People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 237 Extra Volume:——Edo Ghost's Forced Survival Skills

Chapter 237 Extra Volume:——Edo Ghost's Forced Survival Skills




Only the smart and adaptable guys can survive to the end.

Strength does not necessarily determine everything.

——Even if it was the former ghost king.

Now that he is dead, it means that he has been eliminated by the times and the changing environment.

He is weak.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

Survival is the biggest capital.

In my mind, I kept replaying such thoughts.

Such a profound truth should be imprinted in every ghost's mind.

But, except for myself, other ghosts seem to have no brains.

Stupid, arrogant, arrogant!

"Tch!" A disgusted voice echoed in the darkness.

In a dark cave.

The huge and thin animal-shaped evil spirit is slowly shrinking its body to fit in the narrow cave.

He moved his hair-covered limbs and squeezed his way to the depths of the cave, avoiding the sunlight coming in from the cave entrance.

The weak reflection burned the face of the evil spirit, and it could be vaguely seen that there were traces of the appearance of a human being on the face.

But at this moment, the traces of human facial features on the face have been covered by thick hair.

Now, he looks like nothing more than a hybrid maned mammal.

The confession just now.

It is the survival skills that he has successfully survived for many years - and can also eat meat from time to time.

"Crack... Creak..." The evil ghost was chewing something in his mouth, and the dried blood coagulated together along the hair.

The tough meat writhed in the mouth, continuously providing the energy of the evil spirit.

Weird red eyes, slightly tired.

The hoarse voice echoed faintly.

" live, to live..."

"Rack your brains and do whatever it takes to survive!"

The evil ghost's expression was ferocious but determined. He bit his teeth and repeated such words frantically, trying to suppress the loss of reason caused by hunger.

The narrow cave was filled with the smell of blood.

In the scarlet eyes, the uncontrollable appetite slowly turned into reason, and the hair on his body also faintly seemed to be shrinking.

——The hair is to be mistaken for other animals by humans in a dim environment when they go out for food at night.

——It’s a disguise to protect yourself.

At the same time, it is also a tool to erase "traces of evil spirits" from environmental factors.

After each hunting, he will immediately change to a hiding place.

He even ate the prey without hesitation, and then left in a hurry.

He's not like other idiots, waiting to be slaughtered in one place.

What kind of "human beings are food reserves, ghost hunters are all idiots", these words are spread by some dead bastard.

The current ghost hunters—but all of them know the powerful swordsmanship that is like blood ghosts!
But now the ghost...

——But none of them know how to use vampirism!
The relationship between humans and ghosts has been completely reversed in the war more than ten years ago!

The ghosts with high combat power all turned into ashes with the fall of the ghost king, and the ghosts in the mid-range were getting weaker and weaker day by day.

In the end, only them were left, creatures with the thinnest ghost blood, but also ghosts lingering on.

Thinking of this, the evil ghost's eyes dimmed slightly. He kept chewing the flesh and blood in his mouth, feeling sad about his future life.

He is aware of the power of human beings, and even more of the power of ghost hunters.

Humans have occupied large swathes of land.

As long as you rub those lands a little, you might see some madman holding a knife and looking at you excitedly in your own home one day!


In order to survive, he even lowered the frequency of foraging for food as much as possible.

He would never choose to expose himself to human eyesight, even before he was so hungry that he lost his mind.


As for this time.

He hadn't eaten for a long time and was extremely weak. He ran into Orion and his child in the mountains.

With the remaining physical strength, he successfully controlled Orion.

But he was powerless to distract the human cub who had run away a long time ago.

After hearing the runaway human cub yelling words like "ghost", he knew something was wrong.

At that time, he understood, let the cub go, then the surrounding area.

The next day will definitely cause rumors about ghosts.

The guys from the ghost killing team must also swarm here like moths to a flame.

After thinking about the seriousness of the matter, he decided.

——It is not suitable to stay here for a long time!
In a slight panic, he opened his abdomen and directly swallowed Orion's whole body into his stomach.

After that, he ran away with all his strength without looking back.

If you don't know the direction, you don't have time to realize where you are.

He was like a headless chicken, fleeing in a fast and chaotic manner.

A run is several nights.

Finally, he spent the night of the second day in shock, and when the morning of the third day was about to dawn, he hid in this cracked cave who didn't know how far it was from the mountain.

The panic in my heart gradually calmed down because of the thick rock walls around me.


The consumption caused by running wildly for several nights.

It made him feel unbearable hunger again.

As soon as I stopped, this hunger feeling became more and more serious.

Hunger, for a ghost, especially a ghost like him, is the most tormenting thing.

He casually picked up a passing wild deer and nibbled on it a few times, but it didn't help at all, and it even made him feel sick to his stomach.

So what is he chewing in his mouth at the moment, to satisfy his hunger?

That's right.

under compulsion.

He went out of the cave again, and kept sniffing and searching along the direction of the cave exit.

There is a village behind the cave, and it will be dawn soon, so it is impossible for him to look for food in the village.

Once found in the villages and towns, it must be a dead end!

Therefore, he chose to stay away from the village and town, looking for someone who was alone.


Nearly a kilometer away from the cave.

—He slaughtered a passing samurai in the distance.

Only then did he suppress the hunger deep in his body.

"...Two days, I ate two people..." The evil ghost kept chewing, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and glanced at the sunlight peeking in from the outside of the cave:

"...there's another one, who looks like a samurai... terrific..."

He was talking to himself, slowly leaning against the rock wall, his consciousness gradually blurred, and there were faint signs of falling asleep:

"...I hope this guy is a vagrant..."

"...wait until night, then leave here as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, the evil spirit completely shrunk its body to the limit, turned into a short figure, and tried to squeeze into the cave again.

"Hopefully... there are no ghost hunters around here."



Just as the evil ghost murmured these words and slowly fell asleep unconsciously.

The back of the cave where he is.

It is a village.

The steam from the hot springs permeates the village.

The surrounding dense woods covered most of the houses in the village and town, and from the outside, only a few dilapidated old houses could be seen.

In villages and towns.

The houses on both sides of the street are almost all exquisite houses with two or three floors.

Smoke rose from the roof.

The sound of ping-pong-pong iron strikes echoed in the village and town indistinctly.

It looks nothing like the dilapidated look from the outside.

"Hmph ~ hum ~"

A tall and thick man with a long strip of cloth wrapped in his face and a red "Fire Man" mask on his face was humming and walking slowly in the village.

"Yo! Good morning, Master Tieqiao!"

Along the way, there are many people who also wear different styles of "Fire Man" masks, passing by and saying hello to the man.

The man just nodded to them one by one, holding the long stick in his arms with both hands, avoiding the etiquette of reaching out to say hello:

"Good morning!"

At this time.

Opposite Tie Qiao, a man who was about the same size as him, but judging from his bare skin, was obviously much younger.

The man glanced at the long strip of cloth wrapped in Tie Qiao's arms, and suddenly said in surprise:

"Senior Tieqiao, have you sent a knife to Your Excellency Yuanyi again today?"

When Tieqiao saw that the person was so straightforward, he was startled, and quickly turned his head to look around, hissing in a low voice:

"Be quiet!"

"I've been preparing for this matter for almost 20 years, don't let the wind out at this time!"

Hearing this, the man quickly bent over, hissed and nodded his head:
"Yes Yes Yes Yes."

As everyone knows, people on both sides of the street have long looked at them with curiosity.

"Tell me, Grandpa Tieqiao, what are you doing?"

On the side of the street, two children who also wore the "Fire Man" mask but looked like seven or eight-year-old children were talking together:

"How do I know, but, look at the things in Grandpa Tieqiao's arms."

"At first glance, it must be a knife!"

"But, but... As far as I remember, Grandpa Tieqiao has already held three or four knives like this..."

"And all of them were sent to Mr. Yuan...Master Yuan, did you really use so many knives...?"

"...Since Grandpa Tieqiao did this, there must be his intentions!"

"That makes sense."

With the end of the conversation, the two children left the street together, and came to a place where there was the sound of banging iron.

"Pong! Pong!"

——Dozens of swordsmiths with muscular upper body and fire man masks on their faces are constantly beating the blades in their hands at this moment.

Every time the hammer and the blade collide, the most gorgeous and dreamy sparks will bloom.

The shining sparks will briefly illuminate the somewhat dim stove.

That's right.

This place——is the sword forging village.


at the same time.

the other side.

The sun gradually became brighter, and the time came to around ten o'clock in the morning.

Shang Quannai and his party walked through the street and slowly came to the mountain where Orion died.

"It's here."

Kimura stopped in his tracks, he looked up at this mountain which was not too high, but the dense forest on it seemed very suitable for hiding:

"Let's start looking here!"

"The ghost may have left here a long time ago, but as long as you find footprints or other traces, you will definitely be able to find clues to the next step!"

Kimura turned his head and said to his two companions.

"Yeah." Zaomen Sumire looked at the mountain behind Kimura, and she nodded slightly.

"Leave it to me!" Purgatory and Shoulang seemed to have no problem at all. He vowed and looked at the mountain confidently:

"Just looking for traces of ghosts, easy!"

With that said, Purgatory and Shoulang raised their hands and clenched their fists, expressing their confidence.

"Hey...don't put up such a flag..."

Zaomen Jin stood beside him, covered her forehead, and said helplessly to Purgatory and Shourou:

"...We're already struggling a bit..."

"Hahaha! It's okay!" Purgatory and Shoulang responded to her with sunny smiles and optimism:
"Sumire! You have to cheer up!"

"Ah...I didn't lose my mind either...I guess..." Sumire Zaomen's weak voice came slowly.

Kimura looked at these two people, looked up at the sky, and checked the time.

Shang Quannai's ears twitched slightly, he seemed to hear something familiar, turned his head, and glanced at Zaomen Jin in surprise.

Looking at Sumire Kamodo with a helpless face, and Purgatory and Juro who are full of confidence.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally asked this digression:
"Xiao Jin."

"Huh?" Hearing Shang Quannai's voice, Zaomen Jin froze for a moment, then raised her head to look in Shang Quannai's direction, her tone hesitant:

"What, what's wrong?"

Shang Quannai looked at Jin Zaomen, and had a very bad idea in his mind:
"This sentence... who did you learn from?"

"Which sentence?" Zaomen Jin tilted her head, and recalled a little bit, a little unclear, so: "...I want to cheer up?"

"No, it's that sentence, set up the flag." Shang Quannai repeated.

The moment Shang Quannai said these words.

!! ?
Sumire Zamon's expression froze in place to the extent visible to the naked eye, and she seemed a little at a loss.


She turned her head away, with a flustered expression visible to the naked eye.

Why does Uncle Umizumi know this!
His eyes also faintly dodge.

Then, slowly lowered his head.

"...this... um..."

She stretched out her fingers and scratched her cheek nervously.

Shang Quanna's expression did not change, he was still watching Sumire Zaomen.

This matter is actually not very important.

As a time traveler, although he has never mentioned such things to people around him many times, he did occasionally.

It is naturally possible to be learned by others.

Shang Quannai asked, but...

——I just wanted to find someone who taught Sumire Kazamon this sentence.

Well, that's all.

At this time.

Sumire Zamon slightly scratched her cheek with her fingers, raised her head cautiously, glanced at Shang Quanna secretly, and said tentatively:

"Is this... this word, is it a very bad word?"

Shang Quannai shook his head slightly.

Seeming to be affirmed by Shang Quanna, Sumire Zaomen breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, her expression was no longer flustered, she raised her head, and said it very straightforwardly:

"My wife's uncle...that Naruto in the team, he often said that."

Hearing this, Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, and he nodded slowly:

"...Sure enough, I know."

Among Zhu's current team, the temperament is still not very mature, and only my wife Shancun is the only one.

He looked at Sumire Kamado, and the other two:

"It's okay, you guys go on to the next step, I'll just watch from the side."

"Okay!" Kimura was holding a small notebook, he was recording something, and answered Shang Quannai with his head up.

Afterwards, he put away his notebook, and waved to Sumire Zaomen, Purgatory and Juro who were standing upright beside him holding the handle of the Sun Wheel Knife:

"Sumire! Kazuro! Let's go!"

"Let's go and see where we found the bear footprints yesterday!"

Shang Quannai turned his head slightly, he narrowed his eyes, and his scarlet pupils swept across the forest mountain in front of him.

--Nothing at all.

He found nothing about the souls of humans, or ghosts.

As expected, the ghost had already slipped away.


Shang Quannai's eyes turned slightly, and he sniffed the residual breath in the air.

——How long can you slip away?

(End of this chapter)

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