Chapter 230 Extra Volume: ——Meeting Parents

After drinking the medicinal soup, Lianxue lay down and rested for a while, and after sleeping for a few minutes, she became much better mentally.

—The child is probably starving too.

At this moment, Lianxue could stand up tremblingly and walk a little distance with the support of others.

Well, she could only walk to the door of her room and watch her father's back from there.

Clutching her cuffs tightly, and putting her hands on her chest worriedly, Lianxue's voice was soft but hoarse:


Komaji on the side wriggled his nose unnaturally.

The eyes are empty, and the mind is wandering.


Time passed quickly, and it was already afternoon.

The sun is against the middle sky, slowly sliding down.

The entrance of Suliu Dojo.

"...Does Atsuya-senpai just keep kneeling like this? It's not good..."

"That's right, although we made mistakes first, we can't treat us like this. The owner of Yanjin is a samurai..."

"Suliu Dojo... There is only one person in the dojo, so put on such a big air?"

"whispering sound."

"Sure enough... such a dojo is better for us!"

The apprentices of the kendo field surrounding the door were whispering in private.

Iwakin Banbei bent slightly, he lowered his head, but raised his eyes, looking at Qingzang and Shang Quanna who were standing at the door.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Qingzang quickly waved his hands to smooth things over:

"Haha, Senior Yanjin, I made it clear when I went to the Yanjin Sword Dojo."

"As long as this child named... Atsuya stops doing such things, it's fine, and we won't pursue it."

Hearing this, Iwakin Banbei's face softened a little. He straightened up slowly, and looked at Qingzang:
"Your Excellency Qingzang, do you mean that you are willing to forgive Gouzi for his mistakes?"

Qingzang smiled and nodded, he didn't care much, but felt a little guilty for the passers-by:

"Is such that."

"I understand, thank you for your understanding." Hearing Keizo's reply, Iwakin Hanbei nodded, and slowly turned his eyes to Shang Quanna who was aside.

The skin on the old neck was a little loose, and he wriggled up and down twice. He asked Shang Quannai:

"What about the gentleman over here?"

"Can you give me the next answer?"

Iwakin Hanbei looked at Shang Quanna with deep eyes because of the creases at the corners of his eyes, and he slowly closed the corners of his mouth.

"Hmm..." Shang Quannai nodded slightly, but she didn't look at Iwakin Hanbei at all.

Shang Quannai's eyes looked at the kendo field apprentices around him, and he carefully observed the different expressions on each person's face.

There were those who looked at Iwakin Banbei with a terrified look, those with a flat expression, some who were resentful, and even an inexplicable humanoid creature with an excited face.

Feeling the emotions of human beings, Shang Quannai has some insights.

——Is this a human being? Was I once like this?
When Iwakin Hanbei's question came hoarsely and slowly from the side, Shang Quanna's eyes finally stayed on the kneeling Iwakin Atsuya.

He secretly glanced at Iwakin Hanbei.

This guy with gray temples is very thoughtful and values ​​dignity very much. When he goes back this time, he may come to target Suliu Dojo next time.

But not like a trickster.

On the contrary, Iwakami Atsuya who was kneeling on the ground gave Shang Quanna some feeling of boredom.

However, he wouldn't care much about a human rebellious cub.

After living for so long, Shang Quannai still has a very generous temper.

Son of man... just a little punishment.

Well, just a little bit.

Shang Quanna did not answer Iwakin Hanbei's words, he lowered his head and stared at Atsuya, calling him slightly:
"Hey, that kneeling guy."

"look up."

Iwakami Atsuya who was staring blankly at the snow-like figure in Suliu Dojo was suddenly called by his name, he was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head with a frown.


He and Shang Quannai looked at each other with gloomy eyes.

Just about to say some wonderful greetings, but suddenly considering the current situation, Iwakami Atsuya turned his head impatiently and let out a "tsk".

Yan Jinbanbei saw this, and his face was a little embarrassed, and he immediately yelled:

"Tuzai! What kind of expression is that on your face!"


Yan Jin Atsuya looked impatient, he pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and did not speak.

"Huh?!" Seeing this, Yan Jin Banbei stared at him. He pulled out the knife from his waist, turned the back of the knife, and was about to strike at Yan Jin Atsuya!
But when he raised the back of the knife, he found something embarrassing.

— and no one came to stop him.

Even Qingzang just looked at him worriedly.

After the movement froze for a moment, Iwakin Hanbei lashed down hard.

The back of the knife slashed at Duzai's body, this blow was not light.

Yanjin Atsuya stood upright on the spot, looking at Shang Quannai more and more fiercely.

Qingzang's face was a little flustered, but he still maintained a smiling expression. He turned his head slightly and looked at Shang Quannai.

Judging from the previous details, he was no match for this "doctor".

And that Yan Jinbanbei, whose body is already old, must also be powerless to win.

Keizo looked back nervously at Atsuya Iwakin.

What this child is doing now is tantamount to provocative standing on the brink of death!

At this time.


Shang Quannai narrowed her eyes slightly, secretly extending her blue nails, piercing the skin of her fingertips.

Stains of light red blood permeated the air imperceptibly.

[Blood Ghost Art: The Fragrance of Cursed Plants Yihui]

And uniquely, it surged only in the direction of Iwakami Atsuya.


After the faint blood mist poured into Iwako Atsuya's nasal cavity, Shang Quanna nodded in satisfaction, and he looked away.

Turning his head, Shang Quanna squinted his eyes and smiled, and looked at Iwakin Hanbei:

"Well, I don't have any other questions."

"Walk slowly."

Saying that, he waved to Iwakin Hanbei and the others.

...Isn't it, a little too sudden?
Iwakin Hanbei frowned. Although he didn't understand, he still nodded:
"...In that case, we will leave first."

Then he waved his hand to let the other members of the kendo field leave first.

Iwakin Atsuya glanced at Shang Quannai with a strange expression on his face, he subconsciously rubbed the tip of his nose uncomfortably, not noticing that the blood mist had invaded his lungs at all.

Standing up without any special reaction, he turned his head and gave Shang Quannai a hard look.

Taking advantage of the gap, he looked at Lianxue in the dojo again, and finally withdrew his eyes.

After that, together with Iwakin Banbei, he slowly left the vicinity of Suryu Dojo.

Shang Quannai stretched slightly, waved his hands, and said to Qingzang beside him:

"Okay, close the door."

Qingzang looked at Shang Quannai in surprise, but he couldn't say much.


He closed the door of Suliu Dojo, turned around and walked towards Lianxue with Shang Quannai.


Outside Lianxue's room.

Shang Quannai was sitting in the corridor, looking at the dry landscape courtyard in front of him, silent.

The first time I saw Atsuya Iwakami, he didn't pay much attention.

But this time when they met, the blood on the corner of Iwako Atsuya's mouth made Shang Quannai clearly perceive that that guy was a thin blood.

The vampire technique he performed was just a multiplication technique that slightly increased the smell of thin blood on his body.

Not only can the punishment of Iwakami Atsuya be realized, but also fishing can be used to ambush the ghosts.


Of course, Shang Quannai didn't magnify Iwakami Atsuya's thin blood smell. The distance between the sword dojo and the Suliu dojo is relatively close, and the number of ghosts who come here is more likely to affect this side.

Thinking of this, Shang Quannai looked at the sky above the eaves, and slowly closed his eyes.

...Well, shouldn't it be time to go back to Sagiri Mountain?

behind him.

In Love Snow's room.

"Slow down, take it easy, it's okay."

Komaji was skillfully supporting Lianxue to lie down, he frowned, feeling more and more that something was wrong:

"...That's right, good."


Until Lianxue really lay down, he raised his head and saw Lianxue's flushed face, which could not be distinguished from body temperature or embarrassment, and behind the eyes of flowers that blinked twice.

"...Sorry, cough cough, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Lianxue's voice came slowly and echoed in Komaji's mind.

Komaji looked at Lianxue, his brain shut down for a moment.

Komaji suddenly realized!


He stood up slowly.

"...Why do I take care of her here talking to myself..."

Komaji frowned slightly, he scratched his head a little annoyed, then turned around fidgeting, not daring to look at Lianxue again.

Rarely, a somewhat embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

How could it be repaired, when others didn't say anything, but I kept working hard like this!

Have you fallen into the usual mode of taking care of your dad?

He didn't consider the other person's feelings at all!

Still a girl!

Oops, oops, oops.

At this time.

"Komaji, how is Lixue doing now?"

Qing Zang walked in from the door with a relaxed face.

He watched Komaji scratching his head and curling his mouth in embarrassment, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and walked towards him with a big smile.

clap clap!

He patted Komaji's shoulder vigorously, and then glanced at Lianxue who was sitting up on the bed, in good condition, habitually covering her mouth.

"Haha, you've done a pretty good job of taking care of people! Komaji!"

"Have you considered that when you are following Xue Suliu, you have time to come and help take care of Lianxue?"

Keizo patted Komaji's shoulder with a smile, and at the same time smiled at his daughter.

But his heart was extremely heavy at this moment.

In this way, Huiren can get some rest to some extent.

He could see Huiren getting more and more haggard every day.

Just now, he just went to persuade Huiren to rest for a while.


Komaji was silent for a while listening to Keizo's words.

At home, during his father's recovery, he didn't spend a lot of time taking care of his father.

That's why when he saw Lianxue for the first time, his body subconsciously moved.

Taking care of others... Komaji himself doesn't feel any trouble...

However, he, Qingzang and Lianxue have only known each other for a day, so they put their trust in themselves...

Komaji frowned slightly.

When he was about to say something.

Qingzang patted him on the shoulder again, and said in a tone that did not allow him to refuse: "That's it, don't go back on your word!"

"But..." Komaji was taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised his hand to speak.

But Qingzang didn't give him this chance.


He waved his hand resolutely and very chicly, turned and left.

Standing at the door, showing his head, he waved to Lianxue as farewell.

—He is going to work.

On the way to work before, he met Shang Quanna and Komaji, and he turned back home again.

But this time, he seemed unable to go to work.

Shang Quannai listened to the sound behind him, turned his head, and watched Qingzang walking through the corridor behind him and walking towards the outside of the dojo.

In his field of vision, two blue and white souls are walking here hesitantly outside the dojo.


The entrance of Suliu Dojo.

Cang Ye and Nobu Hui huddled together worriedly, and walked slowly on this road.

"...Mr. Umizumi said it was the Martial Arts Field, right?"

Cang also stopped in his tracks, looked at the plaque at the entrance of Suliu Dojo, and questioned Shin Hui beside him.

Shin Hui nodded affirmatively, worry was written on her face:

"That's right, it's the Martial Arts Field."

"It's been this time, why hasn't Komaji come back..."

She looked up at the sky, where the sun was slowly setting.

- It's dusk in a few hours!
Although I was worried before, it was in a place I was familiar with.

Now that the environment has changed, the husband and wife are also worried about their son for a while.

In addition, the house given by "Mr. Umizumi" was extremely spacious, but it seemed very empty with only the two of them, and the two of them were a little scared for a while.

Only then did he muster up his courage, and slowly groped along the way Shang Quannai left.

She turned her head and looked at the place where Cang Ye was looking: "What's the matter, have you seen the martial arts field?"

" should be." Cang Ye nodded slightly, and he was also a little uncertain.

Nobue put her head on Cangya's shoulder, she poked her head to look at the plaque of Suryu Dojo, and read with a frown:

"...this is a dojo."

Cang also nodded:


It's embarrassing that Nobue and Cangya don't know many words.

They can only roughly distinguish the three words "Liu Daochang".

at this time.


The gate of Suli Dojo was slowly pushed open.

Qing Zang appeared behind the door with a smile on his face.

"Eh?" Shin Hui subconsciously said when he saw Qing Zang appearing suddenly.

Qingzang was also slightly taken aback, he sensed something was wrong, and immediately asked Shinhui and Cangye in front of him:

"...The two are...?"

But Cang Ye looked serious and asked his new question:
"Excuse me, is this the only martial arts school nearby?"

"Huh? If you want to talk about the martial arts field... this is indeed the only one..." Keizang became more and more puzzled, but he still explained for Kuraya.

After hearing the affirmative reply, Cang Ye and Nobu Hui glanced at each other, both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

Afterwards, Kura turned his head and asked while coughing slightly:

"Then may I ask, have you seen a tall girl with pink eyelashes, blue eyes, and another one wearing a bamboo hat today..."

Keizang looked at the anxious looks of the two people in front of him, as well as Cangya's slightly blue pupils, he seemed to understand something:
"Excuse me... Is Komaji yours...?"

"It's the dog."

"Please come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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