People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 239 Extra Volume:——The Actual Combat of Type 0

Chapter 239 Extra Volume:——Zero Type's Actual Combat



Tie Qiao installed the extremely smooth joints of the puppet in his arms, and a simple knife, on the puppet in front of him at the same time.

At this point, the puppet, whose appearance, body and shape are exactly the same as Yuanyi, has turned into a complete body.

On the six arms, six identical sun wheel knives were held, hanging in the wide sleeves.

Coupled with the cold and unchanged expression, an inexplicable sacred feeling suddenly appeared.

"Oh—! This is it!"

Tie Qiao's expression was excited, he looked at the puppet in front of him happily, and couldn't help but backed away, scanning the whole puppet up and down:
"…so perfect…"

His body trembled slightly, rubbing his hands, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Ah! That's amazing!" Uta was sitting under the eaves, she covered her mouth slightly, and looked back at the place where the puppet was originally:

"He Yuan looks like a long time!"

"The thing covered with a cloth, so this is it!"

"What, what have you two been doing behind my back all these years?"

Uta stood up, moved to Yuanyi's side, raised his head and questioned.

Yuanyi stood beside Tieqiao, he smiled, patted Yuta's shoulder lightly, and looked at the one in front of him, like another puppet of himself.

Over the past 15 years, he has personally witnessed Tieqiao build this doll bit by bit.

Although the doll looks like a human being, its interior is filled with sophisticated gears and mechanical structures.

The fingers and joints are all connected with special techniques, which can be broken at will.

At the back of the neck, there is a keyhole-shaped thing.

There is no doubt about the doll in front of him.

It is a product of an era.

Although, in the past 15 years, most of the time was spent on how to restore his own swordsmanship.

Because Yuan will improve from time to time, and fine-tune the swordsmanship demonstrated to Tie Qiao before, this causes Tie Qiao to constantly modify the internal structure of the doll.

And because Tieqiao has always asked Yuanyi to use his full strength to demonstrate, it is impossible to simulate one-thousandth of Yuanyi's strength with the function of the puppet.

Therefore, Tie Qiao designed four new arms.

With the six arms holding the knife and slashing at the same time, you can barely simulate the attack that Chuyuan unleashes in an instant!
Of course, if Yuan Yi and the puppet are allowed to practice against each other... maybe this puppet, which Tie Qiao has devoted nearly 20 years of hard work, will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

After chasing back and forth like this, until Yuanyi hit a bottleneck and his swordsmanship stagnated, Tie Qiao really made the puppet completely.

"It's amazing, Tie Qiao." Yuan Yi watched the doll's appearance, his eyes stayed on the doll's sun earrings for a long time, and then slowly said:


Tie Qiao was taken aback for a moment, he turned his head hastily, the fire man masked his slender mouth, and let out an exhalation that turned into white mist due to excitement:

"No, no, you don't have to be like this..."

But looking at the expression in Yuanyi's eyes, he was silent for a while.

Then, he glanced at the puppet he had created again.

"Your Excellency Yuanyi."

Ji Guoyuan slowly turned his head and looked at Tie Qiao's back.

Tie Qiao's tone was solemn, he turned his head and looked at Yuan through the mask:

"Please choose a name for this puppet!"

"This is a re-enacted battle doll based on Your Excellency, and it should be named by Your Excellency!"

As soon as Yuan heard this, his expression became slightly stiff.

"... name..."

"That's right!" Tie Qiao's tone was very passionate.

Yuan Yi slowly turned his head away, although he didn't quite know his ability to name names, but since the last time he saw Shang Quannai, Yuan Yi had faintly noticed the way the other party pointed at him and laughed.

The ability to name himself may not be much different from Shang Quannai.

This puppet is Tie Qiao's painstaking effort for nearly 20 years...


As soon as Yuan turned around, he thought of an excellent way to escape:

"Iron Qiao."

"I'm here, Your Excellency Yuanyi!"

"Let's talk about naming things when we come back."

"That ghost is still wandering around the village, so we have to hurry up and set off."

Hearing this, Tieqiao was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, with hesitant eyes, but finally nodded vigorously:

"...Your Excellency is right, now is not the time to do such a thing."

"It's too negligent."

"Please wait a moment, sir, I'm going to make the puppet move."

He patted his forehead hard, then turned around guiltily, and took out a key from his pocket.

Slowly walk behind the puppet.

Insert the key into the keyhole behind the puppet's neck.

Twist lightly.


The puppet suddenly raised its head, and the pupils specially made of reflective material lit up slightly, as if activated, and the sound of slow collision and tension of gears began to be heard from the body.

Click, click, click, click...

The six arms also slowly raised up, holding the Sun Wheel Knife tightly, as if ready to attack at any time.

Seeing this, Yu Duo hurriedly trotted all the way, left in front of the puppet, and sat back under the eaves,
Looking back, seeing the "two" Yuanyi face to face, I felt strange in my heart.

But Tie Qiao stood behind the puppet hesitantly and did not come over for a long time.

He was a little flustered, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Only then did he remember this important matter!

Seeing Tie Qiao hiding behind the puppet and scratching his head, Yuan could not help asking loudly:

"what happened?"

Tie Qiao was a little embarrassed, he slowly poked his head out from behind the puppet, and said with difficulty:

"...Well, Your Excellency Yuanichi, I'm very sorry..."

"This puppet... still can't walk such a long distance by itself..."

Tie Qiao secretly glanced at Yuan Yi from behind the puppet:

"So... can you please, take this doll and run for a while..."

"It's not heavy... Well, for Your Excellency..."



Ji Guoyuanyi's footsteps stepped on the ground without stirring up dust, but the gears in the puppet on his shoulders kept bouncing back and forth.

On this day, other swordsmiths who did not go to observe the masters making swords saw a strange scene near the village.

The master "Jiguo Yuanyi" who lives near the village.

Another adult "Jiguo Yuanyi" was carried on his shoulders.

Bang Bang Bang, running towards the outside of the village.



at the same time.

the other side.

On the mountain where Orion disappeared.

"Karma! I saw it!"

"Found it! Come here!"

"The footprints that were disconnected just now are connected here!"

The three of Kimura were carefully investigating the traces left over from yesterday in the hot and dense jungle.

Shang Quannai was sitting on a tree beside him, giving some hints to a few people from time to time, treating it as a task for the younger generation to pass the time.

At this moment, Kimura was calling loudly to his companions who were not far away and looked down, waving his arms high, his somewhat dirty face was full of joy:

"it's here!"

Zaomen Sumire, Purgatory and Shoulang rushed over immediately after hearing the words.

The three gathered together, looking down at the shallow traces on the ground.

The crow on Kimura's shoulder was hanging its head, and Gaga explained:

"On the ground! The smell of blood! It's very faint!"

"Follow this direction and leave the mountain all the way!"

"Karma! I found it! I found it!"

Hearing this, the three of Kimura looked at each other.

"Great, well done, Beikai Taro!" Kimura touched the head of the crow on his shoulder, and said happily:

"In this way, the location of the ghost can be found!"

"The taste of blood has been remembered by Beikai Taro."

"Yeah." Zaomen Jin bowed her head, bent down, and reached out to touch the still moist soil on the ground.

But the hands were not stained with blood, but with faint water stains: "As long as you follow this direction and touch all the way, you won't be too far away."

Kimura raised his head happily, he gasped slightly and nodded:

Then, he turned around and tried to look at Shang Quannai who was sitting on the tree.

But his eyes were in a trance, and he looked at nothing.

Kimura wondered strangely:
"Hey, Mr. Kamizumi..."

At this time.

"Here." Shang Quannai's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Kimura was slightly taken aback, he turned around, only to find that the spirited Purgatory and Juro were being covered by Shang Quannai, unable to speak.

But Shang Quannai spoke first.

He raised his head, looked through the jungle, and looked towards the sunny distance beyond the mountain:

"Let's go, try to get rid of that guy before dark."

"In terms of intelligence analysis, all you lack is experience."

After that, he turned his head and waved to several people.

"Let's go!" Purgatory and Shoulang shouted loudly.



Outside the forging knife village.

The weather is gradually turning cloudy, with dense dark clouds covering the sky, and it seems that there are signs of rain.

The sun's rays struggled through the thick clouds and fell faintly on the ground.

God, it's getting dark.

bang bang bang! !

Ji Guoyuan carried the puppet on his back and ran fast, but slowly controlled the speed so that Tie Qiao, who was panting behind him, could always see his back.

Not to be lost.

at last.

After a burst of vigorous running.

Ji Guoyuan stopped slowly.

He looked in front of him, where there was a sunken crack and cave.

Surrounded by forests, only this crack is hidden here imperceptibly.

And the strong breath of the ghost is continuously coming from this crack.


He put down the puppet on his shoulders and let the puppet stand in front of the crack.

Hasty footsteps came from behind.


Tie Qiao's hand rested on Yuan Yi's shoulder, panting, he bent down and put the other hand on his knee.

White mist is constantly bubbling from the only vent hole of the mask.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo...!"

"Your Excellency Yuanyi... Huh... Please... allow me to rest for a while... Huh...!"

He raised his head, looked up to the sky, panted loudly for a while with his hips crossed, and slowly came back to his senses.

Even if he has been playing iron all year round, and his physical fitness can be compared to that of the former member of the mid-level ghost killing team, he cannot run so far in such a light breath.

After a while, he looked forward, his chest still heaving violently:

"... Huh, Your Excellency Yuanyi, is this here?"

"Yeah." Yuan Yi looked at the cracks on the ground, and nodded.

Hearing this, Tie Qiao walked forward slowly, reached out and grabbed the arm of the puppet in front of him who was the same length as Yuan Yi.

Hold the puppet's fingers and wrist joints.

Twist slowly.


Inside the doll's body, the sequence of gear rotation is changing with the twisting of the joints.

This is the puppet's special technique for adjusting the attack method, and the tricks are switched by twisting the joints.

Every set of sword moves can only be artificially reversed in the gaps of the battle.

This is a shortcoming, but it is a point of great development.

Tie Qiao had his own fantasy for making it like this.

He believes that if one day in the future, his puppet can have independent self-awareness, can shake its joints by itself, and realize the link of sword moves.

Well, until then.

The real battle doll who can use sword moves as he likes was born.

Of course, an idea that sounds so outrageous now can only be regarded as a fantasy.


inside the crack.

The shrunken evil spirit has a ferocious fur-covered face, and his eyes are fiercely staring at the place where the light seeps into the crack.

—A ghost hunter is coming.


At this moment, he is also clear.

He understood it just now when he heard the conversations of many people passing by not far away.

I actually hid in the place where the ghost hunters are in charge of forging the sun wheel knife!
Damn it!Aren't there ghost hunters everywhere? !

——It was I who drove myself to a dead end!
But it's too late to transfer, it's daytime!

Just when he wanted to wait until the night was leaving.

Yuan Yi and Tie Qiao came straight in his direction, and blocked the exit of the crack!
"...Wait, this light."

The goblin stares straight at the opening of the rift that seeps in the light.

" it cloudy now?"

A damp breath came from the opening of the crack.

He was slightly puzzled, and stretched out his hand.

Lightly placed in the somber light of the mouth of the rift.

A puff of white smoke suddenly rose!
"Hiss!" He was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his palm and began to check nervously.

But after careful inspection, he found out.

There was only a slight burn on his finger, but he didn't turn into ashes in an instant!

Looking at the traces on his fingers, the evil ghost gradually had hope of life in his eyes.

Lifting his head, he looked longingly at the opening of the crack.

The ghost hunters have blocked the opening of the crack, so they will certainly not venture in.

Maybe a long-range attack from outside.

Own... whether there is a chance.

Rush out and kill the opponent by surprise.

Then, run away immediately!

The rudiment of a plan slowly appeared in the evil ghost's mind.

The next moment, he gritted his teeth!
Just do it!


on the ground.


A beast-like claw grabbed the edge of the crack, and it continued to swell and emit white smoke!

"Roar!" A roar came from the crack!

Enduring the scorching of the weak sunlight, the evil spirit gave a kick!Jump up from the cracks!

The dim light of the cloudy sky shone on him, and the burning sound kept ringing!
He has a fierce face and fierce eyes!

Just, just kick him, and then relay...

and many more.

After the evil ghost saw what was standing in front of him, his body that was flying in the air froze for a moment.

At this moment, the joints of the puppet are extremely conspicuously exposed in the sight of the evil spirit.

——This kind of thing...

——It’s not human at all, is it? !

(End of this chapter)

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