People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 249 Extra Volume: Purgatory, Juro and Komaji Want to Compete

Chapter 249 Extra Volume: Purgatory, Juro and Komaji Want to Compete


the next day.

The rock is near the sword dojo.

early morning.

inside the training ground.


A group of apprentices, all holding bamboo knives, kept waving their arms to practice Suzhen in the field.

step, step, step...

Iwakin Hanbei was pacing, holding a wooden sword in his hand, his deep and aging eyes scanned the apprentices who were training in the field.

After walking back and forth a few times, Iwakin Hanbei frowned, and he looked again suspiciously:

Then, he asked loudly:
"Where's Atsuya Iwakin?! Where did that kid go?"

He shouted angrily, scanning the apprentices in front of him sharply.

——Iwakin Hanbei went to Atsuya's room just now, but he didn't find any trace of Iwakin Atsuya.

Before that, as a father, he hadn't disciplined his son for a while.

In fact, Iwaki Hanbei was already very disappointed with his son and had given up hope.

But the other party's perfunctory and ignoring attitude really made Iwakin Hanbei feel angry.

The apprentices looked at each other.


"What should I do... You and Atsuya have been walking together, do you know..."

"I don't know this time either...!"

The apprentices looked at each other with confused eyes, and none of them could speak.

Yan Jinbanbei held the bamboo knife angrily. He walked back and forth, snorted coldly, and hit the ground with the bamboo knife:

"It's been three days, this bastard hasn't appeared in the arena for three days!"

Iwaki Hanbei looked very angry, and the wrinkled and drooping skin on his face trembled with the force of his words:
"Who of you knows all the news about Iwakami Atsuya, tell me now!"

"Whoever knows the news, I will teach him the true core swordsmanship of Yan Jinliu!"

For a moment, the apprentices looked at each other in bewilderment.

At this time,

Among the crowd, a person raised his hand tremblingly:

"That... Yanjin Teacher Fan."

Hearing the voice, everyone turned their heads and looked at the person who spoke.

The person who spoke had a serious expression, but seemed a little nervous. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked around in a state of bewilderment:

Iwaki Hanbei narrowed his eyes and nodded at him:

"Do you know where Atsuya went?"

The man took a deep breath, and then replied quickly:

"I, I don't know."

"But the day before yesterday, Mingda, Yuchang and I met senior Atsuya by the paddy field."

"At that time, I remember Senior Duzai, he yelled...the fireworks display, and left in a hurry."

"That's right, Master Teacher, that's true." The two named "Ming Da" and "Yu Chang" nodded at the same time, indicating that what he said was true.

"Well, but..."

As he spoke, the man slowly lowered his head, and his voice became weaker:
"Other than that... I don't know anything else..."

Yan Jinbanbei heard the words, his face was trembling with anger, he held the handle of the bamboo knife vigorously, and gritted his teeth:

"...that unworthy son...!"

"Fireworks show... Idle guy...!"

As he spoke, he looked angrily at the apprentices in front of him.

After scanning around.

Suddenly, as if discouraged, he sighed heavily, and threw the bamboo knife in his hand aside:
"Oh...forget it."

Iwakin Hanbei waved his hands at the apprentices casually, he turned around, bent slightly:

"Practice hard, I'll leave first."

"Alas... our generation's misfortune, misfortune..."

While sighing, Iwakin Hanbei walked slowly away from the training ground.

The apprentices watched his back and remained silent for a long time.


Not long after, a violent discussion erupted again:
"Hey, did you hear that loud bang yesterday morning?"

"Did you hear it too? I heard it two or three times, from near to far..."

"Could it be thunder...?"

"Thunderstorm in the clear sky?"

"Could it... have something to do with that ghost recently?"

"Shh! Don't discuss this!"



at the same time.

the other side.

Outside Soryudo.

Two crows were flying in the air, flapping their wings, and screaming towards the ground:

"Karma! Karma!"

"That's right here! Karma! Kimura! Purgatory and Juro! Zaomen Sumire! That's right here!"

The crow yelled loudly:

"Open the door! Ga!"

on the ground.

Sumire Zaomen, Purgatory and Juro, and Kimura are slowly walking to the door of Soryu Dojo.

"Wait a minute...give me a break..."

Both Kimura and Kamoto Sumire's faces were full of tired looks, their eyelids drooped, and their legs dragged feebly:

"too tired…"

They ran for a day and a night, and finally arrived at Ji Yi's Suliu Dojo this morning.

And, I haven't eaten all day.

Kimura, who is weaker in physical strength, now has trembling legs.

At this time.

A burst of hearty laughter came from the side:
"Hahaha! It's finally here!"

Purgatory and Shoulang crossed their hips excitedly, laughing loudly, as if they could blow white steam from their nostrils:

"Ghost! Get ready for the end!"

Kimura and Zaomen Sumire turned their heads to look at Purgatory and Juro with complicated expressions, and then both sighed helplessly.

Only this guy can still get excited now.

Just when the three of them were silent at the same time.


The gate of Suliu Dojo in front of him was slowly opened a gap inward.

A blue eye slowly passed through the gap, carefully observing the three people outside the door.

The pink eyelashes blinked slightly, and the eyes were slightly wary.

After seeing the faces of the three, the person behind the door asked solemnly:

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

——It’s Komaji.

Shang Quannai reminded him yesterday that the people from Yanjin Sword Dojo might come back to please others, so let him be more careful today.

For this reason, Komaji didn't fall asleep all night, and his mind was full of pictures of people who hurt Bianyan near the sword dojo.

Coupled with the fact that Lianxue was attacked yesterday, Komaji's trust in the people around him dropped to freezing point.

So, when he heard the noisy movement from the door, he decisively moved over immediately, and quietly opened the door:
"It's only dawn, and you're noisy," Komaji said.

Seeing that the door was open, Zaomen Jin hurriedly sorted out her emotions, forced a tired smile, and said in a soothing tone:

"Ah, please don't be nervous, we mean no harm."

She pointed to Kimura, Purgatory and Juro behind her, trying to be as gentle as possible:
"We... are servants of the shogunate. I heard rumors about ghosts nearby. Let's investigate."

Saying that, Zaomen Sumire also took out a piece of paper from her body, with many red stamps and handwriting printed on it, which looked very formal.

"Can you open the door and let us in...?"

Komaji stood behind the door, his eyes narrowed, breathing steadily.

——I haven't seen it before, not from the sword dojo.

——Shogunate servant?Ghost rumors?

He closed the door slightly, ready to ignore them, and felt a little bored.

——Why haven’t I heard any ghost rumors?
Just when Komaji was about to close the door completely.

Four fingers suddenly slipped through the crack in the door.

Komaji was startled, his pupils shrank slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the voices of Purgatory and Shoulang came from outside the door:

"Your Excellency! Don't rush to close the door!"

"Hey! Kazuro!" Kimura was taken aback, and quickly called Kazuro's name: "It's too rude!"

Komaji frowned, he looked at the fingers caught in the crack of the door, and the mood of yesterday's depression suddenly surged up again in his heart.

He glanced at the fingers in the middle of the door.

Through the crack of the door, you can see the thick calluses on the tiger's mouth and the first and second joints of the index finger.

——It is the trace of holding a knife.

Komaji frowned, his eyes were hidden in the shadows, and he poked out from the crack of the door again, with a very unfriendly tone:

"Want to fight?"

Hearing the words, Purgatory and Shoulang outside the door were a little taken aback. He lowered his head and started to think about it:

"Fight? Is it a sparring?"

"If you want to learn from each's not, now is not the time to learn from each other."

Purgatory and Shoulang shook their heads, and he was very serious once:
"Your Excellency, if we can't let us in, can we ask a few questions outside the door, there are only a few, and we won't bother you much."

"That's right, that's right." Seeing this, Zaomen Sumire hurriedly said together.

Just when several people were deadlocked.

Komaji is behind.


"Ah... If you want to recover quickly, you should do this..."

Shang Quannai held a small package of medicinal materials in his hand. He was passing by in the corridor, and when he heard the noisy voice, he turned his head and glanced at the door:
"Huh? Are the people from the Sword Dojo here?"

He narrowed his eyes, and he saw the souls of three people outside the door.

and the name on top of the head.

——Zaomen Sumire...

!Shang Quannai suddenly opened his narrowed eyes.

Suddenly, his body stiffened.

Ah... oops.

Yesterday, it seemed that these three children were completely forgotten...

He patted his forehead annoyed.

Then, he shouted at Komaji's back:


"Let them in."

"I know them, they are my descendants."


"Ah?" Komaji turned his head when he heard Shang Quanna's words, his face was puzzled for a moment.

Then, the puzzled expression turned into surprise and shock:


Komaji turned to look at Shang Quanna in shock.

——Does such a doctor actually have a younger generation? !

--what? !

This may be the second shocking news that Komaji has heard this year, besides Lianxue's ability to walk alone.

When he was in a daze, Purgatory and Shoulang saw that the crack in the door was loose, he moved his fingers lightly, and slammed the door panel!

"I found an opportunity!"

Give it a hard push!
Open the door by yourself!
"Come in!" Purgatory and Shoulang yelled.

Komaji turned his head stiffly, he twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked helplessly at the nervous guy in front of him:
"Hey... this is someone else's house..."

After he glanced up and down at Purgatory and Shoulang, his eyes became a little surprised.

Judging from the body shape and the exposed calluses on the hands - the person in front of him is undoubtedly powerful.

Purgatory and Juro didn't pay attention to Komaji's eyes, he subconsciously looked into the dojo, and happened to meet Shang Quanna's eyes.

Then, he slowly looked at Komaji:
"Okay! I'll keep an eye out!"

Then he exclaimed:
"Su Liu... Are you the owner of this martial arts field? You look very young!"

Clap!Purgatory and Juro patted Komaji's shoulder behind him very familiarly, and then subconsciously squeezed each other's muscles twice:


Komaji took two steps back, stretched out his hand and opened the hands of Purgatory and Juro.

"No...I'm not..." Komaji had faint veins popping up on his forehead, and he was ignored and interrupted again and again, which made him very upset who was always angry.

accurate!Quite upset!

He clenched his fists.

——I really want to pack something.

But Purgatory and Shoulang didn't care at all, instead he excitedly opened his pace and pulled off the shelf:

"Oh! Then we can have a good time to learn from each other!"

"You guy?" Komaji clenched his fists, he felt that the person in front of him might not be able to communicate.

The other party seemed to be a fighting madman who was full of thinking about fighting and had no logic at all...

Thinking of this, Komaji was suddenly taken aback.

He looked down at his bandaged fist.

——It seems that I am too.

"Haha...haha...sorry, Your Excellency." Zaomen Sumire was behind Purgatory and Juro, she scratched her head with a dry smile:
"He Shoulang... due to his personality... please don't care about it."

Saying that, Sumire Zaomen glanced away from the corner of her eye.

"... Mr. Shangquan?" Then, she suddenly saw Shangquanna standing in the dojo not far away.

Shang Quannai nodded to her, and waved to several people:

"Come in, and close the door first."

"Let's explain this matter later."



Inside the dojo.

In the large sunny stadium for training.

The polished and reflective wooden floor reflects the warm sunlight, and the dust in the air flutters with the weak airflow to reflect the light spots.

step, step...

Several people stepped on the wooden floor with bare feet, feeling the familiar texture of the wood grain, Komaji sat down with peace of mind.

Purgatory and Shoulang also sat down in doubt.

He tilted his head and questioned Komaji:

"Is there only one person in your dojo?"

"Why didn't anyone see me all the way?"


Komaji's forehead was once again bulging with veins.


"So... this is not a place for news about ghosts?"

Zaomen Jin looked up at Shang Quanna. Along the way, Shang Quanna explained many things about the neighborhood to the three of them.

Including their mission this time.

Shang Quannai nodded:
"That's right, the news about ghosts was rumored around the town street, not in the dojo."

"That's it..." Kimura, who had been silent all this time, nodded, and he recorded the content in his booklet.

Just when several people were exchanging information.


Purgatory and Juro are talking to Komaji:

"Your Excellency, did you want to compete with me just now?"

His eyes were burning.

Purgatory and Juro can see that Komaji is definitely not an ordinary person, and even faintly surpasses himself in terms of physical function!

You know, I have been receiving extreme physical training for killing ghosts all year round!
And the one in front of him is just an apprentice in the martial arts field!

This is a great guy!
Must fight him!
"If you want, I can still accompany you."

Purgatory and Juro secretly prodded Komaji.

Komaji turned his head, he stood up slowly, and his eyes towards Purgatory and Juro became unfriendly:

"...Are you tired of living?"

(End of this chapter)

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