Chapter 238 Extra Volume:——Fate One Zero Style


Behind the hideout of the evil spirits.

About a kilometer away.

There is a low mountain.

The sun shines brightly through the bamboo forests on both sides of the path on the short hill, and is divided into bunches by the shadow of the bamboo forest, and falls among the bamboo forests.

At the end of the path, there is a hut that is smoking and looks very smoky.

Surrounded by a fence made of bamboo, through the fence, you can vaguely see two people sitting in the yard together.

A female voice that sounded very energetic said:

"Yuanyi, tell me, that kid Qiyi is alone in the ghost killing team, and that kid's character is so unfriendly."

"Do you feel very lonely?"

"Do you feel empty, unbearable..."

"Ah, that's right, that child has reached the age where he should find a girl to make a marriage contract!"

"Yi Yi Yuan Yi, it's time to find Qi Yi..."

At this time, another male voice with magnetic sunlight smiled helplessly:

"Uta... Kaiichi, he's only 17 years old this year..."

"We were already in our twenties when we really got married."

Uta puffed up his cheeks, turned his head like a little girl, and muttered in a dissatisfied tone:

"Seventeen years old is enough...huh..."

"Yes..." Yuan Yi smiled, he nodded in agreement, and had some plans in his heart.

In fact, he also thinks that if Qiyi is an ordinary person, he should get married at this age.

However, Keiichi is now the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad.

And which girl would be willing to marry such a person who has been running between tasks all year round?

Moreover, Yuanyi is also very familiar with Qiyi's character.

Qiyi is exactly the same as himself when he was a child.

He doesn't like words, doesn't socialize with others, and makes a very indifferent first impression on others.

Everything needs to be done slowly.

And the right person.

Or leave it to Qiyi to find it himself.

Thinking about it, Yuan Yi put his arms around Yu Duo slightly, and patted her shoulder lightly, calming Yu Duo down.

In the yard, the sun shines gently through the gaps between the bamboo forests.

Under the eaves of the house, there is an object that is wrapped in red cloth and is as tall as a person. I don't know what is inside.

Yuanyi is still wearing his maroon haori, but Uta no longer has a white bandage and bow tied on his head.

Instead, he tied his hair up and tied it behind his head.

Fifteen years have passed, the two were still young at the time, and now they are in their 15s, and they are already in their fourth year.

When people reach middle age...

No, it is better to say that people are middle-aged.

——At this moment, it is two people, especially Yuanyi's prime of life.

just now.

After more than ten years of continuous polishing of swordsmanship and breathing, Yuanyi's strength is now more than a star and a half stronger than when he was young more than ten years ago.

Well, it's probably nearly ten times stronger.

The speed of progress was the same as before, but Yuanyi felt a little limited.

He even vaguely felt the barrier to the advancement of strength.

He didn't know what it was, but it was actually blocking him, preventing him from improving his swordsmanship again.

It was as if something was restraining him, preventing him from moving forward.

In other words - his swordsmanship has reached the extreme that can be achieved.

It's been like this all the time, Yuanyi is also a little panicked.

Going forward, it may be necessary to create something that can change qualitatively like breathing.

However, he probably won't think about creating something like that again.

Yuanyi thought about it, looked at Yuta beside him with gentle eyes, and felt a warmth in his heart.

The reason why he holds the knife now is just to be able to protect his family.

If one day, the ghost completely disappears.

He might also choose to put down the knife in his hand.

Just as Yuanyi was thinking slowly.


A strange feeling flooded Yuanyi's heart.


As soon as Ji Guoyuan sat up straight slowly, his eyes slowly converged and turned to a certain direction.

In the dark red eyes, there was once again an extremely calm emotion.

Just now, he sensed the breath of ghosts.

Although it is very faint, it seems to be floating from afar.

But among them, the relatively strong smell of blood can completely stimulate Yuanyi's nerves.

There is a ghost in that direction, and it is eating.

It is daytime and the ghost is hiding in a dark place.

Yu Duo on the side, naturally and keenly felt the changes in Yuan Yi, she turned her head, pursing her lips with some doubts and worries:
"Yuanyi...what's wrong?"

Ji Guoyuan was silent for a while, he stared at that direction closely, and then slowly answered:

"...something bad, around the village."

He turned his head, looked at Yuta, and cut her hair:

"Uta...I'll go first..."

In the middle of speaking, Yuanyi's tone froze.

He looked at the doubt in Yu Duo's eyes, and felt that the current scene was vaguely similar to a certain scene in the past.

At this time.


Yuta gently held Yuanyi's hand, raised his head with a smile, and tilted his head:
"Don't worry about me, go ahead, Yuanyi."

"The villagers also need your protection, don't they?"

"Besides, I'm not who I used to be." As he said that, Yuta's tone was fierce, and he made a clenched fist, which looked very "scary".

During this period of time, she had learned swordsmanship with Yuanyi. Although there was no historical progress, she still mastered the basic self-defense skills.

When Ji Guoyuan looked at Yu Duo, he nodded slowly:

"oh, I understand now."

Then, he picked up the Sun Wheel Knife and walked slowly towards the gate of the yard.

Until Yuanyi walked to the door.

Uta seemed to have remembered something, she stretched out her arms and shouted:

"That's right! Yuanyi!"

Ji Guoyuan turned his head and looked at his wife suspiciously.

"Mr. Tieqiao said before that he will come to us at this time today."

"He said the final procedures on that thing would be done in front of you."

Finally, Uta pursed his lips slightly.

"Be safe and come back early."

Ji Guoyuan and Uta watched, then nodded slowly:


"I am leaving."

Then, left the yard.


on the path.

Yuanyi went down the mountain along the path,

Halfway there, I looked up down the mountain and looked at the streets of the village.

Tie Qiao's familiar figure had already appeared on the street.

Yuanyi's footsteps were slightly slow.

He looked up at the direction where the ghost's breath came from.

He glanced at Tie Qiao who had already walked up the mountain path.

Yuanyi.JPG stopped running.



Not long ago.

Forging knife village.

Pedestrians on both sides of the street gradually became scarce.

"Hey! Come on!"

"I know, I know! It's coming!"

"Finally, I can see with my own eyes how the bosses fight with knives! It's so exciting!"

"That's right!"

Such voices sounded on both sides of the street from time to time.

Today is a rare day where you can observe the process of the top sword making masters in the village.

People of the younger generation, or those of the middle-aged generation who have not been able to break through their skills for a long time, all went to observe and learn.

Only Tie Qiao, whose seniority is very high, and whose craftsmanship is still one of the few in the village, has extremely high freedom on this important day.

In the flow of people, Tieqiao is like a stone going upstream.


Tie Qiao was holding the long thing wrapped in a white cloth. He was walking on the street with careful hands, but very steady steps.

He was very excited, but kept reminding himself:

"Calm down, Tieqiao, you are already over 50 years old! You can't shake your mind so easily!"

"clam down!"

But the hand wrapped in the cloth was still shaking uncontrollably with excitement.

Dull, the voice continued to come from under the fire man's mask:
"Tieqiao! Calm down!"

The thing in his hand is the last part of his painstaking efforts in the past 20 years.

Tie Qiao couldn't help feeling nervous, and recently when forging iron, his hands often trembled because of excitement.

There is no way, this thing has almost devoted half of his energy to it!
In this era where the average life expectancy is less than 50 years old, how many 20 years can a person live.

With such an anxious and excited mood, Tie Qiao's expectations were slowly raised.

After studying for such a long time, Tie Qiao can guarantee it.

——His final achievement will certainly be able to draw a successful conclusion to the last era.

Under this uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

Before Tieqiao knew it, he had already come to a mansion with a large area.

In front of the mansion.

This mansion occupies a large part of the village.

The plaque on the door reads "Jiguo".

Tie Qiao took a deep breath, and he looked up at the mansion.


Tie Qiao turned her head, continued to hug the cloth wrap, and walked along the street.

His destination is not here.

His destination is Your Excellency Yuanyi's home.

Here is His Excellency Iwakatsu's residence, and it is also the residence of Jiguo in Forge Knife Village.

And the home of Your Excellency Yuanyi...

—not in the village.

Tie Qiao thought, calming down his heart.

To be precise, Your Excellency Yuanyi's home lives next to the village.

In a bamboo forest on a low mountain.

There is a small but well-equipped one-bedroom apartment.

Your Excellency Yuanyi seems to like the ordinary life very much, and he often comes to the village to chat with Mrs. Uta.

The child named Qiyi also has a personality similar to His Excellency Yuanyi's, but it seems that he is somewhat indifferent to strangers.

Ah, speaking of which, I haven't had tea with Your Excellency Yuanyi for a long time.

Since starting to build this last arm, I haven't been out of the house again.

This time, let's have a good talk with Your Excellency Yuanyi.




just now.

On the path of the dwarf hills.

Holding the long strip of cloth wrapped in his arms, Tie Qiao raised his head.

Just in time, I met Yuanyi who was going down the mountain to go to the ghost side.

Tie Qiao raised his head, when he saw Yuan Yi, the corner of his mouth hidden under the fire man's mask couldn't help but smile:
"Your Excellency Yuanyi, long time no see."

Yuan nodded, but didn't speak.

And prepare to bypass Tieqiao and move on.

But Tie Qiao was a little confused, so he stared blankly at Yuan Yi passing by him, and was taken aback for a moment.

Then, he yelled:

"Please wait a moment! Your Excellency Yuanyi!"

"Your Excellency is leaving in such an emergency, is there something very important?"

Tie Qiao's expression was very tense, he hugged the cloth wrapped in his arms, and his originally excited mood became uneasy.

His work was able to be born thanks to the help of Yuan Yi who was on the sidelines.

Without the existence of Yuanyi, his 20 years of painstaking efforts would definitely not be able to create it.

Therefore, it is very important for Tie Qiao to have Yuan Yi present when opening that thing.

As soon as Yuan heard the words, he turned his head slightly, and looked at the old knife maker in front of him who had been friends with him for more than ten years.

He nodded:
"A ghost was found near the village."

"I'm going to deal with him while it's daytime."


Tie Qiao's expression behind the mask was slightly lost, he murmured to himself in confusion, and he froze in place:
"Has a ghost found the vicinity of the village..."

Seeing Tie Qiao's stunned look, Yuan didn't delay much, so she was ready to turn around and continue to leave.

At this time.

Tie Qiao's shouting voice came from behind again.

"Please wait a little longer! Your Excellency Yuanyi!"

Da da da!
There was a sound of wooden clogs beating against stones, and Tieqiao hurriedly ran, blocking Yuanyi.

If you can lift his mask, you will definitely be able to see the sincere excitement and excitement on his face at this moment:
"Your Excellency Yuanyi, Your Excellency Yuanyi, please listen to me."

Tie Qiao straightened up, passed the cloth in his arms to Yuan Yi, and said:

"Today, immediately, as long as the big guy installs this, he can already start it!"

"There are ghosts near the village now, and it's daytime, so the ghost's actions must be restrained."

"Just use it to test the strength of that big guy!"

As he said that, Tie Qiao's tone became more and more excited, and he even wanted to wave his limbs:

"There is no need to bother Your Excellency to do it yourself."

Yuan Yi listened to Tie Qiao's words, but he didn't speak, but just lowered his head slightly and thought for a while.

While he was thinking, Tie Qiao continued:

"Your Excellency Yuanyi, please give me some time, not much, just half a moment, no, half a moment is not enough time."

"Please, Your Excellency Yuanyi."

Tie Qiao held the long bar in his arms, and his tone was sincere, almost begging.

Finally, looking at Tie Qiao's appearance, Yuanyi nodded slowly.

"Great! Thank you very much! Your Excellency Yuanyi!"

"Please come with me!"

With that said, Tie Qiao pulled Yuan Yi and trotted all the way.


Back in the yard again.


"Eh...? So fast?" Yu Duo looked at the two who came back suspiciously, his tone a little dazed.

Her eyes followed the two who entered.

"Excuse me! Mrs. Udo!" Tieqiao raised his head and shouted at Yudo, and he ran straight to the thing covered by the red cloth under the eaves.

Afterwards, Tie Qiao reached out and grabbed the red cloth covering the person's tall object.

Push hard!

In the sunlight through the slits of the dense bamboo forest.

One looks similar to Ji Guoyuan one, the same height, the same build, also wearing maroon feathers, and also has ear ornaments.

A doll with shoulder armor.

Appeared in the garden.

Uta looked at the doll, and then looked back at Yan Yuanyi.

It was as if two Yuanyi appeared in the yard.

The only difference from Yuanyi—maybe it is the five arms of the doll that are exposed from the cuffs.

And the cloth wrapped in Tie Qiao's hand was lifted.

Coincidentally, it was the last one, the missing sixth arm!

(End of this chapter)

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