shangquanna aside, he stretched out his palm and pointed:

"…Who is this…?"

Qingzang scratched the back of his head with a laugh, and he turned sideways to introduce Shang Quannai.

But Shang Quannai interrupted first:

"...I'm just an ordinary guy passing by."

He crossed his arms, and the scarlet bird eyes of the crow on his shoulders were staring at the kneeling Iwakin Atsuya.

Hearing the words, Yan Jinbanbingwei immediately understood Shang Quannai's identity. He was straightening his clothes, lowered his head slightly, and said in a deep voice:

"So it's your Excellency. I'm very sorry. I didn't discipline the dog."

"This trip is precisely to apologize for your previous disrespectful behavior and the slander of Your Excellency Qingzang. I hereby apologize."

"The dog has already been severely punished by me, and if you two add punishment, I should have no complaints."

He pointed to Iwakami Atsuya beside him.

Yanjin Atsuya secretly glanced at Qingzang and Shang Quanna in front of him.

Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is not a fool.

Being captured easily by Qingzang made Atsuya understand the strength gap between himself and the opponent.

Even if you want to attack the other party's daughter, you have to pick the right time.

Right now, it's just good to watch the situation...

……and many more!
That is!

Yan Jin Atsuya's eyes that were scanning secretly suddenly froze, his pupils shrank, and he raised his head in surprise.

His eyes stared naked through the gate of Solyu Dojo.

Looking straight into the dojo all the way, a certain girl slowly walked out of the room.

The girl's face was a little flustered, she walked tremblingly with Huiren's support, her flushed face looked a little shy.

The wide sleeves assisted half of the face, and it seemed that because of the non-stop coughing, the other party moved a little slowly.

Iwakin Atsuya stared straight at Lianxue who came out of the room in the distance, his perspective seemed to freeze.

Some evil thoughts that I had in my mind before are gone at this moment.

At this time.

Komaji suddenly walked out of the room, and gently supported Lianyue from the other side.

Yan Jin Atsuya frowned suddenly.

Why is this guy here?
(End of this chapter)

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