People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 245 Extra Volume: ——The Hairpin and the Crooked Iwazai

Chapter 245 Extra Volume: ——The Hairpin and the Crooked Iwazai

Komaji looked at Lianxue in front of him, he shook his head slightly, and stood beside her gently, holding the bamboo pole between his arms.

Gently put both hands on Lianxue's shoulders:
"Okay, you can go back and have a good rest."

"It's okay to leave such a small matter to me."

"Eh...but..." Lianxue pursed her lips, raised her head, and folded her hands in front of her chest, feeling that something was wrong.

"It's okay it's okay."

"Look, Mr. Qingzang arranged for me to do this. It was originally my task, right?"

"Maybe it will be some kind of secret training such as subtle control of strength."

Saying that, Komaji didn't give Lianxue any intention of resisting, and directly helped her turn around gently, and walked towards the room together with Lianxue:
"Okay okay, let's go."

"Hmm..." Lianxue heard the words, a shy expression appeared on her flushed face because of her illness, she lowered her head, and glanced at the ground aside.

At this time.

Komaji stared at the back of Lianxue's head, curled up his tied hair, and stared for a while.

His hair is dark, and under the clear sky light, it looks slightly brown, and the fragrance of flowers comes from the tip of his nose from time to time.

He didn't look away until he sent Lianxue back to the door of the room and the two were about to wave goodbye.

——Recently, the fireworks display is coming soon.


"Goodbye, Lianxue." Komaji smiled and waved to Lianxue.

"Mn, Mr. Komaji." Lianxue turned around, bowed her head and nodded slightly.

After a brief but emotional farewell.

Komaji watched Lianxue enter the room, he turned around slowly, and held the bamboo pole between his arms again.

He raised his head and looked into the clear blue sky.

——Let's go find someone and give Lianxue a hairpin.

— as a gift to celebrate freedom of movement.

——After all, the first person to witness the fireworks display in person must be grand and serious.

Thinking about it, Komaji secretly clenched the bamboo pole in his hand, and gently patted the quilt in front of him again.

"Fireworks show..."

"The wind at night will be very cold..."


Komaji patted the futon.

He said to himself:

"Well... take a thin quilt with you, too."

at this time.

Outside the wall of the mansion not far away, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground!

Accompanied by a slight complaint.

Faintly, such a voice entered Komaji's ears:
"Ouch... Ouch, it hurts..."

This voice immediately caught Komaji's attention.

He turned his head, his eyes became sharp, and he looked straight at the direction from which the voice came.


With a sound that was slightly softer than before, the outside of the wall gradually returned to calm.

Komaji stepped on the lawn, walked slowly across the land, and came to the fence.


He raised his head, stretched out his fingers, pinched the edge of the tiles on the fence, and exerted force with his arms.


The muscles tensed for a moment.

Komaji pulled himself up in an incomprehensible way.

With his other hand propped slightly on the tiles to support his body, he looked past the wall, scanning his surroundings with sharp eyes.

Left... no one.

On the right...nor.

Straight ahead... no.

Strange... Did it slip away?
Just when Komaji felt puzzled in his heart, he was about to climb over the wall and investigate thoroughly by himself.


"Come—! Komaji—!"

Qingzang's shout came from another direction in the mansion not far behind him.

After hearing this, Komaji turned his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of Keizo's approximate location, but felt a little unsafe to let this matter go.

Immediately hesitated.

But then, Qingzang's shouts came one after another:


"Come on! Komaji—!"


A trace of entanglement and worry appeared on Komaji's face, he turned his head, jumped off the wall, and turned to the direction where Keizo's voice came from.

Frowning slightly, he muttered in a puzzled and soft voice:

"Is something wrong...?"

In my mind, I couldn't help but see a smiling Keizo waving at Komaji.

"No, with Mr. Qingzang's, strength."

"Probably, nothing will happen."

Komaji muttered to himself.

pat, pat, pat.

With this in mind, Komaji stepped on the dirt and slowly left the vicinity.


Shortly after Komaji left.

Outside the fence.

Not far away, in a haystack.

"Huchi...huh...ha...I'm exhausted..." Yan Jin Atsuya was lying on the back of the haystack, panting heavily.

He was wearing a kendo uniform with a white upper body and a black lower body, his face was sweating profusely, and there was no knife hanging around his waist.

"Huh...that guy...didn't chase after him."

After a long while, he slowly poked his head out of the haystack, and glanced quietly in the direction of Suliu Dojo.

Looking at him from the direction of Soryu Dojo, it happened to be blocked by the haystack, so he couldn't be found.

Yanjin Atsuya hid behind the haystack, carefully observing his surroundings.


--very good!

Yanjin Atsuya bent down and lay down in the paddy field beside the road, ignoring the mud on his body and wet clothes, he quickly crawled towards the Kendo Hall.

Just now, he was hanging on the wall of Soryu Dojo.

One head was exposed, when he was smiling happily, admiring Lianxue's shy appearance.

"Ah... Love Snow..."

"It's so cute..."

At that time, Iwakami Atsuya was talking to himself from the bottom of his heart.

Well, it's already an out-and-out pervert.

But because he was too obsessed with Lianxue's last smile, Iwakami Atsuya accidentally fell off the wall.

He was so embarrassed that he was suddenly terrified.

- run!Get caught and you're screwed!

——Same as that night... No, I definitely don't want to experience that kind of thing again!
- run! ! !
Iwakin Atsuya's face instantly became ferocious because of fear, and he desperately started running away from Suryu Dojo.

The pride of being the heir of the Iwakami Ichidao style directly turned into nothingness at this moment.

To be able to suppress the fear, even near Suryu Dojo, is already the limit of Iwakami Atsuya!
That night two years ago had a huge impact on his heart!

Although, he hadn't seen that scary guy in the hat for two years.

But the psychological shadow left by the other party on Iwakami Atsuya is still very heavy.

It was so heavy that only two years later did he dare to suppress his fear and observe Lianxue's life every day.

After rolling and crawling all the way, he ran to a paddy field far away from the Suryu Dojo, and hid it well.

Iwako Atsuya fell into deep thought.

In his mind, all he recalled was Lianxue's appearance.

—— Lianxue's shyness when she raised her head, her cuteness when she lowered her head, her plea when she folded her hands on her chest...

The appearance of that girl seemed to have taken root in Iwakami Atsuya's heart, and it kept replaying.

"Ah... Sure enough, Lianxue is really cute, and she must be able to live a very happy life."

The corner of Yanjin Atsuya's mouth was raised, he smiled, his body twisted unnaturally, very strange.

But the next moment, he stopped moving.

Instead, a strong resentment slowly enveloped Yanjin Atsuya.


Yanjin Atsuya's expression suddenly became uncomfortable, as if he had eaten a pile of poop raw, he grabbed a handful of grass beside him:

"...Why is it not me who stands by Lianxue's side?"

"Why...why do you treat that guy so..."

That's right, whether it's the shy object of Lianxue, or the smiling object.

It's not him at all!

It's that guy who makes people jealous - Komaji!
But what he just a fantasy that occurred after he substituted himself into Komaji!

Every time I think of this, Iwakami Atsuya feels anxious and uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ah!!...Damn it!!"

Gritting his teeth, Yanjin Atsuya crawled slowly among the paddy fields, pulling up the water plants along the roadside to vent his anger.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few vague words from between his teeth:
"Komaji...!! Komaji!!"

"You bastard!!"


Iwakin Atsuya stopped the movement in his hands.


Lianxue is close to Komaji, because Komaji can get along with her every day.

Naturally, they will become like this.


Iwakin Atsuya's expression became pensive. He sat in the middle of the paddy field and lowered his head to think.

——How can I make Lianxue feel good about her?

——To take Lianyu back from Komaji's hands!
——Then battle plan one...

he mused.




But no idea came out of my mind.

Time passed little by little.

From morning till near noon.

Iwakin Atsuya's expression gradually became desperate.

His mentality also slowly collapsed, and his painting style became black and white.

He was still sitting alone in the paddy field.

—No idea at all.


——A boring life without Lianxue, that kind of thing is absolutely unnecessary!

Iwakami Atsuya lowered his head, grasped the black hakama tightly with both hands, and wrinkled the hakama wetted by the paddy field.

Shadows fell over him.

——So unwilling.

at this time.

A few chattering and laughing apprentices from the Yanjin Sword Dojo passed by the path beside the paddy field.

They are talking to each other.

"Hey, a fireworks display will be held in the town in the past few days. Are you going to watch it on the bridge?"

"Of course! That's a fireworks display!!" Another person raised his hands in agreement, and elbowed the third person next to him:

"You go too, the three of us take advantage of this opportunity to relax together."

"No, I won't go." The tone of the third person was surprisingly cold and stiff!

"Eh—?! Why?!"

"That kind of thing is just something outside of us. We are self-improving. We should concentrate on the sword in our hands and ourselves."


The third person held the handle of the knife at his waist with sharp eyes.

"Money, status, are all external possessions."

"You are truly powerful when you are strong."

"Never relax for a moment!"

The two people next to him looked at him with surprised eyes.

" are too serious..."

At this time.

The three passing by finally found Atsuya Iwakin sitting in the center of the paddy field.

"Huh? That's..."

A person opened his mouth and looked in the direction of the paddy field.


The three of them stopped in their tracks immediately, and looked at Yanjin Duzai in surprise.

Yanjin Atsuya slowly turned his head and glanced at the three people passing by, but his face did not change at all.


After a few moments of silence among the people, the three standing on the path took the lead in asking:

"Senior Yanjin?"

"Why is senior Yanjin... sitting in the paddy field at this time?"

The man stared straight at Iwakin Atsuya, and when he realized that his words seemed a little impolite, he quickly moved his eyes away.

"Ah, sorry, Senior Yanjin, I was a little rude."

Iwakami Atsuya looked at the person who asked the question, and he was silent for a while.

——It is obviously not okay to say that you are thinking about how to attract the girl's attention.

He just stared at that person like this, and continued until the other person felt a little hairy.

Iwakami Atsuya slowly gave a reasonable reason:


"I'm feeling myself."

He stretched out his hand and took a handful of water from the paddy field.


The cool water flowed between the fingers, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

"In the cold paddy fields, people can easily calm down and think about themselves."

"When the whole world has only your own voice, you will understand."

Iwakami Atsuya looked at the three people on the road, talking nonsense together.

At this time,

Standing on the path, the third person who just said "We are self-improvement" said proudly to the companions beside him:

"You see, Senior Yanjin's way of doing this is the real correct way."

"Senior is a role model for our generation in order to work hard to move forward, regardless of small details!"

"People like Senior will definitely not go to the fireworks display!"

——Fireworks show? !

Hearing this word, Iwakami Atsuya suddenly raised his head and looked sharply at the person who spoke.

At this moment, it seemed that the cool water really had an effect, and many thoughts appeared in Iwakami Atsuya's mind!
I heard that Lianxue - I really like the fireworks display!

Then, I just need to create an opportunity and invite her to participate in the fireworks display...

Iwako Atsuya's expression suddenly froze.

Hmm...would she agree?

He slapped himself hard.

Obvious red marks instantly appeared on the face.

——A girl as gentle as Lianxue!I will definitely agree to my request!

"So that's how it is! That's how it is!" Yan Jin Atsuya gradually had a joyful expression on his face, and he suddenly stood up from the paddy field.


Drops of water dripped from the hakama.

He raised his head, looked at the sun already in the mid-heaven, and sighed:

"I see! It turned out to be a fireworks display!"

"Let's get ready!"

After all, regardless of the dumbfounded expressions of the three people beside him, Yanjin Atsuya ran away and left the vicinity of the paddy field.

The three left behind, looking at each other.

"Well... you still don't want to go?"


"I choose to follow in the footsteps of Senior Yanjin!"

"I want to see what this fireworks display is!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"



at the same time.

Inside the Soryu Dojo.

Komaji trotted all the way to Keizang's side.

Qingzang was holding a small sickle in his hand and a towel hanging over his head, squatting on the ground to weed.

Seeing Komaji's figure, he raised his head and smiled brightly:

"Komaji, come here, come here."

"Excuse me, help me weed!"


Komaji slowly stopped walking, he lowered his head slightly, and looked at Keizo's stubbled face. do you feel, made a wrong decision?

(End of this chapter)

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