People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 247 Extra Volume:——The Angry Qingzang

Chapter 247 Extra Volume:——The Angry Qingzang

In front of Suryu Dojo.

Yan Jin Atsuya was out of breath, and ran all the way to the door of the dojo.


He stretched out his hand, supported the door frame, bent slightly, panting heavily.

——I haven't slept all night, and now I am running desperately and hard, and I am close to Yan, and my body has reached its limit at this moment.

- rest...need to rest...

"Gu...ha..." Iwakami Atsuya breathed hard, and by the way, he reached out to smooth the folds of his clothes, and he patted the grass clippings on his clothes.

Then, he raised his head and let out a long breath of relief.

Stretch out your hand, grab the top edge of the wall, and jump hard!

With difficulty reaching up to the tiles on the wall, Iwakami Atsuya gritted his teeth and tried his best to climb up:


I exerted all my strength, but Iwakami Atsuya felt a little dazed due to the fatigue.

Finally, after gritted teeth!

Yanjin Atsuya climbed over the wall and fell heavily in the Suliu Dojo.

He was lying on the grass, looking up at the sky.

After being dazed for a moment, Yanjin Atsuya quickly got up and looked around.

Then, the eyes determined a direction.

"Where is it!"

After seeing Lianxue's room in his impression, Iwakami Atsuya's face brightened and his mood became excited.

He ran towards Lianxue's room.


In Soryu Dojo,
Outside Lianxue's room.

It was still early at this time, and it was still just dawn.

The morning dew is only condensing at this moment.


Iwakin Atsuya opened his mouth, he stood outside Lianxue's room, rubbing his hands nervously, looking a bit hesitant.

But he knew that he didn't have much time.

The time for the two of them to go back and forth to buy the medicine is only a quarter of an hour at most, and I must spend this time.

——Take Lianxue away!
That's right, during his waiting period, his thoughts have changed.

Iwakami Atsuya knew that there were still a few days before the fireworks display, and there were not many chances for him to meet Lianyue.

He must make good use of this opportunity!

Lianxue will eventually belong to me!

Thinking about it, Iwakami Atsuya made up his mind and stretched out his hand.

Da da da.

Gently knocking on Lianxue's door.




The sound of the wooden door being opened slowly came, and Lianxue's timid and doubtful voice also sounded:
"...Komaji-san? Did you come back so early today..."

Lianxue's eyes were a little hazy, she opened the door, her flower-shaped pupils looked a little confused when she just got her hair together:

"Still...I got up a little late today..."

Then, she raised her head.

Iwakami Atsuya looked at each other:

After seeing Atsuya Iwakami standing in front of him.

Lianxue was slightly taken aback, blinked her eyes, subconsciously grabbed her sleeve, took half a step back, and said in a hesitant tone:

"You... May I ask you are...?"

Lianxue's face faintly became a little flustered, she tried her best to calm her emotions, she didn't know who the person in front of her was.

It just feels a little familiar.

After all, if we really want to talk about it, Lianxue saw Yanjin Atsuya from a distance just two years ago.

In two years, she had long forgotten this side.

After forcing herself to calm down, Lianxue tried her best to raise her eyes to look at Yanjin Atsuya, her tone was cautious, and she asked questions:

"...Is there something...cough cough, something?"

When she got nervous, Lianxue even coughed slightly.

Perhaps because of the familiarity, Lianxue didn't have too much vigilance, she just didn't walk out of the room.


——Why is Komaji everywhere...

Iwakami Atsuya heard Lianxue calling Komaji's name, he frowned slightly, and an inexplicable anger surged in his heart.

But when he saw Lianxue's appearance, the anger in his heart also slowly disappeared.

Yan Jin Atsuya looked at Lianxue seriously, he was a little uneasy, and subconsciously said in his mouth:
"Loving Snow."

"Come with me!"

Lianxue was stunned for a moment, then her expression became extremely surprised, and sweat ran down her face because of nervousness and bewilderment:


"Cough cough cough... what? Why..."

"It's running out of time!"

Yan Jin Atsuya looked at the sun gradually rising in the sky, he became a little flustered, and looked around.

He snorted.

——Oops, I hesitated and wasted too much time just now!
At this time, those two guys will be back soon!
Afterwards, Iwakami Atsuya had a helpless expression on his face.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Lianxue's wrist, whose expression became panicked.

"It's too late to explain, come with me!"

"Wait...cough cough!" Lianxue subconsciously wanted to shrink her wrist back, and an emotion called fear rose in her heart.

Her face was flustered, but her body coughed uncontrollably.

——Mr. Komaji...!
Without knowing exactly what happened, the figure of Komaji appeared in Lianxue's mind immediately.

She tried hard to struggle away.

But she has been seriously ill all year round, and she has only recently been able to walk freely, so how could she break free from the capture of an apprentice in the kendo field.

Forced, Lianxue staggered and was dragged out of the room by Iwakami Atsuya.

"...What's the matter...Why did you take me away...cough cough..." Lianxue's tone became a little crying, she kept struggling, but it was useless.

Yanjin Atsuya's attention was not on Lianxue at the moment, he dragged Lianxue all the way to the gate of Suliu Dojo.

He listened carefully to the movement outside the door, and after confirming that no one came back, he was relieved.

"It's okay, it's okay, Lianxue, take it easy."

Iwakami Atsuya said so.

But his eyes became clouded.

——As long as he takes Lianxue away this time, he will never come back.

——The old man in the sword dojo doesn't care about himself anymore.

——If you leave by yourself, no one will care!

——But I have already mastered the swordsmanship almost, no matter how refined it is, it is not too much to claim that I am exempt from passing it on.

At this moment, Iwakami Atsuya is already surrounded by a strong sense of tension, and he is cautiously facing any possible dangers.

"...cough, cough, cough!" Lianxue struggled to cough, which was noticed by Yanjin Atsuya.

He frowned slightly.

Iwakami Atsuya remembered that Lianxue's illness should be cured.

Can't take care of that anymore!
Just make it through this time!We can be together forever!

Iwakin Atsuya gritted his teeth, he pushed open the door of Suliu Dojo, and stretched out his other hand to gently support Lianxue's shoulder.

The door of Soryu Dojo was flung open.

"Lianxue, this way." Yan Jin Atsuya said, he poked his head out cautiously, and then took Lianxue behind him away.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!" Lianxue's footsteps staggered, and she was forcibly taken away from Suliu Dojo by Yan Jin Atsuya.

As the moving distance got farther and farther away, Lianxue's coughing became more and more frequent.

Yanjin Atsuya looked back at Suliu Dojo, which was getting farther and farther away, and he was secretly happy.


Shortly after.

The entrance of Suliu Dojo.

Keizo and Komaji returned to the Soryu Dojo with large and small packages of medicinal materials.


The two looked at the door that was opened from the inside, and the footprints inside the door.

looked at each other.

The two threw down the herbs on their bodies and ran towards Lianxue's room in an instant.


After discovering the open door of Lianxue's room and the obvious drag marks at the door.

For the first time, Qingzang's face darkened in such a gloomy manner.


"You protect Lianxue well."

When Komaji heard Keizo's shout, he turned his head, the veins on his neck and forehead popped out, and his face was already flushed with rage:
"…I understand."



the other side.

Far away from the Soryu Dojo,
On the edge of an open paddy field.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!!"

"Hey...let me go..."

Lianxue's cough started to resound continuously.

"Patience for a while, we'll be there soon!" Looking at Lianxue's appearance, Iwakami Atsuya continued to lead Lianxue forward in one direction as he said:
"It's coming!"

Lianxue's face turned pale at this moment, she had never walked for such a long time, nor had she walked so fast.

Lianxue, who has an "asthma" that can hardly be cured, is already having difficulty breathing.

step, step...

He staggered, walking one step at a time and dragging two steps forward.

Her eyes were in a trance, her brain lacked oxygen, and she kept sniffling:

"Ho... cough... cough cough!"


Iwakin Atsuya was still moving forward, and the joy on his face gradually grew stronger.

He can already see the hope of the future.

go ahead!

own future!



The sound of something falling came from behind.

Yan Jin Atsuya suddenly felt the side of his shoulder sink, and he subconsciously turned his head to look.

After seeing the situation clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It's Lianxue.

At this moment, Lianxue finally lost the last bit of physical strength, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

But one of her hands was still held by Iwakami Atsuya.

"Love, Lianxue?" Yanjin Atsuya panicked, he quickly squatted down, looking at Lianxue at a loss:

"…how come…"

"This...this should I..."

His brain panicked in an instant, and he had never imagined that such a thing would happen.


Lianxue fell to the ground, her face was pale and tired, her throat kept making hoarse breaths, and her chest was slightly convulsed.

—she had an asthma attack.

At this time,

Lianxue, who fell on the ground, began to cough uncontrollably again.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"


A bloodstain spilled from Lianxue's mouth.

Seeing this, Yanjin Atsuya tilted his head back in fright.

The pupils and hands trembled slightly.

He slowly let go of Lianxue's hand.

"...What should I do..." He raised his head, stood up, looked around, and a sense of helplessness flooded his heart:
"...ah... what to do..."

He had already brought Lianxue to the side of the paddy field, and there wasn't any family nearby!
"Cough cough...cough cough..." Lianxue's intermittent coughing constantly haunted him.

At this moment, Lianxue's consciousness gradually blurred, and she was a little speechless.

In a panic, Iwakami Atsuya noticed that there was no one around.

He lowered his head slowly, looking at Lianxue who kept coughing:

His breathing gradually became more rapid, and his face also turned red due to nervousness and panic.

Overwhelmed, flustered, scared, nervous.

At this moment, countless emotions flooded into his mind.

A strong sense of guilt instantly enveloped Iwakin Atsuya.

He looked down at Lianxue.

For an instant.

A thought rose in Iwakami Atsuya's mind.


Do you want to escape...

Thinking of the word "escape", Iwakami Atsuya's breathing slowly stopped, and his originally rapid rhythm also slowed down.

He watched Lianxue's slow and weak breathing, hesitantly in his heart.

In my mind, there seemed to be a voice constantly persuading me.

— run away.

— run away from here.

—no one will ever know.

- run.

Yan Jin Atsuya stared at Lianxue with trembling pupils, his chest heaved violently, and he looked around left and right.

"...Lianxue..." He shook his head, his expression became sad.

"Feel sorry…"

"I did not mean it…"

"Feel sorry!"

Yan Jin Atsuya kept whispering, his face was gloomy, and his fists were already clenched because of fear.

At last.

He turned around and just made a running gesture.

And at the next moment when he was about to escape.

a place far away.

Whoosh—bang!boom! ——!
A trance-like shadow instantly charged in a straight line in mid-air!

The blasting sound produced by breaking through the speed of sound resounded several times!
There is even a faint red flame flickering.

The speed continuously exceeded the speed of sound, and the sonic boom cloud continued to appear and disappear at low altitudes!

Almost instantly!

Shang Quannai stepped on the ground hard!Stop the car suddenly!
Sand splash!

He moved his body forward, his scarlet pupils shrunk into a small dot, and his eyes fixed on Iwakin Atsuya were filled with extreme anger and calmness.

The other hand maintains a tense and punching posture.

He braked hard on the lower plate, and what he got in return was a terrifying and unparalleled potential energy on his fists!
The moment Iwakami Atsuya turned around and ran away.

Shang Quanna's fist was infinitely close to Iwakami Atsuya's body!
Yanjin Atsuya was taken aback for a moment, he wanted to glance to the side in surprise, but it was too late.

the next moment.

"go to hell."

The fist hit Iwakami Atsuya's chest fiercely!
Huge acceleration force instantly poured on Iwakami Atsuya's body!

boom--! ! !
The moment Iwakami Atsuya's body came into contact with Shang Quanna's fist, the musculoskeletal muscles immediately began to collapse and disintegrate!

In an instant, there was no time to scream.

boom! !

Iwakin Atsuya's whole body exploded, turning into invisible ashes and disappearing on the spot.

With the roar resounding all around!
The fist wind that poured over Yanjin Atsuya's body raged in a further direction, plowing a paddy field.



Shang Quannai stopped the car and didn't stay where he was for a moment. He immediately ran to the side and collapsed beside Lianxue on the ground.

She reached out her hand and sniffed Tan Lianxue's breath.

Difficulty breathing, lack of oxygen, and even some allergies.

It's so serious that it's life-threatening!
"Tch." Shang Quannai frowned, and he clicked his tongue. The medical bag on his body was torn apart by the wind during the sprint that broke through the speed of sound just now, and it was gone.

Although this bag has been wandering around with him for more than ten years, it can be regarded as durable.

But at this moment, it's really not the time for the bad ones.

Afterwards, Shang Quannai directly picked up Lianxue, and ran towards Suliu Dojo in a very steady manner.

(End of this chapter)

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