People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 236 Extra Volume: ——On the Possibility of Crows Eating Scavenger

Chapter 236 Extra Volume: ——On the Possibility of Crows Eating Scavenger


"Karma! Karma—!"

A few crows flew over the town street, with pedestrians passing by below them.

Lowering his head, Jay Crow's sharp red eyes looked at the members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

"Karma!" With a wave of his wings, he controlled his speed and flew directly over the few people without any haste.

street side.

Kimura, Sumire Zaomen, Purgatory and Juro walked side by side, and they followed closely behind Shang Quannai.

At this time, Kimura was constantly explaining to Shang Quanna the results they had obtained in this period of time:
"...Well, according to the information I found before, the rumors of the nearby ghosts began to spread from a hunter on the edge of the town."

Kimura was holding a small notebook, and he looked up the content on it, and said according to his own method:

"The reason is... Orion took the child up the mountain to teach hunting, but in the end, only the child ran back at night."

"The child was very frightened. We tried, but there was no way to communicate normally."

When Kimura said this, Sumire Zamon who was on the side slightly lowered her head, her face seemed to be a little regretful and helpless.

But this helplessness slowly turned into sullen anger in Shang Quannai's peripheral vision.

Kimura continued to say:

"That child only occasionally pops out some vocabulary, words like 'black shadow', 'so fast', 'running' and 'ghost'... But we don't have any clue at all."

Kimura put away his small notebook, put his hand on his chin, pretended to be thinking, and said in a depressed voice:

"Later, we also went to that mountain to investigate."

"I also circled the mountain back and forth a few times with the crow."

"In the end, no trace of the ghost was found."

At this moment, Sumire Zaomen took the topic very naturally. She raised her head, looked at Shang Quannai's back and said:

"But many animal footprints were found."

"The field is very messy and difficult to distinguish, but you can still see the paw prints similar to bears."

"So, now we speculate that the hunter may have just encountered a bear or something... misfortune... rather than a ghost."

While listening to Kimura's words, Shang Quannai adjusted his direction and walked in the direction of the only barren mountain nearby.

He looked left and right at the gradually fewer pedestrians on both sides of the street, and the compact houses on the town street that gradually disappeared, looked ahead, and asked:
"That Orion has been missing for a few days."

"Today is already the third day." Kimura replied quickly, and he immediately said:

"When we went to the mountain to investigate, it happened to be yesterday, the second day after he disappeared."

"Today, I only went to bring He Shoulang back from the execution office... and didn't do anything more useful."

Shang Quannai nodded slightly, and he thought about the time.

If that Orion is dragged away by animals, and as food.

Considering that many mammals have the instinct to store food, there should still be some remains of the body the day after the disappearance.

Thinking of this, Shang Quannai said directly to the people behind him:

"So, you've already found the Orion's body, haven't you?"


Zaomen Jin froze for a moment, she obviously didn't expect Shang Quannai to ask such a question, and naturally she didn't think about this level.

After hesitating for a moment, she turned her head and exchanged glances with Purgatory, Juro and Kimura.

Then, Kimura turned his head and said in a forced tone:

"Actually...not at all."

Hear this.

Shang Quannai hesitated slightly in his forward movement, and he was suddenly a little puzzled.

No body found...?
Kimura didn't notice the doubts on Shang Quanna's face with his back to them, but continued to say helplessly:

"We... did have the idea of ​​looking for the dead body. After all, finding the dead body will completely verify our speculation..."

He smiled wryly, lowered his head slightly, and looked a little helpless:

"It's just that the range within that mountain is too large, and it's too difficult to find a corpse in it... In the end, our plan is only an idea."

After walking while listening to Kimura's words, Shang Quanna frowned slightly.


He stopped suddenly and stood still.

"Ah...!" Purgatory and Shoulang stared straight ahead, caught off guard, and bumped into Shang Quannai's back firmly.

Then, he staggered back slowly twice.

Shang Quannai turned around slowly, he looked at the three people behind him, his eyes hidden as black gradually turned scarlet, and he speculated a little in his heart.

And sighed slightly.

The three people in front of them did not have enough experience, and their cooperation with their teammates was not very tacit.

Even the synergy with the crow is not very good.

Leave the work of finding corpses to the crow!

Although the crow can speak, his essence is still a crow.

He looked at Kimura, hesitated for a while, and then said softly:


Kimura was immediately shocked, he immediately raised his head and looked at Shang Quanna calmly:
"I'm here, Mr. Umizumi."

Afterwards, Shang Quannai stared at Kimura, and his eyes slowly moved from Kimura to the other two people beside him.

Then, word by word, he said:

"The raven, although it can speak human words, is actually a kind of raven."

He sighed secretly:

"They are scavengers."

These words, like a thunderbolt, fixed Kimura Rumble in place.

Kimura opened his mouth slightly, his frown relaxed, and he felt a little dazed in his head.

Yes, crows, crows, ravens, they are all scavengers...

These birds are supposed to have an excellent sense of smell for carrion.

Moreover, for some reason, the crow's perception ability is far superior to other birds!

Even in dense forests - carrion can be easily detected far away.

This has been learned!
Thinking of this, Kimura's pupils shrank.

So, if there are rotting corpses in that mountain!
——The crow can also be found!

"...I got it, I got it!"

His eyes were straight, his hands moved up and down slightly, he kept repeating his own words, and nodded: "So that's how it is...!"

Kimura looked up at Shang Quanna, and he suddenly felt awakened from the haze.

"Mr. Shangquan, so it is like this!"

Shang Quannai didn't respond, he just felt it.

These three children, some authorities have lost their minds.

After Kimura became babbled for a while, Sumire Kamodo, Purgatory and Juro at the side all became a little worried.

"...Hey, Kimura, are you okay?" Sumire Zaomen hesitated and stretched out her hand, patted Kimura's shoulder lightly, and asked, "It's okay..."

"Why all of a sudden..."

"I understand!"

Kimura suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly, which startled Sumire Zaomen at the side, and his former rational appearance was gone forever.

"Hey!" Sumire Zaomen was frightened by Kimura who suddenly raised her head and shouted. She shrank back and withdrew the hand that patted Kimura's shoulder like an electric shock.

On the other hand, Kimura raised his head and looked at the crows circling in the sky. His chest heaved slightly, and then he shouted:
"Hokukai Taro! Come down!"

Hearing these words, one of the crows that were circling in the sky stopped in place and looked down at Mucun below.

Then, he folded his wings and swooped down directly in the direction of Kimura:


The ground was getting closer as the pressure of the wind clung to the sides of the raven's folded wings.

Until it is almost close to the ground.

The crow spread its wings violently, continued to descend for a while with the force of the downward rush, and then stopped its body steadily and abruptly.

After flapping its wings a few times, it landed on Kimura's shoulder:
"Garrah, Kimura kid, what's the matter?"

When Kimura saw his crow, he hurriedly asked:

"Beikai Taro, when you went back to the mountain yesterday, did you smell the smell of rotten flesh?"

"As long as it's rotten flesh, other rotten smells don't count."

After that, Kimura looked at his crow expectantly.

On the side, Shang Quanna also lightly rubbed Sumire Zamon's head, to appease the other party's frightened and wanting to destroy Kimura humanitarianally.

The crow named "Beihai Taro" heard the words, looked around and twitched his head, then thought about it and said:

"Karma, Kid Kimura, I'm sorry...I don't smell any rot."

Afterwards, Beikai Taro continued to follow Kimura's topic:
"And, if there is a smell of rot in that area, Karma, I will naturally say it if I find it, Karma."

Hearing this, Kimura's eyes became a little dark, and his tone was low with regret and apology:

"...That's it, thank you, Hokukai Taro."

"Karma, no need to thank you, this is your job and mine, Karma." Beikai Taro waved his wings cheerfully.

Kimura didn't respond this time, his brows were already tightly frowned.


——Already almost clear.

The three of us took the crow around the mountain a few times, but the crow didn't find anything...

Doesn't that mean that there is no rotten meat in the mountains.

And the general carnivores, after eating, even if they eat cleanly.

——It is also often unavoidable to leave residual minced meat at the bone joints and various places, eventually forming rotten meat.

It is summer now, and in the dense forest, it is very sultry. If the meat is left in the wild, it will soon become smelly.

Yesterday was the second day Orion disappeared. If it was dragged away by animals, and it was impossible to be eaten by bugs, how could there be no rotten smell...

So - the possibility that Orion was dragged away by animals is ruled out!
Just when Kimura frowned tightly, lowered his head, and was desperately storming in his head.

A shout from light to heavy came from beside my ear:


Kimura was taken aback, he came back to his senses, and turned to look at Purgatory and Juro who were yelling at him.

Purgatory and Juro looked at Kimura very energetically, and he seemed to care about his companions:

"What happened just now? Did you feel unwell? You look ugly!"

Kimura looked at the faces of Purgatory and Juro who were close at hand, and Sumire Zamon who was following behind Purgatory and Juro, who was poking his head in this direction.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

Afterwards, he informed the two of his thoughts one by one.


"So..." After listening to Kimura's words, Zaomen Sumire thought for a while, and then put forward her own idea:

"The current whereabouts of the Orion, there are only two possibilities left, right?"

Kimura nodded, and affirmed:


"He's either alive now."

"Either, it's... I really met a ghost."

Saying that, Kimura's expression was slightly gloomy, he lowered his head, and his heart became heavy:

"But...the probability of being alive is probably very small."

And the next moment, Sumire Kamodo raised a new question:
"Then...if it was taken away by ghosts, why didn't we find ghosts around that mountain?"


Kimura and Sumire Kamado were arguing fiercely.

Purgatory and Shoulang stood on the side, silent but looking quickly back and forth, like people from another world.

Purgatory and Shoulang maintained their spirited appearances. As the main fighting force in the team, he only needed to listen to this kind of thoughtful thinking.

So, he looked around generously.

After a glance.

He simply looked at Shang Quannai at the side.

Shang Quannai nodded slightly as she watched the discussion among the several people.

——Although their ideas are still very immature, they have made progress.

As for whether it is a real ghost or not, there is no rush to draw a conclusion.

It is daytime now, and it is not long before dawn.

It's still too early for ghosts to be able to move.

When he was thinking about it with anticipation, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Purgatory and Shoulang who were looking straight at him.


Purgatory and Shou Lang didn't shy away from it at all.

Eyes that shone like red flames never took their eyes off.

Shang Quannai couldn't help but glanced at He Shoulang a few more times, and felt a little strange about the child.

— this child.

—Would it be possible that during the bonfire meeting, Ren Shoulang would be fooled by the sun?

At this time.

The other two people on the side also discussed the result.

"...Could it be that when we arrived, the ghost had already left the vicinity of the mountain."


"At the speed of a can already run a long distance in one night..."

After some discussion.

Kimura ran over.

"Mr. Umizumi!" Kimura wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he held a newly edited notebook in his other hand, on which a lot of things had been written.

"It should be the behavior of an evil ghost, and that ghost probably left the vicinity long ago!"

"We... want to visit that mountain again!"

Kimura was panting slightly. As soon as he discussed something, he would instinctively use the rhythm of breathing for a short time. He was panting a little at the moment:

"This time."

His eyes became heavy:

"We are going to follow the most possible direction and chase it all the way."



at the same time.

the other side.

In a dark cave.


The vaguely huge and thin figure is hunched over, crowded in the narrow cave, and it seems to be constantly chewing something in its mouth.

If you look closely, you will find it.

At the end of the limbs of this figure, there are thick and thickly wrapped flesh pads like hair.

In the dim environment, the figure's scarlet eyes were revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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