People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 246 Extra Volume:—For Whom the Knuckles Forged

Chapter 246 Extra Volume:—For Whom the Knuckles Forged

Forging knife village.

The village has changed a lot, and its area has more than doubled from two years ago.

With the joint help of Tieqiao and Shang Quannai, the swordsmiths in the village gradually used simple machines to help forge swords.

Efficiency is also much faster than before.


Inside Jiguo's mansion.

"Are you leaving?"

Ji Guoyuan followed behind Shang Quannai, holding Yuta's hand and talking to Shang Quannai.

"En." Shang Quannai shrugged his shoulders, and he motioned to Ji Guoyuan to look at the excited Zaomen Jin and the others:
"Those three children... are still a little worried."

He turned around, reached out and patted Ji Guoyuanyi's shoulder lightly:

"And, I've been here for two years."

"Long enough, hasn't it."

"En." Ji Guoyuan nodded slowly after listening.

Afterwards, he lowered his eyes and stopped talking.

Yu Duo listened quietly to the conversation between the two, and she looked at her husband. At this moment, Yu Duo could clearly perceive that Yuan Yi did not actually feel any reluctance in his heart.


But Yu Duo could deeply feel the sadness emanating from Yuan Yi.

She raised her eyes, looked at her husband worriedly, and tightly clenched the maroon haori.

—— sad.

At this moment, Yuanyi's heart is full of...compassion for Shang Quannai.

Yes, he felt pity for Shang Quannai.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan became clear, Shang Quannai would return to this village sooner or later, and the parting this time would only be short-lived.

Because Shang Quannai is a ghost, there will be no birth, old age, sickness and death of human beings.

Where he wants to go and what he wants to do all change with his inner thoughts at any time.

As long as Shang Quannai thinks, he can come back anytime.

So Yuanyi didn't feel any reluctance.

But also because Shang Quannai is a ghost.

The lifespan of a ghost is almost unlimited, at least none of the known ghosts died of old age because of their lifespan.

Yuanyi himself will not feel reluctant to part with this "friend".

Because he knows that this "friend" can still come to his funeral and send a bouquet of flowers in front of his grave when he is old and twilight.

For him, his life is complete and he has no regrets.

But also because of this, Yuanyi, who is also a "friend", personally imagined Shang Quannai's emotions when he witnessed his death.

Yuan thought of it.

For Shang Quannai, this may not be a very pleasant thing.

Yuanyi also imagined that in the future, Shang Quannai would meet more people in the same way, and watch and send away more people.

The accumulation of that kind of emotion must be difficult to suppress.

Yuanyi felt intense sadness and pity for this.

He also felt a little worried about the consequences of this emotional accumulation.

After all, Shang Quanna—is also capable of creating ghosts.


As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, his eyes were firm, and he looked at Shang Quannai, who was staring at the sky in a daze, and said:
"Nay." He called softly.

"Huh?" Shang Quannai turned his head with some doubts, and he glanced at Ji Guoyuanyi: "What?"

Ji Guoyuan looked at Shang Quannai with complicated eyes.


"...What's wrong? What do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Shang Quannai frowned, he looked Ji Guoyuan up and down, and subconsciously took two steps back:
"Tell me something...don't be so mysterious..."

After being silent for a while, Shang Quannai frowned tightly. Seeing that Ji Guoyuan still had no intention of speaking, he asked tentatively with a strange tone:

"... want to fight?"

But this time.

Yuanyi's voice finally came.

"Nai, promise me."

Ji Guoyuan's expression remained unchanged, his tone and expression were always so straightforward and accessible:

"Before you forget yourself."

"Kill yourself."

Shang Quannai was taken aback for a moment, he turned his head away and took a deep breath.

He understood what Yuanyi meant.

In fact, Shang Quannai had already had this idea.

He tried to turn back into a human, wanting to live out the rest of his normal life in peace.

But—Zhu Shi, who was able to forcibly drag him to death, couldn't turn himself into a human being.

Kill it completely, and there is nothing you can do.

We can only look forward to a certain moment in the future.

Afterwards, Shang Quannai smiled softly:

"I thought you were going to say something."

He turned his head, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and there was seriousness hidden in his scarlet eyes:

"I will."

"By then... definitely will."

"...Thank you." Yuan Yi said with heavy eyes as he spoke slowly.

"But before that, I still have something to do." Shang Quannai looked up at the sky.

He wants to after the next period of time has passed.

To do what he can - to make up for Ganlu Temple.

The sakura cake of Ganlu Temple actually survived the 600 years of being a witch.

It also stabilized the situation between the ghost killing team and the ghosts.

Without her, the Ghost Slayer Squad after the Heian era would probably have faults.

Shang Quan owes her too much.

As for how to make up for it...

The only thing Shangquanna could think of was what Ganluji Sakuramochi wanted.

It seems that it is only the same as before-the feeling of being with family.

"...accompanied by family members..." Shang Quannai squinted his eyes, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and whispered softly, his tone full of melancholy:
"What should I do..."

Udo next to her, seeing Shang Quannai's melancholy expression, her eyes changed slightly, as if she had noticed something.

Uta narrowed his eyes.

Carefully and conscientiously launch your own emotional perception radar.


Suddenly, her eyes brightened!

I understand!


Da da da--

Under Ji Guoyuan's suspicious gaze, Uta walked up to Shang Quannai.


He stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Shang Quannai's clothes.

Afterwards, Uta raised his head, and said in a low voice to Izuna Asaga:

"Mr. Shangquan, Mr. Shangquan, listen to me..."

Although Shang Quannai was a little puzzled, he also glanced at Ji Guoyuan, then lowered his head slightly, and listened attentively to Yu Duo's words.

Udo said in a low voice:

"You want to do this...then this...and finally this..."

"This way..."

Shang Quannai frowned, froze for a moment, then nodded quickly:
"Uh, oh, oh, oh, um..."




Sumire Kamodo and the others were happily discussing.

"Kimura, where is the location of the mission you said just now?" Zaomen Sumire was full of joy, and she asked Kimura.

"The mission location this time is Kii!" Kimura shouted excitedly, and he kept flipping through the booklet in which he recorded the map:

"Ji, the range is a bit big... Beikai Taro, where is the exact place?" Kimura turned his head to the side, looking expectantly at Beikai Taro on his shoulder.

Beikai Taro spread his wings and quaked twice, in a somewhat intermittent tone:
"Karma! Karma! In... a certain town in Kii!"

"...Isn't it the same as if you didn't say it, Beikai Taro!"

"Karma!" Beikai Taro turned his head away.

"Alas." Kimura sighed helplessly, put his hands together, put away his notebook, and waved to his two companions:
"No way, since that's the case, let's go first."

"Well, that's right! It's no use staying here any longer!"

Purgatory and Juro put on the haori of his purgatory family, covered the white shirt, and he loudly agreed:

"Let's go! Embark on our journey!"

"Ouch!" Purgatory and Shoulang suddenly cried out in pain.

Sumire Zaomen blushed in shame, and gave a chestnut to Purgatory and Juro from behind:
"Idiot, keep your voice down, you're still at Uncle Jiguo's house!"

"Okay, okay..." Kimura smiled and waved his hands to greet the two.

At the same time, he also shouted in the direction of Shang Quannai:
"Mr. Umizumi! We are leaving!"

And Shang Quannai's side.

He was half squatting, listening carefully to Yu Duo's words, and kept nodding his head:

"...So that's how it is...It's okay to be like this..."

But immediately, Shang Quannai raised another question:

"But, Ganluji, does she really want this...?"

Udo was full of confidence, and patted Shang Quanna's back hard:

"Relax! Mr. Umizumi!"

"Look, Mr. Kamizumi, those kids are calling you."

Uta patted Shang Quanna on the back, and pointed in the direction of Zamon Sumire and the others.



Shortly after.

Forging knife village.

The place where the knife forgers store the raw materials of the Japanese wheel knife.

Tie Qiao was standing aside, looking at the other people in the ore pile.

Sumire Zaomen was crossing her hips, puffing her mouth, looking dissatisfied:

"Hello—Mr. Umizumi—are you alright—?"

Zaomen Jin followed behind Shang Quannai with a long voice, looking up helplessly.

Behind her, Kimura, Purgatory and Juro also followed.

"Give me a little time, the mission location this time is Kii, right?"

Shang Quannai turned his back to the three of them, and he was picking and choosing in front of a pile of orangutan Feisha iron.

"That's right—!" Purgatory and Shoulang dragged out a long voice, but they were full of air, as if they were speaking forcefully with their waists and abdomen on their hands.

Shang Quannai received an affirmative answer, he nodded, and finally picked out a lump of eye-catching ore from the orangutan scarlet iron pile with satisfaction:

"Well, I see."

Then he stood up.

Throwing the ore in his hand to Tie Qiao beside him:

"Tieqiao, please help me process this ore."

Tie Qiao took the ore, he weighed it, frowned slightly, looked at the ore hesitantly, then looked up at Shang Quannai:


—It’s too light.

Tie Qiao smiled bitterly:

"Mr. Kamizumi, this weight...I'm afraid it can't be processed...for a knife."

Shang Quannai stretched out his index finger towards him, shaking it slightly:

"Do not."

"Don't make a knife."

"I want you...forge a pair of knuckles for me."

"I'll tell you the size, don't worry."

This time, it was Tie Qiao's turn to be dumbfounded.

He froze for a while.

—A pair of knuckles?
He lowered his head, looked up at the ore in his hand, pursed his lips, and looked a little hesitant.

Then slowly asked:

"Mr. Shangizumi...excuse me...what is a knuckle...?"

this question.

Shang Quannai also fell silent.



After spending some time, Shang Quannai drew the appearance of the knuckles in his impression on the paper.

"Phew... it's done." Gently wiping the sweat from his forehead, Shang Quannai picked up the three-view drawing of the knuckle in front of him, as well as its approximate size.

Looking at the knuckles on the paper, Shang Quannai turned around.

Handed the manuscript to Tieqiao.

At this time, he was lucky.

——Fortunately, in my previous life, I applied for a design major in the university.

Although such a long time has passed, the standard has regressed by more than half.

But something as simple as knuckles can still be made.

Tie Qiao took the manuscript, he glanced up and down, then nodded slightly, pondering:

"Ah... Is that so... a weapon that attacks with fists..."

Raising his head, Tieqiao glanced at the noon time outside, and smiled at Shang Quannai:

"No problem, please Mr. Shangizumi... come and pick it up in the afternoon, I will be there soon."

"no problem."

"Hey—can we leave in the afternoon——!"



at the same time.

Ji Yi.

In the rock near the kendo field,

in a dark room.


The rubbing sound of changing clothes kept coming, and there seemed to be a figure moving in the darkness.



The door of the room was pushed open, and Atsuya Iwami, who had changed his dirty clothes, walked out of the room.

He tidied up his kendo suit and tied hair, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he pumped himself up.

"Yanjin Tokuzai, come on!"

He shouted like this, his eyes full of determination.

This time, he must wait until Komaji is not by Lianxue's side.

Then, go and invite her alone!

With this in mind, Atsuya Yanjin walked out of the sword dojo under the watchful eyes of a group of passing apprentices.

After the incident two years ago, the owner of the kendo field, Iwakin Hanbei, has not disciplined his son very much.

Yan Jinbanbei believes that this dojo needs a new heir.

As for Duzai, he was naturally given up by him.


Shortly after.

Outside Soryudo.

Not far away, in the haystack next to the paddy field.


"Tch, this grass is really prickly..."

Yan Jin Atsuya twisted his hands and feet, and slowly stuffed himself into the haystack, he complained softly:

"... I don't know if the clothes on my body will be stained with grass clippings by then."

Iwakin Atsuya only exposed two small holes on the surface of the haystack, facing the direction of Suryu Dojo, for observation and breathing.

All he needs to do now is wait.

Iwakami Atsuya knew that every day, Komaji and Keizo would have time to go out together.

To buy medicinal materials.

As soon as these two people left, there was basically no existence in Suliu Dojo that could be called force!
and so.

Yanjin Atsuya endured his temper and quietly hid in the haystack.

Time, minute by minute.

The sun is slowly setting, the curtain of dusk is drawing down, and the moon is hanging in the middle of the sky.

Iwakami Atsuya still waited patiently.

Wait until the moon sets too, and the rising sun can be seen in the east again!


not far away!The door of Suryu Dojo was slowly pushed open!

"!!" Yan Jin Atsuya cheered up after being exhausted all night, he stared at the gradually opening door with his bloodshot eyes wide open.

hold your breath...


"Master, don't forget to take the medicine this time."

"Ah, I know, I know, hahahaha..."

The figures of Komaji and Keizo slowly walked out of the Soryu Dojo.

Iwakami Atsuya stared at the backs of the two of them.

Wait all the way until the two disappear at the end of the road.

It's now!

Yanjin Atsuya's expression became a little ferocious, he broke through the haystack and ran towards Suliu Dojo!

(End of this chapter)

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